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  1. Kurogane & Fai, from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. And xxxHolic. Okay, I better just say CLAMP.
    4 points
  2. i am sure a lot of you slept in strange places:hamtaro-005 (6): so dont be shy and confessfoxy5 for me i slept in the bathroom when i woke up at 9 am i slept while ... ahem:msn_red_fox 14 for 30 minutes ,i woke up because my feet got numb and my head almost fell on the floor:msn_red_fox 14 now when i go to the bathroom in the morning my mother nock the door after 5 minutes to make sure i am awake:cuteonion51: well, i spend a lot of the night on my laptop watching or reading (i am sure you know what):msn_red_fox 9and forget to sleeponion1 so what about you :cuteonion45:
    2 points
  3. (this is my first narrative poem (kinda ) i wrote, hope everyone like this ) . .again, feel free to judge rabbit14 STRANGERS You bumped into me, one day Your cup of coffee poured into my tee, and you say "Oh!, I'm so sorry, I'll wipe it with my hanky." Then suddenly, our eyes met It feels like, I'm starting to melt This staring connection between us With those, of your deep gray eyes Is like swallowing me, into your deep ocean Then I felt the shake, of like an earthquake These eyes blink, for the very first time And I blush, when suddenly you smiled You noticed, so you open your mouth and utter "Are you okay?" Few words coming out, from those cherry lips Moved me from head to my new polished nail tip Your voice sounded low, deep and feeble But still like a music to my ears I heard every single note, clearly Like it was composed, perfectly "I...I'm okay", I answered stammering Then I look to my tee and start wiping Suddenly, you took one step closer to me You reached your hand that held a hanky Moved away my hand and insist to wipe it I felt awkward but I let you do it With this closeness, I could smell your scent It's mild and calm but mysterious and deep Surrounding with such a cold refreshing breeze That delivers me into a state of freeze This ambiance changed, when you took your hand away Little sadness covered me, but what can I say I want for us, to stay longer in this scene My mind speak, "Could you grant this simple wish, please?" Then you turn your back on me I sigh, and saw you're doing something Suddenly, you turn again to me Giving your perfectly folded hanky I felt a little hesitate, but encourage myself to get it "It's for you to remember me", you spoke gently Then kiss me on the cheek and bid farewell I'm still standing in this place where you left me In shocked, while holding this precious thing, tightly Then someone shout at me, "Hey, lady!" I came into my mind and look what i'm holding Of curiosity, I started unfolding Group of numbers and a message was written "Bumping into you accidentally, I think was my destiny!, I wrote my number, call me. " It's funny, seeing a smiley "Thank you!", I whispered, then tied in my wrist, this hanky . .such a comfy feeling writing a poem while it's cold and raining :cuteonion7:
    2 points
  4. The most embarrassing moment for me was when I fall asleep at the table in a Pizzeria :msn_red_fox 13 I was exhausted... and while I was waiting for my friend to arrive, I put my head on the table... but I fell asleep rabbit6 When my friend come and wake me up, I was so ashamed. All the rest of the time while I was eating the pizza I had the impression that everybody from the other tables were watching me.:1onion49:
    2 points
  5. Ooooh such a great list! I think Love Prize in Viewfinder is my favorite. The art is amazing and the storyline manages to draw you and keep you coming back. Not to mention the amazing sex scenes.
    2 points
  6. hmm i think i would say (numb by linkin park)
    2 points
  7. Summary : Yakumo Saitou, a reserved College student, was born with a red left eye. This eye, which he usually hides behind a contact lense, gives him the ability to see ghosts and spirits and has brought him many hardships throughout his life. Even though this special vision could easily scare anyone, it doesn't scare Yakumo. He strongly believes ghosts and spirits are feelings left behind, bound to earth because of a certain 'cause'. It is his opinion that by talking with them, he can eliminate that 'cause' and release them, allowing them to rest in peace. One day, a fellow College student named Haruka Ozawa knocks on his door, asking for help to save her friend, who she believes to be possessed. Reluctantly, he accepts, and thus begins a story full of unsolved supernatural events, bound to be deciphered by the two, and Yakumo's journey to release his heart from his painful past. Genre : Horror, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural This anime kinda interesting n____n.so u should watching this too..rabbit4rabbit4
    2 points
  8. I don't really eat sweets, but anyway, these are my favorite desserts: Tiramisu Ice Cream Sandwich
    2 points
  9. As a natural born sadist I love that type of BL stories. :msn_red_fox 9 I'll give you a list of my favorites, hope you enjoy them: - You're My Loveprize In Viewfinder, by Yamane Ayano ♥ - Kinbaku, by Zaria *drool,drool,drool,drool* - Sasayaku No Wa Sono Yubi, Yamakami Ryuu (This isn't S&M, it's pure and simple abuse. Love it.) - Omoisugochi No Koi Mo Uchi, by Yamada Sakurako (The S&M story is just a chapter but it's so f*cking great~) - Kodou, by Takakura Row - Double Mints, by Nakamura Asumiko - Bi No Isu, by Ike Reibun - Hoshi No Yakata, by Tori Maia (Not a fan of the art but the stories more than make up for it.) - Kishidou Club, by Nishimura Shuuko - Leopard Hakushou, by Ougi Yuzuha
    2 points
  10. @ cloudy Be free to call me whatever you want and yeah, I'm crazy about fruit! :Red_fox11: -- @ sarah Gehh, light cream... *shudders* yoyo6 Letting that slide, fruit salad is the best!! *.*
    2 points
  11. I look through the darkness to expose your lies I hear your whispers under the starlit canopy I smell your fear while crossing diamond oceans I taste your love like a victim of faith I touch your heart and turn your tears to roses
    2 points
  12. Ryuu I came awake fully as Kenta sat up. Yawning I stretched and rolling over tried to focus on the clock. “It’s not that late. We’ve got plenty of time before practice.” “Sora and Hasu are already here.” He grumbled as he got up. “So, its not like they don’t know that we sleep together.” “That’s not the fucking point Ryuu. Anyway, I’ve got to go do some shit today. Don’t wait up for me.” Perplexed, I lay in the bed watching as he got dressed. Something seemed off, but I wasn’t sure if it was just me being overly sensitive. He came back to the bed, dark eyes nearly hidden behind his hair. Leaning down he gave me a quick kiss. “I’ll call you later. Don’t lay around all day.” *** "This seriously isn't working guys!" Akira sighed running a hand through his hair. “We aren’t getting anywhere with this song. I think we need to take a break or just stop for today.” "That's an idea." Sora yawned as he put his guitar away. "So are we stopping for today?" Hasu raised his eyebrows looking at each of them. I shrugged and waved a hand at them from where I was looking over the score sheet. "Might as well." "Cool! I'm getting a snack." Sora sighed once Hasu left and Akira went over patting his arm. "Everything ok?" "Yeah, it's just . . . his birthday is next month and I still haven’t figured out what to get him." "You’ll think of something, Sora. Reiko and I are going shopping for a gift next week, why don’t you come with us." Sora shook his head as he started for the door. "No, thanks though, I’ll think of something. If anything I’ll just take him to dinner. " I didn’t look up from the music as the door shut so I was a little surprised to hear Akira’s question. I’d thought everyone had left. "Was Kenta coming over tonight?" That wasn’t something I wanted to talk about right now. Kenta had been coming over less and less the last few weeks. He still texted or called me every day but it was starting to feel like he was just checking in on me, not actually concerned. "No, he's helping at the bar tonight and Suke needs him tomorrow so he’s staying at his place tonight." "He's been gone every night this week though." The papers crumpled in my hand and I forced down the sudden hurt welling up. "He . . . comes home when he can. We've actually been talking about him moving in." It was a flat out lie. The most we’d talked about was work and the band. Akira raised an eyebrow at me, clearly not believing me. "Ryuu. . . What's wrong?" "Hmm . . . oh nothing, just this song is bugging me. I've never had so much trouble with a song before." I looked back down, gathering up the loose sheets and smoothing out the crumpled ones. Akira walked over to stand next to me the concern in his eyes all too evident. "Are you sure that's all it is? You've been kinda quiet all day." I turned to him the papers clutched to my chest. "Yeah. I guess I'm just missing him. He's been gone a lot lately. He's been getting called to help the clan too with some minor stuff." "Jiro said he-never mind." Akira stepped away and started for the door, I almost reached out to stop him wanting to know what he’d been going to say. He looked back at me. “Don’t worry, alright Ryuu. I’m sure that whatever he’s busy with he’s missing you too.” After everyone went home I headed back to the studio to work on the song. It was really starting to bother me that I hadn’t got a decent track laid for the week. It was going to throw off our release schedule. Putting my headphones on I listened to the tracks we’d recorded earlier. That’s when it hit me. The music sounded great. It was me. My singing was off. When I took the vocal track out it sounded amazing. Sighing I set my headphones on the desk and leaned back. Maybe Kenta being gone so much was affecting me more than I wanted to admit. Maybe I should ask him to move in. I sat up realizing something. I didn’t know where Kenta lived. How had I known him this long without ever once going to his place? Maybe it was time to correct that. He was always over here and I didn’t want him to think that I didn’t care about his life beyond what I saw every day. Grabbing my phone I called Jiro. It wasn’t even midnight yet so he was probably still awake. He was. “What’s wrong Ryuu?” “Umm, actually I had a question for you . . . do you have Kenta’s address?” There was a long pause. “No, I don’t.” “What? Really?” “Yeah . . . he’s never let anyone go to his place. I think the only person who actually knows is Hayate.” “Oh . . .” “Ryuunosuke, is something wrong? Do you need to get ahold of Kenta? He’s helping Suke interrogate someone right now but I can get him-“ “No, its fine. Do you have Hayate’s number?” “Yes, just a sec.” I took it down and said goodbye. Sitting back down I stared at the number. Why would Kenta keep where he lived a secret from everyone? I knew he made good money. Not that you could ever tell by looking at him. Maybe he was embarrassed about it. He just never seemed to care about material possessions, at least outside of his motorcycle. Well I would just have to surprise him.
    2 points
  13. Kenta I opened my eyes, blinking slowly. Something didn’t look right. It was too dark, light streaming in from one small window set up high in the wall. “Get up Arakaki.” I immediately sat up. Rame? Why was Rame here? Fuck. I ran a hand over my eyes and looked around. Rame was sitting up on his futon glaring at me. This was . . . why was I here? “Rame? What-“ “Shut the fuck up bitch.” I nodded and shifting around sat on my knees facing him. Something must have happened for him to be in this bad of a mood. “Go get me my smokes.” “Hai.” Getting to my feet I went to the shelf where we were allowed to keep a few small personal items. I had none. The shelf was mostly Rame’s books and porn magazines. The cigarettes were hidden behind one of the books. I moved the book and had just reached for the half empty pack when I felt a large hand on my neck and I was suddenly shoved against the shelf. Oh fuck! Rame’s breath was hot on my cheek as he leaned down. “I heard you were doing favors for Takemago.” He pressed me harder against the shelf, the edge cutting into my stomach as he leaned against me. “You are mine. I catch you doing any favors for anyone else and I’ll let Arita and his gang have that tight little ass of yours.” “I wasn’t! I-I didn’t! I fucking swear Rame!” The weight lifted and I could breathe a little easier, until the fingers tightened around my throat. Next thing I knew I was on my back on the floor. Rame glared down at me, the dark eyes narrowed dangerously. “You think you can get away with lying to me.” I shook my head scrambling back as he walked toward me. “Come here.” I swallowed hard and fought down the sick feeling as I edged toward him. You didn’t fuck around when Rame gave an order. He ruled the whole cell block. No one wanted to mess with him. It was common knowledge that he’d murdered several people, compared to him what I’d done looked like a misdemeanor. Getting put in the same cell as him was both blessing and a curse. A blessing because for some reason he seemed to tolerate me which meant most everyone else left me alone and a curse because it meant I had to humor his every whim unless I wanted to end up like the kid before me. “On your knees.” I closed my eyes for a moment before complying. It wasn’t often he made me do this and apparently I was the only one he made do it. I’d heard some of the other guys talking and it seemed Rame considered me his personal property. Was the only reason I hadn’t been used like a lot of the other new guys. Sure enough, the giant dick appeared out of his pants and he gave me an expectant look. I stifled the sigh and let my mind go blank until it was over. At least he only seemed interested in blow jobs and nothing else. Except this time he shoved me off before he’d finished. I looked up at him confused and a little scared. Had I done something wrong? I wasn’t sure how to read the look on his face. It seemed to be a mixture of disgust and arousal. I yelped as he grabbed me by the hair. He leaned down until our faces were only inches apart. “Toshiaki is right. You are too fucking pretty for a guy.” I blinked a few times, confused. Toshiaki was Rame’s second in command and between the two of them they basically ran the cell block. I didn’t quite understand where this was going, but got the hint very quickly as I was forced down on the futon. “R-Rame what are you doing?” I tried to push myself back up, turning to look at him over my shoulder. There was a cold prickling sensation running through me. “Just shut up.” He shoved me back down and I felt a hand on the waistband of my pants. Holy shit, no fucking way! He’d never gone this far before. No fucking way I was letting this happen. I didn’t give a fuck how big he was. Twisting out of his grip I whipped around aiming a kick at his chin. It knocked him back. “You ain’t fucking touching me.” I was on my feet now, shifting to get into a stance that would allow me to move quickly if I needed to. He got back to his feet growling at me. “I’m going to fucking rip you apart Arakaki. No one refuses me.” “I just fucking did asshole. If you fucking expect me to just spread my legs like some bitch you better fucking think again. Ain’t no one doin that to me. I’ll fucking rip your dick off.” He chuckled as he got up, wiping the blood from his chin. “You ain’t got a chance in hell against me Arakaki. You coulda made this easy on yourself. You give the best blowjobs of anyone here, so why wouldn’t I want to get a bit more.” I edged back as he moved toward me. “Don’t fuck with me, Rame.” “I’m going to do a lot more than fuck with you Kenta.” I dodged out of the way as he lunged for me. There wasn’t much room to maneuver in the small space and I knew if he got a hold of me again it would be over. I needed to end this as quickly and permanently as possible. I didn’t get a chance. My back was to the door and I turned as it opened, startled. A massive hand closed around my neck even as I realized it was Toshiaki in the doorway. Desperate I pried at Rame’s fingers, but they just squeezed tighter. “Starting without me Rame?” “He decided he’s too good for me.” I could barely see for the spots floating in my vision. I lashed out with everything I had feeling another set of hands on me. I was going to fucking kill them. “Just hold still Arakaki. You fight too hard and it’s going to be a lot worse for you.” Somewhere in my head I was trying to figure a way out of this. If I was honest with myself things didn’t look good. I shuddered at the sudden cold feeling as my pants were stripped off. Hot fingers grasped my hips and Rame let go of my neck long enough to shove me to my hands and knees. Looking down I realized I was on my futon. My shank was almost within reach. Rame didn’t know I had one. No one knew I had one. If only I could reach it without them realizing what I was doing. I gasped, the air rasping in my sore throat, as I felt wet fingers slide along my crack, probing before pushing against me. “Get the fuck off me.” I tried to move my hips, anything to get those fingers away. I was shaking, a sick weak feeling suddenly hitting me. I managed to inch forward, my blade was still just out of reach. “Stop fighting.” Rame grabbed me by the hair and shoved my face down into the blankets. Someone’s arm was around my waist keeping my ass in the air. I yelled into the blankets as a finger was roughly shoved into me, the burning pain searing through me. I thrashed not caring what I had to do, but I was not going to let this continue. “Fuck, that’s tight. Barely got my finger in.” I gasped as the finger curled raking my insides. Fuck. Oh fuck that hurt like a fucking bitch. The finger was suddenly yanked out and Rame let go of my hair. I couldn’t move, I was in too much shock. “Let me see.” Oh fuck no. I clutched at the blankets trying to move away as one of his huge fingers found me. He pressed the tip against me, my muscles clenched on their own refusing to allow him in. “Fuck I can’t even get the tip of my finger in.” “Gonna have to prep him good or he’ll bleed everywhere.” The arm around my waist tightening and I heard Rame snort. “Let him bleed. Serve the fucker right. Hold him still.” I felt Rame get up, the arm around my waist suddenly gone. Now was my chance, except Toshiaki had grabbed my balls and had them in a tight grip. “Yeah you ain’t going nowhere.” He yanked making me yelp. My blade was just beyond my fingertips. I had to get to it before Rame got back. Too late. “You got him?” “Yeah.” I was pulled up and shoved onto my back. They both smirked down at me, but it was my turn to smirk at them. I had my knife . . . I blinked slowly, a dull insistent ache had settled behind my eyes. What had happened? Light was streaming down around me and I could hear laughter in the other room. I went to turn over and realized I couldn’t. Ryuu was laying curled up against my back. I let out a slow breath, some of the tension leaving me. If I closed my eyes I could still see Rame. An unwelcome shudder ran through me and I sat up. The clock had to be fucking lying. I needed to get going. There was too much to do and way too little fucking time to do it in. “Shit it’s late.”
    2 points
  14. Kenta He just laid there for a while not moving, not saying anything. I was getting fucking irritated and was about ready to smack him when he finally sighed and turned to face me. “Why do you stay?” I frowned and brushing the hair out of his face leaned forward until our noses were touching. “Could ask you the same. What’s wrong Ryuu?” His eyes dropped down, the dark lashes hiding the gray. When he didn’t say anything I finally pulled his head up. “Ryuu . . . if I did somethin’ wrong I want you to tell me.” He pulled back and shook his head. “No . . . it’s not you. I . . . sometimes the-my thoughts get the better of me.” I scowled. I knew I’d sensed something was wrong with him from the first time we’d met. “He beat you didn’t he? That fucker you used to date.” Ryuu flinched and tried to move away. I grabbed him holding him tighter so he couldn’t get up. “No, he did more than just beat you. He abused you. He -” “Stop it! Just stop. You don’t know . . . “ His voice dropped down to a whisper. “You don’t know.” “How can I when you won’t fucking tell me.” Letting him go I got up and started to get dressed. I had better things to do that sit around watching him mope about something he couldn’t change. “Where are you going?” “To work. Since you don’t seem to want me here.” “Wait! Kenta wait. Please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean . . . I don’t want you to leave. Please stay.” I paused and looked at him. There was a sadness in his eyes that tore at me. I couldn’t leave him, not when he was hurting like this. I didn’t really want to go to work. I still had the rest of the week off and had been planning on spending most of it with Ryuu. “Okay. Stayin’ but you gotta tell me what’s wrong.” He nodded slowly. “Fine, but I’m going to need a drink to get through this.” Once he had his glass of wine and was settled down I sat next to him on the bed. “This is kind of a long story, but I think you need to know what happened with Sora and I.” Him and Sora? I thought this was about his ex. “You said you and Sora never-“ “Kenta . . . if I’m going to tell you, you need to just shut up and listen alright.” I glared for a moment but couldn’t put any real heat behind it. He looked too fucking miserable. “A’right.” “Sora and I met in high school and became friends instantly. He was shorter than me then, if you can believe that. By our second year he’d grown quite a bit and had a reputation for being a flirt. Not as much as me, but yeah.” Ryuu shrugged his lips twitching in a slight smile. “Well, once we decided we wanted to form a band we started going to clubs to try and find anyone who would be willing to help us. I wish now I would have just asked my Mother for help, but I wanted to show them that I could do something for myself. “After a couple of months we were starting to get known at a few of the clubs we would go to. Most people were really nice. Some of them got a bit nasty cause Sora and I obviously are not fully Japanese, but we usually just laughed it off and went on. One night we went to one of our regular clubs. There was a group of guys from the University there but we didn’t think anything of it. I remember now that they were from the soccer team. Anyway, Sora and I were at the bar talking with the manager when one of them comes up to me. He seemed to think I was a girl. I played along for a little bit, even though Sora told me not to. I should have listened to him. I would do anything to go back and change what happened. “Anyway . . . I went to go use the bathroom while Sora made some phone calls. That was when the guy cornered me as I came out. He was taller and heavier than me and well . . . you know how well I do when it comes to fighting. He was pissed off that I’d lead him on. I apologized and told him I would make it up to him. I offered to pay for the whole tab for the rest of the evening, anything they wanted. At first I thought he was going to accept, but then a couple of his friends came back and made fun of him. That was when he hit me. I told him I was sorry and begged him to stop, but it only seemed to make him angrier. It didn’t take long for his friends to join in. They dragged me into a back room and started to strip me. That was when I remember hearing Sora yelling.” He paused and took a long drink of the wine. Shuddering he set the glass back down. Reaching over I lightly touched his arm. “It’s alright Ryuu you don’t have to tell me anymore.” “No, I need to tell someone. Sora and I have kept it from everyone for so long. Only our parents know. I think you need to know.” He looked at me, the soft gray eyes blurred by tears. “There were five of them by that time. Three of them took on Sora while the other two continued beating me. I was almost unconscious by this time. I could hear Sora fighting them and trying to get to me. I couldn’t move anymore and was laying on the floor. The two who’d been beating me left to go help their friends since Sora wasn’t giving up. I was almost unconscious when I heard Sora start screaming. I’ve never again heard him like that. I hope I never do. Kenta . . .” Ryuu took a shuddering breath and looked up at me. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and it was so fucking obvious how much pain he was in that I didn’t want him to go on. “Kenta . . . they raped him. The five of them beat and raped him and I couldn’t do a fucking thing to help him. They were going to rape me too, but someone outside seemed to finally realize that the screaming was not normal. Sora was in the hospital for several weeks and had to have two surgeries. They almost killed him. I couldn’t do anything to help him either. I was completely useless when he needed me the most. So fucking useless. Not my money or my status could save him. Nothing I had could help him. I was fucking worthless . . . still am.” I felt numb and sick. Never in my wildest fucking dreams had I imagined something like that had happened to either of them. Not knowing what to say, I pulled Ryuu against me. He was crying softly, the tears dripping on my shoulder. Sora was always so laid back I would never have thought . . . I paused, suddenly several things he’d said made a whole fucking lot more sense. “Fuck.” We laid there for awhile, any thought of sex gone. I couldn’t get my head around what Ryuu had told me. It was no wonder Sora was so sensitive about certain things, especially when it came to Hasu or Ryuu. How could he be so calm and relaxed all the time? It had taken me months to quit looking over my shoulder all the time after I got out of juvie and I had escaped the worst of what could have happened. Five guys. Holy shit. I had to find who was fucking with the band and now. I was not going to let any fucking thing ever fucking happen to any of them ever fucking again. I’d kill someone first.
    2 points
  15. Ryuu “Hey Ryuu . . .” I looked down at where Kenta’s head was pillowed in my lap. He’d been asleep, or so I’d thought. I ran my fingers along the smooth jaw and smiled. I’d called Hayate three days ago and officially kidnapped Kenta. He was not allowed out of my house until all the bruises were gone. So far he hadn’t said a word about it. We’d been watching an American movie in English with subtitles when he’d fallen asleep. He’d complained that trying to keep up with reading the subtitles gave him a headache and had laid over on me and been asleep within moments. He did that a lot. Kind of reminded me of Akira. I really did need to get on to him more about eating better. I knew he didn’t like vegetables but it was ridiculous how particular he was about it. “What?” He turned his head slightly to look up at me a soft smile on the full lips. “When did you realize you liked guys?” I raised my eyebrows at him. That was an unusual question for him to be asking. “Why?” He sighed and looked back toward the TV. “Just was wondering. I asked Hayate how he knew he was gay and he just laughed and said he didn’t talk about his sex life. Daisuike said he never thought he was until he met Ruka.” “When were you talking to them about this?” I smoothed the dark hair back from his forehead and he looked back up at me. “It was a while ago. Before . . . before we got together.” “Oh, so why are you asking me?” He sat up and I immediately missed the comforting weight. He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked down, his dark hair partially obscuring his face. “I was just wondering how you knew.” “Oh, well . . .” I thought for a moment about how best to explain it. “I guess it wasn’t one of those things that just hit me all the sudden. Ever since I was little I’ve liked doing things differently than other guys. As I got older I realized that I found both boys and girls attractive. In middle school I had a girl friend for a while, but we gradually just drifted apart. I had a boyfriend for a while in high school but he moved. I got myself into a pretty bad situation in high school and Sora got hurt because of it. After that I didn’t date anyone until my last boyfriend. But as far as how you know, it’s like with anyone else. You fall for someone you are attracted to, whether they are a boy or a girl.” Leaning forward I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him back against me nuzzling his neck. “And if you are truly lucky, they love you back. Why?” His soft laugh was the only response. He twisted around in my arms and leaning up kissed me softly. I loved the feel of those soft full lips against mine. The way he’d start out a kiss so gentle yet insistent, there was no denying him, no resisting. Before I’d realized it I was pulling him closer my fingers slipping through the silken hair. I moaned softly feeling his fingers slide up under my shirt. My whole body was suddenly hot, my skin tingling. Then he was kissing my neck, his hands sliding up my sides. I pulled his shirt up trying to work it off. His skin was smooth and warm under my fingertips and I wanted to get my mouth on him. Just seeing him every day was not enough, it would never be enough. Ever. “Bedroom.” “Yes.” Before I could even move he’d scooped me up off the couch and was headed down the hallway. It sent a thrill though me like nothing else, my body running hot then cold as tingles erupted along my skin. How could he be so damn romantic and not even realize it? I kissed his neck, sucking at the soft skin, feeling his groan vibrate deep in his chest. My back hit the bed, his weight settling over me as he attacked my lips again. I wanted his clothes off damn it! I wanted to feel that smooth delicious skin and those taunt muscles. I wanted the throbbing length I could feel pressing into my hip. “Make me yours Kenta.” There was a soft chuckle. “Being a bit dramatic there Ryuu?” “So? You like it. Now shut up and stop teasing me.” “Isn’t that usually what I say?” His hands where already shoving my pants off making me gasp softly at the urgency of his movements. He was practically ripping them off, barely bothering with unzipping them before yanking them past my hips. It made me shudder with anticipation. He wasn’t usually this aggressive. Hot, slightly calloused fingers slid back up my thighs, the rough feel sending tingles racing through me. I blinked a few times staring at the ceiling and suddenly found myself staring into that gorgeous face. He grinned at me and I couldn’t help smiling back. Then he was kissing me. Warm soft lips enveloping mine for a moment before a tentative tongue poked past them. I met him eagerly. I wanted him so badly I was starting to shake with need, a burning warmth growing in my middle. His weight settled down over me, pressing my erection against his hip and making me moan into his mouth. He rocked his hips back a few times, the friction making me writhe a bit. A whine slipped free as his mouth left mine. The dark eyes were soft and heavy lidded the look so sultry I shuddered. Did he have any idea how he affected me, the way a simple look from him could seem to make my blood turn to fire in my veins? That sinuous mouth twitched into a soft smile that wanted to become a smirk. “Shit . . . you are gorgeous.” He lowered his head again, warm moist lips sliding along my jaw to my neck. I closed my eyes, barely breathing as he kissed the sensitive skin. I was tingling fiercely all over now. He thought I was gorgeous? He’d never said anything like that before and I wasn’t quite sure what to say. Any ability or willingness to speak was taken away as his warm fingers wrapped around my erection, gently stroking me. Naoki had never been this gentle, sex with him had always been a slightly rough, quick affair. I shook myself. I didn’t need to be thinking of him now, not when I had this amazing man quickly driving me insane with lust. I couldn’t help the gasp that faded into a moan as moist heat surrounded the tip of my erection. I shuddered, my legs quivering as he slowly, languorously took my full length into his mouth. I was worried for a moment that I was going to choke him, but the sensation was so overwhelming the thought was lost as soon as it came to me. Naoki had never once bothered to give me a blow job. After the first couple of times of being with him it was all about him and he’d made me feel like I should feel privileged at that. I should have seen the signs sooner, should have realized what he was doing, how he was manipulating me, but I’d been too young, too enamored of the new feelings. The thrill of being ‘in love’ had blinded me to the fact that it was nothing more than lust. I gasped my fingers gripping the sheets so tight it almost hurt as he continued. The alternating heat from his tongue and the cool air on moist skin was quickly driving me crazy. I blinked several times surprised to feel the all too familiar stinging in my eyes. How could he love me? Why? I was pathetic and useless. I was nothing. Nothing but a source of money and sex. So pathetic and stupid. I had a sudden visual of long pale legs, red hair and redder blood. “Get off.” “Huh?” “Get off me.” “Ry-“ “Get off me!” I was shaking as his warmth suddenly disappeared. Turning over on my side I buried my face into the blanket feeling weak and sick. What was wrong with me? Why would I think about that now of all times? I jerked as a warm hand was placed on my side. “Ryuu . . . did I do something wrong?” “No . . .” My throat was so tight it hurt to talk and I clutched the blanket harder. “It’s not you.” The silence stretched out until I couldn’t take it anymore. I slowly raised my head, glancing over at him through a curtain of tangled hair. I could just make out his features in the dim light from the widow. A sudden frustration gripped me and I looked away from him. Why did he bother sticking around me? “Go home Kenta.” “Fuck that.” “Shut up and go home.” “Ain’t gonna.” His voice was soft and I felt the bed dip, his weight suddenly settling over me again. “Stop! Just stop it Kenta.” I tried to push him away as he kissed my neck. Strong fingers grabbed my wrists and I yelped as he yanked my arms to the side pinning them. “Not stopping. Yer upset and I wanna know why.” “Just forget it. It’s . . . it’s stupid.” The slight weight shifted and then he was laying beside me, his arms wrapping around me, pulling me close “Ito . . . if it’s bad enough to make you refuse sex, then I want to fucking know why.”
    2 points
  16. Ryuu I couldn’t stop pacing. I could feel Sora’s eyes on me as he sat on the couch. Hayate and Isao had left about thirty minutes ago and Kenta was in my bed resting. “Ryuu . . . he’s okay. He’s just a little banged up.” “I know!” I flung my arms up in frustration. “He has a concussion though. He just goes out for a drink and five guys jump him? What the fucking hell?” Sora shrugged, his voice soft. “It’s part of his job Ryuu. From what Iesada said it was a rival gang and he was on contested territory.” “Its fucking stupid and you know it.” “I’m not arguing with you about it Ryuu. You knew when you hired him that he hadn’t given up being yakuza.” I flopped down on the couch next to him and crossed my arms over my chest. “It’s just so frustrating. I hate seeing him hurt and . . . something else is wrong. He’s even quieter than usual.” “He did say his jaw hurt.” I shot a look at Sora and he held up a hand. “Hey, I’m just saying. Maybe it hurts to talk.” I slumped down, knowing I was pouting and not caring in the least. “We have a concert this weekend. What if he can’t work?” “That’s not all you are worried about.” I laid my head over on Sora’s shoulder, sighing. “No. I’ll go talk to him in a bit.” I never got the chance. He didn’t wake up by the time I was ready for bed, so I just curled up next to him. When I woke up the next morning he was gone. There was a text on my phone telling me breakfast was on the table and that he’d be back in time for dinner. I figured he was trying to get his bike fixed. It was his only means of getting around. He hated taking public transportation. So did I for that matter. Buses are filthy. I sent him a quick text. I’ll make dinner tonight. One came back just as fast. Don’t you fucking dare. I laughed and typed out my response. My kitchen, means I can do what I want in it. It took him a little bit longer to respond but I laughed out loud. God how I loved that man. Jack off instead. That actually sounded like a good idea. Maybe later. I had stuff to get done before I headed out with Sora to go get his birthday present. It was kind of hard to believe that he was going to be turning twenty-one in a few days. I was going to be twenty one next March. That made me wonder when Kenta’s birthday was. Had I already missed it? I would feel horrible if that was the case. I wondered if he was going to be nineteen or twenty. I honestly wasn’t sure. I’d have to go check his paper work. Some boyfriend I am. Can’t even remember his birthday. It took me thirty minutes to find his stuff. I really did not get Reiko’s filing system. June. Wow and he was going to be twenty. So he was younger. He sure as hell didn’t act it. My eyes dropped down the paper and I realized he had no emergency contact. None. No family. Nothing. It caused a soft pain in my chest. The only contact listed was a woman. A Takemitsu Shiori. The number was for a local parole office. His parole officer? That was his only contact? Why hadn’t he at least put Hayate or Isao was an emergency contact? Or even Daisuike? Or me . . . wait that wouldn’t work. If he was with me and there was an emergency that wouldn’t work. Still yet it got me to wondering, not for the first time, just why Kenta had went to juvenile corrections. From what Akira had told me, no one knew for certain. Not even Hayate and Daisuike. He flat out refused to talk about it. Taking a deep breath, I blew it out softly and put the file back. It wasn’t like there weren’t things I didn’t keep from him. It just worried me. Who was this Rame person and why would he have been dreaming about him? From his reaction it had to be something bad. I gasped and clapped a hand over my mouth as a sudden thought hit me. I didn’t get to dwell on it as I heard the front door open. “Hey Ryuu! You decent?” I scrambled to my feet and trotted out to the hallway. “No, but you don’t care.” I grinned at Sora as he just shook his head. “Go put clothes on Ito, you damn exhibitionist.” “Meh, you’re just jealous you don’t look this good naked.” “Short and hairy?” “Oi! I’m not hairy!” I stomped my foot glaring at Sora, though I couldn’t help glancing down. I did have more hair than Kenta, but he didn’t seem to care at all. Though he didn’t like stubble, which I found rather cute. “And everyone is shorter than you. Giant strawberry colored freak.” “Well if you are going to call names I guess I won’t share the food Gramps sent over.” “Ah! Oh! Kenta left me breakfast!” I’d gotten totally sidetracked. Over breakfast Sora and I discussed the upcoming concert and the set list. As always he was concerned about not overtaxing Hasu. The little guy put his heart and soul into drumming and sometimes his blood. Though after he’d passed out onstage during our tour we were a lot more careful about making sure he got breaks and didn’t play until he was too exhausted to move. Reiko got very -very pissed at me if I did more than two encores. Though, obviously the whole band had to agree to do them. Three was our absolute limit. Usually by the third time, we’d just come out and throw free stuff at the fans. Three is pushing it even for me. You put on an hour to two hour show and three encores can make it last another hour more, easy. That’s a fucking long night, as Kenta would put it. Thinking of Kenta reminded me of something else. “Hey Sora . . . you know Kenta went to juvie, right?” “Yeah I heard him and Akira talking about it. Apparently they went to the same one but just missed seeing each other, different cell blocks. Neither of them talk about it much.” “Yeah, he um . . . kind of let a name slip the other day.” Sora raised his eyebrows at me, the deep green eyes inquisitive. “Really? Good slip or bad slip, you seem kind of . . . upset about it.” “Well . . . that was partly my fault. Sora . . . I-I’m afraid he got raped in juvie.” I went on in a rush seeing the shocked expression on his face. “He did say that something had happened, that someone had tried and he’d beat them up but . . . sometimes just the way he acts reminds me of-“ “Us.” I nodded seeing the pain simmering just behind Sora’s eyes. “I’m sorry to bring it up Sora.” He shook his head, the red hair whipping back and forth. “No, we both went through it. If he did too . . . then you know how to help, right? Or did you want me to talk to him.” “I . . . I was kind of hoping you would. From . . . from what he’s said it was a gang . . . “ “Oh . . .” Sora looked down his voice soft. “I see.” “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up. I’m sorry Sora.” I jumped up rushing around the table to grab him in a hug. He let me hug him for a moment before gently pushing me away. “It’s okay Ryuu. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about it honestly.” I sat back down, watching him intently. “Are you sure you’re alright?” “Yeah.” He nodded his eyes on his empty plate. “Just, if he was gang raped, there are a lot of other things involved. It’s not like what happened with you and Naoki.” “I-I know . . . I was there, remember.” His smile was so sad it broke my heart, tears stinging my eyes. “That had to have been so hard for you Ryuu.” I shook my head quickly, wanting to banish those images. “It was horrible. Utterly and completely devastating, Sora. I couldn’t do anything to help you.” He reached across the table and wiped the tear off my cheek. “You tried and that is all that matters, Ryuu. You are the best friend I’ve ever had. You’ve always been there for me. If you want me to approach Kenta about it I will. Therapy has done wonders for me and maybe he’ll benefit from it too. You know how much you improved after you went. Even after the stuff with Naoki. I promise it will help him if he goes.” “I hope so. Sometimes he just seems so . . . lost and alone even when he’s right next to me.” We spent the rest of the morning talking about less tragic subjects, which I was happy about. Sometimes those things needed to be discussed. I’d had a few people over the years ask why Sora and I had never got together, considering how close we are. It’s simple. I could never, ever do anything sexual with him. Not after what happened to him . . . to us. I love Sora, but he is more of my brother than anything. I wouldn’t have it any different. He was playing a video game when Akira, Reiko and Hasu got in from school. Then it was time to practice. Honestly this was my favorite time of day, other than spending time with Kenta. To get to be with my friends and make music together, there is nothing better. Except being with Kenta. Nothing came close to that.
    2 points
  17. Kenta I spent the rest of the day tracking down the rest of the leads. Oddly things were starting to point back to the gay bar. “Yeah, the owner was complaining that one of the customers keeps roughing up his escorts.” I frowned listening to the bartender as I sipped at my coke. No rum, unlike Suke. Can’t stand the stuff. This guy was pretty good. I didn’t put the flourishes into my pouring like he did. Maybe if I did I’d get better tips. Or tips at all. Reiko was about the only person that fucking tipped me. “Got a name?” “Nah, you know how they are about client confidentiality.” “What?” “Confidentiality, you know . . . privacy?” “Oh . . . yeah that makes sense.” He shook his head at me a strange look on his face and went back to wiping out glasses. “Anyway, if you need info that bad you should talk to the escorts.” “Fuck no.” “What? You got something against fags?” He raised an eyebrow at me and I almost laughed in his face. “No. Not exactly.” I set my drink down looking at it for a moment. “You heard anything about a guy named Obuchi Rame?” He set the glass down carefully, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Word has it that he made parole.” “Yeah I’d heard that too. Anyone saying anything?” “Not yet but . . . he was only out of juvie for a month before he violated his parole last time.” I grunted. I knew that much. “Yeah, he went to the big boy prison after that.” “What’s your connection with him?” I picked my coke up and took a long slow drink before setting it down and looking up at the man. “He was my cell mate in juvie.” “Oh . . . Oh! Shit man I had a buddy who was in with you guys. Oda? He said that fucker had a sadistic streak, tried to rape his cellmate and almost got gutted. That wasn’t you . . . was it?“ “It wasn’t like that.” Better lie now or my rep was shot to hell and back. “We didn’t get along and I ended up in isolation after a fight with him. The gutting part’s right.” “Shit man.” He shook his head focusing on the pitcher he was filling with beer. He handed it off to a waiter and looked back at me. “So what are you doing out here? Don’t like your new job?” “Huh?” “The bodyguard thing.” “Oh, no that’s easy. The band is fun. They are the biggest fucking dorks you’ve ever met for being rock stars. It’s all the crazy ass fan girls that get on my nerves. Sometimes I think being a yakuza is safer.” He laughed at that and we talked for a bit longer about nothing much. I’d just finished my coke and was getting ready to pay when his eyes narrowed as he looked up and over my shoulder. I instantly tensed, my hand sliding down to my hip, my fingers brushing over the sheath were my knife was hidden. He slowly inclined his head while at the same time moving away from me. “You might want to move.” I spun around, crouching low. An arm swept through the air where I had been just a second ago. I had a quick glance at a dark suit with a white shirt. Lashing out I slammed my fist into his side. He fell back but there were three more waiting. Four dark suits and then I spotted the cream colored suit behind them. Shit. Another gang? But who? No time. I side stepped a lunge but that brought me within range of the other guy. I blocked the punch and landed one of my own. He grunted and staggered back crashing into a table. “Oi!!! Take it outside shit heads!” Like there was time for that. Who the fuck were these guys? Most gangs knew better than to just attack a Kobayashi. I dodged a fist while knocking down a kick aimed at my stomach. Shit! These guys weren’t fighting fair. At this rate . . . fuck! I tried to move back but the bar was in the way. A foot slammed into my chest and I bounced off the bar and directly into a punch. Shit that hurt, my back throbbing as I tried to take a breath. Flinging up an arm, I tried to block the next punch only to realize too late it was a distraction as I was tackled from the side. Stars burst all around me as my head cracked against the bar. After that I didn’t feel a whole lot, just vague impressions of movement and the sound of voices. Then someone was hauling me up and I blinked several times realizing I was being drug outside. Fuck! I tried to pull away and to my complete horror I was bodily picked up and thrown over someone’s shoulder, a bony shoulder that cut into my stomach and made breathing even more difficult. “Oi! What the hell are you doing?” That was the bartender. What did he care? Fuck this hurt. I couldn’t even find the strength to lift my head. It was pounding so hard it was making me dizzy. Then we were outside. The sudden brightness too much, I squeezed my eyes shut and just tried to breathe. “He out?” “Not sure.” “Put him down here.” I was dumped on the ground and then propped against a wall. I really wished I could fucking snap out of it. I wanted to rip these guys apart. “You sure this is the right guy? He’s kinda small to be-“ “No it’s him. See.” There were fingers on my arm and it was lifted, my sleeve pulled back. The small dragon tattoo on the inside of my wrist was the only one I had. “Kobayashi’s crest. He’s one of their enforcers. Boss’ description of him was dead on too.” Boss? So it was another gang. I choked as water was suddenly splashed in my face. Oddly it seemed to snap me out of the daze I’d been in. “I’m gonna fucking kill you fuckers.” I glared up at them, and forced myself to my feet, using the wall for support. There were five of them. Four dark suits and the cream. They all had their hair slicked back and dark glasses on. It was the police batons and brass knuckles that caught my attention more than anything. Cream suit stepped forward and taking his glasses off looked down his fat nose at me. “We are just delivering a message. Stay in your territory and back off the questions.” “Fuck you.” He smirked at me. “No, I think it would be the other way around.” He stepped forward and before I could move had grabbed me around the neck. He slammed me back against the wall. “You will lay off or I’ll tell Obuchi where to find you.” Something must have showed on my face cause he laughed. A low nasty sound. “Yeah . . . didn’t think you’d like that. He’s looking for you, ya know.” I felt my eyes widen. A very different kind of weakness hit me and breathing was suddenly much harder than it should have been. Just thinking about him had my heart pounding. He was looking for me? Then Ryuu was in serious danger. Fat nose was still talking. “So, just stick to following around those fags you work for in that band and stop with all the questions.” I grabbed his wrist and twisted sharply, ripping his hand off my neck. He yelped and had to turn to keep me from snapping his wrist. “They ain’t fags and if you know whose got it out for them you better fucking tell me before I break your fucking arm.” “I ain’t telling you shit, cocksucker!” I twisted harder and then with my foot shoved him into the two guys who were coming up fast. There was a short scuffle, too short and ended with me bleeding on the pavement. Fuck I was not having a good day. *** “Kenta . . . come on man . . . Kenta! Shit!” What was Hayate so pissed about? “Fuck! Isao I’m going to need your help.” I was being lifted. What the fuck was going on? I’d had enough of being carried around today. “Shit Kenta you need to eat more. Never mind Isao, I’ve got him. Did you find his bike?” “Yeah both tires are slashed and somebody keyed the shit out of the paintjob.” “Fuck.” I got my eyes open. “Finally!” Hayate was looking down at me his eyebrows nearly meeting over his nose. “Shit man, who fucked you up?” “Put me the fuck down.” It hurt to talk, my jaw throbbing in time with my heart beat. I didn’t like that as soon as he put me down I felt like I was going to fall right back on my ass. “Some stupid gang thought they could imitate me.” “You mean intimidate.” I glared at Isao. Why did he always have to correct me? “Yeah whatever.” “Intimidate you. Why?” I shrugged and winced. My shoulder was sore too. Probably from slamming into the wall. “Guess they didn’t like me drinking in their bar. What the hell are you doing here anyway?” “The bartender called Jiro, said you’d gotten taken down and drug out. He sent us over to check on you. Good thing we did. You look like shit, Arakaki.” I looked away from Isao feeling like he was looking right though me. “We’ll load up your bike in my truck and take you home. You got money for new tires?” “Yeah. Just take me to Ryuu’s.” I watched while the two of them got my bike loaded into the back of Isao’s Nissan. I was going to kill those guys next time I saw them. It was going to cost me the next months pay to fix my bike.
    2 points
  18. Original name: Seven Days Manga ALT. names: セブンデイズ FRIDAY - SUNDAY, Seven Days - Friday to Sunday, Seven Days - Monday to Thursday Original run: 2007 Description: Bright and early one Monday morning, Shino Yuzuru asks Seryou Touji out on a lark when they run into each other at the school gate. Seryou, who's immensely popular, has the odd habit of going out with anyone who asks him out first at the beginning of the week, then promptly dumping them at the end of it. "Anyone" apparently includes male upperclassmen like Shino, and as a boyfriend, Seryou is perfect--unfailingly thoughtful and kind. Shino, obviously, has no intention of being in a serious relationship with Seryou. It's not like it's actually love or anything like that. ...Right? (source: Vices and Devices) Written by: TACHIBANA Venio Group(s) Scanlating: Aarinfantasy, Vices and Devices, omgbl, Vampirecat Genres: Drama, School Life, Shounen Ai Download Seven Days Manga: (links thanks to sayuk) @click (Completed) or @click (Volume 01) @click (Volume 02) For download reupload requests, please post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  19. Title: Artbook Gakuen Haven Artist: You Higuri Size: 12.87 MB MF: [updated 26/08/2013] Artbook Gakuen Haven For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
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  20. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi OST Genres: Comedy, Romance, Shounen Ai Character/Voice Actor : Nakamura Yuuichi as Hitoru Yoshiyuki Kondo Takeshi as Onidera Ritsu Konishi Katsuyuki as Takano Masamune Sekai ichii Hatsukoi Opening Sekai ichii Hatsukoi Ending
    1 point
  21. Gakuen Heaven Anime Alternative title: Gakuen Heaven: Boy's Love Scramble Heaven Academy Райская школа (Russian) 学園ヘヴン (Japanese) Genres: comedy, romance, slice of life Themes: bishounen, high school, male harem, shounen-ai Running time: half hour per episode Number of episodes: 13 Opening Theme: "school boys" by YAMOTO Ending Theme: "Panorama" by Masaaki Fujioka Type: TV Series Format: AVI File Size: 171-179 MB Plot Summary: It all started when Keita Ito received a letter sealed with the initial BL Academy. The most sophisticated all boys, on campus, Academy in the country. Now that Keita Ito is accepted in the school with an average GBA, as well as average skills in sports and writing, he doesn’t think that he belong in there. But with the help from the other students, will he be able to make it in BLA. Watch Gakuen Heaven Anime Online (HD Quality): Gakuen Heaven Anime Online Download Gakuen Heaven Anime: Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3 Ep4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Ep 7 Ep 8 Ep 9 Ep 10 Ep 11 Ep 12 Ep 13 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  22. Here is some links for some of the Totally Capivated dj's. I hope everyone enjoys them! There is another and I may upload it later, If someone doesn't beat me to it. Totally Spying on Them Updated link How to Live With A Beast Updated link For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
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  23. Original name: 堕ちる聖者の接吻 Manga ALT. names: Ochiru Seija no Kuchiduke, Ochiru Seija no Kuchidzuke, Ochiru Seija no Kuchizuke Original run: 2009 Description: Okano-sensei, a high school teacher, was sexually molested by a pervert in the train on the way to school. As fate would have it, his student, Tokiwa, witnessed the whole incident. He then threatened to expose Okano for having a fetish of being groped by a man unless Okano agreed to be Tokiwa’s sex slave! In shame, Okano succumbed to the pleasure only Tokiwa could provide... Manga-type: Manga Series. Written by: Higashino You Drawn by: Higashino You Published by: Taiyo Tosho Group(s) Scanlating: Fantasyshrine, Nakama Status: Completed Completely Scanlated: Yes Completely Translated: Yes Genres: School Life, Smut, Yaoi Categories: BDSM; Rape; Teacher-Student Main Characters: Okano, Tokiwa Adaptations available: N/A Recommendations: Mob for Jack Read Ochiru Seija no Seppun Online: Ochiru Seija no Seppun Download: Download link removed upon scanlator's request
    1 point
  24. Title: Wonderful Days? Author/artist: Tenzen Momoko Genre: Yaoi Status: 1 Volume (Complete) Year: 2008 Read Wonderful Days Online: Wonderful Days Download: EDIT: Link removed due to scanlator's request. -- The Drama CD can be found here. -- Spin-Off: Lotus Eater Wonderful Days For download reupload requests, please post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
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  25. Pico×CoCo×Chico OVA Alternative title: Pico×CoCo×Chico - Series Pico 3 (Japanese) ぴこ×CoCo×ちこ (Japanese) ぴこ×CoCo×ちこ シリーズぴこ3 (Japanese) Genres: erotica, romance Themes: crossdressing, yaoi Objectionable content: Pornography Running time: 30 minutes Number of episodes: 1 Ending Theme: "僕を連れてって Boku wo Tsurete tte (Take Me)" by Pico Type: OVA Format: AVI File Size 248 MB Plot Summary: Pico and Chico meet a young boy named Coco, like the two prequels, the boys engage in erotic sexual experiments. Source: ANN Watch Pico×CoCo×Chico Online (HD Quality): Pico×CoCo×Chico Online Download PicoxCoCoxChico OVA: OVA1 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
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  26. Original name: みちづれポリシー Manga ALT. names: Drang der Herzen, Michidure Policy, The Path to Love, Traveling Companion's Policy, Uten Kekkou Rule Original run: 2008 Description: Shinohara, who liked to take care of others like a mother, and Nishioka, who loved sweet things just like a kid (with big build), were good friends. Shinohara loved Nishioka, but was totally a coward when it comes to love. He always thought that “this love is impossible” and continued to be Nishioka’s good friend when he blurted out his feelings unintentionally. To Shinohara’s surprise, Nishioka accepted him and they started to go out. But Shinohara was having doubts and wouldn’t want to believe in Nishioka. What should Nishioka do? Manga-type: Manga Series Written by: Kitakami Ren Drawn by: Kitakami Ren Published by: Libre Shuppan Group(s) Scanlating: Attractive Fascinante Status: Completed Completely Scanlated: Yes Completely Translated: Yes Genres: Romance, Slice of Life, Yaoi Categories: Co-workers; Love at First Sight; Hidden Feelings Main Characters: Shinohara, Adaptations available: N/A Recommendations: Kissing, Kakko Warukute Kakkoii Kimi, Happy Days, Koi ni Tsuite, Gerbera Read Michizure Policy Online Michizure Policy Download Michizure Policy Manga Download link removed by scanlator's request
    1 point
  27. (you may answer all, or just select any from the ff:) :leaf5: . .If one day you woke up with no hair, what would you do? . .If you could have x-ray vision, who would you look at to? why? . .If you had to live inside a shopping mall for one month, which would be your favorite store? and how will you live your life? . .If you could have any, one thing in your backpack at all times, what would it be? why?
    1 point
  28. this thread is about Your favourite dessert :hamtaro-005 (6): mine its( lemon tart )it's a little sour but i loooove it ice cream from baskin robbins (mocha)and(praline) i like some French dessert like : mille feuilles eclair au cafe so friends what about you :hamtaro-005 (10):
    1 point
  29. Summary: A wonderful story about Ryuu and Kenta, about love and friendship. A delicious story about how love for friends and lover can make us overcome anything. Status: Complete Author Note: This is not fanfiction. If that is not allowed then please delete. Also this is a multi-chapter novel so expect plot. ^^ Chapter 1a Fantasy Ryuu It can be funny how things change. In just a few months my life is completely different from what it was. Looking back I’m amazed that so much happened in such a short amount of time. Stretching my legs out underneath the table I looked at my band mates. Akira was texting someone, probably Reiko. Sora was in the process of trying to get himself hit. “Stop it Sora.” Hasu yanked the handheld out of the bassist’s reach glaring at him. I didn’t bother to hide my amusement, letting a chuckle slip free. “You are going to lose, just let me beat that boss for you.” “No, I can do it if you’d quit pestering me. Damn it Sora! You made me lose again.” I laughed softly and slid out of my seat, swaying with the movement of the bus. Hasu didn’t cuss all that often and when he did- “Ow! Owowowow! Let go! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again.” I glanced back over to see Hasu with a fist full of Sora’s long red hair holding his head against the table. His eyes were firmly fixed on the small screen even as Sora struggled to get loose. Hasu might be almost a foot shorter and four years younger, but it was pretty obvious that Sora had no chance. Our little drummer was strong enough to flip the tall bassist on his head, quite literally. Turning back around, I opened the small fridge and grabbed myself a Coke. The weekend had gone exceptionally well. Both concerts had been huge hits and I’d met my new best friend. Speaking of Tatsuya, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and grinned seeing the text message. Shopping was on for next weekend. If I got bored this week I might invite him out to eat or something. I’d never met anyone quite like him and we’d had so much fun coming up with new outfit ideas. I really couldn’t wait to see him again. Sitting back down, I took a sip of the coke. Speaking of seeing people again . . . it was going to be a couple of days before I got to see Kenta again. I sighed, running my finger along the lip of the can. Maybe Reiko was right. Maybe I was just chasing after a dream. I just couldn’t let it go. Not yet. After all the time I’d spent around him he’d seen me at my best and my worst and he still was just as patient and kind as ever. I know I’m not the easiest person to get along with. I’m too emotional and act before I fully think things through. At least that is what everyone tells me. I took another sip of the Coke, thinking. “What’s wrong, Ryuu?” I looked up to meet Akira’s light brown eyes. “Nothing, was just thinking.” “Did you have fun this weekend?” I nodded, “Yeah. Tatsuya and I are going to get together this week. He’s got some wicked ideas for new concert outfits.” Akira shook his head, a wry smile twisting the full lips. “You two knowing each other scares me.” I couldn’t help but giggle at that, even if there was a hint of pain in it. “He’s so much fun! Oh my god, I can’t wait to see him again.” Something in Akira’s eyes changed slightly and I looked away knowing it had sounded forced. “What are you hiding Ryuu?” Trust Akira to see right through me. I shrugged, unable to keep the smile in place. Truthfully, I wasn’t looking forward to going back to my huge empty apartment. I loved being with everyone, meeting Tatsuya had seemed to underline the fact that without my friends around I was nothing. That old fear from high school from before I’d met Sora always tried to resurface then. What if they only were friends with me because my family was wealthy? What if it was all fake? With Sora I knew it wasn’t. For one, we’d been friends for too long and his family was almost as well off as mine. “Umm, you guys going to come over sometime this week? We’ve got that new material . . .” “Ryuu, if you want us to come over just say so. You don’t have to make up an excuse for us to come over.” Sora’s gentle tone actually made me feel worse. It made me feel like a whiny, needy, self centered jerk. “Oh no, it’s cool. I was just wondering. I know it’s been a really busy weekend and I don’t expect you guys to come over.” I glanced back over at Akira studying him for a moment. He’d changed in the year since he’d met Reiko. He was more confident and happier. A lot happier. I would never have been able to make him as happy as Reiko did. Even now that thought hurt. I loved him, more than he probably realized, but I’d slowly come to realize that it wouldn’t have worked no matter how hard I tried. That led me to think about Kenta. Just thinking about those sultry dark eyes and the deep voice gave me chills. He was the quiet, calm presence that my life had been lacking for so long. “You are thinking about Kenta aren’t you?” I looked up expecting to get the usual sarcasm from Sora, instead he was looking at me concern clearly visible in the light green eyes. I couldn’t hold his gaze. “Was it that obvious?” “Well lately it’s been pretty obvious that . . . “ Sora paused and looked over at Hasu who was once again absorbed in his game. He picked up the headphones and after plugging them in, put them on Hasu getting a look but no argument. Sometimes the big oaf was more protective than he needed to be. “You like him don’t you?” I looked back over at Akira surprised. “I know how affectionate you are Ryuu, but the way you look at him is totally different.” I took another long drink of my Coke wanting to avoid the conversation. “It’s pointless though. Reiko is right.” “You don’t know Ryuu.” I looked at Sora but his eyes were on Hasu, not the game, but Hasu. I almost smirked, but we were both in the same situation. We liked people we couldn’t have and who were oblivious to our feelings. At least the person I liked was my age. “I know he seems distant, but you are his employer after all.” “What you suggesting I fire him so I can date him?” “No, I’m just saying that you shouldn’t give up.” “I agree with Sora.” Akira’s soft look seemed to sharpen the pain in my chest. “Just give it some time. I’ll see if Suke knows anything, they do work together you know.” “Y-yeah, thanks.” Akira's older brother was a gang member as well and I knew that Suke and Kenta worked together all the time. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know. I’d rather things stay as they were. I could be happy just being by him couldn’t I? I looked over at where Sora was practically laying over on Hasu to see the screen, softly whispering pointers. It would be worth it just to be Kenta’s friend if nothing else. *** “Oh come on Ryuu! You can’t be serious!” I blinked at Akira surprised. “But I thought you’d like it-“ “It’s a skirt Ryuu! A fucking skirt!” “B-but it’s just part of the outfit-“ “I don’t care! You are not making me the girl of the band.” “I wasn’t trying to! I just thought-“ “Yeah, you thought wrong. Like usual.” I gasped softly, shocked at the hostile tone and glare. I was not used to Akira getting so upset and especially not with me. Grabbing the outfit out of his hands, I backed up. I started to say something, but the way he was looking at me seemed to close my throat off. Turning I fled down the hallway, slamming the door to my room shut behind me. Throwing the offending outfit I sat down on the floor, my back to the door. Closing my eyes I brushed away the tears. I couldn’t handle him yelling at me. His outfit had been the most difficult to get right and for him to so obviously hate it hurt. I’d worked two weeks on the design with Tatsuya’s input. Two weeks for nothing. Tatsuya was going to be so disappointed. Not to mention that now I felt like a complete idiot. “Ryuu?” “Just forget it. You’re right. I’m just stupid and can’t do anything right.” I could hear him sigh through the door. “You’re not stupid Ryuu-“ “No you were right, even Reiko says that all my ideas fail. I should just give up. Why do you guys even bother . . .” I couldn’t stop the tears anymore even as much as I hated them. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my arms. I could hear Sora talking to Akira in the hallway but didn’t bother trying to make out the words. Why was I so stupid? I knew how Akira felt about looking feminine. It was just the outfit was perfect for him, or at least I thought so. He looked so good in anything I put him in, it almost wasn’t fair. The voices faded and I decided that I probably should go tell Akira I was sorry. I knew how sensitive he was about looking feminine. I’d just gotten caught up in the excitement and hadn’t been thinking. Going over to the pile of fabric, I picked it up and set it on the bed. It would have to be altered, but I could probably make it into something Akira would feel more comfortable wearing. Going to the bathroom I splashed a bit of cold water on my face trying to wash away the tears, but my eyes were still a bit red. Shaking my head, I glared at myself in the mirror. “You are lucky anyone even wants to be friends with you.” I told the reflection. “Stupid emotional idiot.” “I’d rather you didn’t talk about yourself that way, Ryuu.”
    1 point
  30. I though I'd share a few of my drawings with everyone. I am ultra lazy and it's a pain so I just took some stuff I've done in the last couple of days that were scattered on the desk, took fast (aka bad) shots with my cellphone (because the scanner is an eyesore) and BAM! -- It's done. When I actually have the patience I'll do it well and scan my stuff properly. Maybe. Probably. Okay, actually don't expect it to happen in this life... These are merely some sketches I did in seconds and/or minutes in the spur of the moment so, yeah~ You know, like when some idea pops into your mind and you just have to scribble it down? Yup, it's that. Mediocre stuff, really :msn_red_fox 14 By the way there's going to be some H illustrations so minors are not allowed. (Yeah, right...) I'd appreciate some feedback. Constructive criticism is always the way to perfect one's work. Hope you enjoy (:
    1 point
  31. why would anyone want them dead??? anyway i finally finished the drawin, of cause it not as nice as the pic but i tried:msn_red_fox 2 firstly the vocal- ruki bass - reita [ATTACH]2515[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2519[/ATTACH] guitar - uruha guitar - aoi [ATTACH]2516[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2518[/ATTACH] lastly drum - kai [ATTACH]2517[/ATTACH] for those who love them as i amfoxy2
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  32. There are lot of manga what I like but my absolute favorite is Fake by Sanami Matoh. I read some yaoi mangas (and wached animes) before Fake and when I first met this story I didn't find it very special. But later I noticed that no matter how many yaoi manga I read somehow Sanami Matoh's work always turns up. I take it out over and over again and I read it until I'm tired of the story. Every time I discover things in it what I didn't notice earlier.
    1 point
  33. . .lol, , funny, when you slept in the bathroom, (cute )
    1 point
  34. well, your also shy like me ^_^ i also avoid eye contact
    1 point
  35. Hmm, I think my favorite dessert is a thick, rich, more tart than sweet New York Style cheesecake with a few sliced strawberries to go with it.
    1 point
  36. so nice...and look hawt ~~~~~
    1 point
  37. @ YaoiEater A~ah, Drag Me To Hell was extremely amusing, indeed. I laughed so, SO much. My personal favorites were the parts with the fly. Hilarious. Just hilarious. And the end cracked me up again. I loved it, lots of people said it sucks but it entertained me from beginning to end. -- @ Nezumi You are so right! Asian horror movies are so much fun to watch and j-horror is definitely the best of the best *.* Thirst ♥ , Ichi The Killer, Ringu, Ju-On, Hellevator, Suicide Circle (...) :Red_fox:
    1 point
  38. i eat fruit salad with light cream too ^_^
    1 point
  39. omgee so sweet...rabbit8:cuteonion26::banhbao45:
    1 point
  40. . .WOW! . .it was just five lines but it expresses more than of a long poem, deep words that yet to be meaningful rabbit14 . .thanks for sharing this poem to us misakixusagi :leaf3:
    1 point
  41. rabbit4 HOHOHO new photo onion0 onion7 SOOOOOO Hawt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:cuteonion26:
    1 point
  42. Oh that's very cute! I like it a lot! Especialy the finish ...cause was unexpected! Once again a very good poem from you! :msn_red_fox 15
    1 point
  43. cloudykateechizen writes cool poems
    1 point
  44. I start by saying that I'm not a huge fan of horror movies...I watch one only if I'm curious Recently I saw The Ring which wasn't so scary...It was a bit disgusting when they pulled out from the throat those ropes or whatever they were...it was ewww But I'm surprised that no one mentioned Drag me to hell :msn_red_fox 7 No one saw it? Well that movie was indeed scary...brrr I don't even want to remember it. That old woman was frickin' crazy and adding scary voices that are suppose to come from hell...well that was frightening yoyo6
    1 point
  45. ONE. Tyki x Allen + Timcampy & Tease , from D.Gray-man ♥
    1 point
  46. I'd like to see somthing like Love Neco from Mishima Kazuhiko leaf3
    1 point
  47. Ryuu He stiffened and suddenly was shoving me away. I sat up, my heart beating a little too fast. Was he upset with me? He got up, took one step and promptly collapsed. I jumped up ready to help. “Kenta! Are you alright?” “I’m going to fucking beat you Ryuu.” I sank back in the bed at the low growl a sudden ache blossoming in my chest, my body numb. “Don’t ever wake me up like that again.” “H-hai.” I tried to keep the tremble out of my voice. I’d fucked up big time letting my emotions get the better of me. It was just . . . I wanted to be with him, wanted to give him that kind of pleasure. Deep down I knew I’d been selfish, taking without asking. A nasty little voice in the back of my head kept telling me that it was fine, he’d enjoyed it even if he was complaining now, didn’t I deserve to get to have that kind of pleasure too? I shook my head trying to silence it. No. It was wrong of me. I should never have taken advantage of him like that. That was something Naoki would have done. Even if I’d thought he wanted it, I should have woke him first and made sure. Kenta had got back to his feet and was wobbling in the direction of the bathroom. I felt my throat tighten. I hadn’t even made sure he was alright from yesterday. What kind of person was I? Was I really that self serving and self centered? I had to make it up to him somehow. Flinging back the covers I jumped out of the bed, following him into the bathroom. I cringed hearing him hiss in pain as he bent to start the tub. Going over to the cabinet under the sink I got a couple of washcloths. I turned back to see him looking at me, a guarded expression on his face. I looked down at the tile. “Ken-“ “Go back to bed Ryuu.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry. It was selfish of me and I’m sorry. Are you alright?” “No I am not.” I bit my lip hard enough there was a slight metallic tang on my tongue. I’d hurt him. My beautiful, caring, sweet Kenta and I’d hurt him. Could I be any more horrible? I was despicable, utterly and completely. I was no better than Naoki. “Ryuu . . .” A soft sob slipped free and I desperately tried to get myself back under control. I needed to take care of him not stand around crying like some whiny bitch. “Ryuu, you didn’t hurt me, well . . . not that much. That’s not what I was talking about. Where did you hear the name Rame?” I slowly lifted my head, afraid to meet those devastatingly beautiful eyes. That name upset him? All the more reason to know who it was then. I managed to get myself back under control. “You . . . when . . . um just before you woke up you said ‘no Rame’. It shocked me a bit.” Those dark eyes bored into me for what seemed like an eternity before he grunted and turned away. “He was my cellmate in juvie for a while.” “Oh . . . did he-“ “Drop it Ito.” There was no room for discussion when he used that tone. He was not going to talk about it and nothing I said was going to change that. I nodded slowly and walking over took his arm and helped him into the tub. He sighed, his eyes closing as he laid back. I dipped the cloth in the water and gently ran it over his shoulders and chest. He twitched slightly and opened his eyes. “Just relax. I’m sorry about what I did. It was unfair of me. I should have woke you.” “You are fucking lucky I didn’t knock the shit out of you.” I nodded, my eyes suddenly stinging. I quickly wiped at them hearing a soft knock on my bedroom door. “Sorry the guys must be here.” Kenta grunted. “What time is it anyway?” I glanced around. “Oh . . . eleven.” “Eleven? In the morning? Fuck Ryuu, you barely let me sleep an hour.” “Oh . . . I-I’m sorry. You can go back to bed if you want.” Leaving him the rag I grabbed myself a pair of pants and pulled them on. He really was mad at me. There was no mistaking it. It made me feel sick, a cold ache in my stomach. I opened the door and slipped out of the room, closing the door softly behind me. Sora was walking down the hall away from me, but turned back. “Hey, I wasn’t sure if you were up yet.” Sora’s smile instantly faded as he looked at me. “What’s wrong?” I looked down, not sure if I should say anything. Sora was one of my very best friends, but for the first time I didn’t want to say anything. I was simply too ashamed of what I’d done. “Nothing, just didn’t sleep too well. Kenta just got home a little bit ago.” “Oh, sorry for getting you up then.” I shook my head and then had to brush the hair out of my face. “No, I needed to get up. I’m going to go get some breakfast.” Kenta slept most of the rest of the day. Everyone was over and we were all sitting in the studio discussing how to fix one of the songs we were having trouble with. I looked up as the door opened, Kenta poking his head in. “Hey Kenta! You woke up!” Hasu jumped up, walking over to him. “Can we spar tomorrow? I’ve got some free time.” Kenta opened the door fully and stepped inside. His eyes flickered over to me for just a moment and then he was smiling at Hasu. “Sorry, I gotta work.” “Oh . . . maybe another day then.” “Sure.” Kenta ruffled his hair affectionately and I was shocked at the stab of jealousy. What was wrong with me?
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  48. Ryuu I woke in a slight panic. Kenta hadn’t come home last night . . . or rather this morning. I’d stayed up as late as I could but had finally crashed out on my bed. I went to sit up and realized I was no longer laying on top of the covers and something was weighing them down beside me. My eyes widened and I gasped softly seeing Kenta asleep beside me. He was lying on his stomach, the pillow bunched up under his head. Slowly, almost afraid to touch him, I moved the strand of hair covering his eyes. He looked so peaceful and it made my chest ache looking down at him. My relief was so profound it almost made me cry. He was here. Here beside me. Snuggling back under the covers I curled up next to him, just watching him sleep. His hair was still wet and he smelled of my shampoo. I couldn’t stop myself from sliding my hand along the smooth contours of his back and was a little surprised to find that he was only wearing boxers. He never went to bed without wearing both boxers and pajama pants and socks usually. At least he never had when he’d stayed over before. It was entirely too tempting and I wondered if he’d done it on purpose. Why else would he come to bed mostly naked? Licking my lips I moved closer shivering as my erection brushed the smooth skin of his leg. Sliding my hand further down I rested it on his lower back, just above the waistband, waiting to see if there was any reaction. He didn’t so much as twitch. Grinning to myself I slipped my hand lower under the fabric. His skin was so warm and still a little damp from his shower and I wondered how long he’d been asleep. Looking up at his face, there was still no change, his breathing as deep and regular as ever. He wasn’t as heavy a sleeper as Akira but he slept pretty soundly. Maybe I could surprise him. I wasn’t sure why, but I was feeling mischievous and dying to hear that voice again. Sliding my hand down further, I shivered lightly, my skin prickling in anticipation as my finger tip brushed over the area. I froze as he moved his leg a soft murmur coming from the full lips. He’d actually given me better access with the way he’d brought his knee up. I smirked and slid down along the slim form. Why did he have to have such an exquisite body? He was all smooth skin and perfectly sculpted muscle, the odd scar, but that just added interest. I wondered why he never got a tattoo like Jiro or Daisuike. I’d thought that was part of being part of the clan, but part of me was happy that he hadn’t yet. Maybe it meant it would be easier for him to leave it. Leaning down I kissed the smooth skin of his hip as I pulled the boxers lower. He smelled so good. Just the natural smell of him was enough to comfort me . . . or arouse me as the case was now. I resisted the urge to bite that smooth perfect rear, it was just so tempting it was actually making my mouth water. Instead I wet one of my fingers and slid it over his entrance. I wasn’t actually going to do anything, I more just wanted to see if I could wake him up, maybe if he still wanted to continue once he was . . . It slid in without so much as a sound and I shivered thinking about how incredible it had been to have him under me. He was just so tight, even now. I slowly worked my finger in and out and was slightly surprised to hear a low moan. Oh my god . . . I needed to record him sometime. I couldn’t . . . I had to have him. I didn’t want to wait any longer. Leaning up I felt around for the condoms and lube but only found the lube. Damn it. It would have to do for now. I shuddered gasping as I spread the lube over my erection making sure to use plenty. Working my finger around a few more times I slid it out. Crawling up over him I kissed his shoulder. Never had I felt so aroused by a lover. Maybe it was that I felt more connected to him emotionally than I ever had to anyone else. Slowly, gently I pressed against him unable to bite back the moan as I slipped inside. It wasn’t as difficult as it had been last time though it was still extremely tight. He was totally relaxed this time, unlike last time, and I was able to completely enter that incredible warmth. I had to stop once I was fully inside or risk coming right then. I hadn’t got it fully in yesterday, he’d just been too tight. The feel was unreal, the tight heat surrounding my whole length. It was like the heat from his body set my blood on fire, the rush shooting through me. I felt him tense suddenly, his body jerking. “No! Rame! No!” I gasped softly my elation evaporating. Who was Rame? Before I could move Kenta was twisting around the dark eyes blinking rapidly. His voice seemed a bit off, too high pitched and almost scared sounding. “What the fuck . . . Ryuu?”
    1 point
  49. Kenta We stayed and watched the sun rise. Actually, the sun rose while we were making out. Ryuu got off the bike and was leaning against me while I sat on it. As usual I lost all track of what was going on around me, the only thing that existed was his lips on mine, the way his tongue stroked my mouth. The slight fuzz around his mouth where he hadn’t shaved tickled my lips and face. I finally sat back running the back of my hand over my tingling lips. “You need to shave.” He laughed, his head going back. The first rays of sunlight caught in the blond hair making it seem to glow. He looked absolutely stunning and something seemed to clench around my heart as I looked at him. It had scared me so fucking bad when I’d seen him collapse on the stage. I’d been ready to kill whoever was responsible. His eyes were more silver than gray as he looked at me. A hand came up, his fingers caressing my jaw. His thumb ran along my bottom lip sending a shiver down my spine. “You don’t seem to have the same problem.” I swatted his hand away. I could not shave for weeks and never have a single hair appear. Then again I was fully Japanese, he wasn’t. From what I knew my father had never been able to grow more than a few thin wisps of hair on his chin. “Don’t be a jerk.” “Ha! That’s usually my line.” He leaned close again and kissed the tip of my nose. “Actually I wish I didn’t have to shave. It’s annoying.” A hand slid from my hip to my thigh, the warmth sending a rush through me. It had been over two weeks since the last time we’d been together and I wondered if he was as anxious as I was. Sora had interrupted last time. Really needed to remember to lock the door next time. We’d been together almost two months and had only managed to find time to be together a few times. It was hella frustrating and coming from someone who’d went years without having sex that was saying a lot. “Besides, I like how smooth you are, all over.” His lips brushed mine as he spoke and I couldn’t help but lean forward wanting more. Needing more. Just needing him. We finally broke apart to catch our breath. I looked over his shoulder at the sunrise. The giant reddish orange sun was making everything glow with an orange hue. “Ryuu . . . it’s dawn, we should probably head home.” “Oh, oh wow, yeah.” Ryuu yelped softly and clung to me shivering as a sudden breeze kicked up off the ocean. It was November after all. Gotta expect it to get colder. Taking off my jacket I gave it to Ryuu. He started to protest and I gave him a hard look. I would have protection from the windshield and the heat from the engine to keep me warm, he wouldn’t have anything but my body heat and that wasn’t going to be enough. Couldn’t risk him getting sick. I wondered what they’d done with his concert outfit at the hospital. Maybe Reiko had got it. It was fucking stupid of them to send him home in just a t-shirt, jeans and his boots. “Lets get home, I’m hungry.” He pulled his helmet back on and swung up behind me, his arms wrapping tightly around my middle. The soft smell of him and the leather surrounded me and I couldn’t help smiling. Ryuu I wondered why we hadn’t done this sooner. At first I’d been scared of getting on the bike, but the opportunity to be pressed up against that amazing body was too good to pass up. I wasn’t disappointed even if I was freezing. Not only was there the thrill of speeding through the streets, but I got to hold Kenta just as tightly as I wanted. The beach was a surprise and extremely romantic, though I don’t think he thought of it that way. I still loved it. It was these little moments with him that seemed to make my heart glow within my chest. Just when I thought I knew him he did something totally unexpected and sweet. I had really anticipated him being upset with me about what had happened at the concert but he seemed more worried than anything. It all seemed distant now and I really wished we’d been able to spend the rest of the day on that beach even if all we’d done was make out. I smirked to myself as we headed back home. The early morning traffic was light and I casually slipped my hand down to the front of his jeans, palming him. I felt him stiffen and a hand grabbed my wrist pulling my arm back up around his waist. Oh . . . so that’s how it was going to be. Well I was not going to be deterred. Every chance I got I slipped my hand down, lightly stroking him through his jeans. By the third time he was getting harder, the bulge in his pants more pronounced. He shifted back, that amazingly tight ass moving against me, making me bite my lip. Oh this was too much fun. I could have got off just rubbing up against him. I would wait though, I had plans. I was glad for the helmet as a laugh slipped free. He owed me, or at least I’d let him think that. I knew exactly what I wanted too. I already had it all planned out in my head. I just hoped he didn’t object. I wasn’t going to pressure him, but I knew he’d enjoy it once we got started. At least I knew we wouldn’t be interrupted today. Everyone else was going to be sleeping most of the day. We would too, but after. I hugged the slim frame to me as we took a corner. We had been in Kobe for a little while and the traffic was getting heavier as morning commuters headed to work. I would never be sorry I was not one of them. I knew I was ill suited to office life. Maybe I was a bit pampered and selfish, but I was happy. I did work hard at my music and making my fans happy. Though after last night, I probably wouldn’t get as close to them as I had been. It made me sad to think that someone would do that to me and I didn’t understand why. I shook off the feeling. I was not going to think about that right now. I wanted to enjoy being with Kenta, not mope over stupid things. The ride was over entirely too quickly. We pulled into the garage under the apartment building and Kenta found a secluded spot to park so that no one could see the two of us. He was always looking out for me, even in these little things. I got off the bike first, surprised at how hot the engine was. I guessed that the heat had been sucked away by the cold wind as we’d driven. I was extremely happy he’d given me his jacket to wear. Outside of his bike it was his one other prized possession and he’d just shared both with me. It made me feel like our relationship had reached a new level. I grabbed his wrist and started toward the elevator. I wanted him out of those clothes and naked on my bed. I wasn’t sure if it was an after affect from the sedative, but I was hyper and very horny. We kissed all the way up to my floor. Calling it kissing might be a bit tame. There was a strange urgency to it, not something I expected from Kenta, but to feel him slowly starting to let go made me bolder. He was usually so reserved, so in control and I wanted to see him really, truly let go. To surrender completely to his emotions.
    1 point
  50. @mystery You are talking about YunJae couple... they are both members of the korean band TVXQ. Here in the forum I saw some fanvids with them too, in Watch online - BL Fanvids. They also played together in a Drama. Here is a pic for you:
    1 point
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