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Remake: Cold Fang & Gentle Hearts (Private w/ Hentai-Heicho Ashstar XiuLin vyssini)


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Plot: Set in a medieval world of magic and samurai, a young prince(uke) wanders alone, after being disowned by his family. Beset by bandits, he is rescued by a vicious dragon(seme) who, amazingly, can also turn into a human. Although the dragonshifter looks down on the prince, they soon warm up to each other, and they end up staying together.

They then come across another human(seme), who, filled with hatred for dragons, attempts to kill the dragon, but the prince manages to talk him down and he decides to join them.

Later, they stumble upon an injured dragon, who they nurse back to health. Over the course of the story, they all get to know each other better and soon they develop a polyamorous relationship.

Type: This is gonna be a slow-burn fluff, with a lot of plot, so take your time with building up the relationships. (Discuss if you wanna make it more heavy, etc)

(Note: Because this is a group RP, I feel it will be more efficient to tag whoever you want to respond to your posts. I think it will make the story flow more fluidly.)



Character Sheets:



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Name: 勇翔 (Yuuto; the kanji can be read as "brave flyer")

Age: 200 years (Dragons are near immortal, so he still appears to be in his mid-twenties)

Gender: Male


Human Form:

Height: 6'1"

Build: On the thin side, but extremely toned

Fighting style: Graceful, dancer-like movements; quick and deadly

Weapon of choice: Telepathic Enchantments; blue fire bursts from his palms

(Note: Can also do a partial dragon shift; claws, eyes, teeth. Can be triggered by anger.)


Dragon form:

Type: Traditional Japanese Dragon

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Size: Around 10ft long and 3ft wide

Color: Light and Dark Blues (covered in light blue flames when angered, also applys to human form)

Fighting style: Swift and serpent-like; brutal and lethal

Weapon of choice: Sharp talons; breathing blue flames


Bio: Born in the secretive Order of Dragons, Yuuto was raised in the ways of magic and sorcery. Mastering the ability to take on a dragon form, he went out into the world to seek his fortune, making his home as the guardian of a forest.

Personality: Raised to look down on humans, Yuuto can behave extremely proud and rude, doing things without thoughts of others. Despite that, he has a heart of gold and is stubbornly loyal, though he doesn't like to admit it, viewing emotions as a sign of weakness.



First Post:

Yuuto was relaxing near a calm stream, enjoying the smells and sounds of the forest, when a disturbance was felt in the air, making him restless. "Huh? I wonder what's going on? It's making the forest anxious, I should go see what it is. Its probably humans, but I can just scare them off."

In a fluid motion, gained by years of experience, his body shifted into his dragon form. Taking off through the trees, he quickly made his way to the source of the disturbance. Yuuto hid amoung the treetops, taking a moment to assess the situation.

There, in front of him, were a group of at least a dozen men, all armed to the teeth. "Ah, these are the bandits that have been trying to make their camp in my forest. I thought they had left... No matter. I'll just have to get rid of them more permanently, this time- but wait, what is that?"

His attention was drawn to the center of the group, where a young human was clearly fighting for his life. "Things just got interesting. I wonder if he'll be so kind as to take care of the bandits for me?" He continued observing, amused by the young human's desperate attempt at survival. When he seemed to become overwhelmed, Yuuto decided to step in. "Well, now," his voice boomed as he stepped into the small clearing, "I think it's about time I ended this, don't you agree, humans?" The bandits had all had turned to look at him, terror and hatred clear on their faces as he made his way towards them.

With a yell, they advanced apron him, fighting with brutal skill. Despite their best efforts, however, they were no match for the dragon, who made swift work of finishing them off, leaving only one left, burned, but alive.

Yuuto roared, "Run, human. And tell your people that this forest is mine." The man stumbled into the trees, shrieking in agony from his wounds.

When Yuuto sensed the man had gone, he shifted back to his human form. Turing to the young man, he was a bit taken aback to see that he had collapsed. Rushing forward, he checked the young man for injuries. Relived to find him relatively unharmed, Yuuto searched his clothes and belongings for any form of identification. His fingers enclosed apon a seal in the young man's breast pocket. He smirked to himself as he picked up the young man, carrying him gently to his abode. "Well, now! I wonder what business a Prince would have here?”



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Name: Takamoto Masayuki


Height:5'7 1/2

Body features: skinny and frail-looking

Fighting style: fast movements with agility, but isn't expirence in fighting

Weapon: prefers small blades.



Masayuki is the 5th son of Takamoto Masahide. He was a rebel prince, uninterested with his father's plans. Discriminated for being the son of one of his father's concubines, he was constantly bullied by his siblings and the other concubines as well as his father's wife, Takamoto Sakura. Being fed up with the mis-treatment, Masayuki caused trouble around the castle grounds. When brutally confronted by his siblings, the concubines, and Masahide's wife, Masayuki fled, vowing never to return...




The flames of hatred grew endlessly inside Masayuki with every confrontation--every word said was poison to his ears. Those poisonous words dripped from the mouths of those wretched snakes whom his father would bed, leaving a dis-satisfied wife to pleasure herself alone. That wife harbored a deep envy--a hatred so deep it could form into its own being--for masayuki's mother, an deceased concubine his father favoured the most. His father's wife also despised Masayuki, for being the son of the person his father truly loved. As did his siblings. Half siblings to say the least. They hated Masayuki with a burning passion and always found it their right to make his life miserable. They worked like clockwork. Every morning they would drag Masayuki out from the comforts of his bed into the wetness of the koi pond. In the afternoon it was to have the ninjas attack him when he was the most vulnerable. At night they'd throw food at him and call him filthy. Not even the concubines had mercy upon him! They would pull and tear away at his clothing and tug his hair.


Having finnally had enough of the endless harassment, Masayuki took a stand. Whenever he was thrown in the koi pond, he'd drag his siblings with him, grabbing a random victim to nearly drown. When attacked by ninjas, he would out-smart them and harass them himself. When dinner was held he would stampede in, tipping over the tables and throwing all the food to the ground. He'd beat the concubines with his bear fists when they'd approach him. He was a force to be reckoned with. But it was that one day. Pathan one eventful day. That changed Masayuki forever. He wasn't expectant of this, nor was he prepared. His father's wife, his siblings and concubines behind her, came to deal with him herself. Wounded badly from being whipped at and slapped around, Masayuki was forced to submit and retreat. And he ran. He ran as far as he could. Away from them. Away from the pain and the sorrow.


Masayuki had been wandering for days, haven't anything to eat. He had water though. Often there would be streams and creeks to nourish him on. He had left his valuables behind as well. So he hand nothing but a small kunai he had recovered from a forgetful shinobi. What came next for him he was prepared for. One by one bandits came towards him, armored heavily. With ease he dodged them, but he could not dodge for long. Now they've read his movements and had caught on with him. It became harder for him to fend for himself. And he thought he was hallucinating as has flames shrouded him. His vision was weak and he grew ever so dizzy. His mind went blank has his body fell to the ground.

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Name: Ji Taku Yuu


Personality: good natured, calm; relaxed.

Likes: to gaze at cherry blossoms, calm environments, nature.

Dislikes: loud places, immaturity, loud festivities.



Ji Taku Yuu, comes from a family of vagabonds who have countlessly traveled throughout Japan. After having a disagreement with his family, he began to travel alone, often visiting places where there are a lot of cherry blossoms...


After I read up on the current replies, I will post next in a attached updated post.



Ji was traveling the forest at this late hour. He notices the smell and smoke of a camp fire up ahead of him. He calmly and slowly walks over to the small clearing that the camp was at. As he was making his way there, he catches in his hand a falling sakura flower. He then looks up at the tree he was under and decided to take his time to think back on the event that took place that started his travels. He decides to sit under neath the sakura tree, with his back against the trunk.


'If rumors of this forest stand, there is a dragon shifter claiming this forest as his or her's.' He thinks to himself as he looks up at the swaying branches of the tree.


~Flash back~


The day of the disagreement happened so quickly to Ji. It was if a blur of words were spoken so quickly that he had to chose quickly what he would do after.


The disagreement was about how Ji wanted to stop traveling around without a purpose. He wanted to settle down, get a job, a family, and more. He also wanted to have a proper home. At least that's what he could remember clearly about his side of the argument.


During the words exchange, his parents were drinking and aggressive. He may have partake in a couple to few drinks himself. But he was so set in his own wants, that he was just about willing to risk his own family and burning that bridge for good. He knew he might not ever see his family again after the separation of ways, but he calmly had accepted the fact of his parents saying "Go away and don't ever find us. We're through with you Ji."


That had hurt him beyond words or actions. So that evening he had packed all his things. He had have secretly earned some silver and copper coins at odd jobs during the time he was traveling with family. So in the early morning hours of the next day and while his now so called "family" were sleeping, he left to start finding a place to call his home.

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