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  1. You're welcome Angel! (: I'm working on the Arcade now to add more games Sorry to hear that! Good luck with your exams!
    7 points
  2. Ummm, i notice that we now have arcade game! thank you so much! it's gotta be fun here! Once again, :hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8):THANK YOU!!:hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8): *unfortunately i might be offline for a long time, since my damn uncle made his decision; to not let me access the internet in order to let me stay focus on my study... duh he love to control everyone in family. :leaf7::leaf7::leaf7::leaf7:
    5 points
  3. Walk with me and you may see The world where I reside. A place were things aren’t as they seem. I place I go to hide. Walk with me and you may see. The world I know yet fear. Where every day I wish and hope That you would be more near. Walk with me and you may see. The world where time stands still. A place where my life has no point And I have had my fill. Walk with me and you may see A fantasy come true. Were everything has purpose It started out with you. Walk with me and you may see A world within my heart. It only makes it harder Each time we are apart. Walk with me and you may see. A world I live my goal. I keep you close within my heart And locked up in my soul. Walk with me and you may see A place where we’ll belong. Where no one cares who we may be Our love will keep us strong.
    5 points
  4. The colors dance around the waves Reflecting off my skin. The water washes over me Cleansing me of my sin. The sun’s began is journey Beneath the crashing waves But the feel of that light upon my face It’s what I mostly crave. The sight that sits before my eyes Will keep me in a daze If you could see that shimmering light Even you would be amazed. The sun it heats the icy waves Enough for me so see Although the sun is setting now, It sets the night sky free.
    4 points
  5. This poem is a little darker than the other poems I have written but I hope you still like it "Decay" Out of the light And into the dark The hot crimson liquid And a permanent mark A razorblade in hand And a gun in the other It's all thanks to you My dear sweet mother Cutting away pain And erasing the sorrow This world is so rotten With no hope for tomorrow Decay is inevitable It cannot be changed So I'll escape reality This way I have arranged Lifting the gun The barrel to my head I pulled on the trigger And now I am dead
    4 points
  6. @True Blue Aww my friend used to have sugar gliders! They are sooo cute! I have a cat named Miles (named after Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog lol) When he was little What he looks like now A snake named Penelope And a bearded dragon named Draco
    4 points
  7. Ryuu I didn’t understand what had just happened. I couldn’t stop sobbing even after I’d thrown up in the bathroom. Everything seemed to hurt, but it was the massive searing weight in my chest that was threatening to pull me under completely. Wobbling into the bedroom, I collapsed on the unmade bed. The smell of Kenta hit me and I clutched at the sheets the sobs coming so hard my vision went black. “Ryuu? Ryuu where are you?” Choking I scrambled to my feet and somehow made it to the door of my room. “Go home! I don’t want to fucking see anyone!” The slam of the door jolted me and I sank to my knees holding my head in my hands. How had this happened? Why? Why would he yell at me like that? All I’d asked was where he was going. Why would he scream at me? What had I done wrong? Was he already tired of me? “Ryuu! Ryuu! Open the door! What’s wrong?” Akira’s panicked voice barely reached me. I couldn’t think anymore. I just wanted to curl up and cry until the pain faded. I jumped as soft hands pulled me up and led me to the bed. I sank down burying my face in the covers. "Ryuu. . . Talk to us." I slowly sat up seeing Akira and Reiko standing over me. Akira handed me a tissue so I could wipe my face. Reiko sat next to me, a gentle hand rubbing my back. "Ryuu . . . what happened?" "He-he left. I woke up when he was getting dressed." I paused as a few soft sobs slipped free. "I-I asked where he was going, but he wouldn't answer me. I kind of got irritated and pressed the issue. Th-that's when he yelled at me and said that if I needed to know he'd tell me. We-we've never yelled at each other like that before, or even fought like that. He-he finally just left and he won't answer his phone. I-I need to apologize to him, I said some things I shouldn't have." "No Ryuu, you had every right to yell at him. You deserve to know where he is and what he's going to do. . ." I could tell Reiko was upset and I felt bad for involving them in my personal matter. After a while they had me go sit in the living room. Reiko headed in to the kitchen making phone calls. I knew she didn’t want me hearing what she was talking about, but I was too exhausted to care at the moment. I felt completely drained, unable to even move anymore. "You-you don't think I'm too clingy do you? I didn't think I was that whiny." "You aren't Ryuu, he was just making excuses." I could hear the frustration and anger in Akira’s voice as he stroked my hair. It actually made me feel worse. Why would Kenta feel the need to make excuses like that? Nothing was making sense. "Ne Ryuu! Let's go shopping. Akira needs a new French couture outfit, don't you think?" Reiko closed her phone as she walked toward us. I shook my head, the motion making me dizzy. "No, I don't feel like going out. Actually, I have a really bad headache. I think I'm going to lay down." "Ok, Ryuu. I'll go get you a coke and some aspirin." Akira got up as I shifted around on the couch to get comfortable. I didn’t feel like being alone in the bedroom anymore. I thanked Akira as he brought me the bottle and pills. Drinking the coke made my stomach feel a little better but I still felt oddly weightless and disconnected. Reiko’s phone rang and she frowned as she went to answer it. "The hell?" Answering it she blinked, "What's up Sora” She paused and I could just make out Sora’s voice. "What? No. . . Hasu isn't here Sora. . ." Reiko turned to look at Akira, her eyes wide, "Are you at his place? He might be- I don't know. Are you nearby? Go check." Pulling the phone away from her mouth she frowned as she spoke to Akira. "Hasu isn't answering his phone." Akira shook his head. "Maybe he's in the shower or something. Or he accidentally left it on vibrate again. He did that a couple weeks ago, remember. I'm sure everything is fine." “Yeah, Sora? Oh you are . . . alright, just call me back when you find out something.” She hung her phone up glancing at Akira, "Apparently Hasu left with someone but that doesn't explain him not answering his phone. I'm going to get my guys on it. I want to find Hasu. I'm not taking any chances at all with this." "Can you call Hayate and ask if he can send some guys looking for Hasu? I'd call Isao but I need to call my people first." Akira already had his phone out and was dialing Hayate's number. I looked back and forth between them, not understanding why they were suddenly so worried about Hasu. What was going on? "Ano, Hayate, we have a situation and I need you and Isao and whoever else you can get, to check it out. Sora went to pick up Hasu, but apparently he left his house with someone and now he's not answering his phone." Akira hung up after talking a bit longer to the yakuza enforcer. I was starting to feel sick all over again, but for an entirely different reason. Time seemed to crawl but all too soon I heard the door opening. Sora gave me a small smile as he slipped his shoes off. "Heard from Hasu?" Akira shook his head. I frowned seeing the hopeful look in Sora's eyes fade into something akin to panic. "I'm sure everything is just fine, Sora. Maybe he left his phone on vibrate again or something." Sora nodded. "Yeah maybe so." "Hey Sora." I managed. He immediately came over and gathered me up into a hug. I buried my face in the soft hair and hugged him back. "Rei told me what happened. You okay?" "Not really. I just . . . don't understand what went wrong. We've been through so much together . . . is he just tired of me?" Sora hugged me tighter as I started to shake. "Whatever his excuse, it's wrong." He pulled back after a moment to look at Reiko. “I talked to Hasu’s landlord. He was able to give me a description of the guy Hasu left with. Maybe you know him. He was tall, foreign looking, clean cut with a goatee.”
    3 points
  8. This is not exactly a poem... It's more like a poetic drabble. Or something. I was just going trough my stash of written rambles dossiers on the selves and came across this one. It's for Portuguese Class, 10th grade I think. I didn't understand why I had good grades and still don't, but oh well. I just translated it form Portuguese to English as I transcribed it directly here so... (It can be pretty though to convey the meaning of certain sentences when there are untranslatable word. Tch.) Hope it's amusing, at the very least (: -- Sensorial Labyrinth There she was alone and lost. Maybe abandoned or maybe even forgotten. Maybe not. Round and round, round rounds. Perfect circles as if drawn by the most rigorous of compasses. They came from the nothingness, invisible lines, imaginary lines. They revolved around her. Only her. Completely disconnected from her surroundings. Untied from everything and everyone. A being merely free. A happy creature, internalized and questioned to herself: "Could it be...?" - but to the question was not given a single answer. All of a sudden she thought what an idiot she was, laughed out loud at herself. Was she crazy? Didn't perceive it, didn't get it... Didn't even comprehend it. Everything was nothing and at the same time nothing was everything. Could it be an hallucination, a mirage? Would her imagination be so fertile as to be capable of preparing her a trap worth of such strategy, trip her and lead her to think it might be possible and allowed for her to build her own World? No! It had to be a lie. Another one. Yes, it had to be that! After all, it was just another one in the middle of a vast amount of many others... Suddenly she would sense herself returning to the devastating and strangely familiar reality, the same one from which she had always run away from. In times past, she created a fantasy. A fantasy shrouded in magic, and put her in safety, in a special place. A den only hers, where nobody would be able to set foot upon. Where to no one would it be permitted a stab at wracking her personal paradise. She would find herself fighting against the most absurd and stupidly ironic of thoughts she could imagine, whose ideas would consume her insides. But, however much she struggled, there was no point, for it was completely and outright worthless... There was no strength left to break the chains she was captive of and extricate herself from her odious burden. She would then laugh again at her own miserable faith, such undeniable failure, and would repeat, one time and another, that one question, rhetorical. Always. Ever since she knew herself, and had notion of time, it was like this, but it was not her fault. Although she was aware of her own powerlessness, she persisted in tormenting her own soul, stabbing incessantly, without pity and a minimum of mercy, her own Self. Her only consolation was the acquired knowledge , that one day everything she had been through would come to an end, at last. She knew the end was near, observing attentively the long awaited path, an open door. Without realizing her own stupefaction, without any notion that she had already, in fact, experienced all of this countless times, in the past. Once again, the fault did not lay with her, she just did not remember anymore. Or maybe she did, and even so, she would not have the tiniest chance, not the slightest inning, of controlling herself. All of a sudden, everything went dark. And bright again. Blinding colors and frighteningly gray shadows. The ears throbbed, the throat tightened in a knot. She suffocates, the oxygen extinguishes itself. The butterflies took off in direction to the empty stomach, which roared like a lion and the bomb, that one looked like it was barely imploding! The seconds were running out, she knew it well. But the panic... that one she could not prevent. It was due time, the inevitable closed in at the speed of a cotton seed being blown away by the wind. The unknown dragged itself through the dirty ground. In the air, it could be felt... An initial blare could be heard, followed by sound both shrilling and uniform. Between highs and downs, it repelled tremendous values of decibels! Eventually it came the Peace, white was seen and only white. The windows opened sudden and spontaneously. It was automatic. The landscape was unfocused... It came to and end, once again. She got up and turned off the alarm. She rubbed her eyes and said loudly: "One more dream..." - she sighed.
    3 points
  9. @ Nezumi Paranormal Activity... I still wasn't able to get past the thirty minute mark. I get so damn sleepy. I really want to finish it and watch the sequel too because it has some unexpectedly good reviews but... Have to prepare a mega mug of mega strong coffee and try. Once again. You left me interested in Case 39, it's search for and download it. I'll let you know my opinion about it after I do. I also enjoy 30 Days Of Night. Actually I liked it a lot. It's a lot of fun to watch, and even if clichéd, it doesn't loose its own charm. Another movie I also love is I am Legend *.* I was positively surprised the first time around and watched it various times again and again (: And I can see we are very alike, not just in the way that we love horror movies but that we actually have real fun while watching them. I'm always laughing and grinning like a psycho all the while while watching gruesome murders on the screen Horror is the best. foxy3
    3 points
  10. Oh, have you guys watched Case 39? That movie's pretty good haha... And I actually enjoyed Paranormal Activity - the whole psychological part of it; you can't see it, but you know there's a huge demon after you and it want's to hurt you, it wants to kill you. And it gets stronger with your fear, frustration and anger. Haven't watched the sequel though. Uhm, Amitywill horror is pretty entertaining too 30 days of night made me laugh too haha~ I love horror movies and I usually laugh at them haha, so if you're sensitive and I say something isn't scary you shouldn't really rely on it lol! Now I cant think of any other horror movie...
    3 points
  11. I'll make 2 sub-forums in the Poetry section: BL/Yaoi Poems and Non-BL Poems Thanks for the suggestion!
    3 points
  12. . .since nezumidoll had suggested about the fan art rabbit0 . .i was just thinking of the poetry section, too, uhmmm, since there were members (like me), intend to post non-bl/yaoi poems, (maybe), it would be better if there's a subforum for it, or changing it to general poetry, or just change the lines under the poetry title, so that it could separate bl/yaoi poems from non- . .it could help viewers (i think)
    3 points
  13. I love Alien vs Predator movies or even just the Alien/Predator movies on their own Also The Fourth Kind scared me soooo bad. I had trouble sleeping for weeks lol And 28 Days Later. I've always liked zombie movies
    3 points
  14. Guess who? rabbit16 -- Zoro, from One Piece
    3 points
  15. Title: Still Got The Blues - Oitekebori Blues Author/artist: Yukimura Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mature, Yaoi Groups scanlating: Nakama Status: 1 Volume (Complete) Year: 2009 Plot: Kuniyoshi is high-strung and ambitious. Hirayama... is not. They worked together until Hirayama suddenly quit. That's when Kuniyoshi realized how much Hirayama meant to him. But it's always Kuniyoshi pushing their relationship and he doesn't know what Hirayama really thinks. Read Still Got The Blues Online: Still Got The Blues Download: New download Link For download reupload requests, please post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    2 points
  16. I love to draw and I know lots of others do too in here, but often I read "I wish I could draw like that" or "I want to draw my own manga, but I'm not good enough", so I thought I would share a few anime and manga tutorials. The file contains 4 books called "How to draw manga" made by The Society for the Study of Manga Techniques. These books takes you by the hand and learn you everything. Volume 1 is all the base techniques, like how to draw the the face, hair and body, basicly to create a character. Where volume 2-4 is about how you actually make the manga, light and shadow, tone technique, backgrounds, nature backgrounds and animals. Even how to draw clothings from underwear, stockings, to jackets and jeans, I'm sure you get the point There are 17 more files going more into one specific thing like, how to draw eyes, faces, female manga hentai style (sorry couldn't find any with male so far), folds and clothing, some about photoshop (haven't looked into that part tho) and even about how to draw robots and Illustrating combat ^^. So far I have found it pretty useful, some more the others, but I will share them all. Enjoy and have fun with it.. I will look forward to see some drawings in the Creative Corner I will post some too with time, just haven't had time to draw that much lately.. Size: 420MB File format: PDF Megaupload: Anime - Manga Tutorials
    2 points
  17. Taking things for granted can lead to uncertain choices Hearts can be broken but a soul can be shattered Everyone makes decisions, but it’s the choices that lead us though life Believe in yourself and you can do anything Live your life your own way. Another day is around the corner. So sit back and enjoy today Clever people are everywhere, but clever choices are rare Knowledge isn’t everything. It’s how you use it. Reality may bite you in the neck, but fantasy allows you to bite back. Only strength and trust can lead us to what we believe in Soar to the stars and you may reach you goals Everything has a reason for happening. Soul searching may be tough, but it pays off in the end.
    2 points
  18. Out of the dark, Out of the night, We've emerged from the shadows, Into the sun's site. Out of the shadows We come from dispair It seems like it's gone, But the nightmares still there. Out of the fire, the flames touch the sky The heat flows so gracefully, Like a sweet angel's sigh. The sun is our lord, companion, friend The magic is brings us, the wonders it sends. But the sun can't protect me.I belong to the night. I belong to the shadows. Away from the light. A stranger wouldn't know me My family wouldn't care. A tear slips down, my face. Because, you're never there.
    2 points
  19. I celebrate myself, and I sing myself, And every flower that grows in my garden, Will grow in yours as well. For every key leads to my heart. I hear the voice of my ancestors, Yet I drown out their deafening cries. My time had not yet come to an end, I feel I have still not been born. My blood, it flows through the veins of a dragon, A mystical creature whose home is a child’s mind. I walk down the road of life, The stones and branches block my endless journey. My destination is still a mystery, But the way is in my heart.
    2 points
  20. Matt's awaited Yuki, at last! I just did him again from the scratch and I'm still not satisfied. Somethings seriously off... :Red_fox6: (I'm sure it's because idiot Shuichi pissed him off. Again. So it's not my fault *smirk*)
    2 points
  21. Kenta I glared at the man across the counter. “What the fuck you mean I gotta pay?” “You want to see one of my escorts you have to pay. No one sees them for free.” “You gotta be fucking kidding me.” I felt like punching the overdressed piece of shit. He was smiling at me. “Well you know . . . I could put you to work if you are needing job. You’ve got a great-“ “You wanna die fucker?” “Ahem . . .” He backed up a step eyeing the blade that was now in my hand. “You don’t have to resort to that kind of thing. I was only offering you a job.” “I’m gonna make this real simple. I just want to talk to them. Okay? Talk.” “Okay . . . just put the knife away.” Flipping the blade shut I stepped back. Why didn’t people ever do what I asked them to the first time? It would make things so much easier. “Follow me and please don’t scare them, they’ve had enough issues lately.” I frowned. That didn’t sound good. “What’s been going on?” “The last couple of weeks we’ve had some ‘incidents’ with our escorts getting mishandled by clients.” “Don’t you have bouncers for that kinda shit?” He glanced back at me as we walked down the narrow hall toward the back of the building. “Of course we do, but the boys never once said anything. It wasn’t until another client complained of bruises on the boys that I found out.” “Someone was hurting them and they were too scared to say anything?” I tried to ignore the sounds coming from some of the curtained rooms we were passing. “Yes, that’s why I was reluctant to let you see them.” “I fucking get it. I’m here to find out who that fucker is, not hurt them.” He stopped at a door and turned to look at me, his eyes narrowing. “Are you really with the Kobayashi?” I pulled back my sleeve to show him the tattoo. He nodded, pressing his lips together for a moment before opening the door. The room wasn’t very bright, the kinda lighting Ryuu called ambient or something. There were a couple of couches facing each other. The boys who’d been sitting on them scrambled to their feet as we entered. “This is Arakaki Kenta, he just needs to ask you a few questions.” One of the younger looking guys stepped forward and held my gaze. “I’m Erizawa Hidemichi, I will speak for all of us here. May we speak privately?” I glanced back at their boss who nodded. He led the two of us to an abandoned looking office. I sat on the corner of the desk while Erizawa dusted off a chair. He waited until the door clicked shut then turned to look at me. “I’m glad you are here. The other day when Fuji-san tried to turn him away I thought things were going to get violent.” “Who? What’s the fucker’s name?” “I only know his first name, Naoki. Last time he brought a friend with him. ” I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. He coughed and squirmed in his seat before getting up and pacing in front of me. "They ordered the usual, drinks and a show. I had one of the other boys help me. Though they didn't really seem all that interested in the strip tease, mostly talking with each other and drinking." I held up a hand stopping him. "What did they talk about, it could be important." “They were talking about this band that Naoki used to be part of or used to date a member from. Naoki was really upset talking about it, saying how the singer had ruined his life and he wanted revenge. They were pretty drunk by that time. I’d been keeping their drinks topped off to avoid them getting violent. Naoki’s friend calmed him down, saying he’s got a plan, that he knew how to make them all suffer for ruining his life.” He stopped and looked at me before sinking back down into his seat. “I know what we do isn’t the most glamorous thing, but I do enjoy making people happy. But these guys . . . there was something totally different about them.” “What did Naoki’s buddy look like?” I need more information if I was going to figure this out. “This new guy . . . he’s not fully Japanese, he looked part African maybe. He was tall, very muscular, and I would have found him attractive if not for his aura of menace. Naoki scares me, but this guy terrified me. I’ve never been so nervous around clients before and we have yakuza in here all the time.” He paused for a moment thinking. “I never heard his name but he had this scar running across his stomach from one side to the other.” Erizawa demonstrated running his hand across his midsection just above his navel. A chill ran through me and I suddenly felt sick. There was only one person who fit that description. “Rame . . . his name is Obuchi Rame.”
    2 points
  22. @ brohne Thank you very much for the critique, your opinion means a lot to me, even more so in the writing department. @ cloudy I'm happy it reminded you of such a movie, I love Pan's Labyrinth like crazy so it's actually quite an honor. Thanks for the kind words. And your mother is sweet. onion0 -- It's merely a wandering of my deviant mind so I'm really glad you both enjoyed it.
    2 points
  23. I'm really happy with the Arcade, too. It's going to be even more now. Thank you for creating it, Key I'm having some glitches with the controls, though... :8yoyo31:
    2 points
  24. tomorrow .:Red_fox4:.i'm working too..but half day..:msn_red_fox 18:
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. @cloudy-chan Yeah I love all kinds of animals lol. I also have tropical fish but I don't have a pic of them right now lol
    2 points
  27. I agree with cloudy-chan. Especially because I have posted quite a few non-BL poems myself :msn_red_fox 14
    2 points
  28. omg..boss please stop the song you playing.u make me felt sleepy.onion13i'm kinda piss of now..rabbit11 when i'm playing my kpop song he complaint that my song is not nice...:Red_fox12:
    2 points
  29. Favorite parts *.* This made my day. I think I'll read this X times a day for a long while from today onwards. I tend to obsess over a certain poem/text/lyric for long periods of time so... Your time has come, Walk With Me-sama *smirk* Love it to bits ♥ Write more and more and more okay?
    2 points
  30. That last stanza is amazing. I want to do a photoshop to go with this, would you mind?
    2 points
  31. @ JenovaVII: ooh, you made me watch Suicide Circle, thank you :3 I like gore~ And the whole mind-fuck part of it :3
    2 points
  32. I have 2 sugar gliders (both neutered to keep the whole aggressiveness and marking territory in check), both are around 1 year old, almost a year out of pouch. There is Omi; older by a month or so, generally a momma's boy, loves to run in his wheel and is my 'chubby bubby' and Kai; a cry-baby/crab-apple, whines when he is held, a little piglet, has temper tantrums often, likes stealing from Omi and barking in the middle of the night. They are both my babies and I like taking them everywhere with me. Most people don't have a problem with them seeing as they are nocturnal and stay in their pouch practically all day and plus they aren't rodents (they are marsupials and related to kangaroos) That's Kai on top of Omi sleeping in their pouch This pic is older (about 8 months ago) Kai is the groggy looking one and Omi is the chubby one From around January or February. Omi is the one on top.
    2 points
  33. Kurogane & Fai, from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. And xxxHolic. Okay, I better just say CLAMP.
    2 points
  34. . .aside from liking yaoi anime, i also love movies, in different genre, but what i love the most are HORROR MOVIES . .these were the movies i won't ever forget and the best for me rabbit4 [ATTACH=CONFIG]2406[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]2405[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]2407[/ATTACH] (would you mind sharing yours ) rabbit16
    1 point
  35. Original name: Hanakage No Kioku Manga ALT. names: 花影の記憶, Flower Shadow's Memory Written by: Mieno Saori Drawn by: Mieno Saori Original run: 2007 Description: Arthur and Laurent were childhood friends that grew up together, but they had the difference of a noble and servant status. As they grew older, they came to understand the difference in their stations. Although both of them have affections for each other, such feelings could not be accepted... Manga-type: Published by: Taiyo Tosho Group(s) Scanlating: Bliss & Nakama Status: Complete Completely Scanlated: Yes Completely Translated: Yes Genres: Drama Categories: Master-Slave Main Characters: Arthur, Laurent Adaptation based on: N/A Recommendations: Yuuutsu na Asa, Nidome no Yakusoku, Mitsu no Tsumatta Joushi, Uchi no Darling Eikoku Shinshi Read Hanakage No Kioku Online Hanakage No Kioku Download Hanakage no Kioku Manga: Download link For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  36. yu


    :8onion5: sad
    1 point
  37. Escapism You don't see the tears when you pour your heart to me You don't feel the pain as I listen to your anxiety You are not here to hold me tightly You can't reach me and comfort me softly I listen to your woes as I battle with demons on my own I absorb your fears as I watch mine and how they've grown You are troubled by your life, your love, your hate You have no idea I have more of those to date I care for you but you never see It has always been like this for me You don't know how I wish it were to be Someone I could show my misery the way you do to me Your confidence I value beyond measure Sometimes they can be such a pleasure Your love I truly treasure And then times I feel like having a seizure You don't know my crippling fears Or why I have uncontrollable tears And why I sometimes feel my end is near That I would lose everything I hold dear Am I a mere escape to you Do I even matter when you are not feeling blue You take it all out on me as I take it all in I fight the notion that this is how it's always been. AUTHOR NOTES: I wrote this years ago when I thought love was a destiny only for others to enjoy. I also thought it was fitting to post here since most BL stories usually have the unrequited love factor.
    1 point
  38. for jenova thank for the idea
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. LOL kinda~~~~he still hear that same song until now.i'm cannot concentrated with my work >>>Grrrr!!!
    1 point
  41. omg what song does your boss play ? 70 oldiesfoxy4
    1 point
  42. Yes, it does... This is not about anything recent though. This was written about a situation from my past. So don't worry because I am much more happy now than I was back them
    1 point
  43. I really liked this line a lot. But I loved all the poems! They are really good
    1 point
  44. . .sooooooooooooooooooo REFRESHING onion2 . and i really agree with one-san (jenova), it's so relaxing :cuteonion7: . .it delivers me to this scene: i was sitting on the sea-side (or any bodies of water), fully stretched legs, while my both hands supporting my half body, and looking at the sky, then my eyes closed, and starts to feel the cold breeze that this poem made . .so COOL! onion2
    1 point
  45. My favorite part, hands down. Your writing is clean and it's like a slap in face. It's like I have a person right in front of me reciting your poems, said words directed at me personally. It hits me hard and wakes me up to life. It feels real. It's crude and I just love it. Keep posting more. You have a talent with words and not just in the way that you know how to create a compact and beautifully written text but there is actually a meaning there, not hidden but right there for everyone to see. Unashamed. I'd love to keep reading them, have confidence in your skill (: :mashimaro5:
    1 point
  46. This one is really good. I love how your metaphors flow together and all point to how our inner journey mirrors our outer journey. beautiful work.
    1 point
  47. its the same scene ^ ^ she just fight hard
    1 point
  48. ENTHRALL ME Deep turquoise eyes Shines so bright Seduced me so high Enthrall me, I not lie Rosy little lips So sexy, It gives me heat Enthrall me, I not miss Chest not so bulky I like it!, It doesn't tease me Enthrall me, I not flee Oh!, large hands I fear, So please be gentle Enthrall me, I not idle Those legs, between, a private I tremble, Heaven over pain Enthrall me, I not complain In comfy sheet Lie me, This mine, you seek Enthrall me, I'm ready cloudy's notes: . .this was the first time i wrote a nasty (for me) bl poem, lol :Red_fox3: . .it still doesn't sink in to me . .while i was writing this i'm grinning, lol . .and i can't even write this permanently in my notebook, still in scratch . .they might accidentally read it ( i think i should hide my notebook now, lol) :cuteonion46: (sorry if the image was too big, and yeah!, i wrote like that, hihi)
    1 point
  49. @ misakixusagi I know! As soon as I watched Soul Eater I got a crush on Soul too, he's just too cute of a badass: white hair, red eyes and later a scar across the chest *.* Also his teeth are damn adorable~ And whens he's in a suit playing piano...:cuteonion41: Not forgetting he is a scythe! Coolest weapon after katana and gun, for me (Now that you talk about it, I haven't been reading the manga for ages (stalled at chapter 73), gotta catch up asap!!) -- Vincent & Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) - 2004 Beyond Birthday & Ryuuk (Death Note) -2006/7 Grimmjow & Ichigo (Bleach) -2007 Salad Fingers (Salad Fingers) - 2008
    1 point
  50. So I found this awesome song at an MV with Takumi-kun The song is performed by Shiny Toy Guns and is called Stripped( it's actually a remake after Depeche Mode song, but I think this one is better Absolutely love it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKQHeOtz4zg
    1 point
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