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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/12 in Posts

  1. Alternative Titles: Junjou; Pure Heart; 純情; Partners Country: Japan Subtitles: English Released: 04 Sep, 2010 Duration: 78 minutes Director: Satoshi Kaneda Cast: Tochihara Rakuto (Tozaki Keisuke) Takahashi Yuuta (Kurata Shousei) Summary: Tozaki, a writer coincidentally meets the former classmate whom he had his first crush on, Kurata. After an evening of drinking together, Tozaki admits that he used to be attracted to Kurata. Watch Junjou Pure Heart Online: Junjou [Pure Heart] Download Junjou Pure Heart: Sendspace DepositFiles ~English translation by YaoiOtaku~ Translator: Saga Raw: Midori Timing & encoding: Key For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    4 points
  2. Ne yojichan, so you watch Pure & Bibou no Detail AGAIN???? You like me then, sometimes I watch Bibou before I sleep...cause what you said is right Bibou is PERFECT!!! (even all of TKS are awesome but for me Bibou is the most perfect of TKS) Really Bibou is the most romantic part in TKS I thought, cause in here we can hear Takumi's yell & confession to Gii for the 1st time.... I'm really touched in Concert Hall scene, it's really like the most tragic time for Takumi...He has to faces much problem in his beginning of 3rd grade, Gii's changing, adaptation with his new roommate, insulting by annoying freshmen, his phobia back & his memorable "The Concert Hall" place will be demolish soon....Oh Takumi really miserable that time... TTOTT I thought Gii really mean that time to him, how could he do that to Takumi??? Even he has a reason for his act but still he have to explain his plan to Takumi 1st, so Takumi can understand him & not hurt so much because of his sudden changing... But I really proud to Takumi that time, he becomes really stronger than before. He tries his best to not drowning himself in the sadness too long & his fight his phobia so hard so Gii's effort to cure him not wasted... He tries to smile even his heart is broken into pieces cause Gii avoiding him... He can consoles Akaike-kun too if he can stronger because now he has a best friend like him to rely on...(I thought that sweetest words to your friend, to show your love to your friends ^^) And..and.. my fav scene is when Takumi say if he wants to help Gii too, he wants to ease Gii's weight that he's carrying with him, share Gii's sadness, happiness & hardship with him, he says if he's not that weak & he wants share so much thing with Gii....cause even they really love each other but for Takumi, he can't understand Gii feeling if Gii not saying anything to him (cause it always end up with misunderstanding I thought) & they're really a different person (I thought Takumi's mean are their life, their status social & their way of thinking, that my POV) Thennnnn.....Takumi says that the most beautiful 3 words to Gii, "I Love You, Gii". Oh God I really melting when I heard that...^^ (Mao-kun really do a great job in this part & he says it sincere with his whole heart!!!) Gii really surprise to see Takumi's attitude that me, I thought he must be not expecting hear that all words from Takumi & he must be surprise to see if Takumi really stronger than before this time.... ^__^ Hah... for Misu, I can't say much about him I just can say if Misu really an "Unpredictable Person", no body can read his mind I think....All of his act is really make us surprise, even Misu can steals Takumi from Gii but I thought Misu never really mean it. It just his threat to Gii, to make Gii aware of the error in the plan, cause as much as I see Misu's care toward Takumi never aiming to Love... I can't say it properly cause I lil bit don't understand too...^^;;; But Misu's attitude toward Takumi is pure caring between a friend (even his act lil bit too much care to Takumi I thought) cause even Misu doesn't like Gii but he always end up helps Gii to made up with Takumi if they have a fight. Misu's like always have a plan to make them made up & help them together again.... He really a peace maker to TakuGii...^^ It's like Misu can't stands to see Takumi sad for long time, so he ends up with help Gii...(Misu to be honest you really a good friend I ever seen but you never let Takumi know if you always help him^^) And for me Misu really like "2nd Angel" for Takumi&Gii, cause the 1st is Akaike-kun!!! Uhm for Pure,this series really make me don't stands to see Misu's act toward Shingyouji... How come he can that kind to Takumi but really mean to his lover???? I really proud with Shingyouji-kun up until now, cause only him who can tolerate Misu's act like that....Only Shingyouji who can see how "kind-ness" Misu is, Shingyouji-kun I hope your patient will be paid some day & you can hear your Arata-san say "I Love You" to you.... Stay strong Shingyouji-kun, I'll be support you!!! TToTT
    3 points
  3. I KNOW RIGHT? I am like sooooooooooo totally hopeless! yes, AGAIN! LOL I can't help it I really really love Bibou and Pure. So watching them back to back really gets me going. For me these two movies are very important in understanding the depth of the relationships of the canon couples. Oh yeah, I really love that scene in Bibou where Takumi tells Gii to open up to him so he can understand because he loves him. It makes perfect sense to do that because it won't put each other in a bad situation again. Gii meant well but it took a Misu Arata to scare the crap out of him to realize how much he's hurting Takumi. Apparently, it looks like Akaike didn't make the point across to Gii which is kinda surprising for me considering that Akaike is Gii's best and closest friend. He should have said something, don't you think? I was expecting Akaike would be the one to knock some sense into Gii since HE was the one who witnessed first the touch phobia of Takumi coming back. Anyhoo...I like also that scene where Takumi says, "That sounds like a proposal." when Gii tells him that they will be always partners. It was so sweet. In Bibou no Detail it really, really shows how in love they are. I am so proud of Mao because he improved so much from Takumi-kun 2. He still looked kinda scared and unsure that time but in Bibou, he was a whole lot more confident and in character. And this is the same with Daisuke although in Takumi-kun 2, I could already sense that he was more confident already. He put on the Gii character like he would put on a shirt. It fit perfectly. You know looking back at the Shingyouji x Misu in Bibou no Detail. I totally did not feel it. Even when Shingyouji told Takumi that he and Misu have a physical relationship, when I was watching it for the first time, the first thing that went through my head was.."ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" O__o I was not convinced. It didn't seem real. Even at the end, I still thought he was just joking the whole time just to tease Takumi or shock him a little. Well, it only seemed natural to do that. Even when he was fixing Misu's stuff. It looked like he was just doing a chore. Like an initiation rite by upperclassmen to underclassmen. So I really didn't notice any secret romance between the two at that time. Then after watching the movie, I found out that there was a manga so even when I read about MisuShin, it was totally different feeling for me. I still thought maybe the Shingyouji in the movie is not the same Shingyouji that is depicted in the manga. I really thought the Shingyouji in the movie was just an extra. LOL I was already in love with Misu since Bibou no Detail. I really thought he would be a love rival. But in the end, he wasn't. It's safe to say that he feels protective of Takumi. But watching Pure, this is where i REALLY understood the intensity and reality of the relationship between MisuShin. OMG..IT WAS LIKE A WAKE-UP CALL for me. This is real. This is not a joke. There really IS something going on between the two of them. OMG! I think it has also a lot to do with how Taiki interpreted the character of Shingyouji. Bishin was fun in Bibou but I did not sense the romance there. I thought he just really likes stalking Misu. Like you said Misu is really unpredictable. I think that unpredictability has been carefully maintained by Baba-chan in his performance. He never ceased to surprise me. I think that mystery is what makes the MisuShin relationship very interesting. This is why I continue to explore further about it in my stories. There are so many things to know about these two and what makes them click so much. The more I study about them, the more I fall in love with them. That's why when I watch Pure, I pay attention to a lot of things they're doing and then I get inspired. Actions speak louder than words. rabbit16rabbit4
    2 points
  4. ACTA blowing up!‎ What started as a few scattered demonstrations against ACTA has exploded into an international day of action this Saturday! There are nearly 200 events across the world, with hundreds of thousands of people expected to hit the streets to protest this dangerous international agreement. Our feet have not yet hit the pavement, but our voices are already being heard! Facing a groundswell of opposition to ACTA, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia are already wavering on ratification and the European Parliament’s point person for ACTA resigned his post in protest. With ACTA’s supporters starting to wake up, we're facing a critical moment. ACTA can still be stopped in the European Parliament, and if it’s defeated there, the whole agreement will unravel. Momentum is on our side and we must not stop now. Click through to find out how to join hundreds of thousands of people protesting online and offline against ACTA: https://www.accessnow.org/acta-protest Here you’ll find information about ACTA, a listing of Saturday's protests, fact sheets in several languages to hand out, and steps to download the ACTA Protest USTREAM App so you can livestream the event using your mobile phone. If there’s no protest near you, host one by starting a Facebook event and e-mail [email protected] the link. While we support the rights of creators, protection of intellectual property should not come at the expense of freedom of speech and our privacy. It is the duty of government to protect our rights, not put them in the hands of corporations and encourage ISPs to act as judge, jury, and executioner over our content and web activity. Once seen as a done deal, ACTA’s fate is now hanging in the balance. The world is watching. Stand up for internet freedom this Saturday and protest ACTA! https://www.accessnow.org/acta-protest See you out there, The Access Team P.S. Our petition has hit 350,000 and is still growing. To have the most impact in the European Parliament, it needs to get to 500,000. Help us by sending this link around to your family and friends: https://www.accessnow.org/acta
    2 points
  5. Sensitive Pornograph (uncensored) Anime Title: Sensitive Pornograph Written by: Ashika Sakura Genre: yaoi Number of Episodes: 1 - have 2 part Year : 2004 Plot: Part 1 : The story begins with Seiji Yamada (Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura), a young shonen manga artist, who develops an affair with a fellow mangaka, who writes hentai, named Sono Hanasaki, who is also his favorite artist. The plot-line develops from Yamada mistaking Sono for a girl. After having discovered him to be a boy, Seiji still falls in love with him, and they have an intimate affair. Seiji becomes distraught when he learns of Sono's past tendencies of sleeping around, and for a time the two become separated. However, they eventually reconcile after Seiji learns of the emotional damage Sono has suffered as a result of being abandoned and used only for sex. Part 2 : The second part begins with Ueno, a student in college, who works part-time as a pet sitter, receiving an assignment to take care of a rabbit. Upon arriving at the specified address, looking for a rabbit named Aki-chan, he finds that there is no rabbit. Instead he discovers a young man bound, naked, in a closet, apparently a sex slave to the man who hired Ueno. Aki-chan is chagrined to realize that his lover/master has created a twist on a sexual thrill situation for himself - he has sent strangers to Aki-chan for sex before, but tricking someone into the apartment is a new twist. Aki-chan knows his master wants to watch from a distance while Aki-chan has sex with the duped Ueno. Explaining that his master will get mad if things don't go his way, and may even hurt Ueno, Aki-chan persuades him to have sex to ..... Download Sensitive Pornograph OVA: Download Watch Sensitive Pornograph Online (HD Quality): Sensitive Pornograph Online For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  6. Papa to Kiss in the Dark Anime Alternative title: Kiss in the Dark Papa and Heart - KISS IN THE DARK Папин поцелуй во тьме (Russian) パパとKISS IN THE DARK (Japanese) Genres: comedy, romance Themes: incest, yaoi Running time: 26 minutes per episode Number of episodes: 2 Ending Theme: "close to you" by It's Type: OVA File Size: 225 MB Plot Summary: Munakata Mira is in love with his father, famous Hollywood actor Munakata Kyousuke. Unknown to the public, both of them are father and son as well as lovers. When Mira turns 15 and enters high school, he faces trouble with his childhood friend falling in love with him. Also, the fact that Kyousuke is not his biological father only depresses him further. Then there is also the problem of Kyousuke probably marrying Mira's senior's mother, whose son seems to have an interest in Mira. Watch Papa to Kiss in the Dark OVAs 1-2 Online (HD Quality): Papa to Kiss in the Dark OVAs 1-2 Online Download Papa to Kiss in the Dark Anime: OVA1 OVA2 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  7. Alternative Names: みらくるのーとん Company: Tennenouji Release Date: 26.12.06 Platform: PC Genre: 18+ BL, romance, PWP Summary: PWP very effectively sums this up. How to write the summary when there ain’t even a substantial plot or anything? *sigh* Well from the dredges of what little story there is in this game, the synopsis would go like this: Protagonist Ogata Akira finds a magical living notebook that can grant any wish he writes in it. But there’s a catch: only horny wishes work. Download Links (DepositFiles): Part 1 Part 2 Patch *Uploaded by request For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  8. Togainu no Chi Anime Togainu no Chi (咎狗の血 | true blood) Based on: Nitro+CHiRAL's game Genre: Action Drama Sci-fi Shounen Ai Summary: After being devastated in the third World War (known as The Third Division), Japan was divided in two. Several years after the end of the war, a crime organization called Vischio has taken control of the destroyed city of Toshima (formerly Tokyo, Japan's capital city), where they are holding a battle game known as "Igura". The main character, a young man named Akira, is falsely accused of a crime. Once arrested, a mysterious woman appears before him, offering him freedom if he agrees to participate in Igura and defeat Igura's strongest man: the king, or "Il-re". The story follows Akira's life in the harsh, lawless Toshima as he fights both to survive and to unravel the mysteries developing around him. (Source: Wikipedia) Download Togainu no Chi Anime: Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 11 Ep 12 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  9. TITLE: 15, 15: The Movie COUNTRY: Singapore DIRECTOR: Royston Tan PLOT: The film charts the misadventures of five teenagers on the fringe of Singaporean society. Abandoned by the system, they seek answers to their aimless existence among the misfits and outsiders of Singapore's underclass. Acted by real street kids, it presents a gritty side of modern-day Singapore life that many never knew existed. Links (MF): Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 English Subs
    1 point
  10. Manga title(s): Acid Flower; アシッド・フラワー~完全版~; 迷幻之花 Original run: 2004 Description: Because of a painful past memory, Kanan can't believe in love again. Yet after meeting with the priest, Jake, he begins to experience the joy he longs for. Even the strong possessiveness of Jake's, that is beyond normal, to Kanan is also a wonderful feeling...!? Cat-boys are roommates at a boarding school. Manga-type: Manga Series Written by: AMASAKI Yoshimi Drawn by: AMASAKI Yoshimi Published by: Core Magazine Group(s) Scanlating: BangAQUA; Peccatore Sanctuary Status: Completed Completely Scanlated: Yes Completely Translated: Yes Genres: Romance, Drama, Smut, Supernatural, Yaoi Categories: Vampires; Megane; Rape; Master-Slave Main Characters: Hatori Kanan, Langley Jake Adaptations available: N/A Recommendations: Concrete Garden Read Acid Flower Online Acid Flower Download Acid Flower Manga: Volume 1 (Chapters 1-5 + Extra) Volume 2 (Chapters 6-9 + Extra) Download link for non-members For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  11. Title: Just Friends? (친구 사이?) CHINGU SAI? Country: South Korea Synopsis: Min-soo is on leave from the military and visits his boyfriend Seok-yi. While having fun out on the town, they run into Min-soo mother! When the Min-soo's mother asks about their relationship, Min-soo replies "... just friends." Watch Just Friends? BL Movie Online: Just Friends? Download Just Friends? BL Movie: Megaupload (Raw) Mediafire Links (English Subbed, flv format, but the quality is quite good) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  12. Title: Princess Princess Drama Plot: In all-boys school with a tradition of Princesses (boys chosen to attend school functions dressed up as girls to alleviate the tension between the students), Yutaka Mikoto, Shihoudani Yuujirou and Kouno Tooru are this year's chosen Princess team. Dissatisfied with the half-hearted efforts of the current Princesses, Hanazono Otoya creates his own team of Dark Princesses to rival for the students' attention. Based on the shoujo manga Princess Princess, by Mikiyo Tsuda. Here is the link to the drama : These are English Sub .avi files. ~160 MB each Download Princess Princess Movie Epi 1 Epi 2 Epi 3 Epi 4 Epi 5 Epi 6 Epi 7 Epi 8 Epi 9 Epi 10 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  13. Original name: Dog Style Manga ALT. names: ドッグ スタイル / 狠狠爱 Author: Motoni Modoru Artist: Motoni Modoru Original run: 2005 Description: An entertaining romp from Modoru who has once again veered away from her dark side and visited the side of her humorous stories. Of course it's still rather twisted. A couple of high school delinquents discover that despite being from opposing sides, they have no objection to a bit of a sheet tumble with one another. Doggie-style refers more to how one of them is referred to as a dog by the other. Neither of these guys is an innocent, and it will be interesting to see where it goes. The series was named after the doujinshi "Dog Style" (Slam Dunk) Modoru wrote in 1994. Manga-type: Manga Published by: Biblos (2005) Libre Shuppan (2007) Status: Complete Completely Scanlated: Yes Completely Translated: Yes Genres: Comedy, Drama, School Life, Slice of Life, Yaoi Categories: School Life; Rape; Angst Main Characters: Teru Chiaki, Miki Terayama Recommendations: Immoral Kids, Saikyou Oyabun, Read Dog style Online Dog style Download Dog Style Manga New links Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  14. I'm Back!!!!! Oh yeah! Wow. That exam took my life away from me for a while! hahaha.. Last thing i remember, it was new year. and now everyone's already stressing over finding a date on the 14th. Whew! Anyway, Hello everyone! I missed YO! :hamtaro-005 (9):
    1 point
  15. Today more like yesterday blog... They talk about preview event in Osaka tomorrow or more like today... ^^;;; Well... there will be a setion of taking picture with 3 cast who come in that day... Shota, Yusuke and Akihiro... And for the give will be that clear filehooder I post yesterday... One more thing... they are going to have pre-order Making of Fujimi there... And who ever going to pre-order there will get cast sigh cover of DVD... Only limit on that... This is why people try to get there... They alway have something like this limit item... So people like as alway feel sad about it... It's now we don't want to go there... It's just we can't... T T Any way... the picture they post today was the picture Asclepius post it already... So no picture for today... sorry... --;;;
    1 point
  16. I was a rose proud of its thorns Untouchable, unmovable I was a rose that refused to bloom I was a rose running from the sun My petals were safe in my glass bell And I bloomed I’m a rose no more But a thornless rose instead Defenseless, hopeless Lashed by a heartless sun A bare scared flagrant rose Ready to be killed By your wintry breath
    1 point
  17. Here is Sweet Pool by Dan Gyokuei I do not own anything.
    1 point
  18. Just started this dorama yesterday. I watched two episodes in row. I love it! Awesome dorama! XD
    1 point
  19. animator vs animation http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/077/2/e/Animator_vs__Animation_by_alanbecker.swf xD
    1 point
  20. People always calling me weirdo.. XD They even call me got mental disorded.. The reason? Because all I do is sitting on my bed online all day long without leaving it.. Hahaha.. I think that's called hikkikomori.. Also sometimes when I got so hyperactive, I will become a superr active girl like a weirdo, such as dancing when we are walking to the shopping center, making noise, trolling friends.. XD Also for having bath so fast.. XD
    1 point
  21. Yey, more boys tied up~ ANd I'll throw in some Ruiza too
    1 point
  22. Okay, first GV: Boys in agony 4, 2:58:00 long First scene then... This is a fantasy-rape scene where a this boy pretty much gets kidnapped by a man and gets used. He's tied up, gagged and blindfolded at the beginning, totally in the mans control. There's a lot of toys and some candle wax as well as some enema play (where the boy curiously enough already had been 'cleaned out' hehe). In some parts he just mainly gets abused and ridiculed, so this is not for the 'regular crowd'. Screen caps [+18!] The second boy is a very cute blonde, also tied up and in the mercy of another man. There are lots of toys in this one, both whips, clips and anal toys that increases inside until a fist comfortly fits inside... This guy obviously have done this before, since he reacts more to the vibrator than the fist up his ass. Also some milk enema... The third one is much the same, though with candle play rather than toys. More screen shots [+18] Lastly, there's a scene with two boys getting to be puppies and play with and be fed by their master. There's bondage elements to this one as well. This is more cute but still has plenty of boys writhing in pleasure... The last pics [still +18]
    1 point
  23. Ohh..all the time but never in the bad way,maybe because my company is made of weirdos
    1 point
  24. please re-upload mediafire sendspace it's doesn't work
    1 point
  25. I’ve noticed David Tennant seem to be everywhere o___o
    1 point
  26. New Games added in the Arcade. Check them out here I'll be adding some more games these days (:
    1 point
  27. ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! they r too sexy!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  28. it so behond amazing... keep up the good work!! so good... I want to draw like that too!! *jumping around* xD
    1 point
  29. wooooow~ I love the hair.... cheack out the fingers.... haa~ the eyes *,* amazing
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. I have 2 small dogs, mom & daughter.Their names are Lucy(mom) & Luna. My bro gave them as a present. They are my shadow. Luna tends to bite my jeans when I arrive home & Lucy is a sleepy beauty. They are 6 & 3 years old. I like to get my feet under their tommies in winter, it's so warm. Luna knows how to cover herself when it's cold.Why do I love them so much? They helped me a lot when my dad passed.. This is Luna, sorry I couldn't find any Lucy's pics
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Junjou Romantica Viewfinder
    1 point
  35. KHR Junjou Romantica Harry Potter Starfighter Unknown name >. Tiger & Bunny Vampire Knight APH p.s: i like this one, so beautiful *_*
    1 point
  36. Naruto Crimson Spell Kuroshitsuji KHR(DinoxHibari) Death Note
    1 point
  37. Kingdom Hearts Katekyo Hitman Reborn Viewfinder :Red_fox11: Lucky Dog
    1 point
  38. I drew Gackt yesterday too... uhm, yeah, here goes.
    1 point
  39. Junjou Romantica Nowaki x Hiroki ... i thought about Miyagi and Shinobu in Junjou Terrorist when i first saw this pic :"p Misaki & Usagi cute .. :">~ Sekai -ichi Hatsukoi Axis Power Hetalia Russia x Denmark :">~ Crimson Spell ~ Yuki - Gravitation =p~
    1 point
  40. rabbit16 hehehe! I'm happy to know that this story has been a stress reliever for you. I feel like I've accomplished something important for you. We all need a little break from the intensities of life once in awhile. I'm happy that this story gave you that little break you need. Wishing you all the best this exam week. Ganbarimasu! rabbit14
    1 point
  41. Togainu no Chi - Ep. 5 Mediafire
    1 point
  42. Togainu no Chi - Ep. 4 Mediafire
    1 point
  43. Togainu no Chi - Ep. 2 Torrent
    1 point
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