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The Devil and the school.... girl? (It's a trap)


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Kon'nichiwa! That would be cool :) I'm guessing you're the devil/demon character? What are the boundaries here? Because the character I had in mind is a vampire/demon mix, and he's a seke type.

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You can use him if you want, I'm not sure who I'm going to be at this stage... I still have to figure out other characters...


but feel free to talk amongst yourselves, this is open to anyone and anything, if you think you can make your character fit, then go for it! ^.^

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Name: Kristopher Michaelis

Nickname: Kris

Age: 18

Birthday: August 23rd

Gender: Male

Race: Demon/Vampire mix

Sexuality: Prefers not to say (is bi, but likes guys more)

Position: Seke



Skin: Slightly pale ivory

Eyes: Deep crimson red, with long black eyelashes. His eyes often change color

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair: A medium length, slightly wavy. It is a light blonde in color, with a touch of red to it

Body Structure: Thin, but not too much so

Marking(s): A strange mark on the palm of his left hand


vampir10.jpgThis is the marking on his hand


Clothing: When not in school uniform, Kris usually wears plain shirts, often black, white or red in color, and are button up. They are either short or long sleeved. For pants he wears jeans, blue, grey, or black in color. Any style really, but he prefers skinny jeans, or form fitting.


Personality: Kris is very mature, and is very princely in behavior. Often people come to him for advice, which he gives. He is somewhat aloof, and can be quite stubborn at times. For some people he is hard to get along with, and with others quite easy. He is a genius, getting top grades at the academy where he attends. When his vampire and demonic sides take over, his personality changes drastically, becoming quite dangerous and sadistic, enjoying to "hunt" his prey as he calls them. He can be quite cruel, finding hilarity in other beings pain, be it people, animals, or his own kind.


Background: Kris moved to the America's from Britain, moving with his family into an estate that had been in the family for centuries. He was soon enrolled into a top notch academy, and was almost immediately the most popular guy in the school. He got good grades, and joined a few clubs. He also got along well with the students and teachers. Outside of school, well that was a different matter all together. He often got into trouble, but somehow his parents never heard of this side of Kris. Before moving to America, not much is known of the history of the Michaelis family, except that they are one of the richest families in town, and that they held quite the standard back in Britain.


Abilities: Manipulation of the elements, mainly shadow, fire, and wind. Reading minds, controlling people's actions, telepathy, teleportation, shape shifting, becoming invisible, and flying are a few of his many abilities. He mainly shape shifts into either a large raven, a large black wolf, or a big fluffy black cat. All of his shape shifts are animals, and they are usually black in color, their eyes always red.


Image: blonde11.jpg

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Karou Thiago









January 21st, 1995









105 Ibs


~Seme or Uke~

Uke all the way


~Relationship Status~

Single, has been single all his life.







Petite and slender






Bright blue


~Casual Clothing~

Skirts, dresses, anything cute


~Overall Appearance~

Karou is very slim/slender/petite. He has pink hair past his waist, which he always keeps clean and brushed. He has bright cerulean eyes. He has pale, smooth skin that doesn't have any freckles.








- Sweets(Has a MAJOR sweet tooth)

- Cute things

- Animals

- Drawing

- Playing the piano



- Loud noise

- Being grabbed suddenly

- Rude/Mean people

- Water



- Violence/Fighting

- The dark

- Small or enclosed spaces

- Heights

- Never being good enough

- People he cares about leaving him



He wants to help make the world a better place.


~Self Esteem Level~

It is very low. He doubts himself a lot and more often than not he ends up not doing something because he thinks he won't be good at it.



- He is very smart

- He doesn't judge a person if he doesn't know them well



- He trusts far too easily

- He is oblivious about a lot of things, especially others feelings towards him


~Overall Personality~

Karou is a very quiet boy who really just sits on the sidelines and doesn't interact with people. Karou hardly ever speaks and if he does it's in a very quiet voice. He is very kind and gentle and likes helping people. He gets upset very easily and tends to cry. He can be startled or scared quiet easily and he tends to blush and get flustered a lot. Karou can be oblivious about a lot of things, especially others feelings towards him and while he is hesitant to let people near him at first, once he opens up and gets to know a person he is very trusting and will never doubt that person. He doesn't give his heart away very easily but once he does he is devoted to that person, loving them with his whole being.





He doesn't know, he was left by them at a very young.



None, at least that he is aware of.


~Significant Other~

None, but he wishes for one with all his heart.


~Place of birth~

It's unknown to him.



He doesn't like to talk about it. When asked he gets a haunted look in his eyes and refuses to speak anymore until the subject has passed.


~Random Info~

Karou can't swim and he is scared of clowns..

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wow, they're pretty detailed sheets.


I tend to try and stay away from angsty characters, but I think I can make one to suit the RP, maybe be teacher or another student, however, if no one else wants to join, you two are pretty much set...

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I think.... I'm going to be the school counselor... who also just happens to be an exorcist...


How does that grab you?

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Admittedly I'm not all that keen on character sheets, preferring to do all the describing in the opening posts. However, if you're desperate that I do one, I can see what I manage to rustle up...

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Ok... seeing as it just appears to be us three... what sort of plot are you after, what directions do you want to go?


Do you want smut? No smut? Funny? Angsty? Suggestions?

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Anything really. You can all count on me to keep things interesting though, no matter what is chosen for the theme

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Hrrm... I can't remember the last time I wrote anything vaguely romantic... and I have a habit of introducing NPCs...


I have an RP where I'm actually playing two characters... >.>


Do we have any ideas on a title?

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