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My Wish (SammuelColdheart x KyAzrel) ~ Private


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Name: Draco Michellien Von Priest





Appearance Specification:

His hair turns to black and his eyes turns to crimson red when he's feeding or if he's hungry

Age/Age Appearance: 2906/23


Silent, Brave, Calm, Perfectionist, Perceptive, Adventurous


Mystery, Puzzles, Adventures, Quiet places


Noise, Failure, Annoying People, Bugs

Background Story:


Read the RP to find out...^_~


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  • SammuelColdheart





Lesly O'Donnell







Appearance specification:

He have earning on his left ear, with normal thickness, and cold blue sapphire, as his eyes.






Cold, closed in himself, distant, constantly pushing the people away from him, mysterious, he likes to take all the burden, no matter how big it is, or how heavy it is. Even though it might hurt him, or change him, he always tries to deal with it by himself.



Persistent seme, strong people, mystery, peaceful places, easy puzzles, adventures, reading (paranormal stuffs), to play games on his computer, to tease people, tight and protective hugs, a protector (bodyguard).



Weak people, not persistent ones, loud places, very hard puzzles.


Background Story:


He never spoked for his past, all you have to know is that he finished up one of the most greatest Universities for Historical knowledge and he is very good archaeologist and adventurer. For further information, follow the RP.

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He looked around, smiling in triumph as the temple was finally built. He was the one who overlooked the entire thing when it was still in the process of being built and he was glad it it came out to break all of their expectations. It had turned out beautifully and his fellow servants had told him countless times that the god would be pleased and he would bestow him good favor.


It never happened.


He had been called from his room. The guards told him that their god called for him and that he was about to receive his reward for such a marvelous work. He had entered the temple with noticeable pride and the other servants had smiled at him. He got to the main room, where their god is now spending his eternal time. When he entered, he had been awash by the terrible beauty of their god. And the power in the atmosphere was palpable, it was so thick he almost couldn't breathe.


"You have done well, servant." The god spoke. "But don't you think that the temple needs a treasure?"


"Indeed, my lord." He replied, breaking a sweat. It was either he made a mistake of not putting anything in the temple to be considered a treasure or their god would be the one to put it.


"I have chosen who will be the treasure." The god purred, extending his presence so that it caressed his very being.


"Who, my lord?" He asked, noting with silent trepidation that the treasure would be a someone not a something.


"Yes, who" A chuckle and everyone in the land heard it. "You."


"M-me?" He gasped in terrified astonishment. If he was the treasure, it would mean that he was bound to stay in the temple. For all eternity. And no matter how much a privilege the other servants saw it, it was the contrary on his book. He wanted to see the world. He wanted to experience things and explore new places. "B-but my lord-"


"Do you think that your word has any value in comparison to mine?" Was the query filled with authority that only a god could manage. "I have decided and that will be final. You will be the treasure of this temple. To stay here for all eternity and grant two wishes for those who are able to find you."


"As you wish, my lord."

He opened his eyes. The temple had been found. It was time he protected it again.

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It was already 2 or so years, through which Lesly was overtaken by finding one of the last temples which the old nation of Bulgarians build. Lesly was overtaken by this old culture he loved the Bulgarian nation, because of their history, they once was so proud nation, and they had such rich past, but because of the First World War... Bulgaria was taken under slavery for 5 hundred years, and they just lost their history books and stuff like that.


However most of the people there, which were from his team was there just because of the legend which says that a big treasure is hidden deep into temple, however Lesly wasn't exactly a believer in those stories, and legends for which many people was talking, he was more concentrate over the history then the price, he actually didn't care about the price at all, at least not completely as the others, may be the price which you get was like the last think from which he was interested in, by those old ruins.


When for first time they found this temple, the team was quite thrilled, about what treasure they are going to find inside, till Lesly was more interest in what history pieces he will find, about his nation past, yes Lesly was a Bulgarian or at least half of him, the other half was American, and he wanted to bring back his nationality pride and true about them, to show them how gorgeous was his nation, and this temple was perfect choice, but there was something for Lesly desired too, one thing which he is ready to give everything to happen, but he never believed in such superpositions.

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Draco walked through the temple's halls, broken chains, on his wrists and ankle, dragging along behind him and the sound was ominous even to him. He didn't know how long he has slumbered. The only thing in his mind that time was how thirsty he was.


Most of the servants have died when their god left the temple. That powerful being was the one keeping the place together after a long war. He had watched as some of his friends starved to death as he remained eternal. He was furious at that being. And his anger made him surge through the debris like tornado against sand. He sniffed the air and had to stop himself from licking his lips. The intruders were large in number, probably came prepared too.


He glided through the shadows, wondering where his preys were. Draco found the crumbling entrance, hiding through shadowed corners to see the intruders. He couldn't count how many people there were, some of them were doing one thing or another. He smirked, licking his fangs at the feast that was laid in front of him. He wasn't so completely overtaken by his hunger for him to attack them head on. No. He was gonna pick them off, one by one and let the others take the fall on the traps, set by his people.


Draco retreated, making sure that every last man heard the rattling of his chains.

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When for first time Lesly went into the temple, he looked first at the walls, there was many pictures and there was something written on several different languages, he would rush in front the others as he would keep typing everything which he could see on the wall or recognize the place was quite mess up, at first when they entered, Lesly and his team, the team wasn't exactly his, but he was part of it, but most of the other people though about the money and the gold which they will take.


As they was going deeper into the temple, Lesly could swear that he was hearing like someone or something was walking on the walls, and he was looking around quite often, he had sharp sense and he could sense that something is not right, soon as the entered to the main part of the temple... there was a lot of bones of death people, some of them even had strange form of their teeth's... Lesly would kneel down in front one of the body to can he examine it till the rest of the group gathered, seems like he wasn't afraid of the temple neither by the traps which supposed to be lurking all over the place, he was quite concentrate so he was sure that he could see or sense a trap near by if there was one, but there was any traps, it was even kinda strange for such old place, fulfill with gold as the legend say and the biggest treasure which is... that whoever find it, this treasure will be available to wish two things which will come true.


Soon as everyone else approached, they heard sudden strange noise of a rattling sound, did it was real... or just their imagination, but it didn't take much longer until they heard it again and again, it was definitely a chain rattling noise, everyone when they heard this was shocked and quite afraid of it, but then they rushed towards it, Lesly wasn't like that, he followed them silently, behind them... there was defiantly something strange at this, it was like someone was moving, could it be that this temple was protected by some kind of a beast or something like that?


"Owii, guys be careful. Or you might lose your lifes, this place could be protect by something or someone... you should be really careful..." the others would just laugh at Lesly, and push him a bit backward, calling him cowards. Yes, even though Lesly was the one with most big knowledge then anyone else, the rest of the team didn't respect him, they hated it him for something... he didn't knew why but he could feel the intense aura, which was coming out of his 'teammates', he wasn't even sure should he call them like that, he was sure that if they find something quite expensive they would even probably try to kill him, so he got ready for the worse thing.

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Draco noted that this group had a smart member. He looked at them with glowing, red eyes, noticing that all the others neither cared nor wanted to know the temple's history like the other one did. Even in his state of thirst, Draco could not stop the curiosity that hit him as the other continued to inspect some of the corpses and a few of the walls.


He followed them silently, only making his presence known through the rattling of his chains. Draco smirked lightly as the group neared one of the traps. The engineering of the temple made it so that the traps would be large, good for a large group of people. And this party was large. He watched and waited with gleaming fangs as the lead of the group neared the trigger.


Draco cocked his head to the side as one of the men stepped on the trigger and the ceiling opened, pouring acid down a quarter of the party. They screamed, but it was not for so long, the acid quickly burning and melting everything down to their very bones. The others had scattered like roaches, running around like the pest that they were. But the smart one proved yet again that he deserved that title from Draco. He did not panic like the others and that was a feat in and of itself.


He grinned, picking someone who strayed near his shadowed corner and bit the confused man's jugular. The blood that flowed through his throat was like water on a barren desert. He needed more. Draco sucked the man dry, throwing his lifeless and bloodless body away like it was an emptied can of soda. He looked around and noticed that they had regrouped, Draco growled lightly. He just needed to snatch another one when they hit the second trap.

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When the trap activated and the others start running and screaming, Lesly would yell out to them to shut up and move forward silently and to watch their feet.

"Shut up! And keep going, the trap is slow we will manage to escape from it!" he would say as he was the last one who passed the trap, he noticed that they were smaller then they should be "Wait! Where is Sho?!" the others would look around looking for their battlefield expert but he was missing as he would sigh and look backward to the trap.


"He might have escaped, from another side... let's hope we will meet up with him later on..." he would say even though he didn't believe his own words, but he would try and ignore the upcoming thoughts which was fulfilling his mind, he didn't want to bother the others and he could swear that this strange noise of the chain was moving and it seems like it always is somewhere near them, he would look again around to the walls and the few other ways, trying to locate from where this strange move was coming.


"I have really bad feel about that..." he would mumble low enough for the others to don't hear him, he would keep going after the others, they was now a little more stress out... but they was still thinking for moneys, it was like this was all for what they could think, it was giving creeps on Lesly's skin he didn't like that.

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The group continued on and Draco always took the chance to grab someone when they strayed too close to the shadows. They've also moved through various traps and their number and stupidity proved to be their undoing. The smart one continued to be apprehensive and from time to time he would listen.


Draco watched as the dwindling group neared the second to the last trap before they arrived at the supposed treasure room. He grinned as the group never ceased to amuse him when they stepped on a trap trigger. This one made the floor open up, swallowing a considerable number of people and making them fall onto the abyss below. And yet again, the remainder of the group scattered like the idiots they were and Drcao grabbed his seventh victim.


He noted that when they continued forward, they were now following the instructions of the smart one. Draco anticipated meeting him personally. He grinned wondering what would their reaction if they found out that the treasure that they were looking for didn't exist, that is if they survive the last and final trap. The last trap was the deadliest of all there was. It was created so that no one would be brave enough to pass through it.


It was actually an illusion. There was no solid passage to the treasure room. From the hallway it was just an open chasm. Like a cliff and on the other side was the door. There was also no ceiling connecting the two and the distance was about a hundred meters away. The trick was easy. Most people would give up and others would be stupid enough to fall to their deaths. The trick was, they needed to fall but on a right distance and angle. Somewhere in the chasm was a strong gust of wind. Strong enough to carry a man towards the the treasure room. And Draco knew that the smart one would be able to figure that out. He just anticipated how many tries he'd be willing to take.

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For the past hour they was mostly skipping traps, and taking quite big minuses "What is going on here... those traps are so easy to get out of them, but even so we still short with three people.. where the hell did they go?" he would mumble as the others was already scared to death, as they was walking down through the hallway this time Lesly was checking out every corner of the place, he knew something was wrong, something was really wrong and not on place, the rest of the group was moving this time after Lesly, however Lesly will hear once more this strange chain noise as he would turn around and look to the other side as the rest of the group will move again behind him, and one of them will step on the wrong place in the right time.


Suddenly the walls and the place will start shaking like there was a earthquake and ground will depart opening another huge pit but this time with spikes at the bottom till to the side of the wall really sharp pieces of metal will show up, some of the group will lose balance and start falling down as Lesly would jump forward and catch the male's hand before he goes down to the bottom, he was holding him just on few cm above the spikes.


"What you are waiting for, pull me back, or we will lose another member!" he would say as the other would stress out as they will reach for Lesly's legs and start pulling him backward with their group member it didn't take much for them to pull him backward and Lesly would finally let go of the other male which was on a sure ground as then he would stand up and pat few times his pants and cloths he was all dusty, then he would approach the pit and look at it, then he would look up at the cell... just the problem was that there wasn't cell, and till you reach up to the other end of the pit their was 100 meters, and a dark door, soon as the others saw the door it had strange signs on it, they would rush up to the edge of the pit.


"That it! That is the room, where the treasure is!" one of the females would say as Lesly would sigh and nod. "Yes it is, but I don't see a way to get to there, may be if I investigate a little I might find a way... but you have to be patient!" he would say as the others would look at him and push him backward "We didn't get to here, just to wait you do stupid maths things... we came for the treasure and to take it as fast as we can..." the two females would say and go back to the edge trying to realize how to get pass the pit, one of them though she saw an invisible straight line through which they can pass so she said to the others that this could be the place "Are you nuts! This is not some kind of movie, if you step on this place you will fall down and get your body a lot of piercings..." he would say with narrow brows as the female would yell at Lesly "Shut up, kid! You are the one with the most low experience... you don't have such many adventurers as us... and you don't have any idea what temple can give you as a passage, if you have better suggestion we are ready to listen!" she would say, as Lesly would stand up, and frown a bit more... "I think here the situation is not about being who is the experienced one but who have better instincts and I am telling you if some of you go down through this 'invisible' line you will get yourself down at the bottom of this pit, with body full with red holes..." he would say and smirk a bit, as the other woman would shake her head and goes to the pit, at first she tried with one of her legs and she saw that it was a solid ground "You see! I told you is something like that... now everyone after me!" she would say smirking back and the moment when she stepped with her second foot on this invisible line, her body would drop down and start falling Lesly would jump up before she reach up the spikes and catch her hand "I TOLD YOU TO DON'T USE SOME FANTASTIC DECISION, WHICH CAN TAKE YOUR LIFE AND THE LIFE OF YOUR GROUP!" he would yell at her and pull her back up... as she was breathing heavily... "Th-Thanks..." she would mumble as she would stand up "It was illusion, this place is full with such stuffs..." he would say, and go back to the edge of the pit.


His instincts was telling him that he definitely can pass this pit, if he trust in them, he could sense that there was wind, so he would move a bit his hand over the pit trying the place, there was certain locations where the wind was way more stronger and pressure, he would smirk a bit and try every single angle of the pit edge, as then he would laugh a bit... "Man I never though this legend is real... the path is right through here..." he would mumble pointing at a empty place, as the other team mates would approach him "What do you mean with that? There is nothing there..." the male would say as Lesly would smirk and shake a bit his head "You are right, there is nothing there but just winds, a strong ones, they are strong enough to carry one person, and my bet is that they will lead is to the spiral of winds which will carry us to the other end of the pit..." he would say as the others would laugh at him "Are you serious? I've never heard for such thing..." the female would say as Lesly would frown a bit "Well then, stay and watch, but when this creature with the noisy chain approach this place you will end up as the others..." he would say as he would jump into the pit to the location which he point as the others would wide open their moths looking at how he start falling down and then suddenly he was lift up by a pressure winds which spin him few times and start carrying to the other end of the pit, it was exactly as Lesly said... there was a spiral winds lines which was strong enough to carry a person, it didn't take much just 30-40 sec or maximum 1 min till he reach the other end of the pit, and the winds would land him swiftly on his foots, the others stayed with open to the ground mouth "What you are waiting for? Coming or what?" he would say smirking a bit as then the others would jump at the same location, one after another.

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Draco chuckled lightly as whats left of the group managed to enter the treasure room. That was their final test. To escape that room alive. The treasure room was not a trap. It was a veritable slaughter room. Once someone entered it, corpses of the damned, people who died in there, would awaken to decimate the living. Toxic gas also poured in and the doors would be locked close from the outside. Humans would last at about three minutes, if they weren't killed by the damned first. Additionally, the damned were not like your normal zombies. No. They were fast, terrifyingly strong and they all acted like a pack of wolves.


He walked out from his shadowed corner and stood in the middle of the hallway. If anyone survived that room and got out alive, they'd be able to see him immediately. Question was, were they brave enough to pass through the chasm again. Draco sat himself down on the floor. There was only one way out of that room and it involved timing to last second, skill and stamina to survive. Not to mention being perceptive in finding that one small, hair thin thread that controlled the lock outside the door.


Draco smiled, licking some stray blood off his fingers. No one had ever left that room alive and anyone who did so were worthy enough for his services.

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At first Lesly panic a lot, so many walking zombies or something like that, but they were fast... too fast for a zombie... and they could think they was like real animals, at first Lesly would step backward but then he would step forward...


"Make sure you break their necks or shout their heads... they will die immideatly and I will try and stop this poison gas, if I am not wrong we have less then 3 min, so now is really not the time to be scared!" he would yell out as he would then froze when he noticed someone staying in the middle and licking his fingers from blood, he was looking like a human being but drinking blood? No there is no way, Vampires don't exist, but how he decline something which he sees with his own eyes? And his eyes they was glowing...


"Owii! You, how the hell to stop this poison gas!" he would yell out jumping over the heads of few 'zombies,' which was heading towards the rest of the group, seems like they've been told to attack just the others but not Lesly, with was so strange... but before he manages to get to there the door would close and he would lose sight on the other.


"DAMN! How the hell there is survivor down here for so many years... we are the first one to break in here..." the gas was spreading more and more of the room space, they was already breathing and if Lesly wasn't mistaken it would take them for less then a 2 min... he tried hard to look around the gas was a little blinding one, but then he noticed that there is a small hole in the wall which had something like a timer...


"OWII COME HERE!!! There is it... the way out!" he would say as they already lost two people... the two females so now was just Lesly and the male, the male would rush towards him and jump down into the small hole, as he would sneak in the small hole as well, and hole will close immideatly, there was a switch to turned off, but what was the point... even if they did it, the two females was already dead, but Lesly wouldn't mind that, so he switch the switch, and stand up, looking at his friend, Ashly actually was the only person who was his real friend, but seem like he did took a lot of gas, and he was going to die anyway, Lesly would drop down next to Ashly on his knee and start breathing some air in his lungs and then, pressing his hands over his chest... but he was losing him, he could sense it, he could feel it and he could see it... seemed like Lesly was the only one to survive, when Ashly let out his last breath few tears would drop down through Lesly's cheeks as then he would stand up and look at the sitting man "There is no gold or special item here, which brings 2 wishes is there?" he would mumble and turn towards the other but still looking away.

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"There is no gold or special item here, which brings 2 wishes is there?"


Draco chuckled. As was expected, this guy survived. It would be fun to play with him for a while. "I am the treasure." He slowly stated, standing and noting that he was about a head taller than the other.


This had never happened before and he really didn't know how the wish worked itself. Their god had never bothered to tell him and he had neither the will nor the energy to ask before. He shrugged, he'd just see what would happen if the guy asked his first wish. One of the questions that moved around his mind was if it would take a lot of time or just a few seconds. Draco knew that this guy didn't want riches, that in itself was apparent.


"And as for the wish," He whispered, leaning closer than necessary to the other. "I grant them." He smirked lightly. "So, what do you want?"

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Lesly would step backward blushing a bit when the other moved so closely to him, as he would smile a bit "Wishes... huh... I never believed that such things exist..." he would mumble and shake once more his head a bit, the other was just one head taller then Lesly, it was kinda embarrassing to see someone taller then him, but it was kinda and special feeling.


"Well first, I have to ask... what are you?" he would mumble looking backward through where he entered he saw the cold body of his friend to lie down on the ground not moving, it was kinda strange that he was the only one who survived he was still quite shaken but he knew that there is no magic or wishes which can bring back death or if they do it won't be them, they will be like a walking dead (zombies.)


"I don't really know what to wish for, but I know for one thing which I've always want and this is to find my soul mate, to share my happiness, my sadness and everything with him... so my first wish will be this one, I know it's a little selfish and stupid, but it's important for me, and for the second I will have to hear first what you are..." he would mumble and look at the other as then he would kneel down and sit down on the ground.

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"I don't really know what to wish for, but I know for one thing which I've always want and this is to find my soul mate, to share my happiness, my sadness and everything with him... so my first wish will be this one, I know it's a little selfish and stupid, but it's important for me, and for the second I will have to hear first what you are..."


Draco suddenly fell to his knees, his ears ringing with an unknown voice. It is done. He shall know when he finds it.


"Your wish had been granted." He stated, shaking his head in an effort to clear it. "You will immediately know when you have found him." He stood, noting that his chains on his arms and feet were gone. "As for what I am," Draco really had no idea what he was now. All he knew was that he was immortal, not invincible and lived off by feeding from human blood. Then a word entered his mind and it fit perfectly for what he was now. "I am a parasite. Living off the blood of humans, but don't worry, I shall not drink from you."


He leaned against a wall, crossing his arms over his chest and giving the other a bland look. The next wish would soon follow and he would resume his sleep.

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Lesly would look at him 'A parasite... it must be hard to live such life...' he would think to himself and then he would take deep breath and let it out softly "My second which will be for you to be again a human as you were once... or if you weren't you will now have this opportunity but only if you wish this as well." he would say looking at the other male's eyes directly and with serious look in his own eyes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"My second which will be for you to be again a human as you were once... or if you weren't you will now have this opportunity but only if you wish this as well."


Draco looked at him and had to suppress his look of astonishment. To be human again. That would mean that he was inevitably gonna leave this temple. His home for more than a millennium of parasitic existence. He would live again, maybe even start over a new life. He could fulfill his forgotten dreams.


"I-" He stopped short, frowning lightly as ideas rushed through him, like waves against a cliff side wall. The world is different now. If he accepted, he would be ignorant of most things, if not all. He would not be able to ask this man for help. His pride would not let him. If he left this temple, where would he live? Where would he go? How would he survive? This were some of the things that he thought would never plague him, since he was forever more, tied to this temple. Alas, he was wrong. He swallowed and tried again.


"I don't know." Draco whispered softly, almost reverently. "The world is not what I have last seen anymore. Should I accept, there will be no place for one such as I." He swallowed again. "I don't know."

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Lesly would look up at the other as a small and cute smile would appear on his lips he thinks that he made the right wishes but the other somehow he was bothered by that, did he wished the wrong thing may be this male don't want to leave this place, he should have ask him before he wish his freedom.




The young male eyes would wide up, as the other start saying that but seems like he was struggling for something, and he seems that was affected by this wish, was the right wish or was it the wrong one, he couldn't move away those thoughts in his head.


"I don't know... The world is not what I have last seen anymore. Should I accept, there will be no place for one such as I. I don't know."


At first he had hard time to hear the other because he whispered the first few words but then he sounded loud enough for hear him, as kind a weird and deep happiness would explode inside him which will make him grin in quite big happiness, seems like his grin was rather cattish but it was for sure from happiness "Do you really worry about this? I am sure you will do fine, and if you need a place to crash and a work to do, why you don't join me? You can crash at my place... and you can be my new partner, there is no one else like you to know all the history because he lived it, I am sure you will be everything which I will need for my new team and group, plus less people is better, I think the two of us could together quite well, that of course if you want to deal with archeology, after all I lost my previous group, but every secret hides it's deadly traps I was prepared for something like that, I can't say that I am not sad that I lost lives, but at least with you I will not worry about that, you seem like you are able to take care for yourself and protect yourself, even one more with you, so I don't really see problem with you being my partner." he would say scratching the back of his head and chuckling nervously with still this frustrating grin over his face like a cat.

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Draco considered what the guy said. It would be difficult, especially the learning part. He knew that the world would part itself and the nations would grow independent. Languages upon languages would be created, as such communication would be impaired at the formation of nationalities. He frowned. It would not be very difficult, he could learn and one thing that he was proud of himself was that, he learned fast. There were still positives and negatives of the wish and he weighed them down, like salt and silver on a weighing scale.


He chuckled lightly, remembering that although he was the treasure of the temple, there were riches that had been piled in the room where their god had resided. Draco smiled lightly, knowing that such riches could make a man wealthy enough to buy an entire continent. After all, those were treasures of a god and as such, they were created on the most precious of minerals and gems. Then he made his decision.


"Very well." He stated. Then in an effect that he had not experienced before, his skin began to feel, the blood in his veins turning to hot liquid almost boiling in its' intensity. It felt like his skin was being peeled by a red hot blade, agonizingly slow in its' movement. He cringed, falling to his knees and bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from screaming. Then after a moment, everything stopped and Draco sagged in relief, perspiration coating his entire body and blood dripping down his chin.


"I guess your wish just came true." He stated in a weak but wistful voice as he stood, swaying slightly before straightening up. "I am Draco Michellien Von Priest," He bowed as one would of a noble status. "Chief Architect and Lead Engineer of the Bulgarian Empire, a millennium ago."

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Lesly would look at the male how he was feeling deep pain and when he dropped to his knees Lesly would catch up to can he hold him before he fall down completely, he could notice that the other was holding back with his best is pain but he couldn't even imagine how painful was for him, he would hold for him for a little more time, till the transformation was complete as then he would feel how the other stood up, Lesly would look up at him as he would stand up as well, wrapping one of his arms around his neck.


"You shouldn't push yourself that much, you suffered great pain just moment ago... I can't even imagine how painful was it." he would say, but then when he heard those words:


"I guess your wish just came true. I am Draco Michellien Von Priest, Chief Architect and Lead Engineer of the Bulgarian Empire, a millennium ago."


He would chuckle softly and shake a bit his head, he was kinda cute from one side but then he would concentrate in helping the other to help him walk towards the exit "You do know that those title are not important here anymore, in our time you will be just Main Engineer, I have to tell you that Engineers these days if their projects are good one, they mostly get quite thick pay out for their work." he would say smiling a bit, looking for another safer way to get out of this Pyramid, it was rather strange to bring someone who just came back to life through thousand of traps "Do you by any chance know a safety exit from this tomb?" he would say looking around to find such one by himself but the architecture was unknown for him.

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"Do you by any chance know a safety exit from this tomb?"


Draco nodded, chuckling a bit. He would make sure that before they left the temple, they would empty it of it's riches. The history would not be lost of course, he knew the history, thus it would be preserved. And as vast as the temple was, there were hidden pathways that connected all rooms but the room that their god resided was hidden and only the servants knew where to look.


"Before we leave though," He started, untangling himself from the guy. "We need to get the treasures that your group were looking for. It is the least I can do to help you with." He turned, pushing a wall and revealing a hidden passage way. "We follow this passage and we will arrive at the heart of the temple without any incident. Although, I must warn you that these passages are dark and without light." Draco advanced, knowing that the guy was behind him. Then after a few moments, it occurred to him that he had not asked his name. "By the way, what name shall I address you with?"

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"You shouldn't be that much polite, My name is Lesly, Nice to meet you?" he would say with shy smile when they entered in the dark passage he would feel a little in safe so he would walk a bit more forward and grab gently for the other wrist to don't lose himself in those dark tunnels he wasn't at all like the other male, he seemed well more aware of where they was going and the only safe way was to follow him strictly but would be hard in this whole darkness so he had to hold for the other male's hand.


"So your name is just Draco, you should know this, most of the people here address themselves only by first name, except Japan where they use the last name instead the first, but still if you are close friend with some Japanese guy you can call him by his first name, they are quite mess up nation but personally I admire them and I like them a lot." he would say chuckling again a bit nervously, he wanted to try and keep a friendly conversation with the other, he seemed to polite and he want to make him feel a little more easy he was too polite and strict for the common society.


"You should know that the people these days are quite hateful people, or at least most of them, they are harsh to each other and don't consider much for the other feelings... however there and a small group of the society which is entirely different from them, they are friendly, open minded and fateful to their friends and siblings, they respect them." he would mumble as he would keep smiling even though it couldn't be said anything because of the dark place where you couldn't really see anything.

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Draco chuckled, raising an eyebrow as Lesly grabbed his wrist. He did not mind and it was necessary. Lesly did not know these dark corridors as much as he did, it wouldn't do good if the guy fell on one of the stairs. As it was, he was fine as he lead the other through familiar twists, turn and sometimes the usual going up and down.


"People are always hateful, if they weren't then they are not human." He stated with certain conviction. "That is but nature and almost all of the time, such hates turn to war. Look what happened to our empire and others that followed." He shrugged lightly. "Humans will always baptize new land with the blood wrought upon by war. Being civil will come later on, such is the barbaric nature of men." Draco stopped, turned a corner and ascended the almost nonexistent stairs through the darkness. "Very few people are those of what you say," He continued, making sure that Lesly stayed upright while they trudged the stairs. "Very few people consider what really is important. I do not blame those who do not though," He laughed and it was hollow and brittle. "I am familiar with the allure of power and the seductions of the mighty. You know as well as I that everyone wants to be the predator, no one wishes to be the prey."


Draco was silent after that, only paying attention to his companion and where they were going. When they arrived at the floor that the stairs connected, he knew immediately what to do. He walked three more paces, turned to his right, pushed four individual blocks of stone, and waited as the familiar grinding of big metallic gears sounded in the distance. One, two and three echoes accompanied the disturbance as the walls parted and light flooded the darkened passage, blinding them both for a few seconds.


Draco recovered first and he smiled lightly as he entered what was once the chambers of their god. The room was spacious with high ceiling and walls with small holes, everyone of which contained diamonds, the size of his fists. To the center was an open hall, lined with statues of both men and women, made of gold and silver. To the far end was a throne, every inch of it covered in various gems. Beside the throne was a basin, about two and a half feet in diameter and was carved from polished black marble and littered with small diamonds that made it look like the evening sky. That basin was the relic of his family and Draco was gonna take it with him. There were also other riches that scattered throughout the room, like a clear crystal just to the right of the massive doors that was actually a polished black pearl, so polished perfectly that it looked clear in the dim light of its' corner, there were also scattered crowns, coins, gems, and various jewels. But the basin was the focus of his attention.


"Welcome to the treasure room of a god." He whispered.

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When the light suddenly appeared and start blinding everyone around, he would bury his face into Draco's chest to can he hide his eyes from the bright blushing deeply as he was doing that, as then he would move backward and blush even deeper realizing what he did "S-Sorry..." he would mumble for this certain moment as he looked to the gold and the gems around the whole room which was dig in different items.


"I am not really interest by the treasure." he would say rather harshly he didn't like to be pulled towards such stupid stuffs he would rather be poor and ill then being rich and selfish "Whatever I want to find I found it early in a room, it was a sitting male with white-blond hair and blue eyes, with beautiful skin and look." he would say it was more then obvious he was retiring to Draco.


"I just couldn't stay and watch this creature drying again here in those tombs so I wished for him to be saved and turned into human, for whatever reason I came here I accomplished helping someone else." he would say more demanding as he would walk towards one of the edges of a table and sit on it "I will be waiting you here, whatever you want to take feel free to take it." he would say with a soft smile, and tilt a bit to the side his head, as his smile was still there.


He really didn't want the other to equal him with the rest of the society of people, which was cheap, selfish and so on, he wanted Draco to see him different to see that he is not as bad as he thinks for the other guys and that Lesly is entirely different persona, he was rather really happy that he bring back to life the male it was making him really happy.

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Draco laughed, the ring of his voice echoing around the chamber. Lesly was straightforward, whether he knew it or not, and Draco found it amusing and quite fascinating. It wasn't that he thought of it as something unpleasant but rather he thought of it as something worth investigating and discovering. As much as he wanted to discover other places around the world, he wanted to discover people. Their convictions, their belief, interests, passions and such. He knew that it was an abyss of discovery, but he wanted to single it out on someone specific. Like a lover perhaps. Nothing more, nothing less.


"You need not imply that you are different from the rest, Lesly." He continued to chuckle as he walked to the basin. "I already know that you are not like everyone else. Why do you think that I have not killed you when you strayed near shadowed corners?"


He reached out, grabbing the basin and had to marvel at its' lightness. The last time he saw it, there were about four servants carrying it and it was when the basin was offered to their god.


"This is the only thing that I intend to take from this place." Draco stated, carrying the basin as he would a new born baby. Then as he strayed on a nearby wall, he changed his mind as he plucked three fist sized diamonds from their respective holes and gently placing then in his basin. "A compensation for my stay at your place." He stated lightly, opening the massive doors beside the dark pearl. "A few minutes of walk and we will find the entrance of the temple." He smiled as the sun hit his face and rays bounced off the many sides of the diamonds that he was carrying. "Let us be off."

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