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Suddenly Omega (Yukonwolfspirit x Akiravadel 18+)


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Blinking in surprise he blushed a little at his comment about him being cute. Chuckling softly he watched the other man trying to compose himself, "how silly." Hearing the knock he stood looking at the door. Oh the doctor? 

"My paperwork? Um... okay, no we can do this now," he looked over at his new mate. "Just... let me know what it is and I'll talk to the doctor." The blond stood there determined to figure things out and at least start to understand what was going on. Although... he blushed a little. "Can I have pants?" He gave him a shirt but he was still bottomless. He didn't want to meet the doctor half naked. 

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“…well you won’t have papers yet to identify with my household but I’ll get that sorted you just behave for the nice man.” Yukie teased as he walked over and picked up his pants not having any in his size. Setting them beside his mate he stepped outside and let the doctor into his room taking the papers from one of his men to look over. Reading it a little he stepped to the side letting the male in only after his mate had dressed. “This is Yuen he’s our family doctor he’s quite good at it to” Yukie explained as he took his work over to a chair beside the bed not leaving his mate alone.

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Oh wow even paperwork like that? This claim thing was like a marriage it seemed, "oh okay.  Thank you." He took the pants pulling the string to fit him but with being curvy he wasn't that much smaller than him. 

When the doctor came in he smiled softly,  "Thank you for coming so quickly." He was thankful that Yukie stayed, he didn't know this doctor yet. 

The Doctor smiled to him,  "of course.  I'm never far." He began examining him and even pricking his finger for a sample. "Any pain?"

"No not pain. Just whatever this heat stuff is," Zin blushed a little but he had to tell him. 

"Depending on your genes of omega it'll differ. That test will tell me," listening to his breathing and checking the mark he leaned back afterwards. "You want suppressants and a contraceptive?"

"I'm... I'm not sure. Maybe just the contraceptive for now. I want to know what I'm getting into here first before coming to terms with having a child as a man," Zin was still surprised.

"Omega, better than a man," the Doctor corrected. "I don't feel that your proper organs are there yet. You can't be pregnant yet. Just for next time I'll have them sent here. When you transform into your were form in a couple nights you'll get everything then. It'll be rather painful but know it gets easier after that."

The test clicked and the doctor looked.  Frowning he looked closer,  "that can't be right..." He went through his notebook before gasping in surprise. "I can't believe it. I've never seen this in my forty years as a doctor. Yukie, he's a highbred omega. Are you sure you were human before?"

"Yes... what's a highbred?" Zin asked confused. They were elite and incredibly rare omegas. Top of the line breeding, sturdy, best in bed because they didn't require lube, smart as a whip and strong genes.

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“Trust me he was human when bit as far as I knew” Yukie replied as he set his papers down and looked at the doctor. “It was a bad timing situation where he got bit it was based on smell rather then lineage.” Yukie added with a frown as he continued working on his mates paperwork. Upon hearing the doctors words Yukie looked up with a frown. “Test must be wrong most highbreds are tracked to where they are born to where they end up!” Yukie added as he looked at the doctor. “Test again.” He ordered not wanting  to get his mates future paperwork wrong or introduction to society. 

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"Yes sir," taking another sample he ran it again this time on three of them just in case. Then he took a vial of blood. "I'll send it in for more testing. We need to know blood type and everything."

"O-okay," Zin sat not knowing what this really meant. "Will I need to be locked up when I change?"

"That's up to your alpha," the Doctor said not knowing what he had planned. 

The tests clicked and the doctor looked at them again. Positive. Highbred. Gesturing to them he looked at Yukie, "Highbred Omega.  All four tests. I'm sending his blood in but I'm sure it'll still come back positive."

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“….alright. We’ll see if you can trace his medical records and family tree.” Yukie asked as he frowned unsure of what to do now. “ we will need the medicine. Tomorrow then correct dosage and types to help with hormones and conception. We aren’t looking to have pups so soon” Yukie added already wanting the doctor out of his room. “You can leave.” Yukie added as he looked back at his mate standing in front of him more. Gently grabbing Zins chin he looked into his eyes.

“Change of plans your moving here and quitting school and your job. I’ll have my men pack up your house.” Yukie explained to his mate not daring to even let him for a moment out of his sight. “Your not allowed to be alone until I know you won’t attack anyone last thing I need is a harem.” Yukie grumbled as he looked at his paperwork knowing he would have to start all over but this time with the elders filling them out. Since his mate was a high breed…it would be more of a process to have him protected under Yukie and to show he belonged to Yukies clan.

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The Doctor served his urgency so he packed up and nodded his head with a chuckle, "alright. Make sure to not go too crazy." He left them be wondering just how this could happen. Anyone would come in and try to steal him,  master or not he was incredibly valuable. 

"Wait what?" Zin stood up baling his hands into fists. "You can't be serious. What the hell is going on?" Glaring at him just a moment ago it was fine now he was to be locked away?! "I'm not going to be your prisoner." Gritting his teeth he wondered if he should've ran before when he was naked. 

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“You don’t get a choice. I’m not letting my mate get kidnapped to be sold to the highest bidder to use for breeding.” Yukie snapped with a glare his voice angry and daring his mate to argue. “Your staying here that’s final. If I have to chain you to my bed until you learn your place and obey then I will!” Yukie snarled his alpha side showing as he looked at his mate letting his face go. “Behave and it won’t become like that.” Yukie whispered as he grabbed his papers and walked out of the room to cool down and make some phone calls the wolf locking the doors behind him.

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Zin flinched backing down from him and even his knees gave out. That snarl rocking him to his core. His inner omega was terrified even if his human side was just mad.  Angry tears came to his eyes rubbing to the door trying to get out. Pounding on the door he shouted, "let me out you asshole!" 

Gritting his teeth he growled trying a couple other doors only finding the closet and a pantry in the bathroom. Trying the window it didn't budge. Angry he threw a couple pillows. Curling up in the bed he pulled the blankets over and moved the pillows around him,  nesting into the bed. He was so mad. The whole room smelled of angry omega. 

He wasn't about to just roll over and let this guy uproot his life! There was no way he was quitting his life! 

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Yukie spent the night out of the house busying himself with work and helping his men pack up and move everything. While setting up he worked on submitting his mates paperwork and finished it to the point where he was thinking about how he should mark his mate more visibly. Looking through his mates house he left it to be finished packing and went off to go get his new precious omega a gift. Around ten am he came back to the main house and his room breakfast in hand for his mate along with an armful of gifts in three bags on his arm. Letting himself in the room he stood waiting for his mate to throw things at him or scream at him more since the room smelled like a very pissed off mate was still there.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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Zin's house was simple apartment,  painting things and plants. He had a mini garden on his patio with herbs and peppers. He'd lived a simple life up till then.

By the morning he couldn't believe he left him bored in there by himself. Used to getting up early he kept himself busy doing some exercises, bathed, then dressed. Looking out the window he was bored out of his mind by then and mad still.

Hearing the door open he turned to him seeing the gifts in his hand, "oh piss off. Are you seriously thinking I'll just roll over and be okay because you brought gifts?" He crossed his arms just so damned mad. How could someone lock another person up?!

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“No, but I made sure you plants arrived here safe and that your getting breakfast.” Yukie added as he looked at his angry mate. “I’ve brought you a collection of collars to choose from. There the newest line and made quite beautifully.” Yukie explained as he set the food down on the small table and the bags on a chair. Opening the largest box he looked at the set before setting it down for his mate to choose from. “You must wear one each day….”

”When my order is done you’ll wear my alpha (clan) collars marking you as mine so others can visibly see who you belong to. I’m having them specialty made for you so you’ll have to deal with these for a week at most” Yukie explained with a small sigh trying to make his mate understand it was for the best. “ I do expect you to at least look at some of the things I got you.” Yukie added as he had bought his mate paints and canvases and a few other things he had observed at his mates home. “I want you to be happy and safe” Yukie whispered as he walked over to his mate wanting his mate to forgive him.

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The collar only made things worse. Growling low on his chest,  he didn't even realize he was doing it. His omega was warning his alpha that he was angry, "I'm not your pet."

Zin sat on the side of the bed with folded arms and turned his face away. Huffing he then said,  "I'm not stopping my college. We agreed online before. I was trying to meet you halfway with this." Turning to look back at him he glared. "I get I'm something crazy rare but I don't care. I'm not going to live in fear and hide away. That's not living. I don't want to be locked up in here waiting for you to return. That's not fair. That's not okay." He hadn't heard a peep till he returned and that terrified him more than anything else. 

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“Your infuriating.” Yukie growled back as he paced the room curing his mates stubbornness. “Fine fine. I’ll allow collage online….but the collar stays if you leave the house you have to wear it or at least wear something that’s mine until your actual collars are done” Yukie offered trying to meet his mate halfway despite his desire to forcefully make him obey. “I won’t budge on the collar bit. You know nothing of the world you’ve become apart of. Least you could do is keep yourself safe.” Yukie added his body calming down a touch more as he kneeled in front of his mate resting his head back on his lovers lap.

“Please for my sake. I’ll give you all the freedom you want but I need you to show you belong to me. I don’t want your hurt or killed” Yukie whispered his alpha side of him almost begging also.

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Watching him he was glad he calmed down about the restrictions and was taking it through with him. The anger started fading to more just annoyed by the end but at least he wasn't livid anymore, "fine I'll wear it. You just need to tell me the reason why and not just lock me up."

Unfolding his arms he reached down to boop his nose,  "you need to work on your communication skills. Of course I'm going to fight when I'm cornered." He sighed softly,  "we know nothing about each other. So just compare it to you. You wouldn't like it if I just locked you up would you?" That calm nature was back trying to help him understand. 

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“Your a high omega. Your great a sex and having pups. A real treasure. Most are sold to high ranking clans and if you aren’t careful you could be captured and sold as nothing more then a breeding wolf sent to whoever wants pups from you.” Yukie explained with a small sad frown. “You’ll be treated more like livestock if your unclaimed.”

”What I’m doing now is ensuring your collared while alone proving your claimed to everyone else and on top of that I’m papering you claiming you as my clan mate and future wife making you untouchable but…I need to get the elders approval only them you’ll be safe and untouchable. But it takes time so it’s safer to keep you close and collared.” Yukie explained as he blushed at the nose boop. “I will try to be better. I’m not use to explaining I usually ask and people follow no questions asked or second guessing” Yukie added with a small smile as he snuggled his mate a touch more.

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Now that he was explaining Zin understood. He sighed softly and gently ran his fingers through his hair,  "Thank you for explaining." He appreciated that he took the time to let him know so he could calm down. 

"I understand why you did it now. I'm not one to just listen without question. I don't care if you're the king of the world I'm still going to treat you the same. You're since a person like me. Alpha or omega," Even being what he was turned into he was very different. He had nothing against challenging him and demanding answers. Not even a problem pulling him back down to earth helping reign in that alpha nature and calm things down. Gently petting his hair he took a deep breath calmed down now himself,  "what did you want to show me? Collars and bags?"

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“Mmh…” Yukie mumbled enjoying the soft head pets as he listened to his mate only feeling his alpha side grow. As his mate talked about them being the same rank since he had been born into the wolf world and raised different. “Mmh treating you like an equal will need work on my half. Alphas don’t do that kind of submissive stuff and they rarely submit unless begging for their mates forgiveness” Yukie explained as he looked up at Zin. “I will truly try…to behave better and talk to you.”

“ I’ll also treat you more fairly if you agree to trust and listen to me and try not to push my alpha side to much. While you say we are equals…I am an alpha and my word in this household is law while I’m fine discussing things if you constantly undermine me I’ll be less forgiving and will have to put you in your place.” Yukie explained making in his mind  a decent compromise for his mate. At the mention of the collars and bags Yukies head perked up more as he got up and quickly brought his mate the box with the collars and the three bags full of gifts that where various sizes and all wrapped. “I wanted to make up for ruining things so…I explored your house and bought you some things you might like” Yukie explained showing him the bags and then the collars that where made with extremely soft leather.

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"I'm not asking for submission, just respect," Zin didn't fully understand but he didn't feel like he was making him lower than him just talking to him. "Thank you." He smiled softly down at him with that sweet smile of his. Raising a brow at his comment about pushing his alpha side he shrugged his shoulders, "I can't guarantee I won't push. I'm still learning all this stuff. I'm still learning to trust you."

It wasn't like this guy bit him, turned him then locked him up. The trust wasn't there to begin with. Watching how excited he was to bring him the items he chuckled softly. He was like a little kid and that was very endearing. Blushing when he said he explored his things, "did they pack... everything?" His face went red wondering if they found the fleshlight in his side bedroom drawer. 

Turning his attention to the collars he touched one of them feeling how soft it is, "I like green. It's my favorite color but... whatever one I should wear you can pick. I trust you to pick a good one." He then looked to the other things getting excited about his painting things and plants. 

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“Respect I can do” Yukie agreed as he winced at the fact he would have to gain his mates trust and to do that he would be more open to his mates wishes and needs. “I will try.” Yukie added added as he smirked at his mates blushing and question. “ honestly I expected more lacy thongs maybe a porno magazine” Yukie teased as he smirked having found his mates dirty little toy. “I tucked that in my coat pocket to save you the embarrassment.” Yukie explained as he set the gifts on the bed and walked back to his coat and pulled out the flesh light. “It smelled like you so I got curious” Yukie admitted as he walked back to the bedside and tucked it away in the nightstand along with the few other toys he had in there.

Turning back he smiled warmly at his mate admiring the green collar and walked back towards Zin. “Mmh green defiantly is your color.” Yukie whispered as he took the collar out of its holder. “May I put this on you later when we go out for a walk?” Yukie asked curiously wondering if his mate would like to visit the garden and the woods outback. 

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Groaning his hand went over his face when he said he found it. His porno wasn't magazines he had other ways. Watching him take it out only turned his face more red, "that was a joke gift that... I kept." He used to have a vibrator but he broke it and couldn't bring himself to buy a new one. Looking at the drawer he wondered what other toys he had in there. Yesterday had been scary but felt really good.

"Y-Yeah... a walk sounds nice. I feel cooped up in here," Zin stood up running his hand over his face trying to ease the redness on his face. "...it won't be kinky like yesterday will it?" He glanced over to the drawer. This guy had a lot of toys and now had his toy. Maybe he was a bit of a perv himself, he used that every night but now he was with someone so things would be different. It seemed like they were going to share a room so he wondered what they were going to get up to in there.

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“Mmh sure it was~” Yukie teased finding his mates blushing face cute as he was truly embarrassed. “I’m glad you’ll join me I enjoy my evening runs and I hope when you have your wolf form you’ll be able to run alongside me” Yukie admitted with a happy smile as he settled down on the bed to relax.  At the mention of sex Yukie snickered in amusement. “My didn’t we fuck enough?” Yukie asked with a devilish smile as he looked at his mate finding the red blush rather adorable on his mates cheeks knowing it came from the thought of them doing things. “Well, that depends on how tiered I am or stressed on some of my work days. But it can be course I’m going easy on you when it comes to my toy collection I mean I do have a sex room course the whole house is being remodeled where my room is so I’ve had to store everything in the guest room” Yukie explained his side of the house having been redone and upgraded since he was wanting the mansion to feel more like his home then his parents old home.

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Zin was kind of looking forward to having a wolf firm,  it sounded fun. Although his mind was muddled with embarrassment right now,  "a whole room for sex? Isn't that just the bedroom?" He honestly didn't know,  it sounded like something out of a porno or bdsm video. Trying to save his face from being so red he tried to follow the change in subject,  "why are you remodeling?" Since their sudden split last night he didn't know where the videos were to watch them so he didn't know yet. Plus with his anger he wasn't about to watch something about him last night. That would've just confused him and made him madder.

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“Not the way I use and decorate it” Yukie replied with a smirk as he poked at his mate with his finger amused by his response to having a sex room. “ goodness your going to be so fun to play with and torment” Yukie teased with a lighthearted laugh enjoying spending time with Zin. “Oh, I’m remodeling because dumbass wolf me liked to chew on things growing up and then drunk wolf me enjoyed chewing on things as an adult. I’ve basically destroyed a lot of it while teething and being drunk. So repairs are in order and needed to make it more livable for me.”

”Plus….my parents had bad taste on color schemes and furniture the house feels old and very dark and cold” Yukie admitted as he looked around the older room. “Want to see where your room is?” Yukie asked having had the men add on a section just for his mate. “Originally I wanted to surprise you when it was done but I wouldn’t mind your input on size for the sunroom.” Yukie admitted wanting to make a home his mate would also feel comfortable in and enjoy.

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The little poke and tear didn't help him trying to get rid of the blush on his face,  it only made it spread. He couldn't imagine the things in there and knew at some point he'd be taken in there. Not that it probably wouldn't feel good but still. 

Heading him talk about chewing things just made him giggle.  Like a bad dog getting in trouble, "it sounds like you're the one on need of punishment." He surprised himself with the sex joke. Clearing his throat he nodded his head about his room,  "sure. I wasn't expecting to get my own room. That sounds really nice." It would be good to have his own space for projects. Although he didn't know what all to expect here. He assumed from the little he knew so far that omegas were really treated badly,  "Thank you for being kind to me." Looking up at him he smiled warmly with that adorable expression and even reached out to gentle holds his hand. 

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