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Together Forever [Private, 18+] (Pigeon & SapphireD910)


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"Of course I wish to accept..." Sage squeezed the man's hands gently. "Have I not show my affection already?" His cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red and he looked away. "A-and there is no reason to worry, my father will be happy to allow me to marry. He has always worried that my closeness with Samuel would frighten off any suitors."


He looked back up at the man, his eye lashes fluttering. "Y-yes, I think I need some time to calm myself as well..." His heart skipped a beat as he noticed the lust in the man's eyes. It was deeply exciting, and he feared that his eyes reflected the emotion. "I think perhaps I am more tired than I thought, I cannot keep the proper composure for the moment."

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With a smile Ezra rose to his feet, still holding Sage's hands in his he helped her to her feet. He was shamed with the reminder of his own thoughts of Sage and Samuels... closeness. He remembered his discussion with Samuel earlier, the fear and jealousy he had let overwhelm him. Suddenly Ezra felt all the more blessed that she wanted him, that Samuel had forgiven his ignorance. Thoughts turned to images of Sage as his bride, carrying her small frame to their wedding bed.


The king caught himself with a sharp intake of breath. "Of course, it's been a long day." Moving next to her he tried desperately to change the course of his thoughts, but her scent kept lingering, the chaste kiss lingered on his lips, and his body was all too aware of her form those close as they walked.


Ezra, especially when he was younger had fooled around, though he'd be horrified to share such details with someone so lovely and seemingly innocent. He'd learned early in life that many people wanted to be close and wanted to please someone in his position. It made him wonder if he'd only ruin her and how special she must be to her family that someone so lovely and sweet had managed to go so long... untouched as it were. Despite the seriousness of these thoughts and did nothing to calm his blood.


As much as he hesitated to part, in this rare moment it was a relief to reach Sage's door before he gathered up his urges and acted on them. "Goodnight princess," he bowed to his companion before opening her door, the sweet smell of flowers coming through again.

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Sage gracefully rose to his feet, putting no weight on the king's support. "Thank you." He murmured. Without thinking he took Ezra's arm, despite it not being offered, and lightly pressed against the man. His head tilted to rest on Ezra's shoulder. He felt giddy with excitement, and wondered if he would even be able to sleep tonight. For now he didn't even think about what might happen once they were married.


He finally pulled away once they reached his room and curtsied to the man. "Thank you again, this has been a truly wonderful evening." He looked up at Ezra, his dark cheeks still tinted pink. After a moment of hesitation he looked around, making sure that there was no one else around, and leaned up to very quickly press a light kiss to the king's cheek. "Good night your majesty." He said quickly, his face turning dark with embarrassment.


With that Sage slipped back into his room and threw himself down on his bed, shutting his eyes tightly and pressing his face into a pillow. He couldn't believe what he had just done, it was far too forward wasn't it?

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Ezra felt like he might have blushed with the heat he felt rush to his cheeks, but was certain to the soft smile that crossed his lips at the princess' kiss. A wickedly poor-mannered part of himself wished he'd slipped in a deeper kiss, but was struck through the heart at Sage's sweetness and gentle displays. She was so sweet to desire but still difficult to imagine further things with. "Good night and sweet dreams your highness."


When she dashed away it was like they were two children playing some game between girls and boys before gender separated them. Her innocence was clear and almost too much for him. Yet the heat throughout his body had not subsided even now. Returning to his room he disrobed and crawled between the sheets of his bed in his light sleep garments. Sleep came difficult to him over his jittery excitement at his engagement.


When the sun finally woke him fully Ezra found himself disheveled and a mess. His clothes clung to him from sweat and other stickiness that almost horrified him with shame and guilt if Sage had any way of reading his mind. Gerard was often the first person to meet with him in the morning which relieved him compared to any of the others who would surely gossip about finding him in such a state, especially now as king.


"It simply shows that you're ready for that next step in your life, your majesty," Gerard noted in almost an eerily matter of fact way. "Your new found prospects only make it more apparent and your body is preparing."


"Can I please just have a warm bath as soon as possible," Ezra asked, not wanting to present anger, but not wanting to dwell either. It wasn't something new, he'd had such things happen before. But he couldn't bring himself to touch himself in that manner with Sage just down the hall. Despite their formalities, it felt almost like she could walk in at any moment.


Gerard started to assist Ezra with the removal of his clothes after other servants prepared a warm bath. Sometimes it was like he was a child having people serve even basic needs. Before his mother passed he'd been a lot more free to run off. But once it was clear that without finding another bride and his failing health, that his father was not to have another chance at a child let alone a son, Ezra was pushed into the normal expectations of an heir.


Dipping down into the bath he let a deep sigh escape him, letting the tension and... anticipation soak away a bit. He still felt nerves at the prospect of sharing his desires to marry Sage with her father as he had somewhat done with Samuel, hoping still that he had not changed his mind at all over night.

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It took a few minutes for Sage to calm down and gather himself. Once he did he left his room and lightly knocked on Samuel's door. His brother smiled as he opened the door.


"Ah, you're back. How was your evening?" The prince asked.


"It was truly wonderful..." Sage sighed blissfully. "I just didn't want you to worry that I was out too late." He smiled brightly. "I am going to go to bed now, I'll see you in the morning."


Samuel nodded. "Thank you for telling me, sleep well." He watched Sage go back into his room before closing the door.


Sage waited in his room for a few minutes before his maid, Rebecca, arrived to help him change. The maid was one of the only people who knew the truth about his body. She was just a few years older than the princess and had no family so she had spent her life by the princess' side. Despite their long relationship Sage had never managed to find the same connection with her as he had with Samuel. It could be that the maid was completely mute, part of the reason that she had been chosen for the duty, but it usually just added to the rumors of incest.


Rebecca helped the princess change and take down his hair. Then spent a few minutes gently brushing the long locks while Sage told her about the king's proposal. Finally the princess was ready for bed and Rebecca left, but it still took Sage hours to fall asleep. He was just too excited about what could happen the next morning.


When the morning did arrive Rebecca came in to awaken the sleeping princess. It took Sage a long time to decide on what to wear. On one hand it would be nice to wear something cheerful after the proposal but on the other it might be disrespectful to wear anything but black. Finally he settled on a deep navy blue gown which looked black unless it was hit with the right light. As usual his hair was done up in an elaborate way.


Once he was completely prepared for the day he went to Samuel's room. To avoid more rumors Samuel led his twin out to the garden where he began to read aloud one of Sage's favorite stories. Within minutes Sage had fallen back asleep against his brother's shoulder. Samuel smiled and closed the book, simply enjoying the sun as he waited for Ezra find them.

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"Have the princess and prince awoken yet?" Ezra mused, letting the warm water sooth him and soak the filth from his skin. He let out a soft sigh as Gerard stepped behind and soaked his fingers before dipping them into the king's scalp.


"They woke quite early your majesty. They've already gone to the courtyard."


"Wait what?! I can't be so inattentive!" He moved to rise from the bath but the older man pushed down on his shoulders.


"They are fine and will wait for you." He smirked from behind the young royal. "You would disappoint the princess not to clean up before presenting yourself."


Gerard cupped water to gently rinse his master's hair before retrieving a towel. As the man drew the cloth over Ezra's wet body, drying it carefully, the king himself blushed feeling the gesture was beyond his age. Yet Gerard had always served him this way and proceeded by getting him dressed, today a blackened ash color. Ezra noted he'd be happy to wear and see color again.


"Thank you Gerard." He rushed out and out to the courtyard despite himself, startling several servants along the way. Stepping outside He immediately laid eyes on the pair snuggled up close.


"Morning, I hope I did not keep you long. Are you ready for breakfast?" A blush spread looking at them both. So close together he recalled how alike they were. Even as twins it was startling to see a boy and girl so alike.


"Shall we?" He tried to detract from his scrutiny and lead his guests. "I have some ideas to enjoy the day if you both are interested."

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Samuel lifted a finger to his lips, gesturing for the king not to wake his twin. "Good morning... It seems that Sage had some difficulty falling asleep." He lightly brushed a loose hair out of the princess' face. "You proposed to her last night didn't you?" He asked softly. It was a bit painful to ask, but he knew Sage well enough to tell what had happened.


The princess made a soft sound in his sleep and snuggled into his brother's touch, fully relaxed in the warm sun.


((I drew Sage again




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Ezra felt his heart thump, but where he would normally feel nervous of Samuel he smiled softly at him instead. Lowering his voice and stepping closer he nodded and spoke, "Yes, I did. My hope was to return her to her room to get more sleep, but I'm afraid I didn't anticipate her anticipation. If you approve I would like to return with the two of you and ask your family's blessing."


He eyed over Sage's restful form, a little jealous that Samuel could hold the princess in such a way that he couldn't. "I know twins are such a rarity, but it still fascinates me that the two of you are so similar and still so different." He thought about how beautiful Sage looked, and even in such times and so early, she was dressed and groomed in such a different manner than he'd ever seen before. Upon closer look he notice the blue shimmer that Sage's dress had compared to Samuel's black. Suddenly he tried to shift his thoughts when he noticed Samuel honestly had very similar facial features to his sister.


"I can order food to be served out here for when she wakes. Aren't you hungry?"

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"Don't worry, she didn't tell me." Samuel smiled down at the princess, his eyes sad. "She wouldn't betray your trust in such a way. Its just that I have know her all my life, so I can tell when she is hiding something. And I cannot think of anything else that would make her so happy and excited that she would be unable to sleep, especially after such a long trip."


He looked back at Ezra at the comment out their similarities. "It is strange isn't it? I always felt like Sage is my other half, and I am hers. She is the gentle and kind one, perhaps that's the reason I'm so protective of her..." He met the king's gaze, his eyes becoming stern. "You have to protect her from now on. Even if I wanted to refuse you I couldn't because it would crush her. Make her happy, she has suffered enough in her life."


His gaze saddened again as he looked back to his sleeping twin. "To answer your question from before... I would still marry a woman with the same... Secret, as Sage. Although it could just be because I have seen how much pain and fear it has caused her. I know that she never asked for this type of life..." The prince's voice grew soft. "I know that it has made her wish for death at times"


He shook his head, trying to move away from the dark subject. "We can wake her, I just wanted to speak to you first."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ezra let out a heavy sigh meeting Samuel's heavy glare before sitting next to the pair. "Let her sleep, no one else is going to demand her presence and I'm fond of leaving her be until she feels ready to wake." He stared out to the garden thoughtfully, trying to place his thoughts. "I'll continue to trust you both in not telling me. I cannot imagine changing over anything. I promise I will never harm her. I only wish to make her happy." He wanted to run his hands along her back in comfort. It was almost too sweet that her excitement had kept her up to such results.


"What about you? Do you have someone you are betrothed to?" Ezra was glad he'd sat next to Samuel near Sage's head. If left near her skirt he'd probably nervously fidget with the lace sending inappropriate messages. He knew he'd never have Samual's full confidence, at least not until he and Sage were married.


"It seems a shame to wake her... but I don't wish her to fret or hunger later." He had to place his hands on his knees before rising back to his feet. "I wanted to take you both riding for a bit. The princess can have her own horse if she's comfortable. There's a beautiful field near an orchard we could walk around. I'm rather fond of the outdoors if you could not tell." He smiled to the other man hoping that things would settle between them soon enough.

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"I do not have anyone, once Sage is married I will begin to look for someone. I do not want to divide my attention and allow either of us to end up with someone who isn't right for us... Especially Sage." Samuel wrapped his arm around his twin, squeezing him gently. "She is so sweet and gentle... And so delicate.... And she's already been through so much."


He let out a soft sigh and removed his arm. "You're right, I'll wake her." He glanced at Ezra with a slight smile. "That sounds lovely. Are you sure you don't mind having me join you?"


The prince turned his attention back to Sage and gently shook the princess' shoulder. "Sage, it's time to wake up... We're going to have breakfast."


Sage let out a soft, cute whimper and snuggled closer to his brother. "Nn..."


Samuel shook him a little more. "You can take a nap later, you're making the king wait."


Finally Sage's eyes fluttered open. He sat up and looked around sleepily. His eyes grew wide when he noticed Ezra. "A-ah, your majesty." He quickly stood up and curtsied. "I am sorry, I hope you did not have to wait for me to awaken."

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"If you won't mind joining." He returned Samuel's smile. The look of happiness suited him. "If I please your parents, if Sage will have me, then we will be family. Something I've very much missed." He gave a sad smile.


Ezra was almost fearful of disrupting Sage, so cutely sleeping. "Ah... it's no harm." His heart pounded upon hearing the cute noises as the small princess broke from sleep. He couldn't believe how absolutely beautiful everything she did was.


"No wait, no inconvenience," he reached for her gloves hand giving it a light peck. "I want to show you both around today when you feel ready. But there is a lovely breakfast inside." He stood and offered his arm. "Shall we?"




A couple of days passed, Ezra easing the princess to his home, to what he wanted to be her home. He'd even felt that perhaps Samuel was finally warming up to him. But just as he felt warm and confident, the young king found his nerves grown anew as they gathered into the carriages to take the twins home, Ezra accompanying them to officiate his proposal.


"I don't want to disappoint." He fretted almost like a child. "Be fair Samuel, tell me if there's something they hate." He looked to Sage. "Should I keep my distance in respect or show my affection? I want them to know I deeply care for you." He took her hand with a soft smile. "But I must not insult them depending on their ideas of... indecency."


He was tempted to urge Samuel's directness with a tease of calling him brother, but while humorous in his mind he could imagine the glare that would befall him. But a part of him did get excited over the idea of a full family. One much warmer than his had ever been since losing his mother.

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Samuel stayed quiet at first, unsure of how to respond to the question. "Our parents... No, our father... Our mother's opinion will not affect your chances. Our father is very old fashioned and very strict..." He trailed off, glancing at his twin.


"If our father was the one to accompany me to visit you then I would not have been allowed to spend a moment alone with you." Sage spoke quietly, his gaze resting on his feet. "Not only that, but the most physical contact we would have had would have been a kiss on the hand."


"Also, he cares more for the political gains from this marriage than for Sage's happiness or even her safety." Samuel clenched his hands into fists, his eyes burning with anger. "He's a bastard who sees Sage as nothing but an asset of our country, the same as gold or crops."


Sage lightly took one of Samuel's hands in his own, giving it a light squeeze. "It's not just me... He has a very old fashioned view on women in general." The princess' eyes moved to look at Ezra. "I hate to ask you to do this... But perhaps it would be best if you think of how you might answer him if he were to ask what benefits our country would have from this marriage..." He looked away again, unable to hide his sadness. "I hope that doesn't sound too rude... And I hope that he will not offend you."

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Ezra gave a soft smile, but there was visible disappointment in his features. "Of course, that is what these arrangements are really about aren't they?" He intertwined Sage's fingers with his to bring her hand up for a kiss. "Plus I have to give them a reason to let someone to previous go. Even if they themselves can't see it."


He raised a curious brow to Samuel. "You speak as though you don't trust I would keep Sage safe Samuel." He smiled all the same knowing it wasn't personal. Again tempted to call him brother and hold firm that this marriage would be. "I adore you Sage. It doesn't matter to me if your parents are blind or neglect to give you all you deserve. I want to." He tightened his fingers around hers.


He took a moment to think of what might be most desirable to such a calm and peaceful kingdom. "Now offerings. I am crowned, therefore she would immediately be my queen rather than married to a prince. We have a very respectable army and fleet as that is always of concern to so many. Though they haven't been needed. Our food, especially our wine, a compliment to all festivities, negotiations and..." he paused realizing the nature of his last thought, but with his pause realized that Samuel perhaps thought something more lewd where he thought of the way alcohol was used to hide the flavor of other things or incapacitate people. "...other raising of spirits."


"I'd like to see their argument for a better arrangement. Although it seems it won't make a difference, I still plan to gift several bouquets of flowers like those I had ready for you to your mother. Spread them throughout the palace. Their aroma brings peace to any room."

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“I was not referring to you.” Samuel said with a frown. “I meant that our father would marry Sage to someone he knew might beat her if it was beneficial to our country.”


Sage’s cheeks flushed at the kiss to his hand. “It is not us that you must convince…” He said softly. “I know I cannot think of anything that could make me happier to be yours.” His face turned an even deeper shade of red. “A-ah, I'm sorry.” He looked away, embarrassed by his own words.


“You shouldn't flirt in front of your own brother.” Samuel laughed lightly before turning his attention back to Ezra. “Sage is right, you have already convinced me. This is probably something I should not say but the benefits to our country is not important to me. As long as Sage is happy I can find other ways to make alliances with our neighbors.” He reached over and took Sage’s hand, squeezing it lightly. “I can see how happy she is by your side, and that is enough for me.”


“Thank you Samuel…” Sage lightly leaned against his twin, his gaze drifting out the window. “Ah, it appears that we are almost there…” He lightly bit his lip, trying to hide his nerves.

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The young royal snickered at Samuel's warnings to the two of them. "Brother? Well, getting used to becoming family very quickly?" He covered his mouth to stiffle the giggling. "Apologies, I couldn't resist." He smiled softly holding one of Sage's hands as Samuel reached to squeeze the princess' other. A part of him still felt that his biggest challenger for Sage's affection was actually her twin, and would always be.


After a bit more time the carriage lurched to a stop. Suddenly his nerves jumped up to the bottom of his throat, chest throbbing with the beating of his heart. Despite his light attitude and teasing, Ezra was fearful of the outcome of this visit. He wanted the proposal to be accepted, but he also didn't want to bring shame as the leader of his nation now.


He rubbed his thumb against the back of Sage's small hand as though to comfort her, but also to comfort himself. "Shall we?"

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Samuel rolled his eyes at Ezra's teasing. "Do not try to change my mind." He grumbled.


Sage couldn't help but laugh softly. "Samuel, don't be mean." He turned to Ezra, a nervous smile on his lips. "Ah, yes..." He squeezed Ezra's hand back. "I... I apologize but I think it is best if you keep your distance from me during this visit. I would not want my father to think your courtship has... Become indecent." His cheeks flushed as he tried to explain. "Samuel understands that I would not do such things, but my father has a..." He paused again, trying to think of how to put it. "He has a low opinion of me, in fact he has a low opinion of all women." He slowly pulled his hand away. "I hope you are not offended by this. I simply do not want to cause any misunderstandings..."


The carriage door was opened by a servant, who bowed deeply. Samuel stepped out of the carriage first so that he could help Sage out. But as Samuel's back was turned and was blocking the doorway, Sage leaned over and kissed Ezra's cheek lightly. "Please do not be offended by my father, he can be very rude. But his thoughts and actions do not reflect mine or Samuel's in any way." He murmured, pulling away quickly so his action would not be seen.


Samuel helped the princess out of the carriage, and stepped aside to give Ezra space to exit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When stepping from the carriage, Ezra gave a light bow to Sage given her notes to him at the end of the ride. "I... understand. With all hope our time apart will be limited after this visit m'lady." He stood back up straight and turned to the palace, remembering it from the party, only now he got to see it in full daylight. Each castle was unique in its own way. Ezra knew that his home was rather earthy in appearance, the garden was its largest feature. His mother's touch from everything he'd heard, but another thing his father had bitterly rejected. He already had plans to extend the gardens under his reign.


The twins lived in a gorgeous and imposing palace. Tall walls and peaks that looked as though they were reaching to pierce the bright blue sky. His lips smiled. "Beautiful... just as its princess," he said, a shameless smile coming over his features.


Turning to a few handlers that joined them, Ezra had the gifts and flowers he brought readied to present. "Whether she has say or not, I intend to gift both your parents. I also intend to give a few bouquets for you to have throughout your room." Smoothing out his closes and hair before turning to the twins he simply said with a small smile, "Shall we then?"

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Sage reached for Ezra's hand before stopping himself, his cheeks flushing softly. "Ah... Yes... I think our father will want to meet you." He turned to Samuel who nodded.


"Yes... Let's get the hard part over with..." Samuel sighed and gestured for them to follow. He led them through the beautiful halls of the palace until they reached the throne room. After taking a deep breath he knocked on the door.


A servant pulled the door open from the inside, bowing deeply as the three entered. The throne room was an intimidating sight. A long corridor with a huge arching ceiling. All made of cold, white marble with intricate carvings. At the end was an equally intimating throne made of gold and sapphires. However the man in the throne did not seem to fit the rest of the room. He was old and sickly, barely able to sit up on his own. But his eyes were just as cold and ruthless as his surroundings suggested.


Samuel approached the throne, Sage trailing after him. Samuel lowered his head in a deep bow, Sage echoing the expression with a curtsy. "Father..."


"So you have returned..." The king's gaze only hardened at the sight of his children. "I see that we have a guest. King Ezra of Tarselem I presume? I can only think of one reason for you to come see me..." He glanced to his side, where his wife sat in a much smaller, silver throne. "Eliza, have Sage checked." He turned back to Ezra, a slight frown on his lips. "Please do not be offended by this. It is not your honor that I doubt. It is simply that this girl is far too naive."


Sage's face went pale as their mother rose to her feet. "F-Father..." He whimpered softly before biting his lip, his eyes filling with tears as his face flushed in humiliation. His body trembled as he stared at the floor unable to look at Ezra.


The queen stepped towards Sage, her face a perfect emotionless mask. Although she couldn't hide the slight tremble in her step which gave away the fact that it was painful to walk. "Sage..." She lightly rested her hand on the princess' shoulder, giving him a sympathetic glance before leaning him away.


Samuel stared at his father, his body shaking in pure rage. His hands were clenched at his sides. "You bastard..." He hissed. For a moment it looked like he was about to hit the king.

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The young king suddenly felt even smaller and unfit for his role stepping into the throne room. This was a part of the palace that had remained unexplored during the twins' birthday party. Something about it frightened him even. His own was much more close, the walls covered in candles, artful tapestries shrewn about and the ceiling not even half as high. He was slightly dazed at the jeweled throne where the other king sat. Such lavishness was almost sore on the eyes compared to the warmer touches of smooth and rich colored wood of the throne that was now his.


His eyes widened slightly at the curt way in which the older king addressed them. How was it such a gentle creature as Sage, and even a stern but caring one as Samuel, were born of someone so cruel and cold, even given only a few minutes to have any impression? His fists clenched tight, nails digging into his palm as her father suggested something unsavory about he and Sage's courtship. He turned with shock as Samuel spoke what he himself were only feeling. Still, the man was not too far from his own father, cold and unkind, only Ezra's father prefered to ignore him rather than humiliate.


"Prince Samuel please compose yourself," he narrowed his eyes, but the deeper look was of pain. "It is only fair that your father ensure that I have not taken advantage of Sage." He turned with the most forced smile. "We have yet to be introduced and he doesn't know my character to know I only have intent to properly make this arrangement. Without doubts, without slander to any of his family." He let out a huff breath to try and not let tears form. "We sometimes lose track of what these matters are really about for emotions and desires. But I must simply know what exchanges are sought to make your majesty an ally by means of marriage?"


He felt a deep sinking in his gut. It was disgusting and cruel and he was relieved Sage was not still here to hear his forced demeanor for her father. "It seems perhaps she is of trouble to you. Perhaps my kingdom is more... undistinguished than yours. But I think there's a fair amount that could be discussed." He bowed deeply, more to stop looking at the man than any feelings of honor or respect. He body shivered slightly thinking of Samuel's eyes on him. Would he have to explain his act to him? Would he suggest to Sage that he was no longer right? Or could he see and understand that... Ezra was used to putting on airs under disdainful eyes too.

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Samuel bit his lip and looked away. He knew what Ezra was doing and knew it was for the best, but it disgusted him.


The king went silent for a moment, looking Ezra up and down. Finally he spoke again. “Samuel, leave us.” It was not a request, but an order.


"Gladly." Samuel glared at his father before storming out, slamming the door behind himself.


With a soft sigh the king leaned back, seeming to deflate. For a moment it was clear to see what he was, a frail old man on the brink of death. He waved away the servants in the room, staying quiet until it was only him and Ezra.


“My apologies for the rude introduction.” He sat up again. “I am king Claudith Iril Cormelia… Although I am sure you have gathered as much.”


“You have my deepest sympathies for your recent loss. I did not know him, but I heard that your father was a good king.” He paused for a moment, a trace of sadness in his voice. “Of course a good king is not always a good man… And a good man is not always a good king.”


“In fact that is what I wish to speak with you about.” He leaned forward, his piercing gaze set upon the young king. “You ask what I seek from this marriage. My public wishes are simple. I want to keep open trading between and through your country, and to have your army come to our aide if we were ever attacked. Of course we would do the same for you.”


“However there are wishes that would remain between the two of us. Not written or signed, but something I wish for you to swear upon as your honor as a king.” His eyes searched Ezra’s face for any sign of hesitation of dishonesty.

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Ezra swallowed nervously as all other person's evacuated the room. This was suddenly a meeting king to king and Ezra was new and young. He was certain a man of this other man's age was still cunning and had a life of experience to hold his seat of power. His breath almost hitched as a near apology came from King Cornelia.


"Of course, how could one seek marriage and then close trade and withhold military alliances. That is more than fair." He paused as the other king extended his request. Ezra feared that perhaps this was to do with Dave's deeper secrets. This anticipation was building in him that perhaps he should hesitate if all these people were warning him and swearing his promises. But his thoughts turned back to her soft hand in his, the way her cheeks flushed, how sweet and gentle she was. Ezra couldn't imagine another arranged marriage turning up such a beautiful, sweet and pure person.


"Please ask it of me. On my honor I will only agree to that which does not dishonor my family or kingdom, but my promises are my honor and won't be broken. If your concern is Sage, I am prepared to enter this marriage respecting both our kingdoms, but also as is often rare in these arrangements, care for Sage as well."


He blushed, feeling perhaps he had said too much and spoke to direct from his heart. The man had still showed a disgusting in consideration or respect of his children who Ezra had now well bonded. He sighed. "Excuse my long statement. Please, what is further needed of me?"

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"It would not dishonor your family or kingdom..." The king sighed softly. "It is more likely to dishonor my family."


"I have never been a good father, nor have I been a good husband. I am aware of this. My priority has always been my country. Such is the burden of a ruler." He leaned back in his throne again. "I have tried to train Samuel to be a good king. But he has always been far too emotional. He is passionate, quick to anger, honest... All dangerous qualities in a ruler." The older man's brow furrowed as he spoke. "Such qualities could result in war, or ruined alliances."


"Because of this I am asking you an... Unusual thing." He took a deep breath, trying to hide the pain in his voice. "If Samuel's emotions begin to harm the people of this country... Please overthrow him. Spare his life at all possible, but do not allow him to destroy the lives of thousands of people." His hands clasped in his lap. "As I said before, a good man is not always a good king..."

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Fear and shock start to double the beating of his heart. All his time with the twins, bonding, gaining their trust and now he was being asked to promise this man before him that he'd be willing to break both their hearts. He could have Sage's hand, but could he ever feel their bond if in the back of his mind he knew he'd made this promise? If he stood against Samuel she'd hate him.


"I believe he is deeply emotional when it comes to his family. But I do believe he holds compassion and can't imagine him endangering his people or challenging what is otherwise peaceful and prosperous. If I can truly be his ally and family, then I will support him, including redirecting him to better decisions. If he cannot... see or agree to the sacrifices to our personal beings for his people... I'll do what's right for my allies and the people, not a single ruler." His chest and lungs ached.


He'd not expected such exchanges and promises. He'd always thought his charm and resources to be the things under scrutiny, not the foundations of what it was to be a ruler, something his father always felt he was too meek and unsophisticated for.


"You have my word, I will always steer Samuel to the logical and calm. And kingdoms must stand beyond any one ruler. I will be an ally to this kingdom."


He feared his next thought but dared to say it none the less. "A marriage with Sage, his attachment to his twin, might make him more open to my suggestions earlier than later as well. But do you have no others, a counsel here that could keep him sound with more frequency?"

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Claudith shook his head at the other's question. “Ezra… If I may give you one piece of advice for your position, never fully trust those who would benefit from your fall. My council is filled with trustworthy and wise men. But if it were to come out that I do not trust Samuel’s judgment, that could be used to push him from power.”


“I am asking you because it seems that you have feelings for Sage. So you would have more to lose by turning against Samuel.” He paused for a moment, still studying the younger king’s face. “Please do not misunderstand. I am not asking you to advise Samuel anymore than you would as his ally and brother. Nor am I asking you to attack him for the smallest mistake. I only ask you to be my country's last hope if it were to come to that.”


“If you give your word then I have no other conditions. If Samuel trusts you enough to give his approval then I know you will be a good husband.” Claudith relaxed back in his seat. “We can write up a marriage agreement.tomorrow since I am sure you are tired… We would want a ceremony here, as Sage is our only princess. Of course I am sure you would want the official wedding in your own country. So perhaps we could have an engagement ceremony here…”


The king finally showed the hint of a smile. “I am sure that I seem like a cruel man to have forced you to make such a promise… But I am truly relieved that Sage has found someone like you. I must prioritize my people, but I still love my children… I am sure you will understand someday.”

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