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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/12 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. Title: Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra Series: Cold Front Conductor Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, BL Director: Satoshi Kaneda Cast: Shouta Takasaki, Yuusuke Arai, Akihiro Hayashi, Sayuri Iwata, Ryouma Baba Release year: 2012 Length: 83 min Size: 703 MB Language: Japanese Subtitles: English Synopsis: In the town of Fujimi, the concert master Yuuki Morimura meets a genius musical conductor, Kei Tounoin. But Kei's rigorous demands create an unsettling atmosphere for Yuuki and the rest of the orchestra members. Yuuki quits, prompting Kei to take drastic measures. As painful feelings surface, will love ever find them in the future? Download Fujimi Orchestra Live Action: Mediafire: Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra Part 1 Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra Part 2 Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra Part 3 Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra Part 4 Note: Download all parts in the same folder and then join with HJSplit. Play the complete file with VLC Player. Watch Fujimi Orchestra Live Action Online: Fujimi Orchestra Special thanks to all people who put effort and time and made this translation possible (alphabetic order XD): Cass (Translator) j3dmed (Raw) Rainieric (Translator) Saga (Editing and Timing) SloanAkira (Raw) Thank you guys once again! (: --------- EDIT: Those who take the drama and upload it on sites like Youtube, like this user here, should at least have the decency to credit the one who bought the raw and the persons who worked so many hours to translate the movie, all for free. --For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    6 points
  3. my share for the theme ^^ i love his expression^^
    6 points
  4. Did I mention I love bad boys? I have always had way more fun with bad boys - artists, bikers, rockers... well darker than that, at times - anyone with swagger, dirty sense of humor, and a dark vibe you can feel in your ... well - mmmm, yeah - makes hangin' out LOTS of fun...
    6 points
  5. awesome pics *___* who doesn't like bad boys?
    6 points
  6. This is one I was looking for the other day, and couldn't find. Now that I'm not looking, of course, I find it... be back with some bad boys - I love bad boys... heh heh heh
    6 points
  7. This...BabaxTaiki from Takumi-kun...I am sorry, it's not that good, Baba's lips is so hard to draw.. Is this triple zone too...I don't remember if I ever saw this vid. Which triple zone is this taken ? It's really good drawing.. (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。 Thanks for sharing too.. I already make one and finished today.. OMG...your father saw you...I can't imagine it, what expresion he's showing to you when he saw you watch that scene ?
    5 points
  8. All these guys are on my Pinterest feed, as well, though not these pics... Taylor Fuchs James S Phillips Joaquin Gram Clement Chabernaud Hugh Vidler
    5 points
  9. Some badass guys... *__* @Shiro.. the one with the tattoed back *___* and I see Daisy!! *___*
    5 points
  10. i like this theme!! *__* not related but i just find this amazing!!! *____*
    5 points
  11. LOOL thanks for those vids Saga lolol xDDDD I haven't contributed yet ;v; and the best of them all... which i'm sure some of you have already seen @_@ funny theme LOL don't mind the bigs images *_* *edit- LOLOL slow post sorry this was for the "angry expressions theme" OTL i post some Yakuza theme pics later if i'm not too late OTL
    5 points
  12. @ Withu loved the drawing it's brilliant. @ Sloan,Curses foiled again ,
    4 points
  13. I don't know the names of these models. The photographer is Ryan E. Wibawa (aka Virulent Valmont)...
    4 points
  14. This is gift I made for Mao's birthday... The person I know going to the birthday event... So I send it to her... Do you think Mao will like it? If you are Mao... Do you want something like this? ^^;;; Mao said in his blog he like Turquoise... somehow he's not wearing his Turquoise necklace for sometime now... --;;; So I use semi-precious turquoise for watch's strap... I use copper watch and copper wire for the beads and 2 copper lobster claws... Because I don't know his wrist size so it can be adjustable into 7 1/4, 7 1/2, 8, 8 1/2... I just hope he will like this... --;;;; I work hard on it... I buy to much turquoise bead... so I used some to make my watch's strap... I got this watch for gift... but strap was getting loose so I couldn't wear this watch for so long... So I used turquoise bead to make mine too... ^^ Also some necklaces too(to much to so I am not posting pic of necklace)... ^^ Any way... I want to show you one of my hobby... and need your opinion if Mao will like this or not... --;;;;
    3 points
  15. oh my god! withu may I pretty please borrow that picture as a cover to my fanfiction story 'Through His Eyes' A retelling of Pure?" PLEASE!? I promise all credit for the drawing will go to you I swear! ALso on another note. I know I probably shouldn't bring it up in the club but could you guys possible spare a prayer or a thought for my close friend Sharon? Her three little boys ere killed in a house fire and she's in critical condition...I'm sorry for mentioning it here but I'm desperate...I can't lose one of my best friends.
    3 points
  16. @withu You really have talent. The DRAWING IS AMAZING. It really look like Shin and Misu: the expressions on their faces, the cloths. You are so good. Can I ask you for more?
    3 points
  17. @KRISSY OMFG!! Σ(O_O;) That Strong X scene? KYAAAAHHHHHlnosebleed!!!♥!♥ rabbit1 That scene oh...gives me so much different emotions all at once. I laugh and I cry and I love it!! ( ̄ー ̄)♪ How did your father react???? Hahaaha No doubt, same can be given when watching Baba and Taiki's making out. They're equally hot. Sex VS Kiss. How is that possible??? :cuteonion25: @ETIENNE you ! Is that so? Well, well well!! NOT fair you get first hand on goodies!!! We do that quite OFTEN. Dying with happiness that is. All of Paper sisters and brothers are already out of their sanity. So that was a joke! GUUFFFFAAAAAAAAWWW( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆
    3 points
  18. Alternative Titles: Junjou; Pure Heart; 純情; Partners Country: Japan Subtitles: English Released: 04 Sep, 2010 Duration: 78 minutes Director: Satoshi Kaneda Cast: Tochihara Rakuto (Tozaki Keisuke) Takahashi Yuuta (Kurata Shousei) Summary: Tozaki, a writer coincidentally meets the former classmate whom he had his first crush on, Kurata. After an evening of drinking together, Tozaki admits that he used to be attracted to Kurata. Watch Junjou Pure Heart Online: Junjou [Pure Heart] Download Junjou Pure Heart: Sendspace DepositFiles ~English translation by YaoiOtaku~ Translator: Saga Raw: Midori Timing & encoding: Key For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    2 points
  19. Why hello, While I was doing my daily browsing of deviantart for some funky MxN fanservice instead of doing my freshly baked homework, I happened to stumble upon this wonder called Akane. After some professional researching (a.k.a. reading le discription), I found out this person has made MxN doujin games. As someone who has never played these kind of games before, I started my search to download one of these games and have a look. ALAS! I couldn't find them... UNTIL NOW! Holy Google showed me the way to this forum which after only a few seconds of reading I think is Heaven. I've now played several (two) MxN doujin games made by Akane who I swear is Jesus and love them all! Aaaaaaaaaaand that's why I'm here now Because I'm a pervert and want to meet some co-perverts while having a nice time too That is why: HELP WANTED!! How does this site work? Any people I should look out for? Any people who are even more perverted? How to avoid spammers? Where are the awesome topics? If you feel like you're the person to babysit this 16-year old (10-year old mentally), call at ******** or ... just leave a post or something °_° ... Thank you :3
    2 points
  20. You're welcome, Milo. I knew one of the mod would come help you but I wanted to help too, hehe... Any question, don't hesitate, as you can see we're willing to help, ne Bel? hehehe
    2 points
  21. Thank you so much for the help Belita and Bridget ^_^ And yes, even though I'm a girl, you can call me Milo, I don't mind. Again, thank you for the awesome help! Also, to a thing you referred Belita, even if my fanfic is related to an anime that it isn't already listed, I have to place it on the original fictions section? Sorry again...
    2 points
  22. Hi Milo, can I call you Milo? If it's a fanfic, you must open your thread in the Libray of romance here and choose the right category whether is +18 or -18. You have to open a new thread for each fanfic and it's important to make your own catalogue here, name it as you like and there, you list them saying the type of story and if it's complete or ongoing... I hope it helped it,
    2 points
  23. Hello Milo (hope i can call you that) Well, if you look carefully our library is separeted in different sections: +18 Fanfictions -18 Fanfictions Original Fictions If your stories are related to any character that already exists you post it in the +18 or -18 sections. If it's something totally new then goes to Original ones. You do not need any kind of permission to do so. You can post your stories any time, i bet everyone will be happy to read them. And yep, you need to open a new thread each time you create a NEW story. If you'll be updating an already existing one you'll just continue to post it on the same thread. Take a look at some of our fictions and see an example. It might help. Also we ask you to create your fanfiction catalog on: Fanfictions Catalog So that users may find your stories easily. In the catalog you'll open a single thread where you'll post all your stories. Check the example HERE.
    2 points
  24. Sergio Carvajal in EY! Magateen... :leaf15:
    2 points
  25. Yes, they will going to have new project together... It will be made into movie and stage work... And both of them are on both project... And movie pruduction announce event will be on Oct. 27th... I think most detail will be announce on that day...
    2 points
  26. I just read a news that DaiMao will have new stage and movie together, is it true??? I'm so so so happy for this!!! (((( *teary eyes* DaiMao in another MOVIE!!! Although they may not be lover this time but its still amazing, isn't it??
    2 points
  27. @empecool i was actually going to write some random stuff but your comment got my atention. Dear, i don't know what happened to you in your last relationship... but i tell you this: don't let the past ruin what could be a great opportunity in the future. there are no equal people. so there are no equal relationships. you should give yourself a chance to seek happiness! don't let the ghosts from the past capture and control you! wish you luck!
    2 points
  28. 100.... SeMe won ^_
    2 points
  29. ...exist but darling you are the only exception you are the only exception you are the only exception you are the only exception and im on my way to believin' ~~~
    2 points
  30. It's very interesting, makes me think of all kinds of scenarios
    2 points
  31. super shooter in my pants :leaf5:
    2 points
  32. I've seen a couple of these pics before, but I forget where, probably on a search for something else. I'm sure I'll find their names somewhere in my netwalks... The blond has great bone structure.
    2 points
  33. Tenimyu is love, passion, fun... and boys dancing and singing in tennis costumes. Based on the manga The Prince of tennis, we had more than 100 young actors so far and betweem those were many of our beloved boys love actors like Shota and Arai here and Watanabe Daisuke, Hamao Kyousuke, Baba Ryouma, etc A lil piece from one of the musicals. At second 0:27, you can see Baba (Tezuka) in the middle and Shota (Eiji) on the far right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2JTSmvVbU0&list=PL875379E02BC453DA&index=15&feature=plpp_video
    2 points
  34. Going through some older stuff - found these... Christian Lambelin Anderson Dornelles Jacques Naude Jakub Zelman Jacey Elthalion
    2 points
  35. I found new one... It's Chinese person... Leia Lee... I don't much know about Chinese BL but, there are a lot of then now day... And here are 2 background I did with her drawing... ^^ It's been little more then a year I start doing this... But, I didn't do much for quite sometime... So you might miss this little place... ^^;;;
    2 points
  36. Brandon Schinaman...
    2 points
  37. I know I was posting pictures of him before but he is just the sexiest man on earth for me. He can also sing very beautiful. Oh Jared! I don't want my life to end before I met him.
    2 points
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