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KamekazePrince's PLOTS 1-3


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::KamekazePrince's PLOTS 1-3::



I'm yearning to play some deep and soulful RPs as uke/seke. For more info about me and my rules click

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Plots are the following.


(1.) Dance With the Devil (OPEN, 1x1, SEME required)



YC's dream is to 'conquer' and capture a demon to tame him into doing his bidding. The strange murders that take place around him rouse suspicions of demonic interference. He obsessively tracks down the demon while befriending MC, a lonely young man who lost his family and friends to the devil. His fascination for the devil and love for the boy grow deeper. What is it in both of them that attracts him so much? Why is there a trail of destruction behind this unfortunate boy?


The boy contains the devil himself. Like YC, he ambitiously sought to tame a demon. When he realized it was too much for him to handle, the demon devoured his loved ones and seated himself in the boy. The boy now watches the demon take over him, as a he commits crime after crime against the ones he loves.


Agonized by containing the demon himself, he is unable to ask for help, for whoever the boy loves, the demon devours from inside him. Death is his only redemption.


(2.) Afflictions of the heart (OPEN, 1x1, Possibly group, SEME required)


This plot deals deals with alcoholism and the impact of growing up in an alcoholic household. I want to do some reading into this topic to give it a realistic portrayal. It should be complex. But it will be fun, I promise ;)

We could add a brother or two to explore the different coping strategies a person may develop. Also, YC need not necessarily play a recovering addict, he could play a victim.



MC is the second of four children and the main breadwinner in an alcoholic household. He is hospitalized due to a severely debilitating disease. YC, a recovering alcoholic, also a doctor in charge of MC, grows fond of him. He is aware of his degrading condition and cannot bear to see him alive like this. MC on the other hand, has a massive hero complex and is optimistic about being discharged (and a little desperate to get back to support his family).


The RP follows their interactions as MC's health takes a turn for the worse. They debate the value of his life, fluctuating between unhealthy optimism and suicidal ideation.


(3.) Message in a bottle (OPEN, 1x1, possibly in connection with above plot, SEKE required)


This plot also deals with childhood trauma. MC's character is specifically inspired by

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The idea for this RP is that there is only written correspondence, i.e, each post will be a letter one writes in response to the previous poster's letter. If need be, we can eventually shift to normal RP and so :)



MC, a delinquent client of a psychiatrist YC, corresponds with him through letters. MC is somewhat cold and apathetic. He was misdiagnosed as a psychopath. (However, it is only a mask of invulnerably. He is in fact highly empathetic and intuitive, with a rich inner fantasy life. Due to childhood betrayal and abandonment, he either flees emotionally or intentionally jeopardizes potential relationships in fear of hurting and being hurt.) YC, who himself suffers from PTSD gets to see him in better light and begins to relate to him. However, he begins to fear that MC is in fact a psychopath. The RPG follows them as they learn to let down their defenses securely.


:::I may not be able to get into the RPG right away, but I'd love to my share ideas with you for now.


:::Both (2) and (3) are heavy and emotionally challenging stories. I really want to deal with them realistically. So please don't take it lightly or casually. Or if you have no idea about these topics (unless you're willing to read of course).


:::(1) and (2) may not have much scope as an RPG, since such a big portion of the plots is pre-planned. We could make it a fan-fiction or a short story on which we can both collaborate.


~Thats all for now. Thanks for reading! Reply to this thread if you are interested or have questions.

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Added plot 4::


(4.) 198, Friedrichs manor: [spirit x Clairvoyant , OPEN, 1x1, WANTED troubled uke]



"And I have left alone, everything that I own,

to make you feel like

its not too late. Its never too late."



MC, a clairvoyant paranormal investigator is drawn to a particular haunted house. It is said to be a malevolent spirit of a boy, YC, who murdered his family and killed himself. YC begins to terrorize MC as MC begins to discover more disturbing secrets.

MC eventually establishes an honest connection with the spirit, who shows him through MC's own eyes the truth. YC was sexually abused by his mother, betrayed by his jealous and neglectful father and ostracized by the world. YC experiences MC's helplessness and despair as he sank down the path of madness. Will he find redemption?



:::EDIT: With respect to plots 2 and 3, I realize I might have sounded a bit harsh in the previous post. I'm sorry if I frightened away prospective RPers ! I will change that. So if you like the idea, please feel free to give it a try. I can help you out with making it a bit more realistic. =)


::: PM me if you are interested in any of the plots. =)

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I'm super~~ interested in plot four. I've been waiting to RP with you for awhile now. ^ v ^ If you accept, I'd like to know if there are any character types that annoy you. I read your rules, by the way.

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Thanks Emby, this plot is yours

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! =)


Other specifications:

:::MC is a 198 year old spirit who died when he was 19. Above 18 and under 30 for YC should be good. I don't have any peeves as long as YC is deep enough and consistent.

:::MC is from 1817 Britain. I will shortly create the thread with a bio and introductory post, so I hope that will clear things up. Also, since I play an invisible ghost, for most of the part my interaction with you will be through the surroundings. The spooky house, the old watchman, the apparitions, etc.

:::About the level of sex... Not much scope is there ? =P At most base two between YC and MC. The backstory might include more.

:::Let me know if you have a better idea for the title.

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  • 3 months later...

~Calling all semes! And one seke.

On a side note, this RP may take some time for me to set up, I'm a little busy now. And, I might chicken out of it (=P) if it gets too intense. But I'll post the idea anyway =] If you're interested, please show me a sample of your writing.


(5.) My Beloved Whore (OPEN, Possibly group, 1 kind-hearted SEKE and SEMES required, ++BDSM)


YC falls in love with his friend, the beautiful, masochistic, lewd, promiscuous MC, whose backdoor is wide open to every Tom and Harry’s dicks.



It pains YC watch his friend being fucked by abusive men, so he comes up with something brave instead. He offers to be MC’s fuck-buddy. But does 'gentle-loving-sex-type' YC know what he has gotten himself into? Will he be able to ‘satisfy’ MC’s disturbing fantasies? And is his friend just a kinky pervert, or are these the scattered pieces of a broken man?


Theres something deep and compelling about MC, that YC can’t help but love. YC wants to rescue him, and the two stumble hand-in-hand into the path of despair.

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Hey, I am interested in plot three. ^^


It does sound like a challenge, though definitely interesting and I would love to explore the topic with you.

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Hi, I'm happy that you're interested =)

Could I see some samples of your writing? Because it might be hard for us to RP if our writing styles are incompatible ^^

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Sure there are a few below. Most of them are fantasy/Sci-fi and some are a year or so old as I had been out of Rping and the internet for a while up until this last week.





Here is one from an RP I am doing at the moment:

Tossing and turning on the rough inn bed Galen slept fitfully, dreams of blood and darkness, of joy and happiness intermingled and blended until he couldn't tell one from the other. Flashes of colour, light and dark, opposites, all different aspects of the dreams he couldn't decipher, these dreams continued through the night and didn't release their hold on him until near dawn when he awoke.


Rising from the bed Galen found himself pressing his fingers firmly against his temples to try and relieve pressure on the headache he could already feel forming. The town was quiet but not deserted as the sun started to fill the streets, weakly illuminating the inn and he chose to head down stairs and see what food was available for breakfast and try to find out how long until he could buy the goods he needed.


A few hours later, probably around mid-morning he still had no more information however he'd had enough time to restock. A reasonably large amount of preserved meat and a few herbs in case there were none he could use on his travel, some new, empty vials and basic dried plants from the apothecary so that he could make more potions if he had the time to stop. Some of those vials he had filled with fresh water as he didn't know where the nearest water source would be once he got in there and then he had water-skin full of water which he would carry outside of the bag for easier access. Looking over his purchases he was happy enough with what he had and packed it all away. He should probably have replaced his bag and sleeping roll but he didn't have enough coin for those as well.


With little farewell or fanfare he left the town of Windlebrug, heading towards the forest. Some of the townsfolk saw where he was headed and tried to warn him off, however he still continued. A few hours later, probably about noon or just after he reached the edge of the forest. A few more plants now in the top of his bag as he collected while walking and Galen paused looking up, examining the black trees. Taking a deep breath he walked straight in between the trees and kept moving in as straight a line as possible until he needed a break.


Using the pause to take a drink Galen mused about what he seeing, or barely seeing as the case was and whether or not he was travelling in circles. He had come into the forest from the east and towards the west, if it hadn't been so dark he could have used the sun to track his direction, however without it it he spoke clearly though an incantation, a slight variation on one first taught by his mother to both Giana and him. The original was how to find him if they were ever lost, and this variation was to direct him in the cardinal direction he chose.


It didn't provided any fancy lights or spectacular displays of magic. Galen now had a distinctive tugging in his chest, as if he was now being pulled in the westerly direction. It allowed him to continue for a while longer before he needed another rest and needed to stop for food as well as thought and water.





This is from a recruitment thread I started:



Erik was ecstatic when the invite arrived in the post, almost like a golden ticket for the chocolate factory he was one of the chosen. He was a 5"3 26 year old office worker, he long auburn hair was pulled back into a pony tail and the dark brown eyes offset his pale creamy skin. He would often get called strange names about how he chose to look but he had long since learnt to ignore it all. It had been a normal day of work taking too long with not enough to do, Jeanie bitching in his ear about her newest boyfriend and how all the guy could do was stare at her rack. Erik had arrived home dumping his bag just inside the door and kicking his shoes off into the tiny apartment he rented before checking the post. Just one letter today and there was no sign of the word demand or final stamped in red ink so he opened it.



Dear Erik Johnson,

Congratulations, Mr Johnson you have been selected as one of the lucky few to win entry to the luxurious new holiday park in the Mediterranean. Your flight will be on May 10th 2030 and the two tickets for you and a plus one are included in this envelope.


The rest of the letter became a blur, the park had been advertised on the news for months, including the draw for the free holiday for chosen people. Erik just couldn't believe he was one of them. The only luck he had ever had in his life was meeting Derrick, his family had all but abandoned him and he had never really excelled at school, preferring to run around in the woods near his house and climbing trees. So now winning this ticket and getting a free holiday he felt as though he was on top of the world with happiness.


Once Derrick got back to the flat he showed him the letter and though he was hesitant because he was working on a large project at work he agreed to go for Erik and to give him a break that he so dearly wanted. There were still two weeks until they were due to leave and so he worked twice as hard to get the project completed successfully so he could go with Erik.


When it came to getting on the flight they saw about 15 other people on the jet, seated in first class, hell everyone was and Erik was constantly smiling, never had he been so content before. Then they arrived and the holiday began, a small jab which made Erik wince as they landed but then the freedom started and they both lost track of time. Relaxing, drinking, playing games, swimming, what ever they wanted to do was free an they could do as much as they liked. Erik found he avoided spending time of the beaches as the burning sun didn't tan him it only turned his skin a flaming tender red. Instead he enjoyed swimming in the indoor pool and occasionally in the sauna.


The sauna was where he was when he heard screaming and curious he stood up poked his head out of the room and looked down the corridor. Nothing, there was no one in sight so grabbing the bath robe and tying it securely around him he headed in the direction the noise had come from stopping dead when he came to the balcony over the beach.


Down on the sand a woman had landed and was scrabbling to move back and away from the creatures in front of her, her feet and hands scrabbling for purchase on the hot sand. Two things that looked like men but appeared to be changing stood in front of each other, both had the tattered remains of their swim shorts on and were posturing at the other trying to get the other to back off. When neither did they charged and started fighting the elongated and sharpened black claws that had replaced the hands of one of the men sliced through the air and into the taught scaly flesh the other had somehow gained. One seemed built for defense with hard skin and large bulk that protected him and the other for offence, all sharp claws and speed as the two traded blows.


Not fast enough there were men with tranquilizers surrounding and shooting the two before carting them off to some unknown part of the facility. Rumors spread and Erik found Derrick at the bar he refused to leave his side again, worried about what had happened. Derrick himself hadn't seen it, too far away to hear the scream and along with most of the population of the island they only heard the rumors, which once they had passed various people had grown greater and smaller than the actual event.


A few days passed and Erik had dragged Derrick down to the indoor pool, filled with filtered sunlight by the translucent roof and quite a few different pools. A whirlpool took once part of the room, while a large Jacuzzi was on another. There was a pool for swimming laps in and then the recreational pool where Erik enjoyed relaxing. It was mid-morning when everything began to happen, all of the doors allowing entry to the indoor pool room shut tight and an announcement filled the air.


"Please forgive the inconvenience, however the indoor pool is now off limits as there has been a pathogen been identified in the water. It is highly deadly and we ask for the co-operation of all guests while we attempt to remove the pathogen safely."


People in the room panicked and Erik hugged close to Derrick as people yelled and banged on the doors. One or two began to glow an angry red while others search for a way out, and amidst the panic the water in the room slowly began to rise. Derrick noticed it before Erik and tried to warn him, telling him to keep floating on the water and it should stop soon. Nodding he trusted him and the kept floating. The water kept rising and as other people noticed there were the muffled screams and splashes as some of the people drowned, unable to swim once the water had raised above their heads.


Swimming over to a wall where they were out of the way of the chaos that was spreading they watched as one woman who was swimming around trying to help people somehow was able to spend longer and longer underwater. Then she swam near to them and they noticed gills had developed on the side of her neck.


The water was nearing the roof now and people had tried banging on the structure, trying to break what looked like glass but was a lot stronger. Erik was starting to panic and begging Derrick to help, to do something despite the fact he understood there was nothing he could do.


With a sad smile Derrick wrapped his arms around him and whispered in him ear as they both trod water next to the wall. "I will always protect you" Erik then found himself drifting off into a comfortable blackness as Derrick's skin and limbs began surrounding him, forming a shape as he too began to change. The result was a cocoon, much like a caterpillar's, it was secured on the wall where he had transformed and inside the cocoon Derrick looked as the man who was now sleeping inside what he had become. "Always."


The cocoon Derrick had formed allowed them both to be saved, seemingly waterproof, both of their life functions slowed down to almost nothing and it was almost though he had taken on plant like properties, cleaning out the carbon dioxide and replacing it with oxygen. Once the water had dropped they stayed in the cocoon sleeping and safe until they were disturbed 10 years later.





Here is one from a while back and it is a smutty part:


A smirk played upon his lips as his tongue danced circle around the top of Jean's cock, the beautiful french accent the man possessed compelling him to take the stiff member deeper into his throat. Their bed was more than large enough for the two of them so when Jean thrust his hips upwards Al took the opportunity to turn them onto their sides, his hands tracing his lovers back slowly, the nails leaving faint marks on the skin. With a final slick of his tongue over the sensitive tip he pulled away, letting the dripping, throbbing cock slip out of his mouth before claiming it in his hands as he moved up the bed to lie level with Jean.


He was just as naked as the red head lying next to him, not even sure if they had waited till they were in the bedroom to strip and a grin still played around his features as he tutted at his lovers desire. "And you know I want You to stick it in me." With a quick lick to the shell of Jean's ear Al stroked his cock he continued. "I don't want to do you, i want..."


His sentence was so rudely interrupted by a sound he would never forgive, but could never change. His phone had disturbed them too many times to count, yet they couldn't turn it off. It was a work phone, and they were always on call so with an irritated groan he pushed himself up off the bed and answered it, irritation badly hidden as he snapped down the line. With the call finished and a summons to get their arse's to work he tossed the phone onto the bed, running his fingers through his now tousled hair. "C'mon Jean, We got ourselves the number one case that nobody else wants. Apparently this time he stole a bunch of diamonds before leaving a load on the safe walls."



If you need anymore I can send you some. The lengths of my posts can vary, depending on what is happening in the RP and how quickly the story is moving. ^^

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  • 1 year later...

So it looks like I'm back from a long hiatus. I really want to start afresh. I'll try my best to post here more frequently ^^' All the above plots are open and there's more:


(6.) Two Worlds Apart (OPEN, 1-1 saintly whore, gullible SEKE/SEME required)


MC, a demon and YC, a demi-god are deeply in love, drawn inexorably to their opposite natures. Yet, reality keeps them apart. The rules of the gods forbid them to ever contact each other in person, but the forbidden fruit tempts all the more. They engage with each other in dreams and fantasies, engage in ways more intimate than two could ever be!


(7.) Blinded by your Love (OPEN, 1-1, seductive, over protective, possessive, SEKE/SEME required)


YC is an angel who had fallen in love with a gorgeous mortal, MC. However angels are said to be so dazzling that a mere glimpse of them could be fatal for a mortal. YC remains invisible to MC but courts him nonetheless in dreams, in fantasies, even in bed, unseen. MC falls hopelessly in love with this invisible angel, who drags him further away from the realm of the living. Will MC finally open his eyes the reality of his decaying life or will he succumb to YC instead? Can YC redeem himself?

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Hello there, I'm looking for a new RP partner too and your plots have caught my eye, especially the demon x demi-god one (6). I do love fantasy/supernatural RPs and once had one going on for almost two years, which means I got a lot of writing practice. I haven't RPed that much in this forum but I'd be happy to. I can send you a sample of my writing over PM if you'd like.

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Plot number 5)! I am interested in. My Beloved Whore, if it's not already taken. I would love to play the friendly, gulible seke... Sounds like a blast, lol. Hope you get back to me~


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