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Back Again,Needing a Seme For Role Plays


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I have 2 ideas.

And All I ask is that there is a chance you can reply at least once a day,if you can't just let me know please.


1. -The Run Away Pet,And The Prideful Master

This role play is about a run away pet!The Master had went to bed one night after a long and fustrating day,he had not yet tamed his little pet.The Master forgot to lock his pet up(Whichever you choose to work with on locking him up in is fine) and so the pet ran away,with no problem since he already perfecatlly knew the layout of the house.

He ran and ran and 3 years later the pet still has not been caught.He is on a list of pets,so everyone knows that a pet is missing,but he hides his looks and changed his name.This pet is the only one the Master hasn't been able to tame and so he does for a fact want him back.It's one thing to have an untamed Pet in the world of Masters,but it's another to have an untamed pet that ran away!The Master's pride is at stake,so his goal is to capture his pet again and tame him too! Here I play the run away pet



I want to do a KanameXZero role play as well.I was doing one,but the person up and abondened the role play :'( I would play Zero and if interested we can think up a plot for it.

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This is three.If you want to we can try this one if not,move on to the next one my student =^.^=

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lets play run away pet if you don't mind

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