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Delusions of You


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FORGOT TO SAY IS PRIVATE!!! {AmaryllisRose & ramentan}






Name: Kurai Hayashi


Age: 25


Gender: Male


Hair: Ebony Black


Eyes: Forest Green


Sexuality: Who knows?


Occupation: It's complicated


Likes: polar bears, horror films, scaring people, drinking, bullying people


Dislikes: sweets, being nice to people, escargot


Personality: Kurai is a very straightforward and blunt person. He doesn't euphemize anything, for anyone. He is very good at controlling his emotions, harboring the ability to smile sweetly at you one moment, and stab you in the back the next moment. A very cynical person, Kurai always does things with reason (usually personal ones). Other than that, he's a pretty civil person.


Biography: When he was young, he had a friend... whom he forgot the name of. Kurai remembered her as a really sweet, lovable girl who was as cute as a polar bear. He also remembered acting like a dork and giving her flowers, to make her smile, since he really liked her smile. Every time he reminisces, he gets embarrassed, because he was such a dork.




Sipping on his beer, Kurai savored the flavor and scrolled through his inbox. "Bills... bills... Oh! 15% off of any select horror film..." he clicked on the email and skimmed over the content. Boring, boring, boring... Clicking back to his inbox, he saw a new email. GET YOUR ASS TO FRANCE sent by... oh, his parents. Why to France? Intrigued, Kurai clicked on it.


Tapping his fingers on the table, he waited impatiently for the email to load. He sipped his beer. The page didn't load. Finally!


"Hi son, it's your favorite dad. Your mother and I are in France right now!" A wallpaper sized high definition picture of his parents in Toulouse was shown below. So that's why it took so long to load! Rolling his eyes, Kurai kept reading. "We've booked you a ticket, and your flight is at 11:00 PM! Pack your essentials and get ready to leave. We'll have your stuff taken care of later." Wait, what? "You're getting married to Uly! Uly, do you remember your childhood friend? The one you always gave flowers to."


Ah, her? Kurai's interest was piqued. "So, U-Uly, was her name, huh?" Another picture showed up, this time, a gaudy, white set of clothing. "We picked this out for your wedding clothing! It'll suit you handsomely!" No, no it won't... He quickly read through the rest of the email, that was full of pictures and his parents' comments about how lovely and romantic it was. At the bottom, was all his flight information, and an e-ticket link.




"Ah, hahhh, hahhh..." He took big breaths as he settled in his seat. He was almost late for the flight, with the security check and baggage check-in both having long lines. A 9 hour flight, huh? A too-happy looking blonde girl walked down the aisle towards Kurai's seat and pushed past him to take the middle seat. "Hi! My name's Tina, what's yours?" She said cheerily. Oh god, an annoying passenger! Smiling, he quickly spoke in French. "Je ne parle pas anglais." I don't speak English. The girl didn't look confused, or perturbed. "Je parle aussi le français..." I also speak French. The girl went on to ramble about how she was just so excited to go to France after all these years.


Annoyed, Kurai smiled and pretended to listen, finally getting a break of her incessant chattering when she left to use the restroom. Sleeping the rest of the way, he just couldn't wait to see... this Uly. It was impulsive, he knew, to just suddenly leave for France for a childhood friend whom he hadn't seen in, god knows how long, but... On revient toujours à ses premières amours. Man never leaves his first love.




Stretching, Kurai looked through the crowd for his parents. Baggage in hand, he shuffled through the crowd. "Kurai! Kurai!" He heard a familiar voice. "Ah, Mother." Kurai patted her back awkwardly, at her enthusiastic hug. "Father." He nodded at his father. "I'm so proud, son. You're too old not to be married." Kurai scoffed. "I'm not sure if I'll actually go through with this." "Aha, but you will! Once you see the bride, that is," his mother giggled excitedly.




His mother was right. The bride was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Her eyes were an enchanting blue, and her brown hair had an ever so slight silver tint to it. Yup, okay. Marrying her.

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Personal ID


Name: Ulysses Rheas

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Position: Uke

Sexual Preference: Homosexual

Occupation: Patisserie

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Hair Color: Ash Brown

Favorite Color: Muted Blue

Description: Tapering, Modest, Creative, Generous, and Charismatic

Likes: Rainy Days, Mornings, and Photography

Dislikes: Conceited, Arrogant, and dishonesty

Quirks: Sarcastic


Home-schooled most of his life. He was introduced to the Hayashi family at a young age, and is unexpectedly very close to their son Kurai who became his childhood friend. They parted ways after Ulysses's family moved to Toulouse, France and is currently working as a baker at the Rose Bakery.






Before Kurai's Arrival



I gaze at the clock shifting in my seat, he's almost here. I wonder if Kurai still remembers me. Without another thought, I was eagerly patted on the back by Mr. Hiyashi. "Don't look so upset. You used to follow him around while he picks up flowers for you! The both of you are inseperable." Hah, I said that out loud, resting my fidgeting hands on my lap, I unkowlingly blush at the memory of Kurai trying his best to bundle up the small flowers that were slipping out of his hand. Il's si bête. 'He's so silly'.


"CA Airlines will be landing shortly." Ah, that's Kurai's plane. Mrs. Hiyashi stands up, dusting herself off as if we've stayed here longer than needed. "Uly, hunny, we're going to greet Kurai when he lands. Won't you join us?" I give her a weak smile, "Shorlty, I just want to sit for a bit." leaning back in my chair, a gentle hand rests itself on my shoulder.


"Are you feeling insecure?" Yes. "No, why do you ask, Mrs. Hiyashi?" I met her gaze halfway, and I notice her left eye twitch. Oh shit, she knows i'm lying." Uly, call me Mom, and I did your makeup and everything! It's so convincing. I could never tell you were a man! Look at you so adorable!" Mrs. Hiyashi saying this all too loud, grabbing the attention of passers, and people seated around us. Looks were shot my way, and out of all it, it happed to be the curiosity of my gender. I guess I really do look like a female. I slump in my seat, If this continues I might as well become a woman for Kurai's sake. He doesn't even know i'm a man. How embbarasing.


"Come on don't just sit there and pout. Let's go meet your fiance!" She grabs my arm and pulls me up, rushing through the crowd to stand by her husband, and of course I was a little behind. The heels itself were a challenge, and the frilly dress didn't make it any better. Besides there were too many people to stay close to Mrs. Hiyashi.


Kurai's Arrival


Small apoligies were exchanged from person to person as I slipped by in the crowd of people. I finally saw them both, making my way towards them, I stopped. "Kurai," I breathed out in awe. He was gorgeous. His appearence could be compared to a model's. I drift off into my own thoughts. He looks so sex-different. He looks different. But I just want to- hoe, don't do it. Don't you dare do it.


"Kurai, Kurai!" his mother rushes over to him. I watch their loving reunion and the smile plastered on Kurai's face. I burn the mental image in my brain watching from this distance. His smile hasn't changed. Ah, combien j'aime votre sourire. 'Ah, how I love your smile'.


I stare at Kurai, admiring his phisique. He's almost looks like a different person, but I know it's the same boy who I trusted my secrets with, and even now it was a promise to be kept. I continued walking towards them, hearing Mr. Hiyashi comment. "Aha, but you will! Once you see the bride, that is." He turns to me, I search his facial expression. He looks shocked. I stiffen at his stare. There must be something on my face.


"Now now, we'll have you both catch up, but before any of that happens we're going to go ahead and put this luggage in the car." Mr. Hiyashi gestures to do the packed luggage beside Kurai, and we head out through the filled hallways of people.


We finally reached the car, packing everything into the back, and we comfortably sit down. Our seat belts buckled with a bit of silence grasping at out minds. Mr. Hiyashi, and Mrs. Hiyashi or should If I may say, soon to be mom were having a little private conversation of themselves at front. It seem like they're absorbed in their talks.


'Kurai's finally here with me,' I thought. My mind trailed off to lovely memories as I stared out the window watching small raindrops join together, trailing down the clear glass


We played out in the small feilds, sun shining, and the misty clouds danced across the sky. We smiled at each other, feeling the comforting grass beneath us. We played until our legs were soar, we laughed until we found silence as fun as our jokes. It wasn't too cold nor was it too hot. It could be compared to perfection when I was with Kurai. Maybe it was perfection.


I parted my lips to say the words. "Je t'aime," 'I love you'.

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He was in the same car as Uly. Uly. An enclosed space with her. Uly's eyes were a bit downcast, and she stared down at the floor of the vehicle with a bashful expression.


Ahh, how cute... just like that polar bear I saw at the zoo the other day... "Bonjour, Uly... it's nice to meet you... again." Kurai smiled a little, hoping she'd look up. He wanted to see those sapphire eyes of hers again. "It's kind of strange... to be in this situation, isn't it..." he trailed off, chuckling a little awkwardly. She had yet to speak. I wonder what her voice sounds like? He imagined a soft, lilting tone. A kind voice. And he was sure she'd have a mesmerizing, bell-like laugh. It would be nice if I could make her laugh...


"Tu est tres jolie." You are very beautiful. The black haired male spoke once more. Wow, wasn't he the charmer, today.


But she did look beautiful. Stunning, really. A pearl white, gauzy dress draped over her lithe figure, and although she was a bit... lacking, in the chest department, Kurai didn't care much. And her eyes! He kept glancing at her eyes.


They were an innocent blue, and they sparkled with life. Framed with thick, dark lashes, Kurai could just gaze into them all day!


He wondered if she actually wanted to marry him... or if it was all just decided by their parents. The Rheas family, and the Hayashi family had apparently promised their children to each other, when they were younger. He honestly wouldn't mind marrying her, but what did she think?




The wedding was planned for the day after tomorrow. Well, that was what he was told, at least. And Uly, was a baker. It suits her. She looked like the feminine type. But I really hate sweets...


From the few words exchanged with her, Kurai though she seemed like a very sweet and kind girl. I really don't deserve her.




They were going to meet Uly's parents. Well, Kurai was. The bright side was that he had put some effort into looking... nice, for Uly. However, Kurai wasn't the best at... meeting the parents of the other party. Sure, he had frolicked around with some girls in high school and college, but it never really got to the point of meeting their parents.


Except for that one time... and it ended disastrously, with a break up.


Don't think about. Don't think about it. He raked his hand through his onyx hair and took a breath. In. Out. He could do this. He would definitely make a good impression. Such a good impression, they would happily give their daughter away to him.


Or at least that's what he hoped would happen.




Icandothis. Icandothis. Icandothis. He usually wasn't this rattled when meeting new people. The Rheas weren't even new people!


His parents knocked on the dark, mahogany wood, smiling eagerly. He heard footsteps. The door opened.


"Bonj—" Kurai started greeting them, wondering if he was to shake hands or faire le bise. What to doooooooo?! "O genki desu ka?" A kind looking woman smiled cheerily at them. Right. Of course the Rheas would know Japanese. "Bonj—Hai, genki desu. Anata wa?" Switching quickly, Kurai bowed slightly.


The lady smiled, "Genki desu!" and ushered them in. This is going great...


Turning around, he offered a hand to Uly, thinking it'd be cumbersome to step over the threshold in her dress.

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I sneaked a look at Kurai as he was more focused on his own thoughts. Ah, he's so handsome. I wonder what he's thinking about. My hands find the trimming of the small laced ribbon at the top of my dress. Uly couldn't help, but feel a bit anxious about the whole arrangement between them. It was their parents ideas after all. What if it turns out Kurai only thinks of me as a friend still..He still thinks of me as a woman. I'm certain about that, but was it really a good idea to pretend I was a girl? I wonder...



The car comes to a stop, and everyone comes out. I trail behind Kurai and his parents as we walk up the ochre steps, ringing the door bell. Kurai is the first one to greet my parents.


"Bonj—" Kurai started, but quickly finding his words. "Bonj—Hai, genki desu. Anata wa?" He slightly bows to my mother. Mrs. Hiyashi, and Mr. Hiyashi go in before us. A hand is extended out to me.I look up at Kurai, a faint blush grazing my cheeks. I stare down at the ground, smiling and I take his hand. Il's très doux. He's very sweet


My mother smiled brightly at him and me. "Genki desu!" Grinning, I answer my mothers question. "We're good."






My mother leads us into the living room, kindly asking us to take a seat on the white-hued couch in the middle of the room. She disappears into the kitchen and in her own pleasures, she comes back in carrying a tray of tea, and setting it on the coffee table. I take a cup of tea, and hold to my parched lips. I drink the tea slowly, savoring the taste. I watch as an invisible light-bulb lights pops up on top of my mothers head. "I forgot one more thing!" She rushes back into the kitchen, rustling of plastic and the clang of plates could be heard from the other side, and without another thought my mother comes in with one of my signature cakes I baked the other day. 'Please..please don't say I made it.' She eagerly places it in front of Kurai, and I could only hope for the worst. "Kurai did you know? My son is a patisserie. He bakes small cakes like these. Please try it!" Silence takes over the room, and a shiver went down my spine. 'Son.' Mrs. Hiyashi, and Mr. Hiyashi stared at my mother stunned. Realizing what she had said. She instantly corrected herself. "M-my lovely daughter I mean. I'm sorry. I got mixed up with the two. You know how age gets to you, Haha."


'Oh no...'

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Kurai slightly shivered as Uly took his hand. It was small. Looking away, he stepped into the house, Uly in tow. Mrs.Rheas led him into the living room, and retrieved tea from the kitchen. He sat up straight on the sofa, awkwardly, in what he hoped looked like a polite and formal position. "Ç-Ça va?" Oh crap, too informal! It's too informal!!! He berated himself as he quickly rephrased his question. "C-comment allez-vous?" Too formal! Too formal!!!


Sighing, a bit he looked for Uly's reaction. Mrs. Rheas walked back into the living room, with steaming cups of Mariage Frères on a tray. "Ohisashiburi desu! (お久しぶりです )" She smiled, at Kurai and his parents. "Ah... ah, hai..." Kurai managed a half smile, while pathetically answering with just a simple yes. Taking his cup of tea, he watched as Uly daintily sipped hers. His gaze focused on her lips. ...soft... WHAT AM I THINKING?! Squeezing his eyes closed, he gulped down a mouthful of scalding tea. Sh*t!


He smiled at Uly, hoping she wouldn't notice his stupidity. His parents and Mrs. Rheas were chatting happily in the corner of the room. Do they want us to talk? The ebony haired male ransacked through his mind for a topic. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear, he started to speak. "S—" "I forgot one more thing!" Mrs. Rheas jumped up excitedly, rushing to the kitchen and coming back five seconds later, another tray in tow.


"Kurai did you know? My son is a patisserie. He bakes small cakes like these. Please try it!" She set down the tray, revealing small, elegantly decorated sweets. They were detailed, and looked quite enticing. Kurai noticed Uly staring at her mother, before looking down, a small blush on her cheeks. Then, her head lifted, as if realizing something. Her skin paled, and her blush faded.


Even his mother, and father grew quiet. "M-my lovely daughter I mean. I'm sorry. I got mixed up with the two. You know how age gets to you, Haha." Mrs. Rheas laughed... albeit, a bit awkwardly. Hmm? Kurai looked around. Everyone seemed so shocked... and a bit fearful? Smiling, Kurai reassured her that it was fine, and that everyone made mistakes like that from time to time.


Looking down at the offered sweets, Kurai wondered if it would be impolite, or rude to Uly if he declined to try one. They didn't look bad, in fact, they were quite stunning. But Kurai just didn't enjoy sweets very much. Picking up what he thought was... a Madeleine, he bit into the buttery pastry, savoring the flavor. "C'est délicieux." Kurai offered another half smile to Uly, finishing off the Madeleine. Mmm, pretty good, I'd say.


Mrs. Rheas smiled, looking a bit relieved, and pushed a cream puff into his hands. More?! He really couldn't handle sweets... Take a sip of his tea, he took a bite out of the puff. The cream oozed onto his fingers and he hastily set the fluffy pastry down before licking off the cream. He took another sip of tea.

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