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+Destiny Intertwined+ *Lisa x Yin Private*


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Yume smirked for a moment before replacing it with a smile. 'Now, dear, your clothes are kept away for the time being. You see, such clothes is not befitting for a man like you. I will have someone to replace your clothes,' she kept her voice gentle but her eyes were the eyes of someone who is mischievous.

Yume then looked at Youko and held her arm leading her to the living room 'Ma'am you cant let master see you like this. You need to eat. Kyo has prepared your favorite lunch. So please sit down' Youko, being in a good mood, did what she was told and hasn't stopped smiling since the arrival of her son.

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Once the two women left I released a sigh before I looked at the cook with a slight frown on my face. "Hey... Uncle... Why does Miss Youko think I'm her son? And did her son usually wear girl clothes?" I asked slightly confused but what Yume had said sunk in and caused my whole face to turn scarlet red. The look in her eyes said it all. -Damn it! I knew she did something to my clothes!- I thought while I bristled slightly in anger. Yup that woman was going to pay.

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Kyo looked at Isaka innocently, he thought for a moment before explaining 'you see when young master was born he was sooo adorable. His chubby cheeks and his hair was so soft. We were all entranced by his cuteness. we dressed him as a boy at first but slowly ma'am and Yume started putting him in girl's clothes of course master wasn't very pleased at first but when he saw his son's cuteness, it totally melt his heart. He soon doted on the boy and give him soft toys like bunnies and kitties. well, you see... master is totally weak against cute and fluffy things. and i believe young master has the same weakness as him. anyway, this goes on till he was six. young master was brought up to believe this was all normal but when we send him to elementary school later on he found out it wasn't normal after all. Young master then started to reason out with his mother and refused to wear any of it anymore which broke ma'am heart. after seeing his mother like that, young master agreed to continue wearing them. one day he transformed into a maid the next day he's a kitty and the next day he's a cow. Of course he only wore them in this house... and this continued until master's death even though he lost his cuteness when he was eight. Now... he has become a handsome manly gentleman' Kyo's face was full of pride. He looked at Isaka sadly 'i'm sorry my boy. i'm sorry we had to drag you in this. but madam's health is declining at a very fast rate. we had to do something. Young master is completely unaware of this and he would never agree to go along. When Master died, young master also died. His existence were replaced by his non existence father. He cannot live like that forever. Maybe we have created more confusion but it's a start. Madam's health is our first priority. We need your help to help bring this family together again. I will not lie, Yes, you will see the dark side of the world. You will see blood and violence in the future. You will be tossed from one character to another but we cannot do this without you' Kyo bowed and begged Isaka for his cooperation.


(*sigh* the story keeps getting more and more twisted -___- sorry)

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(It's quite alright my dear~ *huggles tightly* It just make's it more interesting to me~ ^-^)


I stared at the older male with a blank face. I didn't know what to say to all of that. And here I thought my life was hard... I took a deep breath before nodding my head smiling sweetly at the old man. "Alright... I'll do it... I mean I wont like it but I will do it..." I said in a happy but determined tone of voice. I then walked up to him and bent down giving him a hug.


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Kyo was completely touched by the young man's kind heart. Yume came in the kitchen and saw them hugging and immediately figured out that everything has been explained to Isaka and that he must have accepted the proposal. She coughed to get their attention. Kyo looked up to his wife and gasped 'Oh! madam's lunch. I'l get them immediately ' he rushed to prepare her lunch. Yume then turned to Isaka and softly asked him if he could sit with madam in the mean time and eat lunch with her. She handed him a change of clothes 'thank you for tolerating all this time. Here's a change of clothes that i thought you would rather wear.'


Meanwhile, i, who was completely unaware of the new development, prepared all the necessary files, data and all the recent activities before the arrival of my father's friend.


(sorry for the late post >

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((It's fine deary I'm not mad ^-^... And it was something that you had to do~ *huggles tightly*))


I looked down at the clothes in her hands and blushed brightly. Was this woman trying to get me jumped? I took the clothes anyways and nodded my head bowing at both of them and walking towards my bathroom to take a quick shower. It only took a few minutes for me to clean up. I then put on the girls black lacy underwear.


I also slipped on a short blue skirt and a white v-necked shirt also with knee high socks. When I came out of the bathroom I was blushing brightly, why would she give me something so... Well almost revealing... I then walked into the living room and saw Youko sitting down, so I decided to sit down next to her placing my hand on my knees. I looked over at her and gave her a soft smile.

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When Isaka smiled at Youko, Youko's face brightened and she smiled back. Yume came in with tray full of dishes. she put down the dishes in the middle of the table ' Today's lunch is madam's favorite. Gyoza as a starter followed by sashimi and dango for dessert' she left the room leaving them in an awkward atmosphere. Completely unaware of Isaka's feeling, Youko helped herself to the food while humming.

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I sighed as I played along with the heme of the skirt feeling quite uneasy. Part of me wants to just quit and give up... But another part of me is telling me to stay here. I took a deep breath and looked at Youko. "Uh... Mother? Why do I have to wear girls clothing?" I had to ask her. I am a boy after all! Why would they make a boy wear.... Well this!


I still didn't like the idea of tricking this woman at all... I mean I still don't know how her son acted... Or the matter of how he spoke and pronounce things.

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Youko's smiled dropped instantly. 'A-akio...d-don't you like it?' her voice trembled as she struggled to form her words properly. Her hands began to shake and the colour on her face completely disappeared.

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My own face paled when I saw the woman's reaction. I lifted my hands up while shaking my head from side to side quickly. "N-N-No! I like it! I like it! What I meant was... Uh... Does it make me look cute?" I gave her a soft smile sighing on the inside. I didn't mean to make her look like that.

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her face instantly brightened, she smiled and laughed slightly 'of course you do~ just like when you were five years old.'


in the meantime, in the kitchen, Yume called me to inform me of the news. I was in the office when the phoned rang. I picked up the phone 'Yes?'

'Madam's currently eating her lunch...with the young boy'

I couldn't believe what i was hearing. Mother is up? what the hell happened while i was gone?

'Mother's up? what happened?'

'i explain when i get back. but she is well and happy. Will you be coming home late tonight?'

'No! i-i'm coming to see her' i waited for her reply but she stayed silent for a few minutes

'Young master..there is something you'll need to know. M-madam thinks Isaka is you. he is the cause of your mother's sudden energy,' her voice was solemn and low. completely unable to take this information in, i sat on my chair motionless while trying to grasp my situation. i was happy that mother is eating again and that she is in better mood but i could feel the pain in my chest and something was stuck in my throat. i tried swallowing several times but unable to get rid of it.

'I...i understand,' i put down the phone and sit back. i realized that i'm a replacement for my father and that the young boy has just claimed my existence. I sighed at the thought having to see my mother with Isaka... looks like i have to cancel my appointment with my father's friend as well as my late night activities. I picked up my blazer and called for Touma as i head out of the office.

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I released a soft sigh seeing how happy she had just became. Jeez... This woman was difficult to deal with... I giggled softly when I heard her say that and blush lightly. "Oh well... Thank you..." I said softly smiling sweetly at her. I couldn't help but feel how wrong it felt to call her mother... And I also felt awful that I replaced Master... I kind of figured that she was his mother.... My eyes softened just a tad bit. I know I might get an earful later from the Master.

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Youko was in the living room with Isaka looking at the albums when the front door banged opened.

Yume was there at the front door waiting for my arrival.

'Where's mother?' i know it's rude to behave in such manner but i was feeling quite irritated although i had no idea why.

'She's in the living room with Isaka,' she took my coat as i handed it to her. I rushed towards the living room and found mother laughing happily with Isaka. I felt a sudden stabbed in my chest and body felt hot, for some reason i'm a lot more irritated than happy. She looked at me when i came in and smiled, a dazzling smiled that i haven't seen for a long time. she got up and hugged me tightly 'oh darling~ how i missed you. And guess who's here?' she stepped back a little to allow me to see a boy in a female clothing. For a second i didn't see Isaka but an annoying little being.

'Our son is back,' she giggled and held my hand tightly. i bit my lower lips before looking at her 'Y-yes, he's back. Welcome back...' i couldn't carry on. I took a deep breath and tried again 'Welcome back...Akio'

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I looked at him with widen eyes, I could see the anger seething in them. I stood up slowly and bowed lowly. "Uh... Y-Y-Yes... I-I-It's great to be back..." I kept my head lowered. I couldn't look at him in the eyes or even in the face. I felt fear washing over my body when I realized that as soon as Youko leaves the room I'm going to be punished big time which caused me to shake slightly at the thought.

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Mother pulled my arm to sit down 'we were just looking at the albums. Akio was sooo cute~ and you...you were handsome and cool and you still are,' her voice calms me down slightly. i struggled to smiled. i stayed silent as she showed photos after photos afraid that my voice will betray me. And then she showed Isaka photos of me when i was a child wearing a frilly clothes, i blushed and tried to held back from covering them. As they looked at the photos i didn't now where to put my face.

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I giggled softly as I looked at the pictures with the two of them. I never realized that the Master of the house looked so cute when he was younger. I blushed slightly as I sneaked a glance over at him blushing even more when I thought he looked so handsome now. I shook my head trying to get those thoughts out of my head. Once they were gone I smiled softly at the two people excusing myself. "Uh... I need to use the restroom..."

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I nodded my head giving my permission for him to leave. I turned to mother who was engrossed in the pictures. 'Oh look darling. Here's one of Akio in high school. He look so much like you,' she smiled softly at the picture. 'I remember when he graduated from elementary school, he lost all his baby fat and was starting to look more like a grown-up. i was afraid that he would grow too fast and that one day he will disappear from me... And then he did. it broke me into pieces and the only thing that kept me going was you... i don't want to lose him again,' she cuddled next to me and closed her eyes. I bit my lower lips and struggled to keep my tears from falling. Oh, how i wanted to tell her that i was with her the whole time and it was father who disappeared. i put my arm around her to console her and wondered how on earth am i suppose to tell her the truth?

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Once I got to the bathroom I closed the door and turned on the sink. I washed my face trying to clear my head. How was I suppose to work when this woman thinks that I'm her son? I continued to scrub my face wanting to just leave this weird house and never return... I sighed as I turned off the sink and grabbed a washcloth to wipe my face dry. I looked up in the mirror and frowned slightly. I had dark circles under my eyes. I felt like I was losing more sleep then gaining it back.


I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom and I walked slowly towards the living room not wanting to be near those two people. I know its rude for me not wanting to be near them it's just... I need more time to think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was deeply in thought and was hardly listening to mother ranting on about me. my heart was a lot heavier than usual, i tried to pull myself together. i was deeply in thought when mother interrupt me 'Akio is a big boy now. don't you think it's time to train him? why don't you bring him with you tomorrow?' her eyes widened and full of hoped, my heart weakened at the sight of her dazzling yes, i lowered my head and said ' As you wish, i'll bring him with me tomorrow' she hugged my arm tightly and giggled. i sighed silently and stroked her hair.

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