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There's a Ghost in your pants (18+ KoBu and Yukonwolfspirit )


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"Two days my ass" Yukie mumbled as he sulked and washed his hands having fixed the apartment compleatly and redone and remodeled It to look modern and new as he grabbed a backpack and followed sushi.

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" That's not going, and acting polite. In fact Rodin may just keep him a little while longer." Sushi teased just for the sake of pissing the other off. " And I think your really gonna wanna see Vernon, 2.0..." He snickered


Once there, Sushi knocked on the apartment door. As usual, the door opened to reveal a cladly dressed woman and the heat hit you like a fernase on fire. Rodin was behind his bar, another woman a skin tight one piece suit was her clothing choice. " Well look who decided to finally come around. Think your gonna like this new .... what was his name...?"

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"His name is Vernon and I'm hoping you kept him like he truely was" Yukie replied planning on raising hell if Vernon was fucked up.

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" He.... looks relatively the same. If that's what you want to hear." Rodin stated, pouring his drink fro both himself and the woman sitting on the stools. " But he uh... maybe a little more .... compliant to your whims"

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"...is he still himself though I liked his personality not just his body" Yukie replied as he looked away confused.

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Rodin chuckled darkly. " Why not take a look for yourself..." He waved his arm and a door on the far left opened. " Right through there.... but uh, hope you don't mind but I ... took him for a 'test run', dressed him up nice after though" He tried not to laugh. Sushi groaned and facepalmed. How the hell did he get involved in this.

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In the room, Yukie would see, a small corner piled with a few stuffed animals and a few bright little shirts. In another corner there was a chained up chest, with a bow on the top, a nice little tag labeled 'To: The new Daddy, Congrats ya lil' shit' and the little sunglasses smiley emoji crudely drawn beside it. And in the middle against the wall further in the room, sat a decent sized bed. a lump laid on it, and a soft snoring was heard.

On the bed, lay a sleeping Vernon, tucked away under the bed only his head poking out. But... a little headband sat in it, fluffy little black cats ears attatched to the headband. And Vernon's eyes were covered with a blindfold.

" I suggest you make sure nobody is nearby when you take that blind fold off. Or do you want to 'unwrap' your present here?" Rodin asked leaning against the door frame to the room.

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"How old is he mentally and physically?" Yukie asked clearly wanting to unwrap his present here wanting to see vernons eyes again as he crumpled up the note and tossed it on the floor confused by everything.

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Rodin shrugged. " Depends, how old you want him to be?" He asked with a smirk. " Either way, he'll be completely reliant and devoted to you once you take that off. Oh and uh, you may want to decide on a trigger word or phrase... which ever you feel is best..."

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"What do you mean a trigger word?" Yukie asked gently walking over as he touched vernons face gently rubbing his thumb against his cheek. "He's super pretty..."

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" Hey hey hey! No touchin'. You can't touch till you understand the conditions for takin' him home" Rodin swatted Yukie's hand away. " And of course he's pretty, I took care of him, cleaned him up, dressed him nice, trained him a little bit." Rodin stated smugly. He was honestly very proud of his work. " but as far as the trigger word is concerned, this little set up will last for three months before one of two things is gonna happen. One, if you tell him the trigger word or phrase will break him from the hypnosis he's under. Two, if you don't say it after three months, he will permanetly 'belong' to you ... in a sense." Rodin explained as he walked around the room. " If you choose to keep him as your 'Little', as the humans call them, you will tell him what to where or what not to wear, where he goes and who he can make friends with. If you want sex, he will oblige without question or fuss. Anytime, anywhere. If you wanted a blowjob in a stadium full of people watching on a plasma screen, he'll do it. If you like, as an extra measure,you can create trigger phrases for everything you'll want him to do. From cleaning to sex. Any questions? Oh and he does have one phrase to wake him up."

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"Would he be unhappy with this kind of life...living like this forever?" Yukie asked frowning..."I don't want to loose him but would he hate living like this?" He asked Rodin his eyes dead serious and needing an answer as he sighed...."I'm not alive so a body of my type takes time...I'd, like to request a demon body...if needed I'll work out an arrangement"

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" well that's the risk your gonna have to take aren't you." Rodin smirked. " you should no me better then that. I never give straight answers. But I'll sweeten the pot for you. If you say the trigger phrase at the end of the three months, I'll make so nothing ever happened between you to. He'll have a fresh memory of his death and he'll have no idea who you are. He'll wake up as a ghost, just like you... but you need to try this out for the minimum of three months, no more no less. Deal?" The satanic demon held out his hand.

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"If I don't use the trigger word at the end of three months you have to give me a real demon ghost body" Yukie replied as he smirked and shook rodins hand not minding the gift as he looked at Vernon excitedly.

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Rodin smiled sinsterly. " Fine. All you gotta say is " He tugged Yukie closer, " Daddy's here kitten." He pulled away. " Be sure the blindfold is off first. And be prepared for a constant want for your attention." Rodin finished and stepped out of the room with Sushi close behind.

Vernon still snoozed on the bed.

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Yukie blushed as he gently touched vernons face and kissed his cheek..."daddy's here kitten" Yukie whispered as he blushed and sat beside Vernon curious of what he would say back.

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Vernon twitched under the blanket, a cute little moan was heard before pause. Then Vernon shot up in bed, his voice calling out, "Daddy? Daddy where are you? I-I can't see you!" The blindfold was still on,Vernon's voice sounded almost heartbroken.

From what could be seen, Vernon had been dressed in a lacey black baby doll blouse, a collar on his throat, matching up with the ears. The bla let onscurried the rest of the view.

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"It's okay let me help you" Yukie replied gently taking off the blindfold as he blushed his hands trembling damn Vernon was so cute and beautiful he couldn't help it he was already getting hard at the joyous sight of Vernon.

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Vernon blinked for a moment was the blindfold was removed. His eyes were still green, but the pupils... the moment they laid themselves on Yukie, Vernon broke out into the brightest smile. He found himself against his 'Daddy', laying a big smooch to Yukie's lips. "Hmmmm~

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"Good morning," Yukie replied a little surprised as he kissed back and smiled happy to see vernons pretty eyes again. "Did you miss me?" Yukie asked softly kissing vernons hand ever so lovingly.

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"Hmmm I always miss my Daddy when he leaves me all alone" Vernon said with a pout. He reached and showered Yukie's face and neck with kisses. "I don't want you going away anymore~" he whined as he rubbed and nuzzled against Yukie. "I was a good boy to while you went away, so can I have a treat.... pretty please, Daddy~" he whispered, staring at Yukie, his pupils shaping into hearts.

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"Mmh what would you like for a treat then since you where so good?" Yukie asked curiously as he played with a strand of vernons hair slightly wishing he wasn't wearing clothes covered in paint and dirt.

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" Don't be funny Daddy~. " Vernon snickered. " Can I get it myself then?" He asked sweetly. He gave more kisses and nips. " it's in Daddy's lap, and it's already warm for me~ can I get it Daddy, pretty please~" He begged more, rubbing against Yukie's erection, the blanket now completely off showing off Vernon's creamy pale thighs, and lacey baby doll shorts and thigh high lace socks.

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"No...lets go home first I'm very dirty and I'd prefer taking a nice shower with you" Yukie replied gently touching vernons face as he packed up all of his crap and yelled down the hall for sushi to help get him home.

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