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A School For Heroes (Group RP:Ukes,Sekes,&Semes Welcome)


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Hey there, everyone!


I've been mulling over this idea for some time now, an idea for a group RP themed around a high school for superheroes. I hope that this could be an opportunity to gain experience dealing with multiple people, with different ideas and different focus points of writing. I hope to grab five other people to try this idea,One more uke,two sekes,and two semes. Comment below with a bio and picture for your character if you're interested.


A Few Rules Before We Begin:


*+5 sentences for each reply.

*Be careful of grammar, spelling, and other workings.( Not too much of a deal, but it would be good to understand what you just wrote.)

*Respond in the 3rd person. Use "" for speech, and '' for thought.

*Limit yourself to three powers.





Name:Collin "Collie" Homles





Weight:118 lbs

Birthday:December 20th



Hair Color:Platinum Blonde

Eye Color:Icy Blue

Superpower(s): Sub-zero mastery, superstrength.


Extra Info:Collie's attire is driven by both men's and women's style. No matter what he chooses Collie us always looking proper he is always seen with a wool scarf wrapped around his neck. Collie also has wrapped bandages around his wrists,neck, and right forearm to cover patterns entirely made of frost that mark his skin.


Personality:Collie is very patient when it came to other people.Always willing to help anyone that would need it. Due to experiences in his past Collie cannot turn away from a person who was in pain. Collie unknowingly emits this warm, approachable aura to those around him.Collie takes his time before he acts on something.In situations that he can't Collie can act on his feet but in a rush, he is prone to jump into any idea that would come to him first.Collie can be easily swayed with sweet deserts and can be set to pull others close if he sees potential and interest. Collie is rather persistent and will keep at a task until he succeeds.


Likes:Sweet deserts, his pet cat, horror movies, the sight of falling snow,the supernatural, homemade cooking, and old works of literature.


Dislikes:Intense heat, very sour foods,the high pitched screaming of gulls,any food with too many spices.


Bio:Collie grew up as the only adopted son of a middle-class family of five. With no collection of his family, he believed the couple that took him in were his actual parents even though there were great physical differences between him and his siblings. Collie discovered his ice powers at six years old. While thinking about a popsicle he wanted the young Collie had completely frozen a glass of water that he was drinking at the time. Collie then discovered his unnatural strength two years later while nudging a twenty-five-foot tree during a walk on a school trip. For the rest of his childhood and part of his adolescence Collie kept his powers a secret to his family, his friends, just about anyone.Before his third year in high school, Collie was the only witness to a robbery of a nearby bank.In a fit of panic movement, he froze the thief in a large block of ice. Much to his surprise, Collie was being watched from afar,catching the eye of a rather tall man in a long coat. Before he could run he was stopped by this man, only to be given a strange paper that held information for a large school that rested at the outskirts of the city, The Oliss School.Out of fear and curiosity, Collie made his way towards the school before the next school year would begin.



*The picture for the bio might be missing.If that's the case, go to my album called "Traps". The first picture of that album is what Collie should look like. Thanks again for your time.

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Name: Ijama Taiga

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Position: Uke

Species: Human/tiger/ superhuman

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110lbs

Birthday: June 13th

Nationality: Chinese

Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair color: Dark grey/ black

Eye color: amber and cat-like


Powers: Able to change between a human and a small tiger. Ijima started off as a normal human until he was about 7 when he suddenly started turning into a tiger. He soon went about 4 years trapped between a tiger and human living comfortably with a rich family in Hong Kong. Eventually the family was in distress and had to flee the country. Ijima fled himself and found himself going to a school for those with super powers.


Personality: Considering he is a tiger, Ijima has a very long fuse. Honestly, he loves people and is a lot more like a friendly house cat. Taiga is always friendly and happy. He has trouble disbelieving people and is way too over trusting. That is his biggest downfall.









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[td]Appearance Specifications:[/td]


as a
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in the middle of his back.




[td]Full Name:[/td]












[td]Height & Weight:[/td]


" ::




[td]Nationality & Position:[/td]








ueit and Anti-social, Hasawa spends most of his time alone or in the company of whatever forest animal one might see with him. Have been deemed cold and uncaring by his peers due to his lineage as well as the few known facts about his childhood. Disdainful towards most people, especially when he thinks they exhibit incompetence although, in rare occasions, he shows generosity and kindness.







ble to permanently take an animal's quality and make it his own.


ble to control and manipulate his own blood.







bandoned son of two of the world's greatest villains. Not much is known about Hasawa but it is clear that he spent most -if not all- of his childhood in jungles of the Amazon. No one knows how he came to be there nor how he managed to survive all on his own.


Was found by a billionaire adventurer when he was ten and was legally adopted a year later by the same man and was immediately invited to attend Oliss School. A few years later, Hasawa's adopted father dies due to an unknown and incurable illness. Hasawa has since turned out to be an impressive investor as well as a very reclusive media personality.










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I hope my CS is fine. Do tell though if there's anything that I need to edit.

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[td]Appearance Specifications


Exceptionally sharp canine teeth.

Has a

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on the back of his right hand.





[td]Full Name


Tero Abe[/td]








[td]Nationality & Position


Japanese :. Seke[/td]



[td]Height & Weight


5'9 :. 132 lbs[/td]





A torturous and rather sadistic personality hides behind his innocent-looking smile. Known for his troublesome and violent behavior, Tero delights in seeing the terror in his enemies' eyes as he inflicts it with his own slender, soft hands, and feels great pleasure in harming others. At first glance, he comes off as the lazy type, but looking closer there's a strong sense of mischief in his eyes. Tero is skilled in manipulation, fighting--especially hand to hand combat--and trickery (foul play). While being relaxed most of the time, he tends to skip out on things that he finds boring and has no interest in. He is known for his brutality in combat, and has no qualms about hurting the people who threatens him or his friends. However, he prefers to stick to his pranks and tricks the majority of the time rather than engaging in full-blown combat, and this is because he takes joy in humiliating his opponents. His true abilities aren't quite known throughout the school, as he rarely shows them off, usually only using his normal hand-to-hand combat abilities or his tricks to fight, and uses them only when truly needed.


Despite being seen in a usually negative light, Tero holds good morals behind his actions. Most of the time, his "outbursts", as people call it, are ones that have positive motives, such as protecting someone or helping them. His actions usually get him trouble though. He is hardworking, shown when he hides the fact that he's studying hard by making it seem like all he does is play video games and sleep. To most, it doesn't seem as if he has a brain; he in fact does, as he can get to the top of his class without breaking much of a sweat. One of the most important lessons he's learned is that people with talent often fall into the trap that everything's going to work out the way they want him to. He was one of those people, and in many ways, still is.





Close Combat:.

Tero honed this ability himself. Though not being born with the talent for fighting with just his body, he learned it through countless days of training.


Mind Enslavement:.

Mind Enslavement is the ability to control another's mind. This ability takes a lot of energy out of Tero. The enslaved people have no free will with respect to him. It will only work if Tero uses it while touch the person's body in some way - with a finger tip to the tip of their hair maybe. The person's mind and personality will deteriorate over time, rendering them less and less capable of independent thought until, eventually, they are reduced to an automaton who does nothing but autonomic functions unless he orders them to do otherwise. Although not permanent, as in Tero can't reverse it, but he must sacrifice a part of himself to bring back the mind of the enslaved.


Reactive Life Drain:.

This ability allows Tero to instantly heal himself at the cost of another person's being by using the the "life energy" he has within him. However, he cannot revive himself from the dead. Because the energy does not replenish naturally, whenever the energy is expended he instantly and automatically starts draining the life energy from the nearest sapient being to make up for the loss.


For example, should he want to heal a bullet wound, the closest person next to him will get a bullet wound's worth of life energy drained out of them. That person will also feel the same pain that comes with the bullet would. Basically, Tero's wounds will transfer to another person as he heals. During the process of healing however, he will feel pain three times as worse until all the pain stops when he finishes the healing.






For a long time, Tero had for a long time been the rebellious student with the problematic attitude, yet also the overwhelmingly intelligent student. Despite being neglected as a child by his parents who were only heroes by media and lies and not by honesty, Tero was able grow up by watching those around him fall and rise and fall and rise as well as by basically raising himself. Even so, Tero missed out on the growing up that could only come by proper guidance, and beneath his mature outlook, a couple puzzle pieces are missing. The pieces leave holes that the child Tero still lives in, frightened. In a way, Tero is still just a kid.


Tero is a part of a wealthy family, living in a mansion with too many butlers and salad plates to count. Though surrounded by tons of servants, the mansion is far too empty, far too quiet, and far too big. His true powers are scorned by his parents, for they aren't filled with light and hope, but filled with darkness and sadness. As a result, he doesn't use them much unless unnecessary.


Growing up for Tero was filled with betrayal and fake people. Thus, people's worth tend to die out quite quickly in Tero's eyes.






"I'm not capable of being alert, not being afraid...It was the first time that I began to think that that's actually the scariest thing."[/td]



[td]Theme Song








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Finished! Please tell me if there's anything you would like me to change.

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Name: Astor Bonham

Age: 18

Position: Seke

Species: Superhuman

Height: 6'0”

Weight: 70kg

Hair colour: Blonde

Eye colour: Blue

Birthday: 21st June

Nationality: British



An, as of yet, uncontrolled ability to become invisible. This usually occurs when Astor is fearful or anxious. When he wants to literally disappear – he does! There has been a few occasions in the recent months, when Astor has been angry, the person or object, he has been angry with, has disappeared for a few seconds.




Astor is a shy boy who has always hidden from attention. He would rather support people from the sidelines than be watched by others. His reticence in social situations has commonly been seen as snobbery or self-importance. This has lead to him forming few, if any, friendships during his childhood.



Astor was born to an aristocratic, but financially poor, family. He attended average state schools where he was bullied for his aristocratic heritage. Peculiarly, to his social class, he can recite his forebears but knows very little of who they actually were. His relationship with his parents is similar to this. They know each other exist but have very little relationship beyond this. This has led Astor to resent his heritage and feel isolated from it. This isolation only grew when he started to have experiences of talking to people who then ignored him and looked straight through him. There has even been instances when someone has walked straight through him. Astor thought he was going mad and when he spoke of his experiences, so did everyone else! This led to a hospital admission an it was at the old Bedlam Asylum where Astor was given an invitation to attend The Oliss School at the other side of the world.


(The picture is my own creation - so forgive its crappiness!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Full Name: Ingram Holtzer

Age: 20

Position: Seke

Species: Uncertain, though surely partially human

Heigh: 190cm Weight: 85kg

Nationality: German



Fear Manipulation:
He is capable of both soothing fear and bringing it into a sound mind and to accomplish this he needs nothing more than some form of contact, even a touch or a glance into the targeted person's eyes is enough. However to accomplish more it's necessary for him to come closer to the person in question and hum a continuous sound to them or produce a melody by hissing, clicking his tongue and combining such noise.

With this power he can do as little as frighten someone or give them an illogical fear but also achieve something as severe as induce nightmares, cause someone to feel great dread, become paranoid, begin to hallucinate and gradually lose their sanity.


Supernatural Perception:
He is aware of and can sense paranormal beings near him, though sometimes he becomes overwhelmed and disorientated by their presence. He can comprehend and learn how to read many texts that would hold little meaning or would be undecipherable to a mere human. This power is much more often a hindrance than an useful tool for him because his mind is open to beings more powerful than himself and as a result of it he's been haunted by horrible nightmare for most of his life. Sometimes his sanity slips away because of these influences and he begins to rave on about what he has seen.


He is able to phase through solid objects and can also grant the same ability to any item he is in physical contact with. It's necessary for him to invoke and maintain this power consciously so he can still be hurt when caught off guard or when he becomes distracted. It is also impossible for him to make only a part of his body intangible and so he needs to switch between the two states in order to, for example, pick something up.




Ingram is aware of the assumptions most people make about him based on his powers and being a trickster he plays along and behaves oddly on purpose. His nightmares can sometimes torture him for days without pause though and this is when he becomes genuinely eerie and somewhat unpleasant to be around. However he is warm and friendly by nature and most people only know him as such because he isolates himself when he knows he's being gloomy.

It's not uncommon for him to spare someone a smile for no apparent reason, when a conversation grown quiet or his eyes meet their gaze as they pass by him. Provoking him to laugh or providing him some amusement is also very simple however not many people even try and he greatly appreciates those who do.




Having never met either of his parents, Ingram grew up in the home of an eccentric woman who he always believed was repaying a debt by looking after him. He never wondered about his family or felt any sorrow for having been abandoned, already as a child having received hints to what he was and where he originated from in his nightmares. His makeshift guardian from whom he 'inherited' the last name Holtzer, was a little know fortune teller. Despite being a fraud who only tricked simple minded locals, she was aware of Ingram's nature long before his powers began to develop and seemed to know what to expect of him.

He was sensitive to the paranormal from a very early age, possibly from his very birth, however the rest of his abilities seemed to set in slowly. His power over fear was incomplete until his early teenage years and his power of intangibility only began to manifest itself at that time. While this was for the most part something he had no control over, what additionally slowed him down was sometimes having to learn how to read cryptic texts in order to better understand and use his abilities.

Though his greatest interests are oddities such as those he sees in his nightmares and books and scripts that speak of them, for many years he used his powers only to erase phobias and lessen fears in exchange for money. It was when he decided to study these things more seriously that he left the home he'd grown up in, however he wasn't alone in the world for long before before his powers were noticed and someone realized it was possible to make him into a hero.



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Please tell me if there's anything I should change. As for a picture I will add one soon, I can't put up the one I would like at the moment =P

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  • 1 month later...

I've arrived to add a Seme to the mix. Hope you guys will like him ;) He's pretty much open for anything as long as the dynamic fits.






Name: Aeson Sykora

Age: 19

Role: Seme


Power: Cell Destruction

Aeson has the ability to cause the decay of cells as long as they are alive. Dying cells give off what looks like blue smoke. While it is sufficient as long as he lies his eyes on whatever he wants to destroy, he does not have possess that amount of control yet. Instead, the power is limited due to what he touches with his fingers, since the sensation makes it easier for him to access it. Since he could accidentally hurt people he came into contact with, he wears silken gloves that are fixed with laces around his forearms.


Other Powers: Nope.

There’s nothing else with magical origin that Aeson is able to rely on. He is is fairly good at close combat due to the training he received back home.


The Life of Aeson Sykora

He grew up as the eldest son of the CEO of a trading company and was treated as befitted someone whose sole purpose of existence was that he was going to inherit the company at some point in his life. His father forced him to study, supplying him with private teachers so he could continue to acquire thorough knowledge even after he had come home from school. While Aeson was encouraged to socialize, it became a task as well after some time, since his father was picky about who he wanted him to hang out with.

When it became clear that he was going to develop a power, his father was truly excited, saying that him becoming a hero and using his power for the good of the people would surely help with the company’s reputation. If he did a good job, he could become some kind of trademark symbol. Aeson accepted his fate, loathing his father for forcing himself into a life that he hadn’t chosen for himself. Though he had said that he wasn’t going to take over the company in the beginning, his father had just laughed it off, so Aeson had stopped with that.

Since then, he has come to realize that money and influence aren’t such a bad thing after all. He’s been groomed for greatness, so tossing his success aside just to spite his father would be childish thing to do. Thus, he is currently attending the School for Heroes, intending to make the best out his situation. He is thoroughly enjoying his new found freedom.


Perks and Not-Perks

While he can be an arrogant bastard from time to time, especially if one could read his thoughts, he has his good points. He genuinely cares, if he cares. That limitation is important to mention since he gives a lot of thought to something before he commits to it. After something has captured his heart, though, he becomes very possessive of it and likes to make sure everyone else knows their boundaries regarding what’s his – or what he wants to be his. Since he is capable and a quick learner, he likes to take of things. Whoever has the privilege of being the object of his infatuation can just lie back and enjoy the doting, at least if they want to.

It rare for him to become hot-headed, but not impossible. Then again, he can do incredibly stupid things even with a clear mind. He’s not one to back down from a challenge and he likes to prove his superiority since he is used to people following at his heels. He thinks of himself as important. While he doesn’t care if people think differently, he’s not going to put up with anyone talking what he considers bullshit.

Aeson’s gay and has every intention to enjoy his newly acquired freedom to explore that part of his life since his father told him clearly that that kind of indescent behaviour will not be tolerated. Thus, the only dates he’s had so far were with women and while he had survived the experience, he had felt like several years of his life had been taken from him within the span of a few hours.

It’s not that he dislikes females, but they don’t spark his desire in a carnal way, mainly because the ones that he went out with had been after openly, literally throwing cleavage and certain glances his way. He enjoyed the idea of taking another male, not just because of the possible challenge but because they had never shoved their attention into his face to the extend that he hadn’t had anything left to do but recoil.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Eornostlice



Name: Chalfon Lund (Chall as a nickname)


Age: 19


Species: Human. Sort of.


Position: Seme


Height: 187 cm


Weight: 78 kg


Nationality: half Sweedish (the other half is mixed as well)


Writen appearace: Despite being born with blonde hair, Chalfon choses to wear his hair blue, matching his similarly-colored eyes. His skin is a pale peachy color.




- capable of modifying his appearance (height, weight, age, gender, hair and skin color, eyes etc)


Butterfly support

- Chall is able to create and control translucent butterflies which hover above an ally's head, able to provide support with two abilities:

• majorly boosted regeneration

• invisible shield (block the incoming attacks for 10 seconds after which the butterfly dissipates. A part of the damage absorbed by the shield is redirected towards Chalfon)

- the butterfly ability comes with great mental strain, causing him to at times go nearly insane, feeling the urge to grow his nails and scratch at things until his fingers bleed


Personality: Chalfon is a hot and cold kind of person, having bipolar tendencies that are not yet bad enough to be diagnosed as the actual mental disorder. He is able to go from completely uninterested on the verge of dying because of boredom to a hyperactive tease in less than two minutes as long as there is a trigger and also the other way around, losing his interest just as quick. The mental strain his ability puts on him requires him to sleep more than most people, usually trying to make himself as comfortable as possible, hence his habit of turning into a toddler to nest in a fort made of pillows for a good night's sleep. If the strain is too much to bear he isolates himself, otherwise being capable of extreme cruelty directed towards anyone that slightly irritates him. Despite the fact that his deranged state can be soothed, he refuses anyone that would want to attempt it, being fully aware that not many are up for the task.

Chall has a very short list of people he actually treasures, being very attached to them, the most notable being his older brother.


History: Chall's story was rather tipical. His parents were killed by a villain at a young age and he would have been left to die alone, if not for his elder brother, Rainer, who forced himself to become an adult in less than one day to take care of him and help him grow up.

Rainer was forced to quit college and start on a job, being nothing but a normal human. This sacrifice left a deep mark in Chalfon's heart, making him love his brother dearly and wish for his protection.

Ironically, not long after the incident, Chall's powers manifested. Instead of being thrilled, he had been utterly disappointed. His abilities were simply useless, none being offensive in nature but purely supportive, making him both give up on the thought of revenge and also making him feel guilt for his parents' demise. If only his abilities had manifested themselves a few months prior, his brother wouldn't have had to make any of those sacrifices for his sake. Those kind of negative thoughts were exactly what caused his power's backlash to appear.

On a different note, he has lived a fairly happy life with Rainer until he had been noticed by someone while changing his appearance, ridiculously enough, recruiting him as a young talent that could be groomed into a hero.

Chall finds that claim outrageous given the nature of his abilities, that now became one of his biggest insecurities, but is willing to give it a try for his brother's sake.


Misc: *might get edited later*




Sorry for the late post, I was trying to get it right so it's not some half-hearted form. I hope you do not mind.

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I***Update - Sorry, I didn't realize you weren't looking for anymore ukes.

I'll keep this up mainly because I only joined yesterday and I haven't figured out how to delete a post yet haha

Name: Carson Bonheur


Age: 18


Species: Human


Position: Uke


Height: 185cm


Weight: 79kg


Nationality: American


Written Appearance: Tan skin tone, loose curly hair, and has dark brown eyes. Despite being an uke, he's quite tall with a healthy body.



Empathy: power to sense, feel and understand the emotions of others.

- Includes animals as well

Empathetic Healing: power to heal emotional and *physical injuries of others

*Does not actually heal the injury, only transfers the pain of the the empath, in this case, Carson.

Empathetic Illusion Casting: the ability to create illusions of certain emotions

- Carson can use this to inflict pain onto opponents

Empathetic Clairvoyance: ability to sense when someone is in danger, after a connection with said person has been forged.



Carson is a happy and friendly person. This doesn’t always translate well because he is initially introverted with most people, although his true, happy nature can be found easily. Carson has a natural cuteness about him which isn't contrived. Despite being a generally intelligent person, Carson struggles with math related skills and has low common sense. Carson makes up for that with his high comprehension of languages. Despite the dangerous ability his power can have, he choses not to use it to take advantage of others but rather help them. Carson has an extreme aversion to using his powers to the detriment of others. Carson does not get bored very easily because he finds himself quite entertaining. Most likely by nature, he is a very compassionate person, who’s laziness sometimes eclipses his compassion, very easily gives into request from any plea. Carson his quite the cry baby and can release waterworks at the drop of a hat, but never about things pertaining to himself. Despite being well liked by peers, he is comfortable being by himself. As before mentioned, Carson has a small stint of laziness but is works on it, seeing it as character flaw in himself. Despite being lazy, he is the epitome of optimism and his happy nature allots him the will power to never give up. His primary interests are romance dramas, dance, zodiacs and confectionaries.



Carson’s father was the one who Carson received his power from but because he was the offspring of a someone with mutant ability and non mutant, he received a much weaker version of his fathers ability. Carson’s father was a simple yet benevolent man with the ability of telepathy and empathy. Carson’s father started out as a man who rarely used his ability to take advantage of others. He was a father who like to spoil his children he had out of wedlock he had with three other women. One day, Carson’s father ran into Carson’s mother who has a son already and had divorced her first husband. Carson’s father immediately fell in love with Carson’s mother. Carson’s mother rejected Carson’s father constantly, although he showered her with gifts that Carson’s mother would not accept. Carson vowed to never use his power on Carson’s mother because he wanted their love to be a pure one. Finding out Carson’s mother had gone out on a blind date with a man one day, Carson’s father grew violently jealous and ended up using his power on Carson’s mother to coerce to date him; he cried himself to sleep that night. Once Carson’s mother started to consider him as a romantic interest, she fell for his earnestness and they got married after two years. During that time, he confessed and told her about his ability; at first she was repulsed but after he promised that he has and never would use it on her, she relented. A year later, a baby Carson was born in the spring, welcomed by his mother, father, and half brother. The baby was perceptive of the moods of his family members from birth. Initially a happy four member family unit, Carson’s father wanted to move his family into a house, not an apartment. Carson’s father wanted to send both of his new children to private schools, and allow his wife to be able to stay at home; he had the resource to do so. Carson’s father ridded himself of his past mantra and started using his powers against others to climb the social ladder. Carson’s father’s thirst for power and sexist views brought to the downfall of his marriage. For the second time, he attempted to use his powers to change his wife's mind, Carson unknowingly used his ability powerfully and effectively which halted his father’s plans. Carson’s mother was hurt that he broke his promise and Carson’s father realized what he had done and agreed that they should divorce.

The two divorced, having joint custody over Carson. At the very least, Carson’s father still wanted to give his children the best and tried to expand the company he worked for. One day, while Carson was in school he had power induced fainting and was taken to the hospital. Unbeknownst to Carson, his father met with his business' parent company CEO, and Carson’s father attempted to use his power on the CEO. Carson’s father’s hubris got the best of him and underestimated his opponent by attempting to use telepathic suggestion of a high level telepath. The telepathic CEO left his father mentally and physically crippled, reducing his ability to speak. The CEO became somewhat fixated on the young Carson and anonymously backed his victim’s family finically to keep them afloat.

Carson’s mother did send her youngest son to private school but ran into economic difficulty, unknowingly Carson’s fault, once her child got into the eighth grade and could not send him to private high school. They got back on their feet and Carson went to a public high school. The family’s secret anonymous backer ask a teacher with mutant ability at Carson’s school to recommend his mother to send Carson to a school for heroes. Carson is ecstatic to go to a new school and wants to give it his best shot!



I’m sorry that this is quite late and I hope you’re still accepting characters for your role-play.

P.S. Sorry about any spelling mistakes!~

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