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Lost in Love [Bellala99 & Keru-chan]


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It was obvious that the other one didn't like this subject. That it was one of his weak points. And maybe that was exactly why Yukio just had to touch it. But even so, he felt the anger increasing inside of him for every word. For every sentence that left the older one as he spoke. Not a word left him as he observed how his boyfriend placed himself on the motorcycle and suddenly, everything took a surprising turn. He had told him everything about himself. Every single thing. Every single secret he had kept inside of him. Because he trusted him. Because he wanted him to know. Because he wanted to be closer to Akano. That was why he had told him everything. The younger one could feel the tears welling up inside of him. Wanting to be released as his face grew more and more darker for every second that passed. Then, suddenly he threw himself over the other one and embraced him with his arms. He buried his face in that familiar red hair and drew a deep breath. And smiled. "Who was it that said that age didn't matter when it came to love?" He began and pressed his teeth together. Hindered the tears from rolling down his warm cheeks. "Who was it that said that we would always be together?".


Even though the other one had surely forgotten those words, he hadn't. He kept them close to his heart. To his mind and to his body. "Was all those words, that you said to me just simple lies?" He took in a deep breath "Did you just say them to please me?". He didn't want to believe it and he didn't want to ask these questions but he couldn't stand knowing that it maybe was that way. That their love was so fragile because it was fake. "Well, it doesn't matter. Because everything I said to you was true". His lower lip was quivering but his face remained compact as he slowly loosened on his grip around the other one and instead placed his hand on his boyfriend's cheek to bring his face up to his own and look into his eyes. "You know that I love you right? I love you so much and if it is for you I wouldn't mind being unhappy the rest of my life. But I can't force you to stay with me, so if it's that way you feel then I'll walk away. Just for your sake". It hurt. It hurt so badly to say these words.

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Akano let out a soft gasp when his boyfriend basically threw himself to the tall male - almost making the motorcycle fall. With a soft sigh escaping his lips, the red head wrapped his hand tightly around Yukio's waist, looking up into the sky when he felt the tears damping his shirt. Some time ago he promised himself he wouldn't make his boyfriend sad... Well, he failed on almost everything he did anyway - apparently this too.


"I love you, baby, I do." He said softly as he began kissing off the tears. Akano closed his eyes as he bit down on his lower lip and pulled the blond close to himself once more. "I don't want you to leave, I don't want for us to end either - but we rarely get what we want.." Akano said quietly as he kissed the other's cheek softly, letting out a small smile and completely ignoring the people around them.


"I know how you hate when I'm late to our dates. I know how you hate when I have to leave so suddenly... Yukio, I really feel like I'm unable to make you happy anymore..." The red head said with a sigh as he slowly let his hands slide off Yukio's body, letting him go. "You deserve someone better." He said with a small smile as he looked at the other and ran one hand over his blond hair. "But, I can't make you leave... That's up to you.."

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Those small things that he did to him. He loved them so much. And the thought of that he would never feel them again was terrifying. The thought of that he would never be touched like this again by him. The thought of them not being together anymore. That little thought scared him to death. And so he couldn't hold it back anymore. Even though he was fighting to hide them they rolled down his cheeks. Without a sound they just appeared and he felt those familiar lips making them all disappear. But they just continued to roll. One after another. And that vague smile that the older one gave him only made it worse. "Am I really that bad at hiding my hate?" He said and his words was followed by a very soft and sad laughter as his boyfriend's hands left him.


Was this the end? The end of it all? This couldn't be the end. He wouldn't allow this to be the end. "If you just knew how happy you make me just by existing.." He quietly mumbled and stroked his boyfriend's cheek gently as he looked at the other one. He was always saying things like this. That he deserved someone better. That he wasn't worth him. That he was just a simple waste of time. But that wasn't true. Because "There is no one better than you.." He softly whispered and then pressed his lips against his boyfriend's. Grabbed the collar on his shirt and pulled him even closer as he closed his eyes. Just wanting to be close to him if this really was the last time. "..You say that you can't make me leave but even so it's better if we separate according to you?" He smiled against the older one in the kiss. "Don't make me so confused".

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Akano bit down on his lip slightly as he sighed out and shook his head. "Happy? Making you cry isn't what I'd call making you happy. Leaving you alone at home isn't making you happy... Making you wait for me to our dates isn't making you happy. Meeting my ex - now that certainly isn't making you happy. I can't do anything to truly make you happy..." The red head almost whispered out as he bit down on his thin bottom lip and sighed out.


His eyes widened slightly at the sudden kiss he received so suddenly - and still, he couldn't help but kiss back... Until he realized that this will just make letting go harder. Gently, the tall male gripped his boyfriend and pulled him away slightly, a guilty and sad expression on his face.


"Yukio..." He muttered out as he slowly let go off the blond and sighed. "We really should end this. I just... I just don't want to end up hurting you even worse..." The red head said quietly as he bit the inside of his cheek and closed his eyes for the moment. "I can drive you home if you want."

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This feeling. This feeling of warmth. This closeness. Nevermore he would be able to experience it. And it only made him want to stay like this forever. But it all eventually ended with the expected and he simply let it happen as he held his tears back and instead embraced his lower lip with his front teeth. His name. The way he said his name, he wouldn't forget that either. He wouldn't forget anything of this. The pain, the happiness and the sadness of this short relationship. Of this short but meaningfull relationship. He just hoped that the other one had learned just as much as he had. "I know.." He softly whispered and straightened his back and let out a deep sigh as he let his hands sink down in his pockets. "I know" He repeated and then turned his back to the other one. Not being able to observe that beautiful face of his one more second. "I know and I'm sorry. I'm just making this harder ain't I?". The younger one smiled at himself and looked down at the ground before turning around to the older one. "It's fine. I'll walk home".


Yukio was very well aware of the fact that it would be a bit to go. But it would probably be healthy for him. That moment would be a chance for him to clear his mind and pull himself together. Crying wouldn't help. It never helped. "Then I guess this is goodbye then?" He looked down at the ground and swallowed the lump of sadness that had appeared in his throat.

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Akano breathed out sofly as he let out another sad smile as he nodded at the other's question. "Yeah..." He muttered out quietly before grabbing and putting on the helmet, sitting down on the motorcycle comfortably and quickly driving off. The red head rubbed his eyes, trying to get the last bits of forming tears out - he didn't notice the car which was driving like that.


One second too late. The golden eyes widened momentarely as he tried to press the brakes, and failed. With a loud noise he crashed into the car, flying over it and landing harshly onto the cold ground. Akano nearly screamed out in pain as the tears that he was trying to push away appeared again - this time from the burning pain. He gasped for air while blood slowly trickled down his face - the helmet may have helped him when he was falling, but the piees of shattered glass still cut him.


The red head realized he couldn't move. And everything was going black. Was he losing consciousness? Or maybe... He was dead?

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He stayed to let his sky blue eyes observe that familiar person disappear and then, when he no longer saw him he turned around and started to walk. Not before then he let everything out. People stared at him as he passed them. They stared at him, at his tears and pitied the poor boy which was him. Why him? Why them? It was unfair. So incredibly unfair. There was no god in this world. Only a devil that took all his happiness away. And the one that had been giving him happiness was none other than him. Than Akano. He only needed a second with him to light up his life. But now there wouldn't be anymore seconds with him. There wouldn't be anymore soft kisses or gentle hugs. Only loneliness would be there to comfort him under the following days.


When the tears had stopped coming and when the emotions had been put under lock and chains he suddenly felt that something was wrong. The student stopped walking and raised his gaze from the street to then look backwards. But what he saw was only people. People talking to each other, smiling and laughing. He didn't know what he had expected to see. But he couldn't simply turn around and continue anymore. It felt wrong. Something. Something had happened. But he couldn't figure out what. Great, so it was now his sixth sense started to work? Well it was a little too late though because if it had worked just a hour earlier he would've been able to avoid this kind of end. The student sighed, shook his head at his own ridiculousness to then begin to walk towards the cinema. And when he reached it he froze for the second time. A thick black smoke was rising towards the sky and people were screaming. But they all stood gathered on the same place. He continued to walk to then eventually start to run while his heart began to pound faster and he broke himself through the mass of people to then stop. "Akano.." He quietly whispered out as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. He fell down on his knees. Screaming out his boyfriend's name while taking up his body in his arms. Holding him tight he took off the helmet and tried to wake him up from his lifeless state. "Akano! Someone call an ambulance now!". He continued but the people around him just stood there. Stunned by the scene in front of them. "What are you waiting for?!" He screamed once again and then suddenly one of them took up his phone. Meanwhile, the eighteen year old boy held his beloved one in his arms as the warmth of his body slowly slipped away. "Everything is gonna be alright..". He kissed his cheeks, his forehead and held him closely. And when the ambulance came to take him away from him, his clothes were stained by blood and his hands were drenched in the red colour that his boyfriend's hair had.

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Akano's eyelids fluttered slightly - was there someone calling his name? The red head let out a weak breath as he smiled softly and reached out to gently brush a finger over the beautiful crying blond's cheek. “Don't cry...“ He whispered out as he let out a soft smile and his hand dropped back down while his breathing became completely shallow. He was barely taking in the air needed by now... And still the soft smile stayed - as if he was trying to prove to the other that everything was alright... Though it clearly wasn't.


When the ambulance came and Akano was quickly carried inside the car, they actually let Yukio come along. By that time, the DJ had lost consciousness. Medics were quickly working around his body, putting on a mask and various tubes - the red head had quite a few serious injuries and some of the medics where whispering about his spine which may have been injured as well. They reached the hospital considerably fast and Akano was quickly moved to a palate where he was taken care of - apparently he had a broken leg and a few ribs, as well as a ton of cuts and bruises - some only light and not too serious, but others reached to the bone. He'd lost a lot of blood already.

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His gaze darted back and forth from his unconscious boyfriend before him and the men that took care of him. He himself just simply sat beside, observing his beloved in pure terror. The tears that had earlier rolled down his cheeks had stopped and instead he quietly stared at the one he loved that was slowly slipping away from him. His words still lingering in his thoughts as he drew a deep breath to calm his pounding heart. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, and it was like they would never reach the hospital. At the same time Yukio wondered what Akano where right now. What he was doing and what he was thinking in that place he currently was in.


When they finally stopped, it was like waking him up from a dream even though his eyes were wide open and he was completely awake. Sluggishly he climbed his way out of the ambulance to then desperatly follow the stretcher that he was laying on. In through the doors that lead into the building. Through three corridors and when they reached the operating room his way was blocked by two nurses. And he screamed and he cried and he fought to be with the other one. Because in that room, if something went wrong. He could at worst case die. But even so he was pushed into the waiting room and ordered to do as everyone else. Wait. Wait for what? For the other one to leave him here? For everything to end? God, he knew that his stupid motorcycle would cause something like this in the end. Why hadn't he stopped him? If he just hadn't dragged him out of the cinema because of that little trivial thing then Akano..Then he wouldn't even be here. It was all his fault. Because he had been jealous that his boyfriend had touched someone else like he did with him. Because he had spent his time with someone else than him. Because he wanted to be the only one that the other one had ever loved.

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Only after a few hours a doctor came out of the operating room and walked to Yukio. His expression was slightly shaken as he stopped in front of the blond and let out a smile. “He's fine now, but he is asleep. I don't believe he'll wake up until the morning, but if you'd like to see him, he is in room 143, just down this corridor.“ The old man explained quietly but gently put a hand on the other's shoulder, his expression now showing slight sorrow.


“I'm sorry to say this, but... He may lose the ability to walk.“ The doctor said softly as he looked at the blond with a sigh. “We think he may have injured his spine during the fall.“ He said quietly as he slowly let go of the student. “We will be doing what we can to prevent that, but there is still a chance of it happening. I hope you can explain it to him when he wakes up... It would be best if news like this were delivered by someone who is close.“ The doctor said with a sad smile as he stepped back, letting Yukio walk to his boyfriend.

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The minutes slowly passed by and the blonde spent his time by restlessy walking back and forth. Sitting down in the couch. Praying and sighing. The other people that sat beside him stared at him. Like he was crazy or had lost his mind. And maybe he had gone crazy. Either case, he couldn't just do one thing while waiting for someone to bring him the awaited information. He wanted to know what they had done and if he would be okay. If everything was going back to like it was before all of this. And while thinking about that he couldn't simply sit still like everyone else.


Then suddenly, in this time of darkness he noticed the doctor that came walking in his direction. That quietly approached him there he sat with his forehead resting on his hands. Immediately the young boy got up from his sitting position and listened to what the other one had to say. At first his face expression had been filled with hope. But afterwards it slowly darkened as the news continued. Not be able to walk? He didn't notice that the other one hade placed his hand on his shoulder. He didn't notice the woman that cried in the background and he didn't notice the voice that called for someone with the name Richard through the speaker. At this moment he was far away from reality. Floating on the clouds somewhere else in this world. Akano may have lost his ability walk. Just because of him. Yukio drew a deep shaky breath, returned to the man who vaguely smiled at him as he stepped back. But before leaving him behind he let his gaze rest on the man. "How did you know that we're close?" He asked, somewhat curious since the man hadn't seen them together. He smiled sadly. "I could see it in your eyes".


It took forever for him to reach the room. But when he finally stood there in front of the door. It felt like everything left him. His hands was trembling and his heart was fluttering in his chest. Longing to see his boyfriend. And when he opened the door he couldn't help but smile. He looked peaceful. Quietly he closed the door with a sigh, drew a chair to the bed and then sunk down on it to gently embrace Akano's hand. Lending him his own warmth as he looked at the other one. "Hey Akano...I'm here now" He softly whispered, placed a kiss on his hand and then rested his cheek on it. Just waiting for tomorrow to come.

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A soft groan left Akano's mouth as he shifted a bit on the bed and instantly winced in pain. His golden eyes slowly opened, staring at the white ceiling as a soft sigh left his lips. Where was he?.. The red head tried to lift himself up, but only succeeded a bit - he was now sitting and leaning against the pillows... When he realized he couldn't feel his legs. The DJ swallowed a hard lump in his throat as he looked down at his chest, feeling the bandages and burning pain - not only there, but all over his body...


His gaze slowly turned to a blond by his side and he smiled softly, slowly moving a hand on the other's hair, beginning to stroke it lightly as he breathed out shakily. He'd broken up with him... Then he drove off and... Oh, and he hit a car. That was what happened. He must've passed out... How long had it been since he was last awake? The red head looked around to find a clock and sighed - it showed twenty-five past nine, and judging from what he could see through the window, it was morning. Guess he'd just wait for the other to wake up...

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Where he was everything was like it used to be. His hand gently embraced by his boyfriend's as they laughed together. Oh, that wonderful laughter. He could just sit down and listen to it all day. A hand stroke his cheek, softly as he felt his warmth breaths against his ear. Whispering his name. But the strange thing was that he couldn't see him. He couldn't see his face or familiar red hair. He only felt him. Heard his voice inside of his head as he enjoyed the feeling of his fingers wandering through his hair. His lips, caressing his cheek. But when he tried to reach out to the other one everything disappeared. So he stayed still. Smiling and leaning into the soft and lovely touch of the older one. Then suddenly, it became weaker and weaker. The boy screamed after the other one as his voice faded away. And then, he was alone.


Slowly, very slowly he returned to what he assumed was reality. Waking up to the familiar touch of a hand softly playing with his hair. His black eyelashes sluggishly fluttered as he opened his eyes. And breathing rather loudly he raised his gaze to let it rest on the person beside him. At first he was stunned by the beauty that the other one possesed. Thinking that he didn't know him he slowly began to straighten his back, and not until he sat correctly his brain started to work. And it was then he without a second thought threw himself over him. Covering his face with feathery light kisses as he cried out his name and gently embraced him with his arms. "Akano!". Like a little kid he buried his face into the man's hair. Took a deep breath of that familiar wonderful smell of the other one and then realised what he was supposed to say. But at that lone moment it didn't matter.


After a while he sunk back on his place, weeping off his tears with his hands as he quietly sobbed and then took himself together to smile against the other one. But it was a rather sad smile that he gave his beloved one. "You stupid ass. What have I told you about driving fast on that thing? You almost killed yourself!".

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Akano let out a light chuckle when the other finally woke up, a soft smile on his face. The red head, however, hissed in pain when Yukio threw himself around him, making it hard to breathe. He closed his eyes tightly when the light kisses were placed all over his face while he himself sighed out - even his forehead was bandaged. He must've injured it by he broken shards of glass from the car window... His legs, his arms, hands and basically every piece of his body was covered in bandages. The fall sure did its job in making him wounded everywhere...


The DJ chuckled softly and lightly shook his head at what his boyfriend... Ex-boyfriend? He didn't know anymore. Anyway, what Yukio said. "But I'm alive." He said with a smile as if that was all that mattered. Still... The fact that he couldn't feel his legs was definitely hard to take. "How long was I asleep?" He asked quietly while looking around, raising one arm to look at it. "And... Could you get some doctor to come?... I... I can't feel my legs." Akano said softly as he looked at Yukio and smiled.

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That awaited light chuckle. Oh god, it felt like an eternity had passed since last time he had heard it. It calmed his heart. Made his face expression even more filled with emotions as his gaze slightly softened. The boy sighed, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes for a few seconds while the words quietly slipped past his lips. "Barely". Then, everything went downhil when the other one mentioned his legs. Immediately he lowered his gaze, gripped his own arm with his right hand and bit down in his lower lip as he tried to control his breathing. "You were asleep for a long time and..and there's something I need to tell you" He took in a deep breath. Gathered his courage and then straightened to release his arm and reach out to the other one to gently embrace his hand. "It wasn't only your arms, legs and head you hurt under that fall. But also your spine and the doctors said..they said that there is a possibility that..that you'll never be able to walk..again". In the beginning his voice had been clear and in normal tone but as he continued to speak it became more and more quiet. And it was filled with sorrow and pain. "I'm sorry" He whispered as he fought to restrain the tears and instead got up from the chair and released his hand to walk towards the door. "I'll go and get a doctor". Then he left him.


He should've stayed. He knew that running away wouldn't help. That this was inevitable. But still. Why did it hurt so much when it wasn't even him it circled around? He sunk down on the floor in the middle of the corridor. And there he sat, suppressed his tears until a hand landed on his shoulder. "Are you okay?". He looked up at that kind face of the man from before and he told him. Thereafter they returned to the room.

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Akano's golden eyes widened when he heard the words that came from Yukio. Never walk again?.. He gripped onto the bed sheets slightly as he slowly lowered his gaze while the blond walked away. His breathing shook as he closed his eyes and bit down on his lip, feeling his shoulders beginning to tremble slightly. That would mean him... Losing his life, for all he knew. He couldn't work like that, he couldn't ride his motorcycle... He couldn't live a normal life anymore. What was waiting for him? A wheelchair? People making fun of him? Or maybe no future at all? He'd rather be dead.


When Yukio came back with the doctor, Akano couldn't bring himself to look at them. "Is it true?" He only asked this as he stared at the bed sheets with pain written all over his face. The doctor sighed out softly as he nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid so. The chance that you will regain the ability to walk is very slim - and even if it is possible, it would require a lot of money... I'm really sorry to be saying this, but your only option right now is a wheelchair, if you ever wish to move on your own." He talked quietly as he glanced at the blond and let out a sad smile.

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That face that he gave him. It was unbearable because it stood written all over his face. That his life had ended the moment he got to know this. The young boy swallowed the lump of sadness in his throat and clenched his fists. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to look. Because this situation, he wasn't prepared for it at all. So he just stood there, looking down at the ground while the doctor told it all for him and then left a stunning silence after his words. Then he raised his gaze. "I'm sorry" He repeated for the second time, biting down in his lower lip. "It's all my fault, if I hadn't..If I hadn't dragged you out. If I hadn't become jealous than nothing of this would have happened. I'm sorry" He said, still on the verge to crying even though his face showed a rather bitter and compact expression. Only leaving his eyes as a way to see his true feelings. And the only thing his eyes showed was sadness.


Even if it was like this. Even if it turned out that Akano would never be able to walk he would always be there for him. Slowly walking up to his bed he sat down on the chair and held his hand, tightly in his own. "I'll do anything I can for you".

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Akano smiled sadly as he raised his gaze to the other, pain and hurt showing in his eyes. “It wasn't your fault...“ He said softly as the doctor left quietly - only then did the DJ let his expression falter and tears soon appeared, the pain reaching him whole. What Yukio said had those tears spilling and rolling down while his shoulders trembled. His whole life... It was like it ended in this moment. The red head gripped tightly on the other's hand as he cried silently, with his other hand hiding his face from everything. He hadn't cried like this ever in his life... He was always the cheerful guy, now he was simply broken.


His golden eyes were closed tightly as he took in a shaky breath and managed to squeeze out a small, weak smile. “Guess now there's no point in choosing between you and a job... I lost both...“ He whispered out as more tears rolled down his cheeks and he pulled his hand away to hide his face in both hands. Akano couldn't stand the idea of not being able to walk ever again... This was like a nightmare. A nightmare from which he would never wake up.

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His heart painfully fluttered as the tears slowly appeared. Rolled down along his cheeks like small diamonds. He embraced his lower lip and answered the hand that had began to squeeze his own. He couldn't do anything more. He couldn't say that he understood how it felt. He couldn't do anything to stop those tears. The younger one could only simply observe as he hid his face. As he hid himself from everything, not wanting to show any weakness. But even so Yukio could see the salt water that was decorating his cheeks. Slowly, very slowly he felt how that familiar lump appeared in his throat and that it got hard to breath. But this wasn't the right time for himself to feel sad. This was his moment. "You're wrong" He said with a slightly quivering voice as he reached out for the other one and placed himself on the bedside to then softly pull the older one into his embrace. And he managed to put on a soft smile as he gently ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm always gonna be here for you. Even if you yourself doesn't notice me. Even if you push me away I'll always stand beside you. Even at that time, my heart was with you" He quietly whispered and buried his face in Akano's hair to then start crying even though he was smiling.


This was unfair. So incredibly unfair. Why him? Why just Akano? He took in a deep sharp breath as he calmed himself down and then slowly began to release the other one from his grip as he removed Akano's hands from his face and cupped it with his hand. "Because I love you. More than you can imagine".

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Akano's eyes widened momentarily before his lower lip began trembling again and he just buried his face into the other's hair while the tears continued to roll. "I'm sorry..." He whispered out as he hugged the other tightly, tears streaming down his face like a waterfall - truly, he'd never cried like this before. "I love you... I love you so much..." He continued to whisper, finding himself unable to talk any louder than that. His whole world, his whole life was falling apart - and Yukio still... Stayed? The one he pushed away, he was the one who came back to him.


The red head took in a deep, shaky breath when his boyfriend pulled away and let out a sad smile at his words. The tall man raised his own hand to brush his thumb over the other's cheek before pulling him closer for a kiss. He closed his golden eyes as he held the blond close to himself, trying to just make him feel the gratefullness and love that slowly bloomed out in his heart. Yukio would be here.. He would always be...

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At this moment. When he ever so gently brushed his thumb over his cheek. Touched him so softly like he used to. This moment. Yukio wished that it would last forever. He took in a deep breath, let other one weakly pull him closer and they they kissed. And this kiss. It was like everything was like it had been before all of this. Before their breakup. Before he lost his legs. Before everything. When they then slowly parted and he slightly pulled away he softly embraced his lower lip. Tasting that familiar flavour that the other one always left behind. And then he opened his eyes and smiled against his boyfriend. There they was, fighting against the whole world. They thought against fate. And they fought against god and the devil that had tried to bring them down. When Akano would fall, he would help him up. Every time. He would keep him up on his legs even if it meant that he himself would be forced to lower himself to the ground. And if god wanted to punish someone of them. Then he should punish him, not Akano. Because he hadn't done anything wrong. Even though they say that age doesn't matter in love, it does. No one wants to admit it but it does. And they, that have nine years between them shouldn't be seeing each other. And still Akano kept him close. And still he kissed him, kept him alive with his warmth. Now it was his time to repay all this kindness that he had gotten from the other one.


Letting his arms be placed around his boyfriend's neck he leaned forward, gently caressed Akano's nose with his own as he closed his eyes. "Everything is going to be alright.." He ensured the other one as he softly smiled.

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Akano could feel his golden eyes filling up with tears again when he heard those simple words coming from his boyfriend. "You don't know that..." He whispered out as he pulled the other close and buried his face into his shoulder. His cheerful self was burried deep underneath the sadness and pain that he felt. There was no point in hiding that Yukio, even if he would stay with him forever, wouldn't be able to make things right. It would always feel like something was missing in his life... Some important detail, something that never seemed so big until you lost it.


The red head let out a soft, soft whimper as he pulled the blond close with both hands and took in a shaky breath. "Please don't leave..." He whispered out shakily, his voice sounding broken. He couldn't hide it. He was broken inside and outside. Akano felt like the tears wouldn't ever stop - as well as would put him back to sleep, which happened after a while. His hands slowly loosened as his breathing evened out, tears slowly drying out on his cheeks. Still, even in his sleep... He couldn't get rid of the painful sadness.

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The younger boy's face was drenched in a painful sadness as he listened to the words that he other one said. But still he wouldn't let the tears get the upper hand of him. He would remain strong for his sake. And while slipping his arms around his boyfriend's body a soft sigh left his lips as he leaned his cheek against the man's red soft hair. Raising his hand to the back of the red haired man's head he gently answered the other one that begged him to not leave him alone. "I won't". And with those two short words, a vague smile appeared on Yukio's lips as he waited.


He could remain in those position forever it felt like. Feeling the tears that rolled down his cheeks wet his shoulder. Listen to the quiet whimpers and sobs that left the other one. And he himself who simply sat there beside him. Just was there for him. As he always had wanted to. And as the grip around him became weaker and weaker he realised that this like everything else would end. And it did. It ended with that he let go of the other one, observing his pained sleeping face expression as he held his boyfriend's hand and then layed down beside him. "I'm here for you.." He softly whispered and then brought the man's hand to his heart. Placing it exaclty above it on his chest as he let his eyelids slowly drop. Letting himself finally cry as the other one was asleep. And he cried like it was his first time. At the same time as it felt like the tears didn't want to stop coming, he felt more and more drowsy for every minute that passed and finally. The younger one just like Akano soon fell asleep. Left this world for the moment.

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A few weeks passed and slowly, Akano was regaining his cheerful self. He was able to chat about basically anything with literaly anyone who came to visit him. A smile was usually on his face as he joked, laughed and just spent time with his friends or people he saw only once in his life. Even so, the sadness wasn't completely gone - he only let Yukio see that though. Only when they were alone could the red head talk about how bad he really felt, how everything felt like falling apart.


Today was the day Akano was both looking forward to and not. He was going to get the wheelchair... He'd been feeling nervous from the moment he woke up - good thing the blond was about to come as well... Akano managed to get him to focus more on his college than his boyfriend, after a while. He insisted that he'd be fine. The golden-eyed male let out a small smile at the nurse who came in with the wheelchair while Akano just stared at it for a while - so he was going to spend the rest of his life in this thing?..

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Days passed. And those days turned into weeks. Weeks of Akano being on the hospital. But he wasn't alone. People came to visit him almost every day. And he himself, did also (obviously) visit his boyfriend. When he wasn't studying, working or anything else he came to him. Played games with him, talked to him and simply was there for him. Just as he had promised. Today, was also a day he would visit him. But it wasn't just another normal day. No, because this was the day Akano would be released from the hospital and get the wheelchair. Just in time for his own birthday. It only remained a couple of few days before Yukio would become nineteen. He had also started to take lessons for driving license. Life went on. And so did them. But even so there were times when they both had to return to the past.


When he finally arrived at the hospital he stepped off the bus and let his phone and headset slide down in his jacket pocket. It had been a little colder than usual lately. But it wasn't strange. The summer was about to end. And more tests came up that he had to study to. It was getting busy. A light sigh left his lips as he began to walk. He had been here so many times that he had stopped counting them. Into the waiting room, past that, up one stair and there he was. Standing outisde his room. He softly knocked on the door before placing his hand on the handle. "Akano? I'm here now".

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