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Life as we know It (( |WW| & Key-Tokki )) Private18+


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Life as we know It


Private RP- 18+





Genre: Sci-fi


Name: Bryson Steel

Nickaname: Brys or Professor Steel.

Occupation: Robotics Specialist.

Age: 29

Home Dwelling: Avata Star

Current Dwelling: Earth

Introduction to Earth:

Earth is known as the Fallen Planet now. Humanity has mostly moved on to other planets in

search of new prosperous lives. Greed, Wars and failed A.I. experiments throughout the many

years has left the once beautiful planet barren and abandoned; save for the ones who have been left behind or are forced to stay. Those who this planet are of these categories:

Convicts, Diseased and incurables, Anarchists, Scientists, Medical Teams, Planetary

Traders and Failed A.I. experiments:Computer/artificial beings & animal.


Civilization has lept forward dramatically, however what's left behind is ruins and poverty. Death and painful memories. A world fallen and taken over by the remains of chemicals and failed artificial life in which humans themselves created and then abandoned as failures. Through all this, some manage to carry on, making the best of what fates they are condemned to.

Year: 2211

The mansion was a complete disaster. A mere shell of what once was remained of the structure.

He'd spent days dangerously digging though the residence of his late Father. The old man had

finally breathed his last breath, and with that came the burden of responsibility thrust upon

his son. He'd received a letter of instruction and one-way ticket back to Earth to retrieve

something from his late father's research lab. It was a complete joke, and a death sentence

for those who didn't understand the dire state their home planet was now in.


"Ungrateful old bastard." Bry pried the remains of a steel door open, having to use his

shoulder to bump the barrier open enough to slide through. He'd been digging for two

solid days just to be able to get to the basement. The power cells in all his tools were

exhausted at this point; and so was he. Sweat beaded down over his face, and the

special one-piece he wore clung to him like liquid latex. It was uncomfortable and he

wanted nothing more than to peel the clothing off and dive into the ships showers.


"This better be worth my time you old shit, or when I die my ghost is coming for you first,"

he muttered, switching the light in his watch on high so a stream of light illuminated the

steps ahead. Dragging his backpack through he slung it over his shoulder and made

his way carefully down the steps. Using the small navigator controls he followed the

red dot, winding through dark hallways and countless doors. If his father was on spot,

this application would lead him right where he needed to be to retrieve this.. inheritance.


So just what had the old man left him? Why so vague? Why now of all times? So many questions,

not nearly enough answers. Reaching the door in which the red dot pulsed larger, he adjusted

his light forward and brighter before entering. The room was large and filled with old equipment.

Sheets covered random piles while others were left uncovered. Cobwebs littered the place, and he

did his best not to get covered in the filth while rummaging through the mess. In the very rear

what looked like a large steel box laid oddly alone against a back wall. The dot of his watch blinked

red, then orange as he approached. When he stepped up to the box, the light lit green. He'd found it.

"Well then, let's have a look." Reaching down he grasped the clasp and unhinged it and lifted the lid.










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Kaito #A2746











The man smiled to himself as he looked down at the slim body that lay on the table in front of him, however it was no ordinary body. It lay on it's stomach, covered from the waste down in a thin sheet, and on the back there was, instead of smooth skin, a compartment that lead to the what seemed like a bunch of mechanics. Reaching down, the man adjusted one last screw on the inside of the machine before whiping his brow and closing it up, then rolling the machien over so it now looked no different than an ordinary human boy. "After all the work I have put in, it is time that you show yourself, Kaito." He spoke as he reached under the machines neck and lightly pressed his finger into the top of of the spine, where the on button was. All was silent for a few moments, then a click was heard from deep within the chest of the machine, and silver eyes fluttered open, as the machine began to shift and awaken for the first time. "Your name is Kaito, your only job on this earth is to do what I could never do,protect my son, Bryson Steel."


***Many years later***


The moment the lid was removed from the box dust flew up and revealed what looked to be a boy, clearly not human due to the horns protruding from either side of his head in what almost looked like a halo. IT looked like he was wrapped in a simple white sheet and around him were white feathers. His face was emotionless and still, making it seem like it was a dead body even. The boy was laid out with a book setting gingerly on his chest, that read "For Bryson, Kaito User Manual" Attatched to the book was a sticky note that read "To turn on press top of spine, but make sure to charge first."

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Dust flew up from within the lid seal, causing him to bat at the air and cough. He tugged out a small

cloth from his collar, dabbing at his eye lightly, the other unaffected and covered by a leather patch.

A story for another time. Regaining what sight he had, he looked down into the box while holding the

cloth to his mouth. What he saw within was not exactly what he'd envisioned his inheritance being.

Not that he'd had a clear plan on just what to expect in the first place; but this was further from what

he could have conjured up.


The first thing he noticed was horns that curved around the beings head; like an ivory type of halo. It's eyes

were closed, though eerily it gave him a slight chill to think they could open at any given moment. He chided

himself the moment he'd thought that ridiculous scenario. An A.I. could not simply be active after having been

locked away for such a long time. No artificial being had unlimited power sources, and wireless ones at that.

That's one thing they still hadn't came up with a solution for. Unlimited power. It just wasn't possible. Him being a

Master of robotics knew this well enough.


Reaching in he cautiously removed the booklet, reading the message. His father's handwriting had never changed.

The old man should have been a doctor with this chicken scratch, not a scientist. "Kaito," he read, looking back

down at the being. He had to admit the shell was beautiful. "A boy," he murmured, his fingers lightly brushing the

sheet over the flat chest. "Now just why would I need this." Whether or not he would admit it out loud, he did

have a curious nature beneath the rough exterior. And this was a curious thing indeed. He sighed and removed

his hand,opening the book to read on the manner of charging. After discovering what he needed to do he realized he

would have to haul the boy back to his ship in order to charge; just like all his tools.


"Well, guess there's no choice then." Shoving the manual inside his bag he reached inside the box and slid an

arm under the upper back and just below the thighs; carefully lifting the boy from within. He grunted a bit, surprised

at how heavy the package was. "Didn't they have lighter materials for you?" He managed, to gather the sheet

around enough to keep him covered and also carry him comfortably. Looking back from where he'd came; he dreaded

the climb back out.


After what seemed like an hour, maybe more, he was back on his ship and more than happily showered. With

a towel draped low on his hips and a towel draped over his head he was staring down at what he'd come here

to claim. The manual had said charging would take hours, so looks like he could manage some sleep until then.

Problem was this thing was on his bed. He hadn't exactly had anywhere else to put it other then his own chambers.

"Well, whatever." Hell with it. Climbing into the small space he propped himself next to the boy and sighed.

Pressing back into the pillow and draping a forearm over his face, he decided to not think about it. He'd deal

with everythingwhen he woke up. He was exhausted.



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Despite what the manual had said, only 3 hours went by before a very soft beep sounded within the machines chest. A few moments after the beep, silver eyes fluttered open. The eyes were beautiful, but gave off a soft hue of light that made them seem like they were glowing slightly, so clearly looked non-human, at least in the dark. Wide eyes peered straight up at the cieling, a soft click went off and a quick flash, similar to a camera flash. The machine quickly analyzed it's surroundings, quickly, almost as if it were a startled human, the android sat up in the bed, eyes widening slightly when it realized that the surroundings had drastically changed. The face of Bryson's father flashed across the androids mind and a slight pang ached in his chest, something that should not happen in a machine, a feeling of despair. He could feel that time had passed, his arms and legs seemed a bit stiffer than they had been when he last remembered awareness, it was only assumptionary that the man who he had come to know had likely died. The only place Kaito had ever seen was the inside of that basement, so the presense of any new surrounding showed that something was different. His sensitive ears pricked up as he heard a soft rustle to the right of him, silently glancing over he made out the outline of a figure. HE could feel a weight pulling on his back slightlyhis automatic rocognition software picked it up as his wings. The others father had practically built him from scratch so there was many unusual features in him, but the man had never been able to get the wings working probably so they never worked and simply hung limpy most of the time. Shifting up he climbed over very carefully until he was leaning over the sleeping human, his face only a few inches from the others as his eyes widened slightly and began to study the humans face via special settings with his eyes. It only took a moment before the android recognized the face that he was hovering over, "Your name is Kaito, your only job on this earth is to do what I could never do,protect my son, Bryson Steel." He repeated the words softly, careful not to wake up the obviously sleeping human. Kaito quickly and carefully climbed off the bed, padding accross the floor silently however he did not make it more than 6 feet before tripping over his own feet and crashing into the wall, letting out a yell of surprise in the procces. Most of his type were perfect machines and would never trip, it was very clear he was custom made in the mechanics department.

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If there was one thing Bryson could do, it was sleep, and quite deeply. He'd been up for two days

digging through that once livable wreckage, and his body felt every bit of the labor. He

wasn't out of shape by any means, but two days was a bit much on anyone. At some point while

peacefully sleeping off the fatigue he'd ended up with his arm somehow nudged beneath the upper half

of the boy beside him. Whether he knew it or not, that pressure had pressed the -on- switch unknowingly.

That was another thing he'd not expected, nor foresaw in the possibilities of sleeping next to a machine.


The thing that finally woke him was not the movement next to him, or even the hovering of said

being above him. No, not even the soft whispered words that washed over his tired face. It was a loud

bang, and what may have been a cry or yelp following the crash. He sat up like a springboard was

propelling him from the horizontal to vertical; the towel which had been on his head flopped off

and slipped to the floor. His eye was wide and momentarily searching before landing on the

reason for his abrupt awakening.


A quick check beside him doubled the obvious conclusion. "Kaito," he said half in awe, or

was the remnants of sleep still clinging to his deep voice. "How did you..." he started then

realized he had a very naked artificial being on the floor. Feeling somewhat embarrassed by

this somehow he grabbed the sheet and slid off the bed; making sure his own covering was secure

in the process. He approached cautiously, holding the sheet out in front of him.


"Do you understand me? You need to cover yourself with this." He was looking anywhere

he could other than directly below the male's chest. It was a machine, but they were so

real sometimes it was frightening.

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Kaito eat movement on the bed behind him and knew his noise must have woken up his human. However it was clear that the machine had not walked in a while because h scrambled to his feet only to topple back over. He froze, eyes wide as he heard his name muttered in a voice that seemed so familar to him yet he knew he had never heard before. Shifting where he sat he glanced over and watched as Bryson came over with the sheet. The android could not help but look a bit confused at the look on his humans face, there was something there, something that expressed an emotion he had never seen before. When the others father brought him into being he had only kept Kaito around for 3 months before putting him to sleep after the 'incident' happened, and the android had been deemed an unfit machine. However, the fact that he had only been powdered down and not disassembled showed that maybe Bryson's father had forgiven Kaito for what he had done. The idea of forgiveness from a small smile to the androids face. Kaito looked at the sheet confused at first but reached up after a few moments and took it gently from the others hand. His mind and word usage was far from perfect but the entire dictionary had been engraved into his hard drive, but he still managed to mess up where to place words in sentences at times so would mishear tasks and mispeak answers. Kaito held the soft fabric in his hands gently and smiled down at the pleasant feeling it left on his skin, androids could not feel, but he certainly could. Carefully, as though it were extremely delicate, he wrapped the sheets around him, so he was wearing it like one large robe. Using the wall as support he stood up slowly and smiled softly at the other, whose face reminded him so much of his original owners. "Light" He spoke softly, motioning upwards, wanting a light to be turned on in the dim room, he began to feel along the wall for a light switch but continued to stumble around in the dim room.

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He waited, holding the sheet out far enough so Kaito could take it. He could see the

many different expressions of processing working over the beings young face. Perhaps

he didn't understand? Was there something wrong? How the hell would he know what

was wrong and what wasn't? Sure he could assemble any form of artificial structure,

but that was all. He was not an A.I. expert like his father. He could only build the

machine; not put feelings or emotions in it. This was beyond his understanding.


He waited while thinking about the circumstances. He would need to hook him up

to his own equipment at home in order to judge what, or if he could anything. And

what of those wings? They were dangling lifelessly and looked broken somehow.

Just what had his father been doing? Why leave this boy to him? What good would

come of being given something he had no clue just what to do with.


When Kaito took the sheet and nearly caressed the material in what appeared to

be some form of fascination his brow rose high. Why would a machine care about

something like that? Why pet it in such a way? Were there sensors? Oh he was

very curious now. "Ah, yes, that's good," he commented, watching the boy wrap

himself in the sheet. Now he could actually look down completely and not feel

awkward in some strange way.


"Now let's get you up, whoa wait," he stepped forward watching the boy rise and

stumble around in the dimly lit cabin, reaching for ...a light switch was it? Those

had been outdated years ago. Everything was controlled by your palm-box. "Kaito,

wait, stay still." He tried not to scare the boy, but he didn't know what else to do

to keep him from bumping into things. His limbs were obviously as useful as a

newborn calf.


Striding over to the bedside he grabbed a small flat tablet and

quickly touched the button that allowed the lights above to brighten. He then

marched over and grabbed the boy's arm just below the elbow, steadying him

so he didn't take another tumble. "Okay okay, calm down, let's just have you sit

back down for now. Okay? Sit?" He motioned to the bed.


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Kaito could hear the other speaking to him but was more focused on the lights than listening, something also unusual for an android. However he calmed a bit once the lights were a bit brighter, following in the direction he was guided until he felt the edge of the bed at his knees, then easing himself down onto the soft mattress. Most androids would sit up straight but not Kaito, he quickly pulled his legs up onto the bed and crawled to the other side of it and laid on his stomach, stretching out his limps for what seemed like the first time in a very long time. Then he brought his gaze up to his humans and spoke what was preprogramed for him to speak the first time he met Bryson, "Hello Bryson. My name is Kaito, but your father called me Kai. I am to be your guard and friend for as long as you need me to be so, and when you no longer need me, you can power me down and put me back in my box." He raised his hand and a holographic projection shot from his hand to the wall across the room. On it was the humans father, sitting in a sturdy stool with a clip board on his lap. He clearly looked uncomfortable, and unsure of himself. It was a recording. Kaito's vocie could be heard in the background of the vide "Go on, Sir. It is recording." At that the man seemed to adjsut himself and sit up a bit straighter. "Son, I know if you are seeing this then I am gone, and you have recieved the last gift I will ever give you. I made this android from scratch, just for you. I assure you, he will be great for you..But I need to warn you, there was an error when I was programming him, so his emotional input and actions can get a bit....out of hand. I love you, my boy, always. Be safe and live long. "With that the video clip ended and Kaito lowered his hand, studying the others face for his response, in case he needed to comfort his new human.

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Once Kaito was on the bed he felt somewhat better. This was not something he was used too.

Watching the boy crawl around and stretch as though there were actual live muscle and tendons that

needed the motion to relieve strain. It was almost like an actual person was at home inside that small

being. And that was both fascinating and scary to think about. Hadn't things like this gone terribly wrong

in the past? Experiments made so that humans had less to think about or do; leaving the burden to these

machines instead. He sighed, rubbing the small bit of stubble that had accumulated around his chin

while staying on Earth.


When kaito spoke he frowned a touch, continuing to rub his chin as though it were a habit when in deep

thought. A Guard or friend, or both? What did he need either for? Just what could this broken thing protect

him from anyway? Wasn't he broke to begin with? He listened closely and watched the transmission; his

Father alive and well on screen- but not so much in real life. He was much younger, and he seemed less

haggard or tired. Bryson could only remember a tired grouchy old man that wouldn't take no for an

answer on anything.


He'd loathed his father on many levels, for different reasons. His fingers slid up and brushed the leather

that covered his now useless eye. That was another grudge entirely, and a memory he'd never soon forget.

The socket itself ached as if it too remembered things as they once were. With a sigh he ran his hands up

through his hair and left them propped on top of his head, his gaze falling to the being now studying him.

The towel at his waist inched down a touch, having become loose with getting Kaito onto the bed. Guess

the first thing he could do was get dressed. With Kaito up and about he wouldn't get much sleep anyways.


Things would work out somehow. Even if in the end he was forced to power the being back down and end the

whole mess once and for all. He felt a small pang at the thought of putting the small thing back into slumber,

but that was a last alternative after all. "Looks like we'll have to work on communicating first. Or at least

finding something that will work between us." He needed to read the whole manual. The boy understood

well enough he assumed, but his father had mentioned things were a little out-of-order on occasion.

"I suppose I'll call you Kai, since you're used to this."

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The android continued to study his human, sitting up straight and pulling his legs up so he was sitting cross legged and attentive. He often sat like this when the others father was away. His eyes did not leave Brysons face until the other male seemed distracted in his own thought. Taking the time that he now had in the brighter room he chose to scan his surroundings once again, taking point in where all the things were so he could better move about without tripping over them. He took a moment to locate whenever the human had discarded his manual and quickly climbed off the bed to retrieve it. This time moving much smoother with the updated visuals, he picked up the rather large book and flipped it open, thumbing through the pages until he came to a page were the writing on it was slightly larger than the rest of the writing in the book, signifying its importance. Holding the book carefully he crossed over to where his human stood and held out the book before speaking softly, "Bryson, read." The android commanded, then, almost as if it were an afterthought, added, "Please." All the androids movements seemed a bit unusual but custume or not, androids had please and thank as a neccicary suffix to practically every sentence, so forgetting to say it was unheard of for any android that was properly built.


The page that Kaito had opened the book read, "A warning to the owner of custome androids, an android is essentially a hunk of macienery, with a mind. So it can be dangerous if not used properly. Make sure to give proper commands or the mechanics can misunderstand an order and execute an incorrect task. Warning, any attempt to harm another person via an android is considered first degree and punishable by the usual consequences. Warning, any attempt to use an android to commit any crime towards another human can be correlated in assult with a deadly weapon. Warning, if you suspect that your matiene is defective, power it down and contact the authoritys immediately for proper disposal of said android. If an android is used in the murder or assult of a human then it will be disassembled. The word defective was high lighted numerous times, and circled, showing that Brysons father had felt the need to draw extra importance to that particular word. However there was no additional markings to suggest anything of dire importance. Kaito glanced down from the page and repeated the word "Defective." Simply, and continued to hold the book out sothe human could take it, a smile on the androids face still.

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It was like looking after a two year old. This boy just didn't want to sit still at all.

He could understand it from a certain viewpoint, knowing machines tended to scan

their surroundings and do all the proper checks as they were built to do- but this one

was just plain antsy. The mannerisms were more human than a lot of the products he'd

had part in making, or witnessed. The movements were becoming less wobbly as the

minutes ticked by though, so perhaps he would not have to worry about any accidents.


As Kaito did his little processing bit on the bed, he stepped over to a small cabinet where

he removed a clean one-piece. Sliding the zipper open down the front, he adjusted the

small pocket inside that usually kept his temperature regulator inside, keeping his body

cool or warm as needed. The last suit had a broken one, so he'd ended up sweating himself

half to death while digging his two days away. Stepping into the suit he pulled it up over

his legs and up under the towel, letting the covering fall once his privates had been covered



The rest of the suit hung at his waist as he let go and took the manual from Kaito. He read

the part intended, his lips thinning slightly. Yes he was aware of all this already. But why

would the whole using Kaito as a dangerous weapon thing be any problem? He didn't intend

to ever use a machine for violence- well, and A.I. one anyway. Guns, rays and other means

of protection were fair game. The thought of this small boy being dangerous would honestly

be laughable if he hadn't already built things like him before. He guessed the problem here

was the defective part. Kaito was obviously different and hadn't his Father warned about the

being being unbalanced? Just how was he supposed to fix this issue?


He sighed and tossed the manual aside, pulling the suit up so he could slide his arms in,

only zipping it up when all of him was comfortably tucked inside the protective material.

he flexed his hands and cracked his knuckles, feeling somewhat naked when they weren't

also covered in the material. But inside he had no reason to cover them.


For now he wanted to see about Kaito's wings. He'd been curious the moment he'd seen

them. Theneed to touch them all but tingled in his fingertips and picked at his mind; he

couldn't help himself on this. Sitting down he patted beside him. "Kai, sit here." Clear

instructions, he tried to remember that when speaking. "Sit and face your back

towards me."

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Kaito nodded and carefully shuffled over so that he was sitting in front of his human, then quickly he turned so that his back was facing the other. He sat still for a moment, but before the human could do anything, the machine blurted out, turning slightly to look at Byrson with pleading eyes. "Please do not change any of my wiring internally!" An outburst like that may seem small, but for an A.I. to express any kind of opinion that may be the opposite of what it's owners wanted to absolutely unheard of. Then, as though its programming caught itself, he silently turned back around, face once more going impassive as he settled down, and then, as though it were an after thought, he added, "Sir." The entire situation was something that was definetly unheard of. He will throw you away. Kaito's mind whispered to him silently, but the machine refused to acknowlege the voice that he heard inside his head, automatically assuming it was some kind of virus or something.


Sorry it was so short, could not think of much o-o

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Bryson waited until Kaito had sat as asked. He reached up, and before his fingers could even

brush the dangling wings, the plead from the being had his hand freezing up. He frowned to the

other, glancing down at the wings as though he wasn't sure whether to continue or to not

try for now. He really did wish to continue, and because of that he offered what he could only

assume would be the best solution. "Kai, as your owner I must look. I will not change anything.

Not a single thing." For now, he thought. If something could be fixed in the future, he'd damn well

do it. But as things were, he didn't know enough to even assume he -could- fix anything.

"I'm just looking, and touching. That is all."


Reaching out again, he touched where the wings protruded from the flesh; their stem. He traced

the outline, feeling for what sort of support was built beneath. It was a simple enough design;

this he could discern merely from feeling the structure beneath the man-made flesh. Running

his fingers down the left wing gently, he lifted it away from Kaito's back and began to slowly flex

the limb up and down. He did this gently, listening for any clicks or grinds of gears past their

usefulness. He couldn't hear anything out of place, so next was looking inside.


The wings structure themselves were outwardly fine, so the issue laid within the core somewhere.

"Outside they are a bit battered, but otherwise whole and functional. The problem stems from

inside you somewhere," he commented quietly, more to himself than to the machine. "It's so

strange that your start-up point is at the upper portion of your spine though, as this resulted

in the wings having been anchored differently inside also."


He reached beneath both limbs and slowly felt around the back panel until a small bump

beneath the skin brushed his thumb. "Ah, here we are." He pressed the nub inwards and

popped the small panel open; revealing the boy's innards. Heat poured out as he peered

inside; immediately met with temperature coils, the outer skeletal structure and the armored

ladder of the spine which was protected in snug fitted graphene. The material was as strong

as a diamond, yet flexible which served wonderfully for the cushions between each column.

Bryson breathed in, impressed by the beauty of the design. His fingers lightly caressed the

material in appreciation. "Lovely," he breathed out softly.

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[[OOC- No worries. You don't have to write a lot. You're doing fine.]]



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The small machine sat still obediantly as it did as it was told, however since its face was hidden from view due to the direction it was face, Kaito saw no reason to hide his clearly upset expression. He did not like it when he was opened up, he couldn't stand it. He sat straight while his human continued to examine him, at the feel of the mans finger tips on his wings the A.I. visibly shivered, and that shiver set off something. His master was touching him and he did not want it, something about the situation set off a memory in the young A.I. Protect yourself as well as my son, Kai. He heard the words echo like a recording, in the voice of Byrson's father. After a few moments he reacted. "I do not want it." Was all the machine murmured before it flung across the room, clearly having a melt down of some kind. "I do not want it!" He cried out and continued to quickly shift around the room, looking for any means to escape the tiny room with the person who, in his mind, wanted to mess up his insides. The look at the A.I.'s face was exactly like that of a horrified human, or the look a wounded animal may have when it was backed into a corner. Ai's where not supposed to move with there paneling open so it did not take long for him to make a mess of the gears with all his jumping and running to and from.

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Bryson jerked his hand out just in time for Kaito to have some sort of meltdown.

He couldn't have shut the panel in time to save the insides from this wild scurry

around his small living quarters. He tried to grab the boys arm as he bustled by

but missed by about two inches. He hissed lightly, having had just about enough

of this nonsense already.


"KAI, STOP," he bellowed in a commanding voice. His patience obviously at a

fine line between agitated and down right annoyed. The boy could have easily

broken the man's hand pulling away like he did. That in itself ticked him off.

He was beginning to understand what a mess he had with this creature. "Just

stop. You could have hurt me you know," he said, flexing his hand which had

managed to bump the panel, just barely escaping.


"Just calm down. You are supposed to protect me, aren't you?" He reasoned

barely managing to train his voice a touch softer. "If that is your purpose, then

sit back down. I told you I wouldn't change anything. There is no need to be

afraid of me." Well, okay despite the fact he'd just yelled out of anger. Shit.

"Plus you are damaging yourself running about like this."

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The small android stood still for a moment while it calmed down, a few beeps were sounding within the machine to signal that there were a few issues happening. Despite the comand of his human, Kaito found himself still unwilling to sit and allow someone to stick there hand inside him. However, after a few more moments of silence he saw that the humans hand was slightly red, and it was only assumptionary that he had injured it trying to get ahold of the A.I. If it were even possible the android seemed to wilt slightly, going from frightened to a look of full on guilt. So at last he quietly and extremely slowly, made his way back over to the bed and sat down on it gingerly. Turn and putting his back to the other, his eyes trained on his hands that were now resting lightly in his own lap. It took a few minutes for Kai to find the right verbal output for the situation. "I am sorry, your hand was hurt." He moved to turn so he could look at Brysons hand but quickly halted himself, making sure to sit as still as a statue now, not wanting to hurt his owner any more than he already had. He will take you apart. Words quietly rang throughout the androids head, without another word KAi reached up so that he could attempt to settle his hair back down, it had become a mess in the recent incident, and some of it was caught on the horns, so it took him a few moments of concentration to get it untangled, A.I.'s were to always look respectible for there owners.

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Bryson's nerves calmed a notch more once Kaito stopped running around like a chicken

with it's head cut off. He sighed, rubbing his hand lightly which still sting from the brief

contact of very extreme metal. It's not as though he'd never injured himself before while

building certain creations; but the fact he'd chose not to wear the gloves indoors was

certainly a bad choice for the day.


As the boy gingerly sat back down, he frowned at it's open back. Well, from what he could

tell there wasn't too much damage at all. Sure a few things had moved a bit, but nothing

had really broke. He could at least be thankful for that. This machine was broken already

and he didn't want to further the damage with his own hand. If possible anyway. And he

could tell Kaito was full of emotional trials. His actions, his expressions- they didn't always

line up and this showed things were very badly put together. Problem was the robotic part

he could deal with, the emotional part he was not so sure.


Hearing an apology he wiped his face with the slightly red hand and then placed it on the

boys shoulder. He left it there for a moment while he talked. "Look Kai. You are obviously

different so I'm going to speak to you differently. I will converse with you. Talk normally.

I can see you feel things differently as well, and that is complicated in itself. I've never

dealt with this sort of thing. You said you don't want this. I assume you meant me going

inside your core. For that I will apologize. My hand will be fine."


He paused, thinking for a moment. "But you have to understand eventually that I could fix

things like this." He slid his hand down, softly stroking over the limp wings at Kaito's back.

"They are lovely, but broken. Would you not like to be whole again? Have you not thought

about these things that are connected to you?" He wasn't sure that even talking to Kai like

this would do any good, but he didn't feel orders were strictly a good idea either. Perhaps

talking to him like a real human would perhaps work along side these strange emotional

outbreaks. "Could you at least have patience with me and allow me to look? I will not hurt

you Kai."

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The android tilted his head back slightly so that he could also get a look at his limp wings. These hunks of metal that were attatched to him he saw as nothing but in the way, they had never worked so he never really considered them anything else but useless. However the idea of being able to actually use them sparked his interest and he immediately settled down, now excited for the prospects. I am whole.His mind echo'ed, as a response to the others words. Frowning slightly at his own mind he put his hands back in his lap and stared at them, that vocie in his head was the problem, that voice was always the problem, but it would not go away. He had spoken with the others father abou it before and the man had described the voice as "The bad angel. Kai WE all have two parts to us, the good one and the bad one. It's a human thing, and you somehow developed that too, you are special. Never doubt that, okay? Just try and listen really hard when you hear the bad angel, because somewhere, the good one is also calling to you." The A.I. sat quietly as he concluded his internal struggle, something an android really ought not have to do. "I am sorry, I will sit still. Please, fix me." HE conclued, and yet again he heard it.


I am not broken..

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Bryson had no idea of the voices in the boy's mind. If he did, perhaps he

could have said something on the subject. But he would never know unless

Kaito actually told him of free will. He could not guess on every issue no

more than he could fix the impossible. What he saw was something that

was broken, but still very much alive. Though not human entirely, he held

the face of an angel and a whirlwind of emotions that could strike out at any

moment. If they were going to get anywhere, they needed to understand

each other better. This was the only thing he could attempt to fix for now.


"Thank you, Kai." He lowered his voice when speaking, making the words

have a more appreciative tone. He was thankful things could at least progress

a little from where they had started. "I'll finish this quickly so we can close

you back up." With that said he gave the wings another gentle stroke and

then once more sunk his hands inside the panel.


After about twenty minutes of rooting around he withdrew his hands from

inside. Leaning over he grabbed his palm-box and held it up to the panel.

What appeared to be an x-ray appeared on screen and this allowed him

to locate things he couldn't reach with his hands. He scanned up slowly

to where the wings connected inside and tapped the screen; taking a few

photos for study. He'd been right. It was a simple assembly. Kaito's wings

would work just fine. This, he could fix.


Placing the small tablet aside he closed the panel door, gently nudging the

button beneath the skin that latched the door in place. Once closed it really

was amazing how real the body looked, even with the slightest line from the

panel. Sliding off the bed he grabbed the towel off the floor and wiped his

hands, removing some of the grime he'd accumulated from inside the machine.


"All done. I will need a few small parts to fix them, but they are very small and

it will not take long either. It's amazing how simple the issue was really. I

wonder why my old man did not address this issue. What good is it to have

wings if you cannot use them. They are but useless weights on your back. It's

not very nice having them as they are I imagine. But like I said Kai, I will not

change anything if you don't wish it. It is your decision. I will not risk hurting

your view of me over something like this."

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At first he was a bit uncomfortable with the hands being inside, however he managed to settle down after only five minutes, and after that he even managed to enjoy it a bit. When the human fixed a few of the parts that he could access and they clicked in correctly, it felt like a weight had been lifted from the small machine. Now he was excited to see what his wings would feel like when they worked, if they were fixed then maybe he could stop shedding the feathers. Some managed to fall off every once in a while when he ran into things do to the heavy weight, the weight was also not imprinted when his base programming was set up so all of his balance features did not Incorporated the dead weight either, so that was the main reason he tended to trip and bump and fall. His eyes seemed to light up as he turned where he was sitting and smiled at his owner before nodding. "I would really like if you would fix me." The winged boy stated simply.


I will protect you.


His programming seemed to go in a completely different direction as he asked, out of the blue. "So, what do you do all day, Byrson?" He asked, trying to gauge how his life and existence was going to be from here on out, as he did he climbed to his feet and lightly began to carefully walk around the humans room, now exploring the mans individuals things instead of the overall set up of the room.

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He smiled slowly, nodding in approval. "Very well. Then fix them I shall."

The thought of doing something like this did appeal to him after all. It was

his life to create or fix things, depending on what the project was. It was

the one thing he got from his father he could be thankful for. His love for

machines. Even if their views on said machines were in completely

different ballparks and almost never fell close to touching base.


Walking over to a door that led to the restroom, he paused in front of a

panel that scanned his eyes before the door whooshed open. Taking

the dirty towel with him, he dropped it into a small basket and went to

the sink to wash his hands. The eye scan was merely for user settings,

so if he were to take a shower or use something, it would already know

what his preferences were. He could easily change settings by voice

if he wished, but he was a pretty routine person.


"I'm mostly a freelance robotics tech at the moment. I do occasionally

go to the university near my home and offer lectures and basic courses

if needed. For the most part I spend my days in my basement on projects

of all kinds." He answered once the water switched off and he was drying

his hands in the doorway. "I'd say I'm well received mostly because of my

Father's influence. Though to find another on my planet that is as skilled

as me is highly unlikely." He didn't mean to boast; it was just being honest.


He leaned against the doorframe, looking over Kaito with a small wrinkle

between his brows. Speaking of off topic. "I need to get you clothes.

Would you mind wearing them?"

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Kaito looked over to where he heard the voice coming from and saw his human was speaking to him. He looked down at the sheets he was still holding around himself and nodded slowly, keeping them around him loosly as he continued to look around the room. Something about it seemed sad to the android, almost desolate. From what it sounded like, his human did not get much human to human interaction. Going back into his human fitness and wellness information that had been downloaded to him before he saw how bad it could be for a person to be so alone. Even without going back into that information, he remembered that days and nights he spent in the basement of the humans fathers house, all by himself. It was always so quiet, causing him to even crave the attention of Brysons father. Despite the fact that he had essentially given the small android life, if he had not had such a dependence on the man, he would have hated the man for various reasons. One day the man seemed like a not so bad person, the next, Kaito had watched as the man did horrible things. So to the android the only person he had ever met before, was not exactly a good one.


I will protect you.


He thought silently as he considered how lonely the human must be. Mentally and emotionally, he would do what he was made to do. He would protect Bryson.

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Placing the towel aside he went back into the sleeping quarters main room, watching

Kaito poke at random things. He didn't mind, seeing as he didn't have much on display

to begin with. He may have spent long periods on his ship, but he rarely brought many

personal belongings that weren't somehow related to work. Not even a single picture

or trinket laid where eyes could see. The only thing that seemed out of place was a

small cherry-wood box, it's latch long broken. It sat nestled in a small corner of a

bookshelf, away from immediate detection of normal people anyway.


Bryson went to the small cabinet he'd removed his suit from, slowly digging through

the small closet like compartment. After shifting nearly everything he had around

he came out with what appeared to be a very long t-shirt. He scratched his head

lightly and cast his eye back to Kaito, frowning. He didn't have much of anything

that would fit such a delicate figure. Bryson wasn't exactly a small man compared

to the youthful machine. "Well, shit," he cursed softly, letting the t-shirt dangle in

his fingertips.


After another five minutes or rooting through random clothing he managed to gather

the t-shirt, a pair of soft shorts that were for when he worked out and a pair of socks

that were actually new and were a bit smaller than the others. This poor boy was

going to have to deal with it for now. He sighed, holding them out. "This is the only

thing I have that will cover you and not probably fall off. The shorts have strings you

can tighten so they'll fit kind of." He paused, wondering suddenly. "Have you ever

wore clothes?" If not his father seriously should be rotting in hell.

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Kaito stood and watched the human for a while, however but his short attention span caught up to him so he ended up once again searching the room. Poking his head under the bed to see what lurked there trailing his fingers along the walls. Was he going to be stuck in this small room for a month and then powered down like before? The mere idea brought the smaller boy to shiver. Something in the room caught the android's attention, a very shiny and smooth wooden box. Silently he wondered over to it and gently touched the top of the case, it was smooth and cool to his finger tips. He was brought from his thoughts by the humans questions, bringing his attention back he walked away from the box and towards Bryson, completely forgetting it's existence already.


The small machine thought back to his time at the others question and nodded slowly, "I have worn a lot of clothes,your father said his friend made them for me and brought them, but I never got to meet him."He murmured, reaching out and gingerly taking the clothing he disappeared into the bathroom with them, without needing any more instructions. Allowing the door to slide shut behind him, he let the sheet fall, holding the new clothing over him. However something caught his eyes and he turned, there, he saw himself in the mirror. Something he had never seen before. "I look like that?" He murmured softly to himself as he leaned in close to the mirror, reaching up he lightly brought his finger tips to his cheek and slowly trailed them down the side of his face and then down the side of his neck, however he stopped and frowned in confusion. There, at the base of his neck was a small scratch. He tried to think of how he got it, at first he figured maybe he had just gotton scratched at some point. However, Brysons fathers friend kept ringing in his head, he had never even seen the man..had he? Then he noticed a black mark on his top left horn, which looked like a burn mark, yet held no memory recall of how he got that either. "Why can't I remember." He murmured softly, however quickly snapped out of the mesmurized state and realized he had been in the bathroom far to long, so pulled on the shirt and shorts and the socks. Stretching out once he was fully dressed and smiling wide at the immediate comfort he felt before stepping out of the bathroom.

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While kaito was in the restroom, he took the time to make a call home. He'd been in a

hurry to get to Earth, and because of that had left a few loose ends that needed tying.

Because of the circumstances it just couldn't be helped. Using his palm-box he dialed a

friend while popping a small wireless bud into his ear. A familiar face appeared on screen,

and to say she looked pissed may have been an understatement.


"Steel." His last name came out of her mouth like a whip; he could nearly feel the sting

from that alone. "Angel," he returned, his expression becoming sheepish. "I can explain

everything," he started, "but first my current job needs someone to finish it, and I only

know one person that could possibly handle it." Her expression went from thin-lipped

to the smallest quirk at the corner of red lips. "And?" She asked, raising a brow slightly.

"Sooo.. I need you to finish it. The data is in the C-block files downstairs. It's due in less

than a week. There isn't really much to finish at all. It would really help me out. I'm," he

paused, sighing, "stuck at my Father's place for a while."


He waited, her expression barely showing any form of improvement. She finally broke the

silence after about two minutes of a not so comfortable stare down. "Fine. But you owe me

, and I don't mean some crap dinner either. You better crawl. I got enough shit piled up

without you dumping useless things on me." He grinned, not able to contain it anymore.

"God I missed that mouth of yours An." She snorted, softening a touch. "Yeah yeah, I

got it. You're lucky your my nephew. Explain things later, you caught me on my way out.

I'll contact you when it's delivered to the client." He nodded, grinning now which made a

dimple show on his left cheek; giving him an almost boyish appearance. "I'll practice

crawling An, thanks."


As the screen went black Kaito came out from the restroom wearing what he'd been given.

Bry sat the palm-box aside and gave a small smile of approval. Well, it serves it's purpose

for now anyway. Normally he would have had the urge to laugh at such an awful get-up;

but seeing as he had an emotional wreck of an android on his hands he schooled his face

appropriately. Standing he walked over to the nearest shelf, removing a small black and

slender case; motioning to the boy to come to him. "Here, let me fix the shirt." When kaito

came to him he slid the box lid open and removed a tiny blade, using it to gently make

two incisions into the shirts where he could guide the broken wings through. He liked

seeing them, even if they weren't functional. He wasn't sure if it made much difference

for the boy either, but he did it anyway. "There," he smiled, sliding the blade away as

quick as it had appeared.

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