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Character Sheet Template



✦Givenname, Surname ✦


Nicknames: Nicknames

Blood Type:A•B•AB•O


Age: 00

Birthdate: Dd•Mm

Hair Color:Hair color here

Eye color:Eye color (unless heterochromia)

Skin Color:light•pale white•white•fair•Medium•light brown•olive•moderate brown•brown•dark brown•very dark brown to black

Personal Interest: What kind of trait does interest this character?

Likes: List of things he/she be attracted.

Dislikes: Your character does his/her best to avoid.

Skills or abilities:Write down your character's abilities and skills.

Hobbies:your character's always do to entertain oneself when bored

Notes:anything you want to highlight to your partner


Personality Description

describe your character's attitude.


Bio • History

Share to us your character's past or his/her history.

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✦Nathaniel Edgeworth, Stephens✦


Nicknames: Nathan, Neil

Blood Type: A

Occupation: Psychologist

Age: 24

Birthdate: 30•November

Hair Color: Indigo

Eye color: Pale Black

Skin Color: light

Likes: Plants • Birds • Plushies

Dislikes: Sweets • Clumsy People • Persistent • Cocky Attitude • Boredom

Skills or abilities: As a Doctor he could tell one's Attitude from another and how they should be treated • Has high stamina due to experience • He can dance to any rhythm. Yes he dances just to calm his nerves and get into the groove.

Hobbies: Reading • Gardening • Listening


Personality Description

Adaptive and Very understanding. He helps people who are in need, especially who are in need of attention or someone to talk to. He'll listen to any music and and read any genre of book.


Bio • History

Has a twin elder brother and lives in a very fortunate household but poor relationship with their parents. He only has his elder brother who accompanied him throughout his life, also the servants of the household. Their hometown in is Europe which is why he has this thick accent. despite the similarities of their physique and differences of their attitudes they both get along so well. Nathaniel chose the medical course due to his uncle's activity, Where he gets to know about his patient's condition and how to deal with different personalities. This intrigued him a lot which pursued him to be a Psychiatrist.

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Wolfs Day 11


“Well... I guess I have fast metabolism. I eat a lot but I have few activities, I rarely do sports I guess, so I rarely get fat and get muscles instead.” Kuruma replied honestly. He is not very sure why he can eat a lot; it’s like that his stomach has another dimension or the same stomach structure as a cow’s. Even back then Ryo called him a pig for he eats too much for a kid. But that kind of teasing does not affect him but he uses them to his advantage and turn tables on Ryo instead by calling him back as dog. Those were fun times back then.




Ayas Day 12


Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san Saga-san



Creepy right?

Got the idea from Ginatama 2015. not sure what episode but the situation id where yamazaki stalks the yorozua's bar maid robo.

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