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"All boys school for Wizards" - Private with gin


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Ashton Willied






Ume (Seke which is mostly uke)


Magic Type:









Ashton was one of the best students in the academy for all boys school for wizards, he never moved from a top rank and many students was hating him for that, however Ashton shown quite cold side in him where he proven himself that is strong to even control demon under his wills his teachers are against it, but no one really could stand on his path, he always have summon just one demon who've become his best friend and the only person who understand him, even though he was a demonic creature he was quite attached towards his master, and now when Ashton is finally at his last year of this academy he is about to take few tests and decide to which part of the society to go and work for.

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A demon dog deity from the Eastern culture--who's somewhat called a Yokai. Ikaruga is a monster who dwells from people's corrupt thoughts. A person's soul is what he feast and a soul filled with greed and mixed with hatred is what he searches. Not the typical demon like his position implies, he's one of the cruelest and most fearsome demon around.


To his human form:





Ikaruga or known as "Ikaru," is a demon who usually transforms into a human in order for him to mixed with the crowd. He's fond to appear as an eighteen year-old boy who wears glasses. Demon as he is, he is quite sly. With his fake smile, he can always lure people (most of it girls) that he's a kind and good guy. He hates to be ordered around and hates to mingle with those weak humans, as what he refers to. Ikaruga's mood can go from hate to love if his needs are properly taken care of. He hated to be tamed, and is not that weak to be caught by a Magician or an Onmyouji. Aside from eating the poor souls of humans, he likes to eat noodles for sure.

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In the heart of the woods which was spreading all over the place in near to the school were a lot of boys was attending to become Wizards, or Warlocks or Magician, a voices of battles could be heard, few explosions as well, seems like the boys was fighting there in quite fierce battle, one of them was wearing a blue cape with hood which was showing that he was a Wizard, and not just any wizard but the top one of the school, most of the guys there was calling him Ash, but his real name was Ashton, he had quite strange nicknames through his years of studying many came out from his student mates.


"A pray for fierce fire, come down on the ground and bring out the earth mosts dangerous elements of them all. EXPLOSIVE FIRE!" a young boy's voice could be heard as few magic circles start forming around him, and concentrate in one, shouting forward a ball of fire which hit in an ice wall created by the other magician, causing instantly big explosion and earthquake, as the young mage would disappear from the eye sight of the other student and re appear above him shouting down towards him few lightnings from his hands, most of the students which were around glared at the duel with quite wide open mouths. It didn't take much for the younger male to land down on the ground with his foots and one of his hands would touch with his finger tips the ground, which will shake a bit and start cracking spreading all over the place.


"Come forward, my shield and weapon. Demon ravenous for souls! I K A R U G A ! ! !" his voice spread through the air as his eyes start glow in soft white color which slowly start turn into red dark bloody fire color, and the ground start shake in fear, the cracks would start open even more and more as underneath the young fingers was laying just one thing a big hole which had at the bottom just flaming lava, through which something like a wolf would start physically appear.


Everyone which was around the duel area, would step few steps backward shaking in fear, there was and the legendary demon of souls, many people feared him when he is in his true form, and many people loved him and liked him in his human form, but when it comes to battle everyone runs away from it, Ashton was the only mage in the whole school who was able to control such high rank demon, many people ranked this creature as OMEGA Level demon, which means equal to Lucifer himself, however a lot of people and other students which tried to summon same level creature was consumed by it and found in ashes till Ashton was the only strong enough person who could summon such great creature, and manage to control him without getting consume by it, however this always was sucking out his whole magic which he had left, no matter how big or small was, after this summon mostly Ashton was quite defenseless.

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"Quite a brave soul you've got there, boy." Ikaruga's rumbling voice echoed all over the place. The miasma emitted from his mouth was starting to cover the area like a blanket.


"--then again, I'm here at a foreign land." The monster turned his head left to right and laughed as the rest of them were trembling with fear staring at him. "Worthless pawns!!!" he shoved his huge claws to the seemingly tiny humans in front of him. Killing a couple of them at the process.


"It might look like you summoned me by a fluke, boy." Ikaruga was staring at the boy who was standing still in front of him, he's most likely wanting to be heard. Seeing the boy's soul, it was more or less consumed--it was barely flickering. A little bit more of those heavy spells of his and he'll be good as dead.


"I hated to be summoned, but since you've accomplished it--then let me hear your request." He said in a commanding tone, he was to spare the boy for summoning him. He had no interest of eating him since his soul was not that dark--still not edible as what he thought. Eating him might be sooner or later. Ikaruga sat and curled his tail around his legs, waiting for the human's reply. His name was unimportant, after all, he'll return back to the demon world the moment he finished the request.

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"Owii, Wolfy head, don't disobey me or I will send you back in great pain back into your world, and stop killing innocent people, your job is to take down this guy..." he would say pointing at the male in front of him he was shaking more in fear, as he stand up as his strong attitude and form in front the wolf looking down at him.


As then he would hit the ground with his fist and another circle would slowly start building up a thick wall, glaring at the creature in front him, he had already his orders and he was sure that he was way more stronger then the creature thought, if he managed to summon him and succeed without burning down to ashes this proves that Ash was strong person from inside... but whenever he created the ice wall in front him he will drop down to his knees using last of his magic power which he had left, after this huge summoning it was actually the second or the third time when he summoned this creature but seems like he didn't really remembered at all.


"Now attack!" he would yell out pointing at the male he already shake off of his fear and start concentrating in quite powerful spell, doing few forms with his fingers as really bright circle would form underneath his legs and spread around exploding in bright light as another creature would appear, Ash eyes would widen at the creature which was summoned "An Angel, S Rank... that would be really really though for my omega creature... I hope he don't lose..." he would think to himself looking at his summoned creature "FULL POWER RELEASE!!! I K A R U G A ! ! ! MAXIMUM POWER FORM!!!" he would yell out in the air in echo, as from the thin air would start gathering magical power and goes right inside the creature which he summoned making him even bigger.

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"I don't like your tongue, boy." Ikaruga was quite pissed with the other's bossy character. Yet he did find a way to behave himself in front of the summoner. Until the young lad summoned something with his last energy. As Ikaruga heard his name he gave an instant kill to the man opposing his summoner. Like a child's play the things did turned out well. Ikaruga had realized that he had to stop underestimating the brat who summoned him. But as all well ends well, Ikaruga must return to his world. His job was done, he wanted to rest soon and eat a newly cook ramen.


"Human, you are strong yet we have to part ways, you're strength is no use of me." He hated humans who tried to disturb his rest, ignorant humans who tries to channel their ways to the other world just to gain some sort of power.

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When Ash saw how the other dealt with the magician, he would gulp and smile and kneeling down "Well thank you for your support, but I would like to make a contract with you already, I summoned you many times in my past, and in my past lives, you've always guarded my family with your best even though you don't remember after every summon, you might not believe it but sometimes you can be quite good friend and creature." he would say dropping down on the ground as he lose consciousness shortly after he didn't had much energy left he used all of it over Ikaruga, because he was trusting this creature even though he was demon he never doubt that he will oppose him or attack him.

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"This'll be troublesome... trust he says." The monster complained to himself. Though that boy never knew that Ikaruga could vividly remember those ancestors of his who summoned him. --His from that lineage, huh. He so taught while looking at the unconscious body of the summoner. Sighing in disbelief, he had no choice but to transform to a more convenient appearance for him to aid the summoner--his human form. Within a split of a second, he transformed into a human. He slowly carried the boy like a princess, leaving the other's who had survived. They're quite in a shock to see the monster transformed into a human. Ikaruga had a silky black hair with dark red pair of eyes. A man in spectacles who wore a robe and a velvet kimono with lustrous Sakura patterns. A gorgeous man that is far earthly than the rest.


He put the summoner's body at a bedrock, waiting for him to regain his consciousness. Ikaruga healed the boy's wounds slowly. He himself would not help him if he was not from "THAT" clan.

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Ash would shiver slightly as he would start waking up finally feeling a warm light which was healing as he would smile looking up at the male beside, his eyes would widen as he saw Ikaruga in his human form, of course this will cause him to blush a bit but then he would stand up shakily, and look at the creature "You, that you can disappear yourself if you don't want to stay in this world... I could take care for my self..." he would mumble looking to the side as the other was healing him, the air is quite intense between the two of them, but he didn't really fought against the creature "Why you are helping me anyway? I though you hate humans... it would be much more easier for you to just let me die you know..." he would mumble returning his look over the creature.

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"Why you are helping me anyway? I though you hate humans... it would be much more easier for you to just let me die you know..."


"Beats me," he replied nonchalantly as he was staring at the summoner who just recently woke up. Leaning at the bedrock he twirled his index and middle finger. *POOF a Japanese fan appeared. Ikaruga was fanning himself while staring at the full moon shrouded with dark clouds.


"I guess i'll have to go now, if you want to own me--you must defeat me, boy." He grinned and whisked his fan into the thin air. Ikaruga vanished between the air produced by his fan. "And that is 'IF' you can, HAHA." The trace of Ikaruga's voice echoed at the forest.

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He would frown a bit at this respond, he never really had intention to beat the other, he would much more prefer to have him as someone close then an enemy, it was rather strange feeling but he was feeling the other would appear by himself if he was in danger from which he can't get out, it was rather strange feeling but he trust it at his summoner, as he said he would prefer to get to know him, and share with him stuffs then fight with him, he really couldn't imagine fighting with him or if this happen he would probably leave himself to be beaten, to prove to the creature that he wasn't so barbaric as he thought of him.


It will pass few weeks since he summoned last time Ikaruga, they haven't spoke and seems that the creature was still thinking him as his enemy, however todays test was different the students was suppose to survive 3 days in the woods without anyone near them, without food, without water and without companion unless he is your summoning creature then the rules was scratching, now was the third day and Ash was quite tired and almost defenseless unable to even protect himself against one simple wolf let's not talk for an enemy or another magician, as he was walking forward through the forest Ash would notice that he stepped on unpleasant and something jump towards him and bite him pretty harsh on his leg bottom muscle leaving just two really small holes it was more then obvious that the bite was from a snake, the creature which ran away was black with yellow lines seems like very strong poisoned one, which means that in the next few moments Ash would probably drop down and the poison would start slowly killing him, but he didn't knew that as he kept walking at first his leg start freezing, not moving and when he was trying to move it he felt quite deep and really unpleasant pain, this pain will keep growing up through his leg to his kneel as he couldn't manage to bare it anymore and before he manage to gets to some clean area without trees he would drop on the ground shaking a bit in pyrexia (fever) shaking on the ground quite beastly as then he would suddenly stop and lose consciousness unable to to speak, he could sense how his breath was slowly tight up and suffocate him.

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Though the pleas from the human summoner was heard, Ikaruga did not want to appear. He was just so lazy to appear at a magic circle. If the brat always summons him, he'll drain his energy for sure. Through the huge mirror at his front, Ikaruga used it to watch humans--simply to entertain himself. As for him, he was currently observing the summoner he met few days ago. Seeing that summoner in a great predicament, Ikaruga shook his head out of pity. He always knew that humans were so stupid but not this stupid just to suffer and get bitten by a snake. Left with no choice, he again ventured his way to the human world.


"You never learned your lesson, Human." Ikaruga calmly stated within his quite gaze. Looking at the boy who was barely breathing, he then knew that the poison was getting worse. What would be the benefit it he saves the boy? and most of all why was he there? Ikaruga knelt on the ground and lowered his head. Licking the wound made by the vicious animal, he slowly sucked the poison coming from it. That was merely not enough since the poison was starting to run through the other's veins. Ikaruga touched the young man's forehead and started healing him. For the second time, he helped this man. Ikaruga had no particular reasons saving him, it was purely on a whim on his part. The boy woke up and struggled to form some words while in his weaken state.


"Hush, and rest since you've got a lot of debt from me by now." Ikaruga sealed the other's lips and leaned at the tree were they're situated.

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Ash would let out deep painful noise when the other was sucking out the poison of him, making him sweat and pants by the pain, he would feel the other hand once more resting on him and healing as he would start open his eyes slightly he couldn't move much the poison was still keeping his body frozen "Heh... I look pathetic like that..." he would mumble looking at the other but then he would hear the other voice:


"Hush, and rest since you've got a lot of debt from me by now."


He would frown a bit by those words, as he would sigh softly "What do you want from me, my soul? You can have it I don't really need it..." he would mumble a bit piss off of the way how the other said that he is in a lot of debt, like he wanted but that was out of the point, he would never agree to have debt with a demon creature, however this whole conversation will make him blush a bit for second time being saved by this demon, it was kind hard for him to get used "With this rather rude and cold behavior but when it comes for my life you run right to me to help me, what was the deal with that?" He would though to himself the other really was irritating him to very high points, when he felt his strength come back he would stand up and slap away the other male's hand "I can take for my self... leave me be... if you are going to come every time when I am in trouble why you don't instead stay here, but you always coming back in your dimension?" he would yell out it was kinda cute at the way he said that especially the part with 'leave me be' he make it sound like childish...

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Ikaruga could not take it anymore and burst into laughter. It was rather amusing to see the other trying to look strong in front of him. "You don't have to look like that in front of the pathetic me," He said while waving his fan on the air. He find the boy rather interesting, for how long have he spoken to a human this was the second time someone was not afraid of him. The nostalgic feel was running through his mind.


"Human, I can do what I please --I can even kill you right here, right now..." He pointed his fan towards the summoner's heart. "And besides... I can't eat your soul, it's just too good for me," in a sarcastic tone he stated. He was quite having fun talking with the boy. Rolling his eyes to where the other was, he kept smiling like an idiot. Will he return? His starting to get bored in the other realm but he don't like staying in the human world too. Whatever the case, Ikaruga was at the peak of his melancholy.

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"Owii! Don't threaten me, I am still you master..." he would mumble shyly and roll his eyes, as he looked at the other, then heard that he shouldn't make himself look strong, he would sigh softly at this point "It's not like I make my self look strong, I just don't like to be seen as weak person." he would mumble as then his brow will twitch at how the other was waving at his fans.


"Owii Stop that, it's irritating!" he would mumble a bit more anger now, but the anger was different, he would cover right away his mouth when he said that as he would look to the side, he was left this time with no words he was wondering what to say next, but nothing was coming in his mind except one word... "Well... thank you... for saving my sorry ass for I don't know which time..." he would mumble as he would look to the side, but then he would remember something and reach for his shirt and enter with his hand underneath it to pull out a medallion, and then he would opened "Here a prove that you've been here before with my family." he would mumble showing at the other the picture inside the necklace, it was rather young male in his 25's with a white wolf, which he was hugging quite tightly, the wolf had red eyes, exactly as the ones which Ikaruga had "When I saw this picture underneath it was the name 'Ikaruga and me' my father used to tell me a lot of stories for your adventures, and my grandpa as well..." he would say showing to the other side of the medallion again Ikaruga with another rather older male around 30 or so, but this time Ikaruga was in his human form, seems like his grandpa and Ikaruga was pretty close friends or something like that.


"You've always being a sign of friendship in our family, and the members especially the sons of our family always pick you as their guardian that why I summoned you just few weeks ago... when I was fighting I was a little harsh for which I am sorry but in front the others I have to show that I am strong enough to control so high rank demon." he would mumble and look to the side now feeling a bit responsible.

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"Master? You must still be half-asleep human, I don't belong to anyone," he poked his fan to the other's cheek hoping that he could annoy the boy more. "Thanks? There's no need," he said in monotone as he stared at the vast sky. Then the summoner was showing him different kinds of picture. Indeed he came from that clan. Ikaruga covered his face with his fan, covering his great discomfort. Seeing those previous master's made him remember that he once had a feeling like of a human. He shook his head trying not to remember those. AFFECTIONS are the emotions a demon must not have. These are things that can let them be swayed and be weak. Ikaruga once sworn to himself not to stay close to humans, he might gain another weird emotions. He was suddenly deep in his thoughts neglecting the summoner's presence.

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Ash would sigh softly and shake a bit his head, leaning backward on grass, and glaring over the creature, Ikaruga was his name "So, why you came to save me again? I though you don't want to see me anymore." he would say with a catty grin over his face, he was kinda happy that there was someone out there thinking about his safety even though he was decline it with his whole mighty honor, it was rather strange and irritating that Ikaruga was more worry about Ash then for himself "You know that you won't last much without a summoner in this world, why you don't let me summon you, this way you can stay as long as you want drain bit by bit of my energy, but my energy replenish quite fast, so it won't be much." he would say looking at the creature with still his catty smile over his face.

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"I feel heroic nowadays, neh?" In a sarcastic manner he said, tiptoeing in the grounds. He's bothered as to why the summoner wanted him that much though other's were scared by him. "Ok, i'll stay here for a while," he said looking at the boy who's somewhat delighted. "'BUT!!!' i'm not gonna be your S-E-R-V-A-N-T, boy! " he said teasingly, frivolously fanning himself.


--you're still weak compared to your ancestors, he can't say that since he wanted the boy to find it out for himself. Ikaruga whisked his fan and poof* a hot ramen appeared. "Hungry..hungry," Ikaruga nodded to himself.He immediately ate it, not offering one to the other--or perhaps bullying him.

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Ash wasn't afraid of Ikaruga and he definitely wanted him to stay here, when he looked at the guy fan he would growl lightly not liking this but, then when the other got ramen he would sigh, he looked so much like a kid sometimes even though he was such a strong demon. "I told you, I don't think of you as my servant... even though I am your summoner and I am your master by magic this doesn't mean that I think the same way..." he would mumble and look to the side a bit frowning that the other didn't share any with him it was rather cold such treatment but he couldn't really do anything so he would just push the other to the side and try to stand but when he suddenly raise like that, he would start dizzying and his body would start fall forward towards the rough ground.

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"But the thought of being a servant irritates me," Ikaruga started sipping the noodles, grumbling. While he was happily eating his meal, he noticed that the other's stomach was growling and he's about to faint. "Ok, ok I get it, I have enough of your fainting skills." Then another bowl appeared floating above the summoner. He was not really into charity but the thought of the other starving somewhat pisses him. A sake popped into Ikaruga's hand and he started drinking while watching the full moon gleaming at the sky.

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Ash would sigh taking the floating ramen and placed to the side he wasn't really hungry, but he was quite interested by the other creature, he would wrap gently his arms around the other from behind and hug him tightly leaning forward, as he would press his lips deep and softly at the other male's cheek, leaving soft mark of his lips on the other male's cheek as he would smile a bit looking at him "You are still summoning and I still am quite concern about you, you should have a magician to support your life form here, or you will grow weaker." he would say rather now more serious looking at the other.

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