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Finding Myself


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This work of writing may contain some material that can be seen as obscene to some audience and includes religious back story. I do not mean to offend anyone with this story just a work of fiction.



What happens when a religiouslysheltered boy finally breaks away from home to make his own path in college? Will he stay strong by his upbringing or will his roommate bring out the demons inside young Zatch.


Status: Ongoing



Chapter 1: First Impressions


From the day he was born. He was told what to do. What to believe in. He must walk this narrow path. This is what was expected from him, as a boy. There is no margin for error or change. His dreams were easily torn from him at tender age of 10. He was quickly set straight in bible study on what to do and what not to or else he would not be looked upon favorably by the all powerful being in the sky. At age 12 he started middle school in a all boys catholic school. Education was only second to God in his household and school. Then he grew up to high school. The head girl from the sister school across the street slipping him secret notes and hints of love. So like was expected of him he dated the girl. She was perfection in a human body. Organized, involved in the church, baptized, straight A student and most important she was a girl.


He kept on the façade and did as what was expected of him. He dated the girl all the way through 8th grade till they graduated from high school. Sadly by then they both had noticed that they had both been accepted to different colleges and no way would either of them be able to keep up a long distant relationship. So they said their last loving words and parted into different ways. Many pastors at their school said that it was the Lord’s will that they separated now.


That was all 4 months ago in now it was August 16, 2013 the day for all new incoming freshmen to move in for orientation. The boy from a sheltered religious home looked around caring a backpack on his shoulder and balancing two boxes in front of him as he kept looking at all the doors of the second floor of the east wing of Miller Hall Dormitories. He was scanning all the doors for his name. He reached the room number 206 and there he saw it “Jace & Zatch” His name next to another boy’s. He took the key out of his pocket and slowly walked into the dorm and his cheeks flushed seven different shades of red as he saw the scene in front of him.


“Hmm. Oh Jace I think your room mate for this year just walked in on us.” The boy against the wall blushing just as deep as Zatch stated trying to push the older boy off of him. “Don’t mind him I got stuck with freshman. I hate that this semester they put a new rule. Now they are trying to put freshman like him with Resident Assistants like me hoping to start some mentoring shit.” Jace turned to face the boy and smirked as he looked onto Zatch’s appearance. Zatch had a petite body. But do not think that he look like a girl any bit. He had broad shoulders and was somewhat toned from playing in the soccer team in high school. He could handle himself in a fight. It was as his parents said expected of him to do so. He had to be as masculine as possible. It was his role to play. He had light brown hair and piercing green eyes deep as a forest but light looking as a feather. “Well aren’t you a cute one. Do not get much of your type around here.” Jace complimented as he went to reach for Zatch’s chin and as soon as his hand entered what Zatch considered his personal space he dropped his boxes and slapped the older boy’s hand away. “Don’t touch me you filth.” Zatch glared at the boy.

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I am glad you like it I will be putting up the next chapter today after the whole server thing.

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