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Dreaming Agency / 기관 꿈 / 代理店を夢見て ( Clover & CutiePie )


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  • CutiePie


  • クローバー (Clover)


"Watch yourself, there~" Yu Jin said. "Should've mentioned that the roof was kinda low beforehand. Anyway, do you know any good places? I need a haircut myself."

Yu Jin looked at his hair in the rear view mirror and was a little shocked at how shaggy it looked.

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"ah..you should go to my favourite salon...Le Diana...there were many girls staring me because i'm the only who are a boy.." Kagari said while sighed. "man...life..." Kagari said

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"Sure! Just tell me where to turn, okay?" Yu Jin said. "I've never been there before."

While Yu Jin knew many of the salons in the area, he never went to that particular one before. That mere fact that he knew nothing about it made it all the more interesting.

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"alright..2 days ago, a woman who worked there tell me that they are going to move at a new place. and the woman gived me the adress card." Kagaru gived Yu the adress card.

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"Thanks!" Yu Jin entered the address in his GPS and drove off. "So how'd you find out about this place? Word on the street? Newspaper?"

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"neither. i was walking on the street..and i found Le Diana..." Kagaru said. "hey...do you know the number 1 top model here? Jin Naayo. a model from korean, he's popular, fast at reading, fast at making money. my number one goal is to beat that guy and become number one." Kagari said. "but sadly, that wouldn't come true." Kagari sighed.

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"Jin Naayo? I think he was the one who canceled on me last minute. He's always been the type to have his head in the clouds, so he very quickly abandons prior arrangements if better ones come while he waits." Yu Jin said, continuing to drive. "I think that competition is not important at all in this industry. As long as you're happy with what you're doing, that's all that matters."

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"well...um...i know! i just wanted..uh...to get a girl.." Kagari sighed. "ah! the salon there!" Kagari said. Kagari open the door and run to the driver's door, he opened the door. "you're welcome, milady." Kagari laughed. "ah! Ka-chan! welcome back!" An old woman run to Kagari and Yu."is this your girlfriend, Ka-chan?" the woman asked. "wait?! what?! no! he's a boy!" Kagari said while he blushed.

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Yu Jin had barely any time to turn off the car before being pulled out of the vehicle.

"H-hey! I'm Yu Jin Kim." he introduced himself, laughing.

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"uh..Yu let's go in, this old woman always dont see that bright." Kagari sighed, while he walked to the Le Diana's door and go in.

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Yu Jin walked in and looked around. He hadn't seen a salon as well kept as this one. He looked at the waiting area and saw the latest issue of D-BOY. He picked it up and started reading it, looking for pictures of himself.

"Wow, looks like this issue was quite popular." he said. "Ah, that picture was hell to pose for. I remember the photographer telling me to move my head a couple degrees to the right."

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"then..did you do it? the pose?" Kagaru asked. he goes to the Salon owner. "ah..Ka-chan!" the owner smiled. "wee need 2 professional people that going to make our hair handsome. also hello, Teressa." Kagaru laughed.

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"Yeah. I did." Yu Jin showed his friend the picture. He was suspended off of an edge, but his elbow was aligned with the ground the rest of his body laid on to make it look like his upper body was floating. "My neck still kinda hurts from that."

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Kagari laughed. "Ka-Chan, the professionals are here." Teressa said. "ah...good, Yu let's go!" Kagari said he take Yu hands and put Yu to a chair. "alright, you. do what the best for Yu hair." Kagari said while he started to sit. "You. give me the most awesome hair style. " Kagaru said while he take a magazine from the table. it was BOY-D issue 54 where Jin Naayo in there.

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Yu Jin was a little shocked when they pulled him over to a chair. He kept the magazine with him and read it as he sat.

Wow, I didn't know my clientele would be here. he thought.

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after a few minutes..the professional are done.

"Done~!" the both of them said. "hah. that's why i picked the professionals." Kagari chuckled feeling proud of himself. "alright, Yu. let's go to the modeling place" Kagari gave a little smile.

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"Didn't I tell you it wasn't until tomorrow? But we can still check out the venue. Hopefully, the head of the magazine will be there so he can meet you early!" Yu Jin said. "By the way, great job with the haircut!"

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"oh right..why am i so fast forgetting...anyway, how bout today we tell them...that i'm going to replace that guy and i will the director about me. how bout that?" Kagari said.

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"Sure, let's get going then!" Yu Jin took Kagari to his car and started it up. He was excited to show his boss this new boy he literally found on the street and saw potential in. Not many stories like that happened in the modeling world, and he wanted his friend to be one of the first to have that story.

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Yu Jin drove to the site of the next photo shoot... Well... As close to it as he could go. He stopped at an unpaved parking lot that was empty. Trees surrounded them with the exception of a small area that was part of a path.

"It's down this path. There's an oasis area that the director found, and it's absolutely gorgeous, according to his words." Yu Jin said, starting to walk down the path.

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"I'm not sure. People I know told me that I looked good in almost every photo I appeared in on Facebook, even if I wasn't necessarily a part of the picture. I ended up sending a couple of my photos on Facebook to a modeling agency, and they said I had potential, but needed professionals to make them better. I ended up redoing all those photos to make them more professional and submitted them to the director of D-BOY. Hence why I have this job right now." he said while walking. "Keep going. We're almost there."

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