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Status and Power Are Not The Same [Noise Prince and ChibiMonkey]

Noise Prince

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Vincent was sure the other had common sense about how to dress for this job, especially considering it wasn't his first time being a butler or anything. Sure maybe he had a different classification, personally attending to the master of the house, but that didn't really require him to dress any differently than a different butler position.


When the other asked about when he'd get to meet his manager, he just sighed slightly "Lets hope not soon" he muttered, mainly because he just didn't want to see his manager. He prolonged on seeing the man for as long as possible "You seem eager to meet him. That will surely change soon enough" he spoke jokingly. He often spoke poorly of his manager, calling him things like the devil and evil. In reality though, Vincent really hadn't anything against the man, who was really only doing his job. If either of them were the annoying and unreasonable one, it was Vincent - though Vin himself would never admit that. "Known him, he'll probably drop by in a day or two, if not today" he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.


As he lightly teased the other about how he appeared to have lost his last job, he really didn't mind or care. He shrugged his shoulders at the other saying how he'd be more considerate and careful in choosing his words and what he said "Honestly, I think I like that fact around you, that you say what you please" he said with a smirk as he glanced to the other "It makes you seem more human" he said before heading into the kitchen with the male, seeing a woman and male who were preparing lunch. Upon seeing him enter, the two instantly bowed and acknowledged the male, greeting him.


Vincent nodded back to the two of them "Good morning, Thomas, Lynn. I want to introduce you to the new butler starting today, Simon. Simon, this is Thomas, the head chef, and Lynn, his assistant" he introduced the servants to each other so they would become familiar with who the other was and seeing them around the place.

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Simon, with a bemused smile on his face, noticed how quickly Vincent's tone of voice changed when he talked about his manager. Now he was more interested in meeting him.


"Yes, it's best for everyone if I become familiar with typical household occurrences soon, right?" He replied, again taking amusement in the way he spoke disdainfully about his manager- but with no venom in his voice. His manager wasn't so awful, then, so Simon figured his manager had a strong personality, and thus the two clashed. Simon could definitely see why a manager might have issue with a client who slept in, especially a pianist who seemed like the type to hole away in his personal music room upstairs for hours at a time. These were very endearing traits to Simon, though he was a butler rather than a manager.


"Oh, that would be good. Even if you don't want to see him, at least the earlier he comes, the sooner you can get it over with, right?" Simon added playfully.


Simon felt a warmth in his cheeks spread when Vincent told him that he liked that he was prone to speaking his mind. It was something that had gotten him in trouble more than once in his life, and after it costing him his first job as a butler, his new boss immediately accepted that about him knowing that… well, it was nice. Though he wondered if he would feel the same once he heard something he didn't like.


"Why thank you, Master Klaus." Simon said, following him towards the kitchen. "I have to say, though, "human" is not a compliment I get frequently." He remarked with a light chuckle.


Simon bowed back out of habit to the cook and maid in the kitchen when they entered together, and gave them both a large smile.


"Hello, Thomas, Lynn. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we will work well together." He told them as they were introduced.

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Vincent frowned, narrowing his eyes slightly as he glanced to Simon who seemed rather excited and pleased the soon he could meet his manager. He just huffed in irritation, rolling his eyes. He didn't know how anyone could like that monster. He was such a workaholic, trying to make Vincent the same way, in occupying every moment of his time, to his job. He already spend hours practicing when not needed. All he cared about was his piano. Not all the official business and social matters that came along with it.


When the other teasingly commented about the sooner he came, the sooner he'd be gone, he scoffed "Yeah right. That devil will take his sweet time here until i do whatever he wants. He's such a slave driver" he said with a slight groan. Vincent wasn't one to listen to others and take orders. He was a very dependent and stubborn person, liking to do things his own way. Usually he ignored his managers requests, but on the rare times he did actually do something he was asked to, it would only be from his manager that he would listen to. Anyone else either got ignored or something an angry Vincent if they pushed about something. As much as Vin nagged about his manager, he was the only one that could get him to do things, as of yet, anyways.


Vincent didn't think much of the other thanking him and saying how he didn't really get such compliments "Don't thank me. It's only natural for humans to speak their minds. I'd rather know you have imperfections like that" he said. it was hard to tell when he was complimenting, or being degrading, his usual stoic tone of voice always hard to decipher along with his typically expressionless face.


As they entered the kitchen, he greeted the servants to each other who all spoke among one another, greeting each other politely and anything "That ends our little tour then, Simon" he said, turning to the other "Now, if you don't mind me, I have some rather important business to attend to. If you have any more questions or concerns, see Marian. If she can't answer them, see me later. You may have the rest of this day to relax and unpack, roam around if you will. Tomorrow you will officially start" He spoke, giving a nod to Simon and the other two before he disappeared from the room, heading back up to the third floor.


Once at the third floor, he attended to the important business he'd previously mentioned he had. That business being a meeting with his bed. Going back to his room, he shut his door and cuddled back into his bed, snuggling his face into a pillow as he grew comfortable in a mere few seconds, and within a minute, was passed out.

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Simon straightened his face after jesting Vincent when he gave him a rather sharp look, though the smile returned once he looked away.


"Ah, well, maybe when we become well acquainted with one another, I could start meeting with your manager in your stead, so you can play piano or sleep?" Simon offered, though he smiled at the term slave-driver. It seemed like to get Vincent inspired to do something, one would have to be that kind of person. He hoped that he would be able to keep Vincent productive without irritating him too much. He had the feeling that he and Vincent's manager may share similar struggles.


Perhaps he could get pointers.


Simon had to chuckle at his master's clarification. His tone was sharp enough that he could come off as rude, but Simon couldn't imagine him saying something like that with the intention of sounding so.

"I'm glad that my "big mouth" is a comfort to you." Simon told him.


Once he and the chef and his assistant exchanged pleasantries, he followed Vincent out, and the tour was declared over.


"Yes, thank you, Master Klaus." Simon told him, smiling, lowering his head a bit to his shorter master. "But, would you like my assistance now? I don't mind starting today." Simon offered.

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"Hn, I suppose. But you better not start working with him and deceiving plans about me. You work for me, not him, remember" he huffed. He was a little worried about how interested the other seemed to work and meet his manager. He didn't need anyone else being an annoying nag to him about deadlines and social gatherings and meetings. Of course, though, that was kind of what Simon's job would partly entail for him to be on schedule and all, so, he did understand that, simply, not that he wanted a second manager.


Vincent had gone to leave, but the other continued to ask a question. He sighed a bit in slight irritation, simply wanting to sleep. He glanced back over his shoulder at the other "No. Do as you please for the remainder of the day" he repeated before turning back around "Now please don't bother me for the next hour or two" he said before he left the other standing there to go back to his room.


The second Vincent had gotten to his room, he instantly headed for his bed, where he had fallen asleep within minutes. He remained asleep for a while longer, sleeping for over two hours. He was passed out in his bed, tired, mainly because he had stayed up late last night trying to write a new song. It was something the servants had learned to deal with and come accustomed to; hearing the piano master playing his beautiful melodies until the early morning hours of usually 2am.

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"Oh, no, of course not!" Simon assured him, laughing a bit at the idea. "I wouldn't do such a thing," While he certainly believed he would be collaborating with the manager, since Simon was to attend to a pianist, and the manager managed that pianist, a lot of their jobs would require some cooperation to best serve him. After all, Master Klaus's needs came first.


"Very well, Master Klaus." Simon told him. "And thank you very much for everything so far." He added before Vincent left to go upstairs.


Simon followed shortly after, going to the second floor instead. He figured he would take this time to unpack, as that would make him feel more comfortable and settled-in. The room granted him a lot of storage, so unpacking was quite easy, he hung up his work clothes first, then moved on to his more casual clothes, and onto his other belongings.

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Vincent frowned a bit, narrowing his eyes slightly towards the other "You better not" he spoke. He really didn't like the idea of two nagging tones in his ear. Hopefully Simon at least wouldn't be as annoying and demanding about it. Sighing, with thoughts of curiosity of his new butler, he fell asleep.


When he finally did awake hours later, it was almost two in the afternoon. Yawning, he rolled over onto his side as he slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them with the back of his hand. Despite it being the middle of the afternoon, it didn't feel like it because of all the dark tones in his room that kept it dark even in broad daylight. Yawning once more, he sat up from his bed, running a hand over his messy hair, as if in an attempt to neaten it out, though, it never worked. No matter what he did, even on the occasions he tried to neaten his hair, it wouldn't have it.


After fixing his clothes and getting out of bed, brushing out the wrinkles, he headed back downstairs, feeling much better and awake now after a nap. Heading to the kitchen, Thomas instantly noticed him and greeted him, knowing he wanted food, he spoke "Go ahead and sit down, Master Klaus, your food will be right out" he spoke, preparing the food that had been made and bringing it out to the dining area when Vincent had gone and sat down.


Vincent glanced through the messages on his phone, sighing as majority of them were from his manager. He glanced up seeing Thomas carrying his plate and he set his phone down "Thanks, Thomas" he said, grabbing his fork and beginning to eat the food. He was now rather starving, considering he hadn't eaten anything yet that day. This was pretty normal for him though, he never really ate breakfast.

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Simon finished unpacking quickly, and had set up his laptop and charger on the desk. He wanted to go to the library, but he promised some friends on the forum to update them as soon as possible. Plus, he wanted to email his two older brothers.


It was an oddly specific community, but it had a fair number of users, and their specifically similar experiences and life choices made the community tight-knitted and able to explore a lot of different aspects of live-in servant life. Simon wondered if any of the servants here had an account as he signed in. He caught everyone who was interested up, updated is journal on his profile about the move, the tour, the other servants, and his new master. Someone replied within five minutes declaring how jealous they were that he moved in somewhere with a cook.


Simon was very tempted to go to one of the more 'taboo' part of the forums, one he vowed never to touch… he even clicked on the link. "Romance in the Workplace."

One topic had a randy title and Simon immediately hit the backspace button. He was not ready for that. He mentally scolded himself, and reminded himself to be professional. He was here to do his job. He knew that he was going to give up a lot of his social life in order to be a live-in butler- and he made that choice. That didn't mean that he should at all be considering fraternizing simply because his workplace was also his home.


He logged out and signed into his email, sending one email to both brothers. He didn't feel like writing two different emails or going into a lot of detail at the moment. He would fill them in with more later. But right now… he really wanted to explore the library.


Simon went into the library, mentally reminding himself that he needed to talk to Marian later that evening, and started scouring over the various titles. The collection was so impressive! There were many things to choose from. Though, as Simon had always been a fan of fantasy, he chose a fantasy novel from the shelves, and headed up towards the balcony. It was so nice out, he might as well take advantage of the natural light filtering in.


It was a hefty novel, high fantasy, and began with three family trees, a map, and a small bestiary guide to the fantasy creatures Simon assumed would be featured.

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Vincent sat there eating his food while looking back through the messages on his phone. He sighed a bit, just completely ignoring his manager, he shut his phone and put it to the side, simply getting a headache from thinking of all the messages his manager had sent him. He shook his head to himself as he finished eating before getting up and grabbing his phone, leaving his plates there on the table for the maid to clean up.


Leaving the room, his phone rang off, and he sighed seeing it was his manager. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he answered the phone "Hey" he huffed before his manager started scolding and yelling at him through the phone, asking where he had been and why he hadn't responded to any of his messages yet. Of course, the man already knew the answer to that. Vincent always ignored him and his messages. But that didn't keep the male from scolding the pianist about it. And of course, he wasn't surprised when Vin answered that he had been sleeping.


Vincent sighed as he headed outside and into the back yard, where there was actually quite a beautiful flower garden back there. He walked through it a bit as he halfheartedly listened to his manager. In the end, it was decided that the man would be coming over soon to check on him. Sighing in annoying, he just laid down in the back yard, putting a hand over his forehead to shade his eyes from the bright glaring sun on him. Maybe he'd hide back here in the bushes and flowers. If he was lucky his manager wouldn't find him. Of course, he always did.

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Simon was quite absorbed with the story thus far- it was a very strong skill to make a novel like this enthralling from the first few pages. At one point, he had to stop, because he heard footsteps echoing off the tile. He assumed it was one of the maids, as the distinct sound of low heels was hard to miss. He got up, and leaned over to look out to the main area of the library. Marian took a half-second to realize that he was above her, and looked up. She had folder in her hands.


She waved to him, and signaled that she would be up there to talk to him in a minute. He tried to wave back that he would meet her down there, but she had already turned towards the stairs. Simon smiled. She was certainly one to set the terms. She was there within a few moments, with a smile on her face.


"Hello, Simon. I have brought you a folder with a copy of the periodic schedule, things that happen regularly with a few exceptions, such as staff meetings, which are bi-monthly, that sort of thing. A detailed schedule for this month, a list of contacts, and any other essential information that could be printed on paper." She told him, handing him the red folder.


"Oh, thank you…" Simon took the folder, surprised that he didn't have to find her and ask. And she had put it in a folder for him, too. How considerate.


"Has Master Klaus talked to you about this?" He asked her. She shook her head.


"No, he is eating at the moment." She told him. "Why, was there something else you needed from me?"


"Oh, no, nothing like that. I had just asked him about the work schedules. This is more than I asked for. Thank you."


"You're very welcome, Simon." Marian told him with a smile. "Make sure you keep a hold of that, it will be very useful for you to get accustomed here. It contains a lot of knowledge I gained from experience here." She said with a smile.


"I really appreciate it, Marian. Thank you."


"You're welcome. Now, you don't have to read it now, but make sure you skim over it before tomorrow morning. I put the information you most need tomorrow in the front, so make sure to read that. It should make the transition easier."


"Alright, I'll be sure to do that, thank you." He told her, with a grateful smile.

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Vincent sighed a bit, laying down in a small opening in the flower bed, reaching his arms behind his head to prop it up as a pillow and look up at the sky. He smiled a bit as he looked up at the clouds passing by. It was actually a rather nice day, beautiful blue sky with the white fluffy clouds passing. He smiled a bit, slowly relaxing more and closing his eyes. Before he even realized it he had fallen asleep - again.


Within about a half hour since Vincent had gotten off of the phone call with the other, his manager had arrived. David sighed as he arrived up at the door, knocking on it before he waited for someone to let him in. He didn't wait long, before a familiar face greeted him and he smiled a bit to the woman "Hello Marian. Is Vincent around?" he asked as he stepped into the house. When he called the other after their last call of him saying he was coming over, Vincent started ignoring his calls again. He assumed the other had fallen asleep again.


Marian had been with Simon when the doorbell rang, and she smiled a bit with a nod "Please excuse me. I'll talk more with you later" she said as she went to the front door, answering it and smiling at the guest "Ah, good afternoon David. Please, do come in" she said stepping aside for him to come in. She smiled a bit and nodded "He was last eating in the dining hall. However he may be in his room, I'll go check for you" she said with a smile heading back to the third floor, passing by Simon "Simon" she called, wondering if she could make the trip shorter "Would you happen to know where the master is?" she asked, since she hadn't found him in his room.


David, knowing full well that Vincent was probably off hiding somewhere, decided to check outside. He walked around, heading to the garden knowing the male liked that place. He sighed when he indeed found him - passed out sleeping next to a flower bed "Oh Vincent....what am I ever going to do with you?" he muttered to himself before nudging the others head "Oi....Vincent wake up" he sighed in annoyance.

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Simon noticed some movement outside, and leaned over the edge of the balcony to see what was going on. He saw Vincent among the flowers, lying down leisurely. Simon smiled, that was quite sweet. He decided he ought to go and take the folder to his room. He gathered it and left the library, to return to his room.


Just as he did so, he passed Marian in the hallway.


"Simon, would you happen to know where the master is?" She asked him, a somewhat urgent tone in her voice. From the pace she approached him in, he assumed she had spent some time looking for him already.


"Actually, I believe he's in the gar…" Simon stopped. The household probably had a good many gardens, and just saying 'in the flower bed' wouldn't be of much use. "I saw him from the balcony in the library, lying in some flowers. I'll come with you and show you where I mean."


Marian already had a good idea of where he was talking about- after all, she knew the home very well, but she was rarely one to refuse good intentions, especially since this wouldn't hinder her at all.


"That would be lovely," She responded, though she took the lead in walking towards the closest exit to the gardens. When they arrived, Simon saw a tall man in clean-cut clothes and short hair standing over the sleeping master.


"Ah, David. It seems you were able to find him quicker than we were." Marian told him with a good-natured smile. "I don't know if Master Klaus has told you about hiring a new butler-"


"I've heard about the plans," The man said, turning to look at Simon. Simon could see the tension in his face before the man made himself relax in face of meeting someone new. "But I was not aware that one had already been hired. Hello, there. My name is David White." He greeted, extending his hand.


"I'm Simon Davis." He replied, taking his hand and quickly lowering his head in respect. "It's a pleasure to meet you."


"And I, you. I'm Vincent's manager.


As the two were getting acquainted, Marian had gone to Vincent's side and gently gave him a shake.


"I know you're awake by now," She said quietly. "Why don't you at least say 'hello'? Simon's here, too, so this would be a good opportunity to introduce him to the business side of his duties." She suggested, brushing a bit of grass from his hair.

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Vincent was sound asleep in the grass, relaxing before he felt nudging and the annoying voice of his manager. He mentally sighed, by didn't move or react to the other, acting like he was still asleep. Maybe if the other thought he was still sleeping, he would go away and leave him alone. Though, he knew that was highly unlikely. David had gotten so used to Vincent, and all his tricks and antics, that he would make the other wake up to talk to him and get what he wanted from him.


He heard more footsteps and voices approaching, distinctly making out Marian's, and then, as the group started talking, he recognized the new voice of his new butler, Simon. He sighed softly under his breath as he heard and felt Marian shaking to get him up. Huffing, he squinted one eye open, trying to avoid the blinding rays of the sun. He sighed and fully opened his eyes, sitting up and letting her brush him off from the grass and dirty that clung to him slightly.


He glanced to the two males talking beside him, frowning as he noticed them seeming to get along quite fine. He didn't want for this, he had a feeling with their personalities they'd get along, which meant they would soon gang up to torment him and get him to actually do work and all. Sighing, he ran a hand through his ever-messy hair as he stood up, brushing himself and his clothes off completely, in attempt to brush out the wrinkles, he stood, looking to the two.


"I see you two have met" he spoke up, in to voice he was now awake. He put a hand over his mouth as he yawned slightly, slipping his hands back into his pockets as he spoke "I'm glad you two could have met so soon. Simon actually arrived just today, David" he informed "he'll officially be starting working tomorrow. So you'll be seeing him around a lot more. But it seems you two are getting along just smoothly" he said, his tone in clear distaste about that fact.

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Marian smiled when she got Vincent to sit up, she hoped he wouldn't fuss about being woken up yet again. She brushed off the dirt and grass from his back and his hair.


"Well, it looks like Vincent's finally waking up," David mentioned, noticing Vincent sitting up from the dirt.


"It seems like Master Klaus enjoys starting his meetings with sleeping," Simon added playfully.


"I'm glad you two could have met so soon. Simon actually arrived just today, David."


"Ah, so you've just arrived!" David said, giving Simon a smile, which he returned.


"Yes, that's right. I'm just barely a butler as of now."


"he'll officially be starting working tomorrow. So you'll be seeing him around a lot more. But it seems you two are getting along just smoothly"


David smiled at Vincent's tone. He could only imagine the horrors Vincent could be dreaming of his manager and butler's collaboration to ruin his life. Simon thought his tone was interesting, as he had finally met the man and so far he was quite pleasant, and had yet to come off as a hard-nosed paper-pusher. Though they had only known each other for a matter of seconds. Still, Simon felt like he would only grow to like the man more and more. The same way he felt with Vincent.


"That's right, it will be good to have an insider working on my side." David said with a chuckle. Simon's smile grew wider.


"Well, I will definitely do what I can to help." Simon said, but gave Vincent a look as if to say that he wanted to assure him that his needs came first. Marian sighed and shook her head, but she couldn't help but smile. She could already see their future situations playing out. Simon would end up trying to play peace keeper when things got really heated between the workaholic and the slacker.

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Vincent rolled his eyes "yeah yeah, don't get too excited" he said sarcastically to his manager who spoke of him waking. He stood there casually, talking with them, before motioning to head back inside, where he started walking, and they all started walking back to the door inside. He listened to the two talking behind him, rolling his eyes "Shut up, David. He works for me, not you" he huffed in irritation. The last thing he needed was David getting in on the last bit of his privacy he had left in his life from the man.


Vincent headed inside the house, looking to the others behind him "David, what do you want? Didn't you come here to play out some other sick mission to make me miserable again?" he said with a sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest. He was trying to get the other off of the topic of thinking about collaborating with Simon and everything. His manager seemed all too pleased by the fact that he had a butler he could talk to to get more information about Vincent and everything.


However, questioning the male about this, he did really wonder what the other specifically had come for. He was sure it was probably some stupid check up the other wanted to do to make sure Vin was on track with his music writing and everything.

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David laughed at how defensive Vincent seemed about Simon when he declared that he worked for him, and not David. Simon smiled sheepishly.


"Of course, Master Klaus, neither of us would forget that!" Simon insisted. He wanted to make sure that later he was able to talk to Vincent alone and assure him that he wouldn't ever make him do anything uncomfortable, or anything he didn't like. Going inside the house, the ac felt nice, as most of them were wearing heavy clothing and it was warm outside.


"May I get you anything?" Marian asked the three of them. "I am about to go into the kitchen, I can fix up whatever you'd like."


"Oh, I'm fine," Simon replied, and David repeated the sentiments.


Marian waited for Vincent's response before leaving for the kitchen.


"David, what do you want? Didn't you come here to play out some other sick mission to make me miserable again?"


David smiled, though Simon saw that it was a little less well-humored than earlier smiles.


"Everything resembling work you think is some conspiracy to make you miserable," David said with a sigh with disdain to match Vincent's own. "I am actually here to try to set a deadline. The Association has been calling me the past few days wanting to set a deadline for the Classic Music Today concert. If you remember, the local chapter is going to schedule it around you and your new piece. They can do very little preparation without a deadline from you." David reminded him. Simon eyes widened and looked at Vincent with new awe. He must really be very impressive if a concert was literally being planned around his schedule!


"So, how close are you to finishing?" David asked.

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Vincent headed inside with the group, hearing Vincent speak up, seeming to try and want to be clear about how he had all intentions of working for Vincent and only him. He smirked a bit, feel the other was trying to keep the other from growing to hate him "No need to panic, Simon. I don't have any intentions of getting rid of you without giving you a chance" he said to reassure the other as he moved to sit down in the living room, sitting in a comfortable love seat to talk more with David and see what he wanted.


He looked to Marian when she asked about drinks and he shook his head "I think we're all set. Thank you, Marian" he nodded as she dismissed herself and headed off to the kitchen. He got comfortable in his chair before glancing to Simon "Simon, I have no objections if you wish to stay. It may be beneficial to you as your new position here. However, you're technically not being paid yet, so you have no obligation or need to if you don't wish to" he clarified to the other to make sure he knew it didn't matter whether he staid or not to listen about this.


He sighed a bit, hearing he was trying to get a deadline. Vincent hated deadlines. He didn't like having confinements, keeping him from doing much. Because then all he thought of was the deadline. He sighed hearing David's usual stickler serious tone about getting work done and getting a deadline. " "they can do very little preparation without a deadline" " he quoted the other exactly with a role of his eyes "Well, that sounds manageable to me. I don't care if there isn't a lot of preparation, so, it doesn't effect me in any way" he spoke stubbornly, as usual, trying to get out of it.

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Simon nodded, and gave Vincent a smile. He wasn't exactly worried, but at least Vincent seemed to know that he was on his side. He followed them into the living room, giving Marian a friendly wave as she dismissed herself.


"Ah…" Simon hummed when Vincent reminded him that he didn't have to stay. He didn't want to impose, but he also thought it would be beneficial. After all, if this was important, than he would just have to be filled in later.


"I understand. So I wouldn't be out of place if I chose to stay? I assume it might save time later, since I'll be in the know." Simon replied, and sat in the plush armless chair across from the love seat, next to an identical one seating David.


David tried to keep a smile on his face when he saw Vincent's reaction to the word 'deadline'. It was cumbersome work to get Vincent to agree to a deadline. He tended to work on a schedule independent on the time system literally every other person, so having to have something complete by a certain time was a chore. However, it was more difficult to manage a person like this.


"No, you misunderstand." David started. "There is a lot of preparation to be done, but a majority of it they cannot do until you agree to a deadline."


He started to list off his fingers to illustrate the point.


"They cannot schedule or hire other local performers. They cannot rent a venue. They cannot advertise. They cannot order catering or meals. They cannot decorate. They cannot invite special guests. They are stuck with very basic planning without being able to set a date."


"So, this Classic Music Today event is a very important event?" Simon asked. David gave him a short nod.


"Yes, the Music Preservation of the Ages Association funds it, and every year the local chapter organizes it at a variety of venues with a variety of themes, and with a lot of different talents. The one constant is that Vincent Klaus is often one of the few artists they center the other performances around- and thus the entire event."


"Oh…" The scale of the event, and Vincent's revered talent sunk in on the soon-to-be-butler. This was definitely something he did not expect.

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Vincent looked back to Simon when he inquired about not wanting to impose. He smiled slightly at his consideration "If i said it is alright, it is alright" he said, before turning his attention back to the other, to listen to David. He knew this was important, and he knew eventually the other would get him into setting a deadline. But he would drag it out for as long as possible, not wanting to make a deadline or anything like that.


Hearing the other asking about the deadline again, listing off a bunch of reasons he needed he, he rolled his eyes "Why should I care that it would make it that much harder for them?" He said as he lazily rested his head in his hand looking to him. He frowned, David's voice growing rather annoying to him "Alright alright, shut up already" he half groaned, unable to handle the males nagging, as he was always right.


Closing his eyes for a moment, thinking, he sighed looking back to David "You asked how much I've gotten done? hmm..." he said as he leaned back "Haven't even started" he stated bluntly with a casual shrug of his shoulders. It really almost seemed like he couldn't care less about the whole problem. He didn't care about all the technical stuff involving his performances.

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"Right, right. Thank you," Simon nodded gratefully in Vincent's direction when he was assured that he was welcomed.


"You should care because the Association is basically how we've built up your career." David replied with a tiredness in his voice. "The local chapter admires your talent, and continues to want to work with you, regardless of how difficult it is to get you to commit. They're very generous to continue offering to work so patiently with us, you know.


"They could easily knock you from the top three performer's slots and just hire you to do a piece you've already written on the night. But you know you make your biggest money at events where you debut a new piece, correct? Classic Music Today is a large percentage of your income." David explained before Vincent cut him off. But he certainly had more material.


Simon was taking a lot of mental notes, almost wishing he had some paper and a pen. He was glad he stayed, this was a lot of information to take in, and he would have hated to miss it.


"Haven't even started"


Simon cringed in empathy for David, as the color from the manager's face drained.


"So… you've done nothing?" He repeated softly, almost in horror. He hid his face with a hand, bent over, elbow-on-the-knee.


"Oh, so many things are crimes in this country… I am restricted by my love of freedom."


Simon's eyes widened. Things got intense very fast.


"Well, how long do you think it would take you to write a new piece?" Simon asked. "Would it have to be from scratch, or could you work off a piece you never completed?" He offered.

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Vincent sighed a bit more as the other went on about the reasons why he should care. Why was the male always right? No matter what it was they were arguing against or about, it seemed David always won and was correct, usually being most responsible, of course. Vin sighed "I know, I know..." he trailed off as he ran a hand through his hair again "They only put up so much though because if they wouldn't make nearly as much money without me. With me they can raise the prices of their tickets" he commented, but wasn't even trying to argue this time. He knew David in the end would be right again. He always was.


When the color drained from Davids face, Vincent couldn't help but laugh out, snickering at the others reaction, a slightly smug smirk on his face "Oh, hush it David. I have been trying, if that makes you feel any better" He said with a shrug of his shoulders "I just don't like any of what I've come up with lately, so, I've scratched it all" he said, which probably made Davids heart sink more. To know that Vincent had come up with plenty of material to write a single song, but ended up scratching it because of Vincent's tendency to perfectionism.


Vin was very particular about his music indeed. If there was a single thing he didn't like, he gave up and started over again if he couldn't come up with how to make something work. But he supposed thats why he was so good at what he did. He frowned though at the other when he said to use something from other material he had "Of course not, don't even suggest such a ridiculous thing" he huffed frowning in irritation at a suggestion like that. He made all of his songs completely original, so they didn't sound like all his other songs or anything.

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David groaned at Vin's more or less take-it-or-leave it attitude. This man-child would end up giving him ulcers. How could he be this nonchalant and self-absorbed. Clearly the business relationship was mutual. But Vincent didn't see a lot of the business handling, so David supposed it was easy to ignore. Out of sight, out of mind.


"Yes, and we make a lot of money off of them. Remember, you have the privilege of being a local talent whose lived here for years, so you get priority." David reminded him, rubbing his temple. Vincent was incredibly talented, and everyone knew it. The problem was that he knew it, too, and relied on that a lot to avoid the typical restrictions many classic musicians faced. Most of the time it worked, but it was hell for a manager to deal with. He was the one taking calls about deadlines, after all.


If Vin thought David was bad, he couldn't imagine having several representatives from a number of associations and companies doing the same. So he tried to keep Vincent from keeping a big head, and tried to make every event and concert sound like a favor to them.


"…that does make me feel a bit better." David admitted, sighing. "But if it all ends up fruitless, than it doesn't matter how much you tried. That's how it works, the product is more important than production sometimes.


"Ah, excuse me, Master Klaus," Simon replied, looking away sheepishly. Vincent sounded almost offended by the suggestion. Simon wasn't a musician, so he didn't have ugh insight on the music-writing process. It might be best not to interfere.


"Actually… Simon has a point. Most artist finish a piece and then add corrections." David added in response. "Why don't you take whatever you've been working on and take what you like most, and finish it up? Then work on making it better from there."

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Vincent wouldn't lie, it gave him a slight pleasure to see David so stressed and frazzled about when having to deal with him. After all, he likewise had to deal with the other as well. Vincent made it a particular job and duty of his to annoy David as much as he could sometimes, simply to get back at him for all the work David would demand - even if it all was necessary and not meaningless, like Vincent's usually were.


In all actuality though, Vincent had already been well working on the piece. He wasn't finished with it, no, but he was a good ways through it. But he didn't let David in on that. Another one of his plans this time to stress him out. He sighed a bit and just shook his head, ignoring Simon slightly for the moment before going back to David "Anyways...don't worry about it. You know I always come through" Vincent said. As much of a pain in the ass he was, he really didn't want David or himself to look bad. He always did certainly pull through.


Hearing David agree with the other though, he sighed heavily "Well, I'm not most writers, am I David?' He said with a frown as he rubbed a hand over his head "The deadline, though..." he brought up again, going over his head "They usually do it late summer, yes?" he said, considering dates in his mind and his writing "How about August 15?" he suggested to David. Though he didn't like to deal with business, he was smart when considering it. He was considerate enough to keep it within the usual annual time they did the concert, as well as just before most school years, so families could attend if so wishing. But the deadline of that would make it only a month away. Vincent wasn't concerned, knowing he had quite a bit of material written. But under the impression he had nothing, it would be insane to even conceive.

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"True.. but how often would you pull through if I didn't 'nag' you like I do?" David responded. He hated that word, 'nag', since it had such negative connotations when it was crucial for his job. However, he knew that was how Vincent thought of half his manager's work. It would be significantly less if David only had to ask once or twice.. but Vincent would rather sleep in than pull all-nighters on the regular.


But Vincent also seemed to be under the impression that half his job as a musician was to make his manager's job as difficult as possible.


"That's true… as nice as it would be, you are not most writers…" David sighed. "But just because it's not your usual method doesn't mean it's not effective, no? Normally artists become stubbornly eccentric in their later years." David retorted.


"August 15th… a month." David leaned forward. On a rare exception, Vincent would be known to do very challenging tasks. A song in a month, from scratch? That definitely qualified as something like that.


"That would give you a month to write the song. And you plan on doing it from scratch?"


Simon sat in silence. He didn't know if a month was a significantly small amount of time or not. It sounded like it, but he hadn't a clue how unthinkable it was.


"If you can't do it, Vincent, this year's concert could seriously suffer. So would your career."

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Vincent sighed with a slight roll of his eyes. There David went having to say the last thing in order to make a right statement before him again "Yeah yeah, you're all smart and clever' He said sarcastically but smirked as he looked back to his manager. As much as he acted like he hated his manager, and teased him and annoyed the hell out of him - quite on purpose, majority of the time - he did honestly get along with the man. Someone like Vincent needed at least one person willing to order him around and be a bit pushy and bossy with him.


He sighed once more when the manager continued to push the idea of him using his old scratch ideas he'd come up with. "Perhaps it is useful, but I don't like doing it, and so therefore I'm not going to" he said with a stubborn sigh. He wished the other would give up on the idea. He knew he was going to be fine in the deadline, and so there wasn't need to do haste things like that.


He knew David would get worried about the deadline he suggested, and he did just that. Vincent shrugged his shoulders "It shouldn't be a problem. The Assocciation would probably like that time too, no? Or is a month to short of notice for them? I don't mind it being put off till longer, but I thought they'd prefer an earlier time."

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