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5 ideas, open to more!

Noise Prince

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Hey, there!

I really love roleplaying, but unfortunately there has been a big lull in activity in the role-plays I'm involved in.

So first of all, here are some ideas I have:


1. One character hires the second character as a live-in servant, but it doesn't take long for them to establish that the master's only the master outside the bedroom... (figuratively) This could be modern, historical, fantasy, sci-fi, anything.

(1x1, I'll play either)

(Update: Found a partner for this one)


2. A master has two apprentices… punishments and rewards have a BDSM slant >

(Group of 3, I'd like to play one of the apprentices)

(Update: I found two players! Thanks! (That was so fast ^^))


3. A psychic with a strong control of his powers is very frustrated with a regular customer/co-worker/etc. who they can't get a 'read' on, despite some weird vibes coming from him. After some snooping, they discover that this is because he is actually an exceptionally pretty golem! Modern setting.

(1x1, I'd like to be the golem)


4. HyperDoll's are a taboo craze- incredibly realistic androids that can be customized to the users needs- and quickly gained a reputation for creating the ultimate sex toys. Naturally, Character 1 is not interested in something so depraved… until one is shipped to him unexpectedly, and it doesn't seem keen on leaving its new master. Near-future setting.

(1x1, I'd like to be the doll)

(Update: Also found a partner for this!)


5. The youngest prince of the royal family has recently become a target. Only recently has it been discovered that he can use magic. Unlike sorcery, which is learned by the few who are able, magic is innate, 'awakes' later in the users life, and can be disastrous. The prince can manipulate the "Divine Force" - making him one of the most powerful and most dangerous people born in the last 1000 years. While the nation is at war, he is a great asset, but also greatly targeted. Thus, he is heavily guarded at all times, and always accompanied by one of the best MageKnights- sorcerers who realize they're mages while in training, who are then recruited into a special elite force to serve the crown. Fantasy setting.

(1x1, I'll play either, though I have a preference for the MageKnight)

(Update: Found a partner for this)


And none of these are set in stone.


If you don't like any of these, but would still like to role-play with me- I'm open to suggestion! I'm fine with a lot of themes, most genres, and am willing to play any position. Feel free to PM me, or comment below!


If you want to do an idea I listed above, I'd appreciate if you replied with this thread, just so anyone else who sees this will know ^^

((Also, I'm open to doing multiple role-plays with the same themes, so if you really want to do one similar to something already 'taken', I'm game for it. I'm mainly doing it for those who prefer not to do that ^^))


Thank you so, so much for reading, and I look forward to hearing from anyone who'd like to role-play


Edit: And thanks to everyone whose replied and taken interest so far!

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Hi! I'm having the same problem with some eps of mine, just, lacking in frequent activity. I'd love to rp with you if you'd like. You're first idea most interest me, if I could possible be the master that isn't so much when it comes to the bed. Or if you'd like, here's my list of ideas and feel free to take a look if you're interested. If you want to rp with me, either this idea of yours or any of my own, send me a vm or pm~ ^^


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I may be interested in the second one. If you find another person that is. >.>


I just need a little time as i have finally made my way back to YO after a few months of life so busy i could cry.... Just need to finish catching up with rps and finding out who is still up for the rps i have going ^^ So if you find another person for the second idea count me in. I would also want to be an apprentice.


Let me know if you need to read some of my writing before rping with me. I have plenty of examples lol

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Hello, thank you for replying!

That sounds awful, I've had periods of time where circumstances have eaten away at my life, too XD But I'm glad to see you have your free-time back.

Now, I don't need to see any of your writing, since I'm not much of a stickler for requirements from my partner(s) so just by wanting to role-play with me you've passed my requirements XD, but… I would like to read some just to get a feel for your writing style, so thank you for offering ^^

I'll update the first post to reflect that we're looking for a master. Thanks!

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Excellent, thanks! I'm replying to you here since I did so for Dusutii and I didn't want you to feel left out >.>

I'll send you a PM asap.

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Well, that solves that! Thank you so much :D

that was faster than I expected...

Anyway, for planning, since it's three of us, would it be easier to do a three-ways-pm or just start a new thread…?

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What ever is easiest for you guys.

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here are a few of my rp threads for you to read my writing. *grins* no i don't expect posts that long from anyone lol unless you are Squeezy


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Dusutii, you're very talented! I'm the same as BBG, I can write long or short, though I think it's best for role-plays not to set a standard length because action-less, conversation-driven scenes become very difficult XD.


I don't think it'll take very long to plan, so a PM would probably be best, yes? I'll send one to the both of you as soon as I post this ^^

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Name: Akito Kagayami

Magical Craft: Art of Pheromones, Seduction, and Dominamce

Age: 25

Likes: Fucking his 'kittens', 'toys', being dominant and superior

Dislikes: Arrogance, Ignorance, inferior people touching what's his,

Biography: At the Kingdom of Anata, there held a war over territory. His father was murdered during the war and was renowned as the new king. He owned concubines from every village on the kingdom until he met two particular slaves in a auction and while he watched their caretaker raping them. Akito bought the poor slaves and renowned them as his new concubines, ordering all the other concubines where they originally belonged. Every night, he invited them to his quarters and loved every passionate moment. Akito is eager to teach to his pets so many lessons.

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O-oh, my…. >D

Unfortunately the link doesn't work… regardless, I like it >///

I'll try to have mine up soon ^^

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Yes! I see him now, very cute!

Sorry it took me so long to respond (and excuse the poor art!)




Name: Sallo Entou

Magical Craft: (Learning) Art of Pheromones, Seduction, and Submission

Age: 19

Likes: Learning, culture, reading and writing, being outdoors, having time and space to be active (is pretty aerobatic) Master (in a good mood), learning the language (Is fluent enough, wants to learn more)

Dislikes: Being interrupted, loud noises, crowded places, being put on the spot

Biography: Sallo is from a far land, where the people are known for having a lot of pink in their skin, and pale hair colors. Another interesting feature of their culture is gender-presentation. They seem to have three, which aren't easily 'translated'. And of what could be considered "boy" and "girl", the presentations are reversed from Anatan conventions. Sallo, like most "boys", seems incredibly feminine.

Their genders and coloring make them seem exotic, and highly valued in the luxury slave trade. His village was already under watch of traders, and he fell victim to the trade. He knew the sorts of things he would be used for, but he still didn't expect what did happen. Taken to the Kingdom of Anata, a caretaker took to raping those in his care. Despite never meeting before, Sallo and another boy clung to each other in support during this ordeal, and the two were purchased together by the king! Sallo is uncertain about his future, but is thankful to his new master.

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Ahh I knew there would be a catch XD Damned Character sheets hehe. Ah well here we go.


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I didn't see any messages from BBG about magical craft if there were any so i'm basing that off what you too have done. Didn't feel like making him particularly sub or dom so I have left that one, let me know if you want it changing.


Also for the picture it is how he looks except for the clothes. His clothes at the time of the auction would be rags, after whatever the king gave him. Hair would be a raven black colour and eyes the same grey.






Name: Naouko


Age: 23


Magical Craft: Art of Pheromones and Seduction


Likes: Playing pranks/jokes and generally causing trouble. Getting caught (depending on who catches him). Getting others caught. Hiding in the dark and not being seen.


Dislikes: Being outside. Being caught(most of the time). Being on display. Being good. doing work.


Biography: Sold as a child into slavery so that his family could eat Naouko doesn't even know his full name. He has never eaten well and so is skinny and malnourished making him appear young than his 23 years. Having had many masters as he grew up all wanting similar things just different preferences for age he was eventually sold to a brothel at 16, no local masters wanting to own him exclusively as he kept causing problems.


Snakes in a kitchen at one house, Worms dropped into food at another. Childish pranks when he was younger, Naouko himself dictating when he left. If he didn't like a master then the pranks were more serious and more common, but he always managed to set someone up as a scapegoat till eventually the master trusted none and replaced everyone.


Reasonable Happy at the brothel the pranks remained childish, swapping the other prostitutes clothes, moving and hiding make up and hair pieces. Not getting into too much trouble so that he wasn't sold on again.


Then there was a war when he was 23 and Naouko's kingdom was on the losing side, the brothel burnt and all of its workers taken for the slave trade in the Kingdom of Anata, angry and concerned for who his new master would be he had ended up chained to a foreigner who he quickly came to like and they helped each other. He had been a slave for years but he had never been treated so brutally, especially by caretakers.


So when they were bought together after being publicly raped during an auction he was grateful to the buyer and determined to like it, not wanted to be back in the horrible slave markets of the newest kingdom. Of course he couldn't completely give up his mischievous ways.

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Okay, I have some other threads to reply to first, but I'll try to start it tonight ^^


Update: I've done so, and I've mentioned both of you. Character sheets, brief plot summary, and a long-butt intro are all there ^D^

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