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..::Holiday RP - A Lamb Present - Master of house or Master wanted::..


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North is a new character of mine, I want some more RPs with him, since I only have one going on on dA. Here are the scenes I am looking for -




YC is one that protects a small village / family, hunting for them whenever they are extremely low on food and keeping all sorts of Monsters and thieves away. As Winter comes around, they feel as if they should give YC a gift, but, low on money, they decide to give their most prized 'Livestock' away, a young Sheep named North. He isn't a normal Sheep, being Human aside from having the ears, horns, and tail of a Ram. He never did much around the area, simply act as a pet or sometimes a servant when things were rough, running about the lands to collect needed goods.

When the snow was light, a man wandered up to where YC lived, dragging along the bleating Sheep with a leash / rope loosely tied around his neck. He looked around, then tied North to a nearby post / tree, leaving a note with him as thanks for the protection and care that the people desperately needed each Winter.

The sun would rise soon, the little Sheep curled up in the snow, huddling in a blanket as he waited for his new Master to notice him. What fate would he have? The life as a housepet, a sex slave, a maid, a servant, what? He looked like a female, was called a female constantly.. It was up to his new Master, YC, to decide his fate permanently.



YC is a rich male, owning a large amount of land from his family before him. He lives in a mansion, having plenty of servants to wait on his every need, plenty of money to pay people off when needed.

It was around the holidays, and a long lost relative decided to look up YC, wanting to show that they did care and wished to meet him whenever they could. As a gift, they went over a strange new 'pet', a young Sheep named North. Having the ears, tail, and horns of a Ram, and the body and mind of a Human. It was an odd gift indeed, but a useful one. YC had many uses that this young thing could be used for.. A personal plaything, a new maid, just a little toy to annoy and abuse for the fun of it.. All sorts of things the feminine thing could be used for..

North sat underneath the tree, his scarf on the floor, replaced with a large, blue ribbon. The butler had let him in and dressed him up nicely for the Master of the house to see and meet for the first time.



North's basic information -

-Male ( Looks female, rarely ever being called a male due to how he dresses and looks )

-Somewhere around 16 or 17, possibly 18 if you're more comfortable with that

-Sheep / Ram 'Neko' ( He has the horns, ears and tail, and sometimes bleats like a Sheep )

-Coward, incredibly sweet and shy, loyal, obedient and quiet. He only talks most of the time when he is spoken to, and is just fine with being completely silent except for bleats if someone wants him to be a pet. He never gets mad, only annoyed, and even then he simply bites his tongue and does what he's told. However, if the thing is overbounds for him, he will throw a 'fit', yelling a bit and possibly throwing small, harmless items. He could never hurt a fly even if he wanted to.

-Other - He is a vegetarian, due to being part Sheep, preferring to eat fruits and salads over anything else. This is why he is incredibly skinny and is mistaken for a girl due to his lack of muscles. He does not want to gain weight, and will buck and fight the entire way if someone is trying to get him to gain weight. He's fairly clumsy and gets easily embarrassed from it.



What I'm looking for -

-An important male ( Either rich or protects a village or something, Modern and then Medieval for the other one )

-Holiday themed ( North being given as gift, whether one as thanks or one from a family member and / or friend )

-Yaoi ( MxM Can have Mpreg as well, but it's not needed at all )

-Someone dominant ( North is a complete Uke, he needs someone to dominate him if it's ERP )

-ERP OR a simply game of Master and Pet where he's turned into either a Housepet or a maid

-Literate ( NO text talk. I will ignore you completely if you even do a single piece of text talk. I HATE it )

-NO Script

-Paragraph ( Or at least a few lines. Three lines at the minimum. NO ONE LINERS )

-Any race ( Werewolf, Shapeshifter, Neko as well, Human, Vampire, anything is fine )


What he looks like is in my signature, and yes, he is wearing a skirt


We can talk about details, just give me your character's information, which scene you want, and if you want to make any changes to it

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