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Plot Idea


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(Warning: I do have a Seme so lets try not to involve naughty scenes but if it happens it just does. I‘ll just report to my Seme then and let him carry out whatever punishment fits him)


A neko kid grew up on the streets because his parents were taken by trainers and killed by them. His father wouldn’t submit, he got his dad’s attitude and will, and so the trainer slaughtered him and the mother did submit and still lost her life. He has no siblings and prefers to be alone, he feels if he gets attached to anyone or anything he will end up like his parents. He isn’t scared of anything and acts as if he thinks he can overcome anything. He has fended off Trainers, Semes, Thieves, and so on. He seems pretty fearless and unshy untill he gets caught one day. He fights for his freedom and eventually wins it by killing the person that held him captive. He is now on the run from anyone that knew the guy he killed and the cops…and is still avoiding the ones he fended off before. There is a reward on his head for his capture, they do want him alive though for reasons they wont say. He trusts no one and still fears no one…the only fear he has developed is the fear of being caught.


As he ran he ended up losing his shoes, and now runs barefooted on any terrain. His clothing are ripped and a bit ragged and old looking. They don’t fit properly and are way to tight for him, showing more then most should see. His body has a few scratches and bruises from his falls and battles for freedom, all he seeks now is the ability and freedom to roam as he use to, but when he told the police the first time they had caught him what happened all they did was laugh and tell him not to dress in such a way anymore if he didn’t want that kind of thing to happen, he escaped that time but does now have a bullet wound in his right upper thigh.



If this interests you in any way do say so. I will role play with a Seme just note the warning above, but as I said if it goes there it just does. If there are any suggestions or comments feel free to make them. I have always been bad at making starters and plots so feel free to tell me if I should add something or explain in more detail about it.

This can be more then one on one but personally I prefer one on one. If you are interested make sure to tell me if you want it one on one or have a friend you want to add to it. Also I would like to start it as a thread thingy


Thank you for taking the time to read my idea :cuteonion45:

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(Warning: Normally I prefer seke type RP but because I can't seem to get a foothold in this forum i'll make an exception If your willing to give my RP style a shot, wow it I apologised to all my ukes and semes for my erotic scenes I'd get confused to who i have and havn't apologised to but I digress how about)


A human freelance bounty hunter is in desperate need of money, having the accidental tendancey to kill his marks, his brother estranged from all his family except him caught neko's and sold them to strangers, no questions asked, has recently been killed by a rougue one, the strong desire to catch that neko not for vengence but because he has in his possesion something important and valuable.


Suddenly sleeping in his car he awoke and in blurred vision a neko kid, adorned with scratches and rags, feral matching the description of the neko that killed his brother the relization wakes him and running in nothing but boxers, crossbow in hand the chase began......


(what do you think?)

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(I love it!Should we do the role play in this Thread or start a new one in the arena?And I honestly don't mind what happens in role plays.Right now My Seme~Kun has been pretty mean to me.So I guess it's ok)

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(name for the title? ...no Charecter appearence? ...hmmmmm....how about....


Dark skinned and lean with messy black hair, brown eyes and unusually long fingers that twitch in urnest when bored. I tend to keep things simple due so the roleplayee can imagine them how they want ^^ so sorry its not overly descriptive)

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This is one,I have one other though,I will call your name there too.Ignore the part in red,I cant edit this and I do not have a Seme anymore,I lost him so amything and everything is ok.But this is one of my ideas,if you don't like either one maybe it they could give you some kind of idea.I am doing this with others but i do like doing the same plots with diffrent people,I like seeing thier diffrent styles and reactions.thank you for reading and responding to me

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