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All tired from chasing those guys, he found Souma hiding in a dark alley, sitting and munching something. He slowly approached him and whispered, "What the hell did you get into this time?? Is this the appreciation I get after rescuing you from those thugs the other day and the meal from last night??!! I was even sincerely offering you my kindness...


"WHO'S THERE??!!!"


"Shit they found us."


He grabbed the other on his arms and run as fast and as far as they could. Without looking back, they just run as if the world is chasing them.

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Souma would stress out when he hears Satou's words he though that the others found him, he would blush lightly and look aside "Yesterday was for yesterday! Now is new day." he would mumble and look aside but then he would hear the words.




He would step back seeing all of the people gathering, but then he would feel the tight grab of Satou and feel how he was pulled and dragged away into another running.


"W-Wait it up! Wh-What... Why you are doing this?! You have nothing to do with that..." he would mumble with light tears in his eyes, he really didn't want to drag someone else in his miserable and thief life, this was a burden which he loved to take on it's own.

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"What? Don't tell me you want to fight those people? Just say so and I will immediately stop running. Haha!" Although he was tired, he doesn't even know where he got the energy to crack a lame joke.


One by one, their pursuers were catching up to them so they will stop for a while, Satou giving them a punch or two, then started running again. He never knew that the nights were this long.


"So where do you wanna go for tonight? Unless you give me a place to go, we won't be able to get away from those."

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Souma would keep running after the other breathless, but when he sense that the other was catching them he would notice how Satou did punch them few times, this would make Souma to space out for a moment and blush again, till now no one have ever wanted to protect him the way Satou is doing it... his private space would be interrupt by the sudden question as he would look up at Satou and smile a bit, pointing with his eyes the left old place in the hills where he was spending his night he knew that in the minute when they leave the small town the others will give up, on pursuing them into the woods.

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He noticed the other pointing on the hill right in from of them. Seeing that the other was already tired of the running, catching his breath, he picked up Souma and carried him in his arms. He ran like mad until they were far from their pursuers.


Reaching the top of that hill was no easy job. The slopes are steep, not to mention they were entering such dark forest. But Satou only ran towards they goal, the shack on top of that hill. For that reason, he thanked his training in the police. He never knew that he would use them in such a way.


"Haa... haa..." When they entered the shack, foul smell greeted them. It's like this room wasn't being used for quite a long while. Or is it just because it was kept un-cleaned.


"Now that we reached this place. What are your plans?"

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When Souma was picked up, his cheeks would go in darker red color, and he would bury his head into Satou's chest, facing now Satou's scent and breathing only his scent because he wanted to hide his blush, his blush would become deeper, he didn't knew what was wrong with him, it seems like no matter where he is with this guy he is always frustrated or ashamed or he can't find the correct words... is this love?


He would jump fastly down on the ground when Satou brought him here, as he would look aside "Going to my room?" he would mumble and takes the stairs for the third floor which were near him starting from the first floor... the third floor was the higher floor in this building and it was at the top of it, from there you could see the whole town which was under the hill's valley... he would rush forward to can he stay as away as he could from Satou's, this male was always making him think differently, or feel ashamed or unsecured, but he always was feeling with him in safe.

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What a rude kid. Suddenly leaving his savior here. Alone. Didn't even entertain me or ask me for some drinks or whaterver's in the house.Well I couldn't blame him. I guess there is nothing to be offered.


He walked inside the house curiously. Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs. He sat on a nearby couch but dust start spreading all over the place like a smokebomb.




Can't you do a little cleaning? How can you live in this filthy place?


Although he was sitting on a dirty chair, he couldn't complain loudly. But suddenly he would remember the guy he was looking for.


Damn just a little more and I could finish my job and get some cash. I'm running out of it. I wonder what he is up to?


He started walking carefully on the stairs. It was creaking so loud, it was echoing across the room. He just hope that the wooden stairs wouldn't collapse under his foot before reaching the top.

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Souma would reach up to the third floor, his weight wasn't that massive as Satou's weight so it was easy for him to get to the top of the building, when he entered in his room, the places was quite well clean, it was cold, because the cold air from outside was breaking in freely by the window which was covered with a blanket.


He would rub gently his hands in each other, but then he would look at his bedside table, and pull out a piece of paper.


It-It's so c-cold... I am freezing up. Do I have to give that to him... I mean I hope he won't do anything to him.


He would think to himself, silently for a moment like a frozen person in the middle of the room.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Hey. Watsup??" Only silence answered his query. "Maaan, this house is quite old nee? How long were you staying here? Are you alone? Where's your parents?" ... Again, not one word from Souma.


Seeing how the other one shivers, he removed his coat and covered it on Souma's back. "Whatever. If you're not feeling well, you can just tell me. At least say something, just a bit of sound would do." He was walking carefully since every step was making a creaking noise.


"And now that you've come up to your room, what are you planning to do? If you ask me, I would like to get some food and finish my job so I could take more offers. If you're just planning on hiding here and let things die down, you are free to do so."

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Souma would look at Satou, and raise up the paper piece in his hand and showed up to Satou.


"You c-can find this person which you search here... he is a sexual maniac and he raped me a long time ago..." he would mumble and look aside as his eyes would start fulfill with light tears.


"What don't you care for me anymore? That you will leave me to die here?" he would ask directly Satou and then stand up, walking towards, wrapping his arms around Satou's waist from behind to can he cuddle into him from behind.

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He extended his arm and obtained that little piece of paper from the other's trembling hands.


Damn that guy. How could he?! Unconsciously, his hands formed into a fist, so hard his nails were piercing his palm, causing it to bleed. His raging anger was clearly reflected in his eyes and although it was getting dark in the room with only little light beaming from the little holes on the wall and the open window, from which the moonlight was shining, his eyes glimmer like those of a wolf's.


"Why didn't you tell me this sooner? I would have caught him by now if you just breathe a single word of it to me. Actually before I got in this little mess of yours, I would have followed him, caught him, hand him over to my client and..." His words were interrupted when Souma embraced him from behind. Those skinny arms and trembling muscles, he could feel it all through his clothes.


"What don't you care for me anymore? That you will leave me to die here?"


Satou grabbed both hands of Souma and unwrapped it from his waist. "Wait for me here. And don't move a muscle, I don't want you causing anymore trouble and mishaps." Then he dashed towards the door at lightning speed.

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Souma would glare at how the other male left, as he would look aside now a bit sad and move towards his bed, lying down, and wrapping the thin cover around his shivering body, he start to restore some of his temperature but it was just a bit, just enough to keep his blood still pumping in his veins, he would bare his head under his pillow and try to get some sleep till the other comes back, it didn't pass much and he fall asleep.

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