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  1. Title: Verona the Movie Synopsis: Inspired by William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Verona is the story of two young lovers separated by their rival fraternities. Set in a small college town wherein young men are groomed for corporate success in All-American hyper competitive fashion, Verona presents the fate of star-crossed lovers in a society that condemns the very nature of their love. Gener: Drama Download Verona The Movie: Part 1: Verona Part 2: Verona For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    4 points
  2. I, and all the YO staff wish to all members on the forum a wonderful Christmas, full of joy and presents and may Santa fulfill all your wishes! (: The YO Staff
    4 points
  3. Misu folded his arms in front of his chest. “And what pray tell were you doing in my wardrobe?” He looked down at the younger boy his eye catching something out of the ordinary around the boy’s neck. “Shingyoshi what exactly is that?” “Your Christmas present.” Shingyoshi said quietly. Misu stepped closer to inspect his ‘present’ Around Shingyoshi’s neck was a dark blue collar like choker with a name take with the character stating ‘Property of Misu Arata.’ Misu looked into the other boy’s eyes and noticed Shingyoshi’s were cast down. “Shingyoshi?” The other boy’s eyes shot back up but widened when a pair of lips crashed upon his. Shingyoshi was taken by surprise when he felt Misu’s lips on his. He took a second to recover and returned the kiss deeply wrapping his arms around the taller boy’s shoulder. Misu broke the kiss and led his lover over to the bed. “So my present means you’re all mine?” Shingyoshi nodded feeling his cheeks grow red when he saw the look in his lover’s eyes. “Hai,” His cheeks darkened even more when he felt Misu gently push him back against the bed. “Then-“ Misu began tracing his fingers along the choker and leaning in to place light kisses on Shingyoshi’s neck.- I’m free to do what I want with my present?” Shingyoshi shivered when he felt Misu’s lip on his neck. It was one of his most sensitive spots and Misu knew that all too well. “H-Hai.” Misu continued to kiss Shingyoshi’s neck. “Good.” His hand began to unbutton the other boy’s shirt and he removed the fabric from his skin. Misu then moved his kisses from his neck to his chest collarbone and shoulders. Shingyoshi gasped and held tight to the bed sheets. “Ahh, Arata-san.” Misu smirked at the response he got as he took one Shingyoshi’s nipples into his mouth. He ran his tongue along the nub and held it gently between his teeth while teasing the other one with his fingers. Shingyoshi groaned again feeling his breath starting to come out in fast pants. Misu continued to ‘assault’ the nubs of now pink flesh and gave the first on one more lick before moving his mouth over to the other one. He moved his other hand down to Shingyoshi’s black pants and notice a bulge there. “You’re quiet the excited one aren’t you Shingyoshi.” He undid the pants and reached to pull them off somehow managing to do it with one hand. Shingyoshi blushed but notice he wasn’t the only one ‘pitching a tent’ “I’m not the only one.” He managed to gasp out when he felt Misu grab him and begin stroking him. “Arata-san!” Misu sped up his stroking all the while trying his best to ignore his own problem but to know avail. He leaned up to kiss Shingyoshi again before quickly removing his shirt before taking off his own pants and boxers. Soon both boys were exposed to each other and Misu reached underneath his bed and pulled out a small bottle lube. Shingyoshi’s eyes widened when he noticed what Misu was holding. “Anou Arata-san?” Misui’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t want to?” Shingyoshi shook his head. “Iie, I do I just want to make sure you want to.” He was answered when he felt one of Misu’s finger’s gently sliding into him. A pained expression danced on his features and he bit his lip. Misu continued his tactics leaning up to gently kiss Shingyoshi’s lips. “Gomen it will feel good in a minute.” He inserted another finger moving them in and out stretching his lover’s entrance as well as he could considering this would holy have been their 2nd time being together. Shingyoshi whimpered but soon that whimper turned to gasps when he felt Misu’s fingers brush against this prostate. “Ah Arata-san.” Misu smirked as he inserted another finger this time making sure to aim for that same spot wanting to hear that reaction again.” Shingyoshi didn’t disappoint as he gasped out his fingers tightening on the bed sheets. Once he was sure Shingyoshi was ready he removed his finger earning a whimper from the other boy. He coated his fingers with lube and stroked his own member a few times making sure the smallest amount of pain would be felt by his lover. Shingyoshi’s grip tightened even more when he felt Misu begin to enter him. At first it hurt like hell but within in a few minutes the pain was washed over by pleasure thanks to Misu’s careful preparations. Misu continued to slide in until he was all the way in and waited for his lover to adjust to him. “Let me know when.” Shingyoshi was ready but feeling Misu filling him was almost too much he could barely stand it but at the same time he felt he couldn’t get enough of it. Finally he nodded . “Hai, I’m okay.’ Misu nodded and slowly began to thrust into his lover’s entrance. He aimed for the right spot and managed to it each time with every thrust causing Shingyoshi to cry out. Shinghoshi looked into Misu’s all the while not breaking eye contact as the two of them continue to come apart and join rapidly. Shingyhoshi had pulled his knees up to his chest but had found the position to be growing uncomfortable so he hesitantly wrapped his legs around Misu’s waist causing the other boys’ member to go in deeper. “Ah!” Misu felt pleasure washing over him and he continued to thrust keeping his eyes locked on his younger lover’s. “He could tell just by the way Shingyoshi was gasping that he was getting close and he was right. Shingyoshi’s body felt like it was on fire for several seconds before he felt his muscles tremble. “Come for me Shingyoshi.” He was about to reach is peak as well and couldn’t hold back any longer. “With one last cry of pleasure both boys came hard and fast, Shingyoshi on his stomach and Misu within his lover’s entrance. Misu collapsed on top of Shingyoshi in hopes to catch his breath. For several moments neither said anything. Finally Misu leaned forward kiss his lover and stroked his now sweaty bangs away from his brow. Shingyoshi smiled as he looked into his lover’s eyes. “You know Arata-san there’s something we didn’t do right?” Misu looked at him confused. “What is that exactly?” Shingyoshi reached up and turned the tag around on his collar. On the back was a sticker that stated ‘Don’t open until Xmas.” Misu smirked before pulling the smaller boy closer. “I don’t like waiting.” Shingyoshi chuckled knowing he would have received an answer like that. And he wouldn’t have had it any other way.
    4 points
  4. I decided to draw something for everyone here. It's simple, but hope you all enjoy it. Merry Christmas everyone~
    4 points
  5. This year I was Lastsky_16's secret santa. One of her choices for a present was something Misushing related and this was the result. I am sharing the story with other fans of this pairing and I hope all who read it like it. ~`~`~`~`~`~`~` Shingyoshi Kanemitsu opened his eyes seconds before his alarm clock was set to go off. 7:15 am. Today was Sunday the one day he didn’t have classes and was allowed off campus. Although he would have been able to sleep in longer he found his body was so adjusted to the mental schedule he wouldn’t have been tired enough to sleep in. Shingyoshi did however roll over to see his roommate still sound asleep apparently taking advantage of the off day. The junior sat up and kicked of his covers before slipping his feet into his slippers and grabbing a towel and a chance of casual clothing. A morning shower was just what he needed. Twenty minutes later Shingyoshi returned to his room to find his roommate up and about. “Ohayou.” Katayama looked over at Shingyoshi and smiled. “Ohayou. I’ll be gone most of the day today. Spending the day with my parents and girlfriend. She’s in town for the next few days so the room is yours for the day.” “That’s cool. Hope you have fun.” Shingyoshi said before going over to his wardrobe and opening the door. Inside his door was a small mirror he would use to straighten his hair as well as he could. Since his hair was still damp from his shower he was sure a certain senpai of his would say he looked like a puppy caught in the rain. “I’m off.” Katayama said before walking out the door. Shingyoshi reached over and picked up his phone to see if he had any missed calls or messages. The only thing that greeted him was a sloppy picture of Misu Arata he had managed to take when the other boy hadn’t been looking at him. Shinghyoshi shoved his phone into his pocket and flopped down on his bed. “Looks like relaxation is on the menu.” he murmured to himself. He jumped when he heard a familiar ringtone erupt from his pocket. He pulled his phone out to see the caller display state ‘Hayama Takumi’ Shingyoshi accepted the call and leaned against his bed. “Moshi moshi.” “Ah Shingyoshi-kun, anou gomen but do you have plans for today?” Takumi asked over the phone. Shingyoshi pondered on that before answering. “Not really. I have a few assignments I need to catch up on but other than that I’m free. Why do you ask?” “Well since Gii grew up in America he’s celebrated Christmas before so I’m thinking well I mean I know I want to get him a present. I was wondering if you’d like to come with me and maybe get Misu-kun a gift?” Takumi answered. A gift for Arata-san? What could he possible give to the man who seemed to have everything and was 99% perfect. the one percent being Shingyoshi couldn’t find anything wrong with him. “Does Gii-senpai know you’re doing this for him?” “No Akaike-kun does though and he’s keeping Gii occupied for me today so I can get the present.” Takumi said. “I’m not sure if Misu-kun celebrates it but-“ “I’ll come with you.” Shingyoshi answered. “Is there any place you think we should go though?” “I have a vague idea what I want to give to Gii. So there is a place in town I would like to go to. We would have to take the bus.” Takumi said. “Okay that’s fine. Oh Hayama-senpai, Arata-san’s not in the room with you is he?” “Misu-kun? No he’s been awake for the past two hours. I’m not sure where he is.” Takumi said. “Okay good.” Shingyoshi responded. “Um, I’m already dressed so whenever you want to go.” “Hai, I’m just finishing up. Can you meet me in front of the school gates in ten minutes?” Takumi asked. “Okay I will see you then.” Shingyoshi ended the call and shoved his phone back into his black khaki pants pockets and fell back against his bed again. A present for Arata-san. The junior wasn’t sure what would be the lesser of the two hardships, finding the right present for Misu or working up the courage to give said present to him. When five minutes had passed Shingyoshi pulled on his shoes and grabbed his wallet and key to the room before heading down the stairs and to the school gate. He figured it would be polite to arrive early if not right on time so the two of them would have the whole day to search for a gift for their said lover. No surprise Takumi was already there. “Ah Shingyoshi-kun.” Takumi smiled waving his kouhai over. “Ready to go?” Shingyoshi nodded and the two boys headed down to the edge of the drive reaching the main road and the bus stop only a block away. Several minutes later one of the buses pulled up for passengers and Shingyoshi reached into his wallet to pull out his fare but was stopped by Takumi who had already given the right amount for both himself and his friend. “Anou Hayama-senpai?” “It’s fine Shingyoshi.” Takumi insisted. He moved towards one of the seats in the back and sat down motioning for Shingyoshi to sit beside him.
    3 points
  6. Flowers and tainted blood,mixed with Suppressed love It makes me feel used,it makes me feel abused. I scream out in the darkest light. To make thing right,it tears apart,causes decay. I try to run but stopped by this chain It's all the same,it won't go away. Now there's only one way out Death is what I gain. The knife hugs my throat. Preparing for the slide,the blood runs down the with nothing to hide. This is what I wanted,this is what I get Silence is Deaths reward... Thank you Asta for helping me name this n.n foxy3:Red_fox7:
    3 points
  7. Ahhhahhahah Bridge(hope you had a great, awsome christmas, by the way ).... Or.........when you remember everything, and blame it all in the alcohool XD
    3 points
  8. Something I wrote a bit ago-I dunno why, but it makes me smile to read it. It's very hopeful if you ask me! I hope you like it as well! Someday, Although it may not be soon, I'll play you a song, A happy little tune. Whether it be on piano, Or the lovely violin, Please, I beg you, Listen in. Listen to my song As I tell our history. Listen to my song As I sing of your mystery. No one may understand Spare you and I, But at least we have one another, And we will until the day we die.
    3 points
  9. Merry Christmas to all memberes here on YO. Love you all
    3 points
  10. Merry Christmas to all!
    3 points
  11. Shingyoshi sat down and leaned back against his seat. The two rode in silence as the bus took them to their destination. All the while Shingyoshi tried as hard as he could to think of the perfect present but despite his efforts nothing seemed to be good enough to give to Misu. Takumi looked over to see his kouhai deep in thought and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. “Are you all right?”” Shingyoshi jumped but turned around. “Hai, I’m just thinking.” Takumi shrugged accepting the response but knowing there was something else going on. “Have you thought of anything you wish to get Misu-kun?” Shingyoshi shook his head. “I really don’t know what he likes.” Suddenly a thought crossed his mind. Shingyoshi didn’t know hardly anything about his lover or whatever Misu considered Shingyoshi to be really. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.” Takumi reached over and placed a hand on his kouhai’s, “Shingyoshi it’s okay. You don’t have to get Misu-kun anything if it’s going to be too difficult to you.” “No no, I’ll find something I know I will.” Shingyoshi insisted. He was determined to find something. Takumi smiled. “Okay.” The bus pulled up to their stop and the two boys stepped off. “Stay close. As your senpai I’m responsible for you.” Shingyohsi did as he was told and stayed by Takumi’s side. “Maybe if you see some options it might give you some ideas. I plan to give Gii something I saw in a shop that had some American Christmas decorations. I don’t know if he’ll like it though.” “Hayama-senpai I’m sure Gii-senpai would love anything you give him because it’s coming from you.” Shingyoshi said. His eyes widened in realization. Takumi chuckled. “Misu-kun is the same way. No matter what you give him I’m sure he’ll love it because it will be from you. “ He pulled Shingyoshi along until they reached a small gift shop that was decorate for the American celebrated holiday. “Fell free to look around Shingyoshi-kun, I know exactly what I want to get Gii I’ll be back in a minute.” Shingyoshi nodded as he wandered around the store looking each knickknack and ornament. “Man American’s really go out for this holiday.’ He murmured to himself. Fifteen minutes later Takumi walked up to Shingyoshi holding an average sized box and smiled. “Did you find anything?” Shingyoshi shook his head sadly. “Iie.” Takumi’s smile turned itself around. “No problem we can keep looking.” He took the younger boy’s hand and led him out of the shop both of them bowing in respect to the shopkeeper and headed down the market place. Nearly two hours passed and after stopping in at numerous shops Shingyoshi was having no luck. Finally lunchtime came around and the two stopped at a ramen stand. Once again Takumi insisted on paying and Shingyoshi couldn’t protest. As the two ate their noodles in silence Shingyoshi noticed a few people walking their pets through the market place. Suddenly an idea formed in his mind followed a dark color forming on his cheeks. “Anou Shingyoshi-kun are you all right?” Takumi asked noticing his kouhai’s flushed face. “Hai, I just think I figured out a present to give to Arata-san.” Shingyoshi answered finishing up his noodles with one last slurp.” Takumi followed suit and the two of them thanked the ramen chef and bustled back out into the market place. “Where do you need to go?” “Well do you remember that jewelry stand we passed by a little while ago?” “Hai, you want to get something from there?” Takumi asked.’ Shingyoshi nodded. “Hai.” Takumi smiled. “All right let’s go.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shingyoshi waited patiently on the edge of Takumi’s bed. He was wringing his fingers and feeling his palms growing sweaty. “Is he coming yet?” Takumi chuckled noticing how nervous the other boy was getting. “Hai, he’s on his way. Now you’re sure you can fit in there without getting hurt?” Shingyoshi glanced towards one of the wardrobes and nodded. “Hai it will be a squeeze but I can manage it as long as I’m not in there too long.” “Okay I know for a fact Misu always takes his jacket off when he comes in the room. Not a day has gone by that he hasn’t’ so he’s sure to notice.” Takumi explained. He removed phone when he felt it vibrate. “Hmm looks like Akaike can’t distract Gii any longer. I’ll be heading out now.” Shingyoshi nodded. “Hai, I hope he likes the gift.” Takumi nodded in response and headed out of the room with. “I know Misu-kun will like his.” Shingyoshi blushed again before walking over to Misu’s wardrobe and climbing in. he kept the door open a bit so air would circulate considering his breath was coming out too fast for the current amount of oxygen to last much longer. Several minutes passed and he heard nothing. Then nearly 20 minutes passed, then an hour. By this time Shingyoshi had fallen asleep. It wasn’t until nearly three hours later did Misu return to his dorm room and walked straight over to his wardrobe. He took of his light blue school uniform jacket and reached forward to open his wardrobe but stopped when he realized the door was ajar. He opened the door and held back a gasp at the sigh before him. Inside the wardrobe was Shingyoshi curled up ion a small ball sound asleep. He hung his jacket up and reached down to shake the younger boy awake. “Shingyoshi, Shingyoshi wake up.” Shingyoshi’s brown eyes slowly opened and he looked up only to be greeted with Misu’s narrowed ones. “Oh Arata-san, gomen.” “How long have you been in there?” Misu asked cocking an eyebrow. “Shingyoshi checked the time display on his phone and his eyes widened. “A little over three hours.”
    3 points
  12. Under night,Death rose to greet me I turned away...Look back Though nothing beckoned me scorned by all my fellow race I gaze upon the stoney face of Death and so we chose our tready......
    3 points
  13. Merry Christmas to Key and the rest of the YO Staff and to all the YO members! I love my YO Family!!
    3 points
  14. Title: Bishonen Country: Hong Kong Language: Cantonese Subtitle: English Genre: Romance, Drama Synopsis: Jet (Stephen Fung) is a handsome gay hustler whose sex appeal seems to know no bounds. Everyone wants to make love to him, but he is in love with no one but himself. Things change drastically when he notices what seems like a young couple in a shop, Sam (Daniel Wu) and Kana (Shu Qi). At first sight, he falls in love with Sam and begins following the two around. Jet's friend Ching, who is also a hustler, runs a personal in a gay magazine for Jet, imploring Sam to contact Jet. At first, Jet is angry with Ching for not asking him, but his wrath subsides quickly when indeed he meets Sam again in what seems like a chance encounter, but actually is an outcome of the personal. Sam turns out to be a police officer and Jet starts to befriend Sam, hoping this will turn into a relationship. But Sam does not seem to notice Jet's intentions towards him. Unbeknownst to Jet, Sam had a homosexual affair with pop star K.S.(Terence Yin) five years earlier. At the same time, Ching had been in unrequited love with Sam (then calling himself Fai) when the two were still office workers. Ching comes to his apartment shared with Jet when Jet and Sam are there, instantly recognizes Sam as Fai and is furious with Jet for stealing his beloved. YouTube Movie Trailer Download Bishonen Movie Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    2 points
  15. Title: The Postcard Country: South Korea Director: Josh Kim Synopsis: A short story about a guy who falls in love with a postman and tries to express his feelings through a postcard. However, the 2 women in the post office staff read the guy's postcard and they both think that the postcard was actually for one of them. Watch The Postcard Online: The Postcard Download The Postcard BL Movie: The Postcard For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    2 points
  16. Wishing a Merry Christmas to all YO members!
    2 points
  17. ahh two topics okay here too: Merry Christmas @all and thanks for the good time in the yaoiotaku board
    2 points
  18. took me few days to work this one out but finished it in the end lol let me know what you think guys.... I can see the crimson horizon between the ocean and the sky The lights are fading, day is closing and stars are looking high. I lie back on the sand and place my hands above my head The world is changing before my eyes, everything is turning red. I start to dream about a world where war is good and truth is bad The roads are long and harsh, the worst experience I've had. I run to the edge of the earth waiting for it all to break I fall deeper into the dream, which path do I have to take. I breathe and keep believing that it will all be over soon I’m waiting to hear those waves being moved forward by the moon. I slowly open my eyes to see the shining silver rays I smile as you are next to me to see your love that pays.
    2 points
  19. Title: Niresaki Kyouju no Hirusagari no Kenkyuushitsu [Afternoon in Profesor's Niresaki Laboratory] Mangaka: TOKUMARU Yoshitaka Genre: Yaoi, Mystery Length: 1 Volume (5 Chapters + Extra) Scanlator: Memory For You Summary: A university professor who specialises in figuring out the mentality of crime suspects is asked to help solve cases. He also has a relationship with his assistant. Read Niresaki Kyouju no Hirusagari no Kenkyuushitsu Online Niresaki Kyouju no Hirusagari no Kenkyuushitsu Download Niresaki Kyojou no Hirusagari no Kenkyuushitsu Manga(MediaFire): Niresaki Kyouju no Hirusagari no Kenkyuushitsu For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    2 points
  20. Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi Anime Season 2 Episode 9 (21) Downloads [HorribleSubs] Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi S2 – 21 [720p].mkv TORR [HorribleSubs] Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi S2 – 21 [720p].mkv [HorribleSubs] Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi S2 – 21 [480p].mkv TORR [HorribleSubs] Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi S2 – 21 [480p].mkv
    2 points
  21. Shingakkou -Noli me tangere- is the latest PIL/SLASH game and the title means "Seminary - Don't touch me" The action of the game is set in an boarding-school style seminary in the mountains of England after WWII. System Requirements:  OS: WindowsXP/Vista/7  CPU: 1GHz minimum, 2GH recommended)  RAM (for XP): 256MB minimum, (512MB recommended)  RAM (Vista/7): 512MB minimum, 1GB recommended)  DirectX: 7.o+ Note: The size of the game is huge... 6GBs Download Shingakkou ~Noli me tangere~ Yaoi Game: Part 01 Part 02 Part 03 Part 04 Part 05 Part 06 Part 07 Part 08 Part 09 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  22. Title: Maid Hajimemashita: Goshujinsama no Osewa Itashimasu Genre: Love ADV/Yaoi Rate: 18+ Released in: 2007 Format: rar Platform: PC Plot: The action of the game begins in a torrid day when Akagi Ritsu suffers inside the hose from heat and idelness. Suddenly the bell on the door rings and the visitors are three unknown men. Akagi finds out that these three men are the sons of the family for which his mother works. They came with a proposal: Akagi would replace for a week his injured mother and work as a servant in their house. Download Maid Hajimemashita: Goshujinsama no Osewa Itashimasu Yaoi Game Maid Hajimemashita For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  23. Title: Hanakisou, Hana Ki Sou, Hana Kisou, 花帰葬 Genre: Visual Novel Rate: 18+ Release Year: 2006 Format: zip Platform: PC Plot: Kuroto wants to destroy peace. Khanashiro is the only one who can stop this by killing Kuroto. However, when they encounter, the two become friends... Download Links (DF): Hanakisou For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  24. You earn points (credits) in the following situations: 1000 points for each dollar you donate to the forum 500 points for referral (when you bring a friend on the forum and the friend writes down your username in the Referral section of the registration form) 50 points when you open a poll 50 points when you open a thread in any section of the forums (additional points if the thread has many characters) 10 points for each post made in the following sections: Otaku Central, Otaku News, RolePlaying Arena and Characters Store, Asia Corner, Yaoi Polls, Creative Corner - BL Section (if your post has many characters you will receive extra points) points depending on how many awards you have in Arcade at the end of the month 10000 points for creating an 1-page blog with a link to YaoiOtaku or MangaReado and 1000 extra points for each additional link Points for participating in YO Contests, held monthly: - 3000 points for participating in YO's Photography contest - 5000 points for winning POTM; 1000 points for participating - 5000 points for winning Music Box; 2000 points for participating - 5000 points for winning BL Writers contest; 2000 points for participating - 7000 points for winning The Mystic (Graphic Contest); 2500 points for participating - 9000 points for winning Seiyuu ni Naritai, 4000 points for participating - from time to time there are additional contests with special prizes (points and cards) 10000 points if you are the winner of the YO Festival; 2500 points for participating 1000 points if you vote in the special polls 1000 points for joining us on Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, YouTube or DeviantArt or liking us on Facebook. In total 6000 points for social networking. Request points here 2500 points for promoting YaoiOtaku (putting a link to YO on another site, blog, forum, FB page, Twitter etc.). Request points here. 10 points every time you vote in a poll for uploads, request points here: 10-50 MB - 200 points 50-100 MB - 300 points 100-500 MB - 500 points 500MB - 1GB - 800 points 1GB - 1000 points 2GB - 2000 points 3GB - 3000 points 4GB - 4000 points 5GB - 5000 points ... Points deduction: - 5000 points will be deducted if you receive an infraction (given for being rude to other users) - 5 points for editing posts
    1 point
  25. Alternative Titles: Junjou; Pure Heart; 純情; Partners Country: Japan Subtitles: English Released: 04 Sep, 2010 Duration: 78 minutes Director: Satoshi Kaneda Cast: Tochihara Rakuto (Tozaki Keisuke) Takahashi Yuuta (Kurata Shousei) Summary: Tozaki, a writer coincidentally meets the former classmate whom he had his first crush on, Kurata. After an evening of drinking together, Tozaki admits that he used to be attracted to Kurata. Watch Junjou Pure Heart Online: Junjou [Pure Heart] Download Junjou Pure Heart: Sendspace DepositFiles ~English translation by YaoiOtaku~ Translator: Saga Raw: Midori Timing & encoding: Key For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  26. Takumi-kun Pure credits for translation to sayasubs Download Takumi-kun Pure Movie Complete Mirror link: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 NOTE: Download all parts in the same folder, join with HJSplit and play the complete file with VLC Player. Plot: Unlike the three previous films, Pure focuses on the relationship between Misu Arata and Shingyouji Kanemitsu , which begins when Shingyouji takes the test to enter Shidou Gakuen . That's when he meets Misu and falls for him. Then we come back to the present where the sempai who admires Misu appears, bringing Shingyouji problems and jealousy . Watch online: Takumi Kun Pure For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  27. Title: Kuroshitsuji Question Platform: PC Filesize: 156 Mb Creator: Utukiyo Credits: Shunhades Mediafire Link: Kuroshitsuji DJ Game 2: Question For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  28. Title: Love Stage!! Associated Names: ラブ・ステージ!!, 爱舞台 Author/Circle: Eiki Eiki and Zaou Taishi Genre: Comedy, Gender Bender, Romance, Yaoi Original Publisher: Kadokawa Licensed (in English): No Groups Scanlating: September Scanlations Ratings: PG Language: English Completely Scanlated: No Status: Ongoing Description: With a father who’s a singer, a mother who’s a movie star, and an older brother, Shougo, who’s the lead vocalist for the super-popular band ‘The Crusherz’, Sena Izumi–an otaku college student–is the only dull one born into this super famous and talented family. He loves “Magical Girl LalaLulu” and is working hard to become a mangaka, but one day he winds up appearing in a TV commercial he just can’t turn down. There, he’s reunited with Ichijou Ryouma, the super-popular young actor he costarred with on a project ten years prior. Related Series: Back Stage!! (Side Story) Read Love Stage!! Online: Love Stage Download Love Stage!! Manga: Ch 1-24 + Extras (Sendspace) Ch 1-24 + Extras (Mega) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  29. Title Down the River Country: Thailand Subtitles: English Director: Anucha Boonyawatana Main Cast: Prakasit Horwannapakorn, Napong Wiriyasomboon Summary: Krit is openly gay, his oldest and deepest friend, Win is questioning. They have grown up together. They are as close as two boys can be. The fact that one is gay means nothing to the the other. As they have grown older, getting ready to separate for college, their love is coming to a test. Is it more than that of friends or is it something deeper? Krit has fallen deeply in love with Win. He keeps a book of pressed flowers, a book of memories of the moments that they have shared. When the two finally explore their passion, what will be the result? Originally made as a college graduate film, "Down the River" is a daring exploration of friendship and intimacy seldom seen from Thailand. Download Down the River Movie (Eng subs): Part 1 TAAM SAAI NAM (2004).avi.001 Part 2 TAAM SAAI NAM (2004).avi.002 Part 3 TAAM SAAI NAM (2004).avi.003 Part 4 TAAM SAAI NAM (2004).avi.004 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  30. Title: Pleasure; 初回版 Company: Baron Rating: NC-17 - Hard Yaoi (minor rape; BDSM; a foursome scene) Language: Japanese Format: Rar Size: 789MB Download Pleasure BL Game: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  31. You getting your loved ones anything special this year? And what do you want for Christmas? The only thing I wish for is to have a great time with my family, and that everyone likes the presents I give them. I blew most my money on a wacom tablet so I could draw in photoshop. So this year, my loved ones are getting pictures and posters that I've made. I'm giving my cousins posters. I'm new to digital art, so I would love your opinion. This is for my 17 year old cousin. He likes skating and anime. So this is what I've come up with for him. Do you think this would make a cool poster?
    1 point
  32. I just didn't have time to do any thing... So... here is one... for every one... Merry Christmas! I hope every one have great day!
    1 point
  33. Merry Christmas to all YO stuff and all the members ^^
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Merry Christmas!! MOre Blessings to come!...
    1 point
  37. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!! [video=youtube;-hxp00368ns]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hxp00368ns&feature=related
    1 point
  38. Merry Christmas to all YO members! *kisses*
    1 point
  39. Simon found Yaoiland.
    1 point
  40. sorry,but i am in love with your BF... just look his reaction ;D
    1 point
  41. . .Entering my profile for the POTM
    1 point
  42. YUUUUUU!!!!!! muacks muacks... you know how to make a woman happy!! hahahahah OMG... I just recalled..... grrr
    1 point
  43. well well well I just had an offer I can't refuse
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. There is no ball. XD
    1 point
  46. Nooooo Saga made a mistake..... I'm like
    1 point
  47. Hahaha, well that's subtext for ya', and remember:
    1 point
  48. Format: rar File Size: 770 Mb Download Link (Furk) Maid Hajimemashita
    1 point
  49. Title: Kim Chu-ja Story: It's a short movie from South Korea. Two men who were lovers in the past meet again by chance. Each of them has his own life now. One of them also has a daughter from his marriage. How will this reunion end? Download Kim Chu-ja Movie: Part 1 Part 2 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
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