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◘ Errand of Love ◘ [• Tsu-kun and didz015 (Private) •]


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Errand of Love




In Okugawa High School, there is a group of delinquents that is called Raion Group who is feared by the students and the teachers. The group's leader, Souji Balad is stronger than any other people. He is also smart and his family is so rich that the school's finances are funded by his family. If isn't because of his family, the school would have a major problem in money issue. Because of this, the teachers couldn't oppose him. Many groups of delinquents from other schools have tried to fight this group but failed. But one thing for sure, in this group, they also have an errand boy who is always told to do this and that. His name is Taketa Fusaki. He is kind of a weak and a clumsy person. He is also not that bright either but he is a very kind-hearted person and always do the job obediently. This the story of romance between the leader and the errand boy.









Name : Taketa Fusaki

Age : 18

Position : Uke

Occupation : Student of Okugawa High School, a third year student.

Description : Taketa Fusaki is the errand boy of the Raion Group. He joined the group because of his admiration toward the leader of group, Souji Balad. Souji had once saved him from being beat up by some delinquents. Ever since then, he joined the group even though he is a weak and a clumsy person. At first, he was not accepted because to become a member, he has to be strong and good at fighting. Fusaki knew that he can't become like that at all but he still wanted to join the group anyway so he volunteered to be an errand boy for the group. In the end, Souji accepted him to be the group's errand boy. Fusaki is not that smart but he is a very kind-hearted person. He always did the errands for the group without complaining and would do the job obediently whenever he is giving a task.






The sound of his shoes against the floor could be heard through the hallway of a deserted building behind the Okugawa High School. A panting sound also could be heard as he was running through the hallway towards a certain door. His hands were full of different kinds of drinks. He was having some trouble carrying them along the way.


As he was about to reach his destination, one of his shoes slipped on floor. He stumbled but he quickly stabled his position before he could fall on the ground. "Wow!" The word escaped from his mouth as he held the drinks even tighter. He stood there for seconds and looked at the drinks that he was carrying.


A sigh of relief released from his mouth as he held the drinks more carefully. 'That's a relief. If I hadn't made it, the drinks would have fall out of my hands and scatter on floor.' His heartbeats were still beating fast. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. After he counted to 10, he blew it out. He opened his eyes and looked at the door in front of him. 'Here I go.'


He tried to turn the doorknob even though his hands were full of drinks. After he succeeded, he pushed the door open with his right arm. A group of delinquents came into his view. The place was a bit moldy and there were a few broken chairs and desks. Some sunlight entered the room through the windows to make it a little brighter.


"I'm back with the drinks that all you of wanted," he said as he smiled at them. When they heard his voice, they turned their heads toward him.


"Fusaki! You are back! That took you so long. We are dying with thirst here," one of them said as he rubbed his throat as a sign of that his throat is dry.


"So sorry." Fusaki smiled apologetically at him. He walked toward him and gave him the drink he asked for.


"Fusaki! My drink." A familiar voice of the leader reached to Fusaki's ears. He turned around his body and there, he saw the leader of the Raion Group, sitting on a chair majestically with his arm crossed to his chest. He stretched out his right palm toward Fusaki.


"Oh! Here's your drink, leader!" said Fusaki respectably as he quickly walked toward the leader. He bowed 90 degrees in front of him as he extended his drink to him with his right hand while the other hand was holding the other drinks tightly to his chest to make sure that the drinks do not fall out of his hold.

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Name: Souji Balad

Age: 18

Position: Seme

Occupation: Student of Okugawa High School, a third year student; leader of the Raion Group; only son of one of the richest families in Japan

Description: Souji is the leader of the delinquent group named Raion. Not only that his family is rich, to which the school highly depends on their finances, but he is also intelligent, cunning and is good in martial arts. His grades are not a problem. In fact, he could be in the top of the class if he would want to. Even if he is not reviewing, he has still high grades. He also has superb athletic and fighting capabilities. If not for his laid-back attitude, the teachers could have pursued him to join martial art competitions or any other sport for that matter. The only problem is that he is a delinquent. He looks down on others, and he loves to fight. He would tear everything that comes in his way, making sure that his enemies would suffer their whole lives, slowly and painfully. By these facts, the teachers are unable to oppose any of devious his acts towards the other students, to the school's property and to his acts outside the school. Yes, no one could stop him.




It's spring, the sakura petals were slowly falling to the ground outside the cracked windows of the small hideout of the Raion Group. Supposedly, it was class hours but the members of the gang skipped classes, as always. They don't care about the teachers, about the school regulations. Nothing at all. School, it is stupid in the first place.


The breeze was touching the face of Souji. It was cool. His brown hair was swayed by the wind. He closed his purple eyes. Is this what you call peaceful? Souji cracked a smirk on his face. Shit... This is boring. Nothing else amuses me. Plain, boring life.


The door creaked slowly and a voice came out. It was cheerful and lively. Our errand boy, Fusaki. Why is he always smiling like an idiot?


Fusaki started to give out the drinks that he was asked to buy to a nearby store. Could we even call him a member of the Raion? He's not even scary. How could he defend himself like that? Such stupidity... Well at least, we have an errand boy here.


Souji knotted his eyebrows together. "Fusaki! My drink." He commanded with big bossy voice.


"Here's your drink sir!" Fusaki bowed to him.


Souji does not show his emotions too much. He learned this from his father. In business tactics, you must always wear a poker face. A smile to hide anger or insult, or a blank face in business matters. This way others would not be able to see what is in your mind.


As Fusaki gave him the drink with much respect, Souji just maintained his solid face. But in his mind, he asked, "Why is he always smiling? Is there something to smile about? Even if he is the lowest of the lowest ranks in Raoin, how he could still be cheerful? In the first place, why did he even join Raoin?


Souji got the cold drink. He opened it and came the swishing sound from inside can. Suddenly, bubbles came rushing out. They overflowed and spilled on the hand of Souji.


"You!!" A member suddenly shouted. "Aren't you careful enough in carrying the drinks here???" He pointed with his index finger the hand of Souji holding the drink which is now wet. "This is such a simple task and you did not even accomplish it properly!!?? You f*cking idiot!!"


As other members started to shout in anger, two other members came towards Fusaki ready to punch him.

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Fusaki's eyes were wide as saucers when he saw the drink squirted out and spilled onto the leader's hand. He suddenly realized what he did. 'I'm so stupid! Why didn't I carry them more carefully. If only I don't run while carry the drinks, this wouldn't have happen. Taketa Fusaki, you're so stupid and careless!' He scolded himself in his mind.


Suddenly, an angry voice shouted at him. "You!!" This made him surprised and scared as he stopped his track of keeping scolding himself in his mind. He turned his head around toward the one who shouted at him. "Aren't you careful enough in carrying the drinks here???" His voice was full of anger as he pointed his index finger toward the leader's hand which holding the drink.


"This is such a simple task and you did not even accomplish it properly!!?? You f*cking idiot!!" Fusaki twitched as the guy shouted insult at him. He was about to say sorry but suddenly two members of the Raion Group came toward him with the purpose of hitting him.


Fusaki's legs turned into jelly and he just stood there while still holding the drinks tightly to his chest. He didn't know what to do in this situation. One of them lifted his fist and about to lay a punch on Fusaki's face. He shut his eyes tightly and waited for the punch that he deserved.


10 seconds had past but nothing happened to him. Suddenly, he heard a groan and he opened his eyes slowly. There, he saw Ryou, holding the guy's wrist in iron grip. His face scrunched in pain as Ryou gripped his wrist even tighter.


"Hagawa Ryou! You bastard!" He shouted in anger and pain toward Ryou. Everyone in the room was surprised at the situation had turned out to be.


"Hey, buddy! Don't you think it's not fair to punch a person who has worked very hard to get us the drinks?" Ryou smiled at the guy. He knew that his smile was something to be taken seriously. He screamed in pain as he felt that his wrist's bone about to be broken by Ryou's iron grip.


"Please...I'm sorry....I beg you...Please release me." He was begging him to released him as he felt Ryou's grip was getting even tighter, ready to be crushing his bone into pieces.


"Hmm...Okay~." Ryou released the guy's wrist and left him there to feel pain. Ryou turned his body toward Fusaki and grinned at him happily.


"Fusaki! My drink, please?" Ryou asked him nicely as he stretched out him palm toward him. Fusaki smiled and gave him his drink. Ryou was the only person who was nice to him ever since he joined and became the errand boy for the group.


When Ryou about to opened his drink, Fusaki's eyes were wide as he remembered that the drinks will squirted out if they are open. He was about to warned him but Ryou had opened it before he could do that. The drink squirted out to his face. He was now all wet. Fusaki was about to say sorry to him but suddenly a laughter came out from his mouth.


"I needed that! It was so refreshing~! Thank you for your hard work, Fusaki." He grinned at Fusaki widely as he wiped his forehead with his forehand. Fusaki looked at him and chuckled a little.


"Ack! Is there something funny on my face?" said Ryou as he quickly touched and searched on his face for something that made Fusaki chuckled.


"There's nothing funny on your face, Ryou." Fusaki smiled at him as Ryou returned his smile to him.

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This always happen. Fights between the members of the Raion are not uncommon and often times, Souji does not care about that. He would just watch them without care. Just like what happened a while ago. Hmmm... Maybe it would have been better if they have fought against each other. That might be amusing to see. He chuckled in his mind. Blood. I miss looking something that is red and sticky. Shall I taste another blood today?


Speaking of blood, something is really sticky on my hand. It was the drink. Actually, it was even the favorite drink of Souji. He exhaled and said for everyone to hear, "Ahh, such a waste."


Everybody in the room became silent. Only the cracking sound of the can was heard. It was Souji cracking the can. His face is still emotionless, but his actions; it seems that he is angry. "And it was even my favorite drink," he said. The contents inside the can flew out effortlessly. The strength of Souji squeezing it was like squeezing a cotton ball.


"Oh~~ I know," said Souji as the can emptied. He threw it across the room between Ryou and Fusaki. The wall cracked a little, as debris fell to the spot it hit. All the members became alert and scared. "Fusaki, why don't you lick my fingers, they are quite sticky you know. I don't want the drink to be such a waste." Souji's face is cranky. His eyebrows raised high and his smile could be only described in one word, evil.

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Fusaki was shocked to hear that from the leader. There was a long silence as he just stared at the leader continually. People in the room looked toward him as they waited for his reaction. The leader was now quiet annoyed by the silence but Fusaki was still staring at him, just standing there and not doing anything.


The leader's patience was now running out. "Fusaki! Do you heard me or not what I said earlier?! Stop staring at me and just do it!!" He shouted at Fusaki, making the residents in the room surprised and scared by the leader's shout.


Suddenly, Fusaki was now averting his eyes from the leader and toward the ground. His bangs covered his eyes, making the people in the room could not see what kind of his reaction was like. Fusaki's whole body suddenly trembled. They thought that he is about to cry, so afraid of the leader that his body trembled like that. But their perceptions were wrong as Fusaki lifted his head from looking at the ground. His reaction had surprised everyone in the room.


Fusaki's eyes were now beaming with admiration and honor as he hold the drinks tightly to his chest. His look was so trilled that it dumbfounded everyone in the room. 'I can't believe this! The leader, Souji Balad is asking for me to lick his majestic fingers! The lowly me! I feel so honored! Wait! Isn't this a violation? No, of course not. It's the leader's order anyway~.' Fusaki felt so overjoyed with excitement.


Fusaki was about to walk toward the leader but suddenly an arm grabbed him by the hip. He turned his head around toward the person who had stopped him from doing what he was about to do.


"Are you seriously want to do it?" Ryou asked Fusaki seriously as he felt so worried about him.

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Souji left out an irritated sigh. "Normally, you are not this talkative nehhh Ryou?" Souji titled his head to the right and opened his eyes slowly glaring at both Ryou and Fusaki.


Suddenly, Tatsuya, the right hand man of Souji hooked his arm at the back of the neck of Souji. "Mah, mah, Souji-chan. Don't be serious man. Come let's go have some drink at the nearby bar. It's more fun than this right?" Clearly enough, Tatsuya is making the atmosphere lighter. He knows that it would really be bloody if Souji becomes angry.


Souji again sighed. "Fine," he said. He stood up, and Tatsuya still dangled his arm around Souji. He walked with Tatsuya at his side until they reached the spot where Ryou and Fusaki were standing and said, "Do whatever you want." F*cking bitches. He added in his mind.


He then held his head, "Ahh, whatever." With Tatsuya still at the side of Souji and his arm around the neck of their leader, they left the room. The other members followed their two ranking leaders leaving the Ryou and Fusaki behind.

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Fusaki stared at Souji's back as he walked away with the other members, leaving him and Ryou behind. The room became quiet now after they left. Fusaki looked down at ground as he felt dejected suddenly when Souji left him. 'Did I do something wrong?' Fusaki didn't know what to do anymore as he held the drinks tightly to his chest. These drinks were suppose to be given to them but because of what he did to the drinks, they don't want them anymore.


After Souji and the gang left the room, Ryou turned his head toward Fusaki with a grin on his face. "Hey, Fusaki~! That was sure..." He stopped talking suddenly after he saw Fusaki who was now wearing a gloomy look on his face as he kept staring at the ground. Ryou looked at Fusaki for a moment. A sigh released from his mouth.


Fusaki heard a sigh came from beside him. He suddenly remembered about Ryou and quickly putted a smile on his face as he turned his head toward Ryou, turning his attention to him.


"Sorry about that Ryou. I was in a daze back there. Ha ha ha." Fusaki apologized as he smiled at him while laughing awkwardly. Suddenly, Ryou patted his head as he smiled gently at Fusaki.


"That's okay. Do you want to come too? I know which bar they are going. We can catch up with them if we run," said Ryou with a grin on his face. He knew that Fusaki really admire the leader. Fusaki nevers get mad with anyone. He is a very kind-hearted person indeed. Even though the members always treated him badly, Fusaki still putted on a smile on his face. The first time he saw him was on the first day he joined the group. Fusaki was wearing a big smile on his face as he introduced himself to the group. His smile had melted his cold demeanour. Before Fusaki joined the group, Ryou was not the type of person who likes to socialize and always wearing a blank expression. But now, he has changed after Fusaki became the errand boy for the group.


Fusaki stared at Ryou for a while. His mouth curled into a smile as he nodded his head to Ryou.


"Ah! What about these drinks?" Fusaki suddenly realized about the drinks he was holding and showed them to Ryou.


"Just put them here. We will use them as our playthings so don't worry," said Ryou as he reassured him. Fusaki knelt down and putted the drinks on the ground as he arranged them properly. After he finished, he stood up and looked at Ryou.


"Okay! Let's go! But I can't run as fast as you so can we just walk instead?" Fusaki asked him as he smiled at him cheerfully. Ryou returned his smile to him. "Sure." His eyes were gentle as he said that to him.

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It was only 4:00 pm in the afternoon. Obviously, there are still a few people in the bar, nonetheless the gang still went there. At 6:00, it would definitely be fun. Party, drinks and even girls are around. Many to choose from. Totally the gag of the Raion Group. Souji however cares less. Just a drink is good to him.


The door of the bar opened, the bartender look at its way and saw Souji, "Master Souji." He bowed down. Yes. The bar is owned by the Balad family. Whenever fights erupt between the Raion group and to other teenager or groups, the manager would just look over it because definitely, the payment of the damaged objects were taken care of without any worries. Also the group had become a regular customer to the bar.


Souji just looked at the bartender's way and nodded his head. "The usual drink," he said then just walked directly to the VIPs room while the other members followed him.


Suddenly, Tatsuya tugged the back of Souji,"Ehhhh~~ Souji-chan. What about Fusaki and Ryou, aren't we gonna wait for them? They don't know that we would be entering the VIP Room." Yamashi Tatsuya grinned. He is the right hand of Souji, the second leader of the Raion Group. His strength could par with Souji however Souji could easily defeat him if he gets serious. The only difference between them is that Tatsuya is a cheerful person and would want every member of the group be united and intact as always; as contrasted, Souji is the silent, laid back leader who mostly does not care about every thing unless something perks his interest.


Souji just looked at Tatsuya, still emotionless as ever. "Let them do whatever they want." His hand were in his pockets as he entered the room with an usher opening the door. The other members followed him while Tatsuya stayed at the hall, scratching his head smiling then giving out a sigh.

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Fusaki looked around the inside of the bar. He felt uncomfortable to be there. He fidgeted every times he felt someone looked at his way. He never been in a bar before. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes reached to his nose. He felt nausea all of a sudden. He quickly covered his nose with his right hand and his other hand gripped the front of his shirt. His face was now pale.


"Fusaki, are you okay? Do you want to go back?" Ryou asked Fusaki worriedly when he saw Fusaki's face pale all of a sudden. Fusaki just shook his head, not wanting to go back. Even though Fusaki don't like to be in a bar, he will stay there if the leader is there. He really want to see the leader. Because of his admiration toward the leader, he will do anything to be with him.


Ryou looked at Fusaki for a moment. A sigh released from his mouth as he patted Fusaki's head gently. Fusaki looked at Ryou as he felt a hand on his head.


"If you can't stand it, just tell me, okay?" Ryou asked him with a smile on his face. Fusaki stared at him and just nodded his head as he smiled at Ryou.


Ryou looked at his surrounding. He was searching for Souji and the gang but they are nowhere to be seen. 'Where are they anyway?'


Ryou turned his head toward Fusaki. "Fusaki, I need to go and ask someone for a bit. Will you be okay all by yourself?" Ryou asked Fusaki as Ryou pointed his right thumb towards the bartender across them.


"Yeah. Go ahead. I'll be fine," said Fusaki as he smiled at him, not wanting to worry him. Ryou smiled at him one last time before he went to talk to the bartender.


Fusaki was now watching at Ryou's back as he walked toward the bartender. As he watched, he didn't realized there a person behind him. Suddenly, the person behind him yelled at him, making him shocked.


"Hey! Get out of the way! You're blocking my path!" He yelled as he gave Fusaki an annoying look on his face.


Fusaki turned around and quickly bowed in front of him. "I'm so sorry, sir!" Fusaki apologized.


"There's no such thing as sorry!" That person roughly grabbed the front of Fusaki's shirt really tightly, making Fusaki choke a little. Fusaki yelped as the person did that.

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As usual, everyone in the Raion Group were noisy inside the VIP room. Some were singing like crazy people. Some were jokingly punching each other. Some were shouting, laughing. Everyone has their own tripping and Souji does not care nonetheless. He is relaxed and poised. His legs crossed as he drank another gulp of his drink.


Suddenly, a girl, that the other members "ordered" to entertain them, entered the room dancing. All the members looked at her way and started to cheer for her as she danced sexily smiling. She was wearing less clothes, her skin revealing as much as possible. Her skimpy black clothes were tight making her chest look lustfull. And her lower skirt styled to make them higher in order for her red thongs to be shown. She was wearing a black sailor hat is wielding a whip. Her boots have thin heels looking like five inches high. Her hair was colored blond and falls down in curls. He skin was fair but smooth. A total entertainer to make the day of the boys of Raion.


Cheerful shouts were heard as the members started to dance with the girl. They were holding their drinks as they dance with her sexily. Some members who were smoking on one side decided to put off their smoke to join. Even Tatsuki who was beside Souji telling the latter some lame jokes decided to excuse himself to Souji to join the fun.


Idiots. Souji sighed with a smile. He does not enjoy these pull offs; however, he just laughs at one side at the members of the Raion Group who were dancing like crazy people with the girl. Such rare chance makes Souji break his poker or evil face to smile.


The sexy girl noticed the handsome man who was laughing silently at one side of the VIP room. She became intrigued at Souji and danced towards him, slowly, each step was seductive as ever. The sway of her hips would definitely make any man aroused.


"Why aren't you joining us?" The girl dance now in front of Souji. Obviously, she would sway her hips hard in order for Souji to take a peek at her underwear. Every beat of the song inside the private room was danced by the girl in the right tempo. One could say that she is a good and sexy dancer.


The other members gave way for the encounter. They were cheering as they know that the girl was seducing their leader.


Just then, Souji just smiled and he rose from his seat. The girl smiled, continuing to dance. She was getting close to Souji's chest waving her hands high upwards. She started to roll her whip around Souji's neck slowly with the beat.


Suddenly, Souji smiled. This slutty bitch. He then grabbed the waist of the girl and kissed her with passion. His kiss was so sensual that the girl stopped dancing and just stood there in shock. She's trying to grasp air and her cheeks were burning. Indeed, Souji was a good kisser.


When Souji parted his lips, the dancer collapsed to her feet, unable to construct words. The other members shouted happily in honor of their leader. They know that Souji has some experience and often times, he tends to break his partner's pride and self-esteem making them cower and crawl under his feet.


"Beat that." Souji smirked at the blushing girl who obviously fell for him already.


Ahh~~ another victim of Leader's charms. Definitely, these words of the other members. Souji is really their idol. Their one and only leader. Souji got out of the room as the members comforted the shocked girl friendly. They are making the mood lighter especially for a girl.


Souji suddenly heard shouting at the main hall of the bar. He walked their grumpily curious to watch a fight to begin. He knotted his eyebrows as he saw Fusaki being grabbed by the shirt of an unknown large man. He walked towards them and held the arm of the large man. There was a tattoo at the back hand of the man. A Yakuza member huh? Souji said. Hmmpt... Not that I'm afraid, but Fusaki...


"Excuse me, he's a member of my group. Please let go of him," Souji said calmly.


"Shit!!! Whate--" The large man trailed off from his words as Souji glared at him with evil purple eyes. A sweat dripped from the man's face then he looked down at the uniform of Souji. "Fuck!!! You're just a student!!!" The man let go of grabbing Fusaki shirt and suddenly aimed a punch to Souji's way.


A little exercise would do. Souji smiled as he evaded the punch easily by titling his head then gave a solid uppercut to the man aimed at his jaw. The man was sent flying down. His saliva was dripping on one side. On a certain degree, his jaw bone must have cracked.


"So~~~ Who's next?" Souji's lips came into a smile as he licked his knuckles that brought the man down. His eyes were now saying that he wants blood to splatter all over. He peered to the people who were obviously members of the Yakuza like the man he punched just a while back.


"You!!!" One member from another started to attack Souji.


Souji, on the other hand, smiled like a mad person and easily evaded the attacks of the opposing party and gave his own punches and kicks. Even though he's a student and is fighting alone without any allies, the weight of the battle favors him. He moves swiftly like feather but his punches were so hard that it could bring a person down with cracked bones with one go.


"Bastard!!!!!" A voice from one corner shouted. It was from a member of the Yakuza. He was holding a gun aimed at Souji. "Die!!!" He shouted as he clicked the gun.

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Fusaki's eyes were wide as saucers as he saw a man was holding a gun and aiming it at Souji. Fusaki's heart was now beating fast. He don't know what to do anymore. He can't move his legs as he just stood there in horror. But when that man was about to pull the trigger, without any thought, Fusaki's legs moved by themselves. He didn't think about his safety except for the leader's in his mind.


Fusaki quickly ran toward the leader and pushed him out of the way of the bullet before it get to him. Both of them fell onto the ground with a thud. There was a 'bang' sound echoed through the hall, shocking the residents in the bar. Some of the people there started to panic. It was a total chaos.


Fusaki's eyes were shut tightly as he wrapped his arms around the leader's torso, not wanting to let him go. Fusaki was only thinking about the leader's safety is more priority than himself even though he was now trembling with fear. He knows that he is a weakling, therefore, he can't be brave and strong like the other members of Raion. As he felt that the bullet didn't hit him since he intended to take the hit instead the leader, he opened his eyes slowly. There, the leader's face came into his view. His condition is okay. He sighed in relief, the bullet didn't hit any both of them. He stared at the leader for a moment before Fusaki can realized what is he currently doing right now.


Fusaki's face started to turn red as he realized that he is staring at the leader at a close distance. He turned his head around, to look at anything other than the leader's face. His heart beats were beating fast. 'It's such a disrespectful of me for staring at him rudely.' He couldn't calm down his heart beats as he just stayed there.


Fusaki suddenly realized about something, his arms are still wrapping around the leader's torso and he is on top of the leader. This had made Fusaki so nervous and scare at the same time. Without any further ado, he quickly removed his arms from the leader's torso and sat up as he moved a little further from him. He bowed his head to him, feeling embarrassed.


"So sorry. I'm so sorry." Fusaki apologized as his eyes began to become watery. He don't know what to do anymore. 'Again! Stupid me! Now what have you done?! This is totally a disrespectful to him!' He just kept scolding himself in his mind for doing such a stupid act.


"You bastard!" A yell came from behind Fusaki suddenly, making him stop his track of what he is doing. He turned his head around. There, he saw a man holding a steel up high above his head, ready to hit Fusaki with all his might.

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Souji was enjoying the fight. More blood, more cracking bones, more cries of pain. His smile could be visibly seen now. 'More. More. More.' He is unconscious of his surroundings, only the opponents attacking him were where his attention was focused on.


Suddenly, he heard a gunshot and a light object pushing him down the floor. As many more screams came into life and the people are running around looking for the exit, Souji ruffled his hair from falling to the ground. “Eh, that was painful.”


When he opened his eyes, he noticed Fusaki on top of him, clinging unto his torso. 'Did he just saved me from the bullet shot?' He was looking at Fusaki in disbelief. He cannot believe that this tiny figure saved him from being killed, from death. Never in his life that he has been saved because he knows he can handle himself.


When Fusaki also opened his eyes, they stared together in silence. Souji noticed that Fusaki has long eye-lashes, his gray eyes are watery, his skin is smooth like a gem and is quite reddish on the cheeks, and his lips are like cherry waiting to be tasted. 'Cute.'


Suddenly, a curse was shouted at the back of Fusaki. Souji saw a man holding a steel bar about to attack Fusaki. In an instant, Souji pulled Fusaki closer to his chest with his left hand and blocked the steel bar with his right arm. Pain shot through him as the bar landed on his muscle. He was not able to catch the steel bar properly.


“Tchhh!!” Souji still has a lot of strength; he skillfully rolled his hand and gripped the steel bar.


“Wh-what the---?!!” The man holding the bar was surprised.


Souji pulled the bar towards him easily snatching the steel bar from the man and he swung it unto the head of the man. The latter fell into one side.


As the people are running around now, Souji stood up still unconsciously holding the hand of Fusaki with his left. He ran towards the counter dragging Fusaki and told to the bartender, “Please tell my group to disperse. The yakuza might bring back up.”


The bartender nodded his head in assurance then quickly ran towards the room of the other members of the Raion group. Souji headed for the fire exit still holding Fusaki’s hand. Both ran as far as they could away from the bar.


Moments later, the two were under a bridge grasping for air into their lungs. Souji let go of Fusaki’s hand. He went to the river and washed himself. He got a handful of water and splashed it into his face then to his arms and hands. Then he sat down by the ground then turned to Fusaki then said, “Are you okay? You are not injured, are you Fusaki?”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fusaki was shocked to hear that from the leader’s mouth. He couldn’t believe what he is hearing. This the first time the leader showed concern toward him. ‘Is this true?’ He stared at the leader, looking at him to see if the person in front of him is the leader he admire who careless about a weakling like Fusaki.


On the other hand, Souji was waiting for Fusaki’s answer. Fusaki suddenly realized about it and quickly averted his eyes to the ground, feeling embarrassed. His face reddened and his heart was beating fast. ‘What am I doing? He is waiting for my answer. I should answer him right away. Stupid me! Staring at him rudely again and making him wait!


“Um… I…I’m fine. Thank you.” Fusaki’s eyes still fixed on the ground, not wanting to look at the leader’s face. Fusaki suddenly remembered about what happened in the bar before they came here. The leader had saved him again. He even held Fusaki’s hand along the way to this place. Fusaki looked at his hand that had been held by the leader’s hand. He pulled his hand towards his chest and smiled. The feeling he had now was really nice. There was still a little trace of warm left behind. ‘He is truly an admirable person.’ He smiled as he enjoyed the feeling he has.


Suddenly, Fusaki remembered that the leader was using his right arm to block the steel from reaching to Fusaki. He quickly looked up and turned his attention toward the leader. Fusaki walked toward him and kneeled in front of him. Fusaki then grabbed the leader’s right arm gently and examined it carefully, surprising the person in front of him.


“I…I’m so sorry. Is your arm hurt? I’m really sorry. It’s my fault.” Fusaki apologized as his eyes began to become watery again. He touched the leader’s right arm carefully, not wanting to let any further injuries to his right arm. He felt that he has burden the leader and thinks that this was all his fault for letting this to happen to the leader. He didn't know what to do anymore as he just kept blaming himself in his mind.

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Souji noticed that Fusaki's hands were fragile and small. Despite that, they were still warm. They felt good on the injured hand of Souji. He let Fusaki touch his arm. The hands of Fusaki make the pain subside a little. They give relief and have a nice feeling on it.


He just let seconds fly then suddenly noticed that Fusaki's hands were trembling as he said sorry to Souji. `Again saying sorry. That is why many treat you as a weakling.' He sighed in his mind. ‘Really…’


Souji suddenly stood up. He waived his injured arm away from the hands of Fusaki. The latter was still kneeling on his knees looking up at him, almost teary eyed. Souji is now looking down at him. His face was expressionless and full of dignity and pride. "Fusaki, I am the leader of the Raion Group. You know me. A small injury like that is nothing to me." His voice was thundering and powerful. Tension could be felt even though he is not shouting.


The innocent figure of Fusaki is getting to Souji even though he was there standing and reprimanding the other man. He then realized, 'Ahhhh but well, you still saved my life.'


Souji again broke into a sigh, this time the exhaling was visually seen and heard. He scratched his head as he looked at the moon glinting against the river beside them. The river is now like sparkling and the air was also cool waving against them. He closed his eyes then gently and slowing looked down again at Fusaki. He reached down to Fusaki and rubbed his palm to Fusaki’s red and soft hair then said, “Ah… Thank you for saving me back there.” His face was near the face of the other as his good arm was also scuffing the red-headed man. Then as unusually witnessed and seen by many, he smiled as little.


He then stood straight then turned around. He put his hands to his pockets. “You better go home now and have some rest.” Then he started to walk away.

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