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Would You Rather...?

Dark Ocean

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Would you rather be forced to put your feet in a vat of acid, your finger nails pulled while you get poke with a red hot poker as you have to choose between ten people in your family should die while the rest live.



Would you rather be in a crack den in a tub full of used needles as a 60 year old wrinkly prostitute gives you a "golden shower" while being force to do scat and listen to countless screams of your family being tortured.


(Okay I am messed up, least I am self aware. I put a lot of thought into this ^^)

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seriously, maan? That's some messed up shte.


Rather be in a crack den in a tub full of used needles. (I'll just die with aids than listen to my family being tortured). Will my answer suffice, Jigsaw? LOL


Would you rather be a stripper or a pornstar?

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seriously, maan? That's some messed up shte.


Rather be in a crack den in a tub full of used needles. (I'll just die with aids than listen to my family being tortured). Will my answer suffice, Jigsaw? LOL


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Um yes it is messed up and I may be jigsaw? Yes it will suffice.


Well aids would not kill you instantly so... guess you would listen to the symphonic screams of your poor love ones being tortured mercilessly . (I am sorry? ^^'')


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I don't mind but for the sake of the game I will choose my left.



I want to play a game *Evilly grins as I ride in on a small tricycle.*


Would you rather have your skin flayed (Being skinned) as you listen to constant white noise in a pure white room which makes you go insane. You can't sleep from the pain. You are forced to eat your mangled corpses of your family.




Would you rather be impaled by the flat end of a large stake making you live longer through the pain of impalement, your eyes getting gnawed on by hungry crows and being again fed mangled corpses of your recently deceased family.


(Trust me I am nice! I am lovable! Just messed up.)

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Harsh, maaan. Harsh.


I'd rather be impaled by the flat end of a large stake (but where would it be?) and eyes gnawed on by crows.. at least I'm well fed (mangled corpses of your recently deceased family--might be nice?). Pain is concentrated here compared to the first option. Hahahaha


Would you rather wear a bra only or a panty only (if you were a girl)?

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My hair is pretty long right now, somewhere in between. Maybe chin length.


Would you rather kiss the last person you spoke to or push the person you last spoke to?

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I'd rather shave my right eyebrow, considering that then I could at least attempt to cover it up with my hair.


Would you rather have a snake bite you, or eat a snake?

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Well this doesn't imply to me because I live in Ireland. It has no snakes what so ever XD

But say if there were, I would eat a snake! ~(030)~

I eat many peculiar things and snake sounds interesting.


Your on a speeding train. The breaks are broken and ahead there are five workers on the road; however the lever to turn still works. There is a turn and one worker is working there.


Would you rather kill the five workers or the one person.


PS; The one worker is your mother. (She was unemployed but got offer a job as a Navi - Navigational engineer. )

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the five workers ^/////^simply because i'm a terribly arrogant person. Who doesnt want to lose the only person around me and who wants me lil sis to have a childhood. Ignorance is bliss me dear XD


Would you rather live in moderate poverty knowing someone else has everything u need but have the theoretical possibility to regain those things, or share everything with everyone but give up the possibility of ever getting more?

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  • 2 months later...

Just share ehe


When you want to go to the 50th floor of a building or whatnot, would you rather use the elevator BUT having everyone annoy the heck out of you like someone farts then it gets stingky, someone shouts like a biatch just by having a conversation beside his/her companion, some kid stares at you like you we're some interesting portrait, etc etc etc OR use the stairs/escalator lol

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I'd rather get annoyed in the elevator than suffer physically. lol


would you rather have a job you enjoy doing but pays poorly

OR a job you doesn't enjoy but pays well

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  • 2 weeks later...

have a job that i enjoy. I will definitely excel at that job and reach higher expectation. If i do that unenjoyeble job I'm sure my boss will fire me for not working correctly.


Would you rather stop watching your current most favorite anime or study hard for the coming exam.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd go with Eternal Light coz' yah know my eye sight's not the best in the suit. LOL


Have hiccups for the rest of your life or always feel like you have to sneeze but you wouldn't be able to.

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ya Here you go, pal.


Would you rather Have hiccups for the rest of your life or always feel like you have to sneeze but you wouldn't be able to.

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