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Noise Prince

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's character





Name: Akito Kagayami

Magical Craft: Art of Pheromones, Seduction, and Dominamce

Age: 25

Likes: Fucking his 'kittens', 'toys', being dominant and superior

Dislikes: Arrogance, Ignorance, inferior people touching what's his,

Biography: At the Kingdom of Anata, there held a war over territory. His father was murdered during the war and was renowned as the new king. He owned concubines from every village on the kingdom until he met two particular slaves in a auction and while he watched their caretaker raping them. Akito bought the poor slaves and renowned them as his new concubines, ordering all the other concubines where they originally belonged. Every night, he invited them to his quarters and loved every passionate moment. Akito is eager to teach to his pets so many lessons.




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's character




Name: Naouko


Age: 23


Magical Craft: Art of Pheromones and Seduction


Likes: Playing pranks/jokes and generally causing trouble. Getting caught (depending on who catches him). Getting others caught. Hiding in the dark and not being seen.


Dislikes: Being outside. Being caught(most of the time). Being on display. Being good. doing work.


Biography: Sold as a child into slavery so that his family could eat Naouko doesn't even know his full name. He has never eaten well and so is skinny and malnourished making him appear young than his 23 years. Having had many masters as he grew up all wanting similar things just different preferences for age he was eventually sold to a brothel at 16, no local masters wanting to own him exclusively as he kept causing problems.


Snakes in a kitchen at one house, Worms dropped into food at another. Childish pranks when he was younger, Naouko himself dictating when he left. If he didn't like a master then the pranks were more serious and more common, but he always managed to set someone up as a scapegoat till eventually the master trusted none and replaced everyone.


Reasonable Happy at the brothel the pranks remained childish, swapping the other prostitutes clothes, moving and hiding make up and hair pieces. Not getting into too much trouble so that he wasn't sold on again.


Then there was a war when he was 23 and Naouko's kingdom was on the losing side, the brothel burnt and all of its workers taken for the slave trade in the Kingdom of Anata, angry and concerned for who his new master would be he had ended up chained to a foreigner who he quickly came to like and they helped each other. He had been a slave for years but he had never been treated so brutally, especially by caretakers.


So when they were bought together after being publicly raped during an auction he was grateful to the buyer and determined to like it, not wanted to be back in the horrible slave markets of the newest kingdom. Of course he couldn't completely give up his mischievous ways.




Noise Prince's Character





Name: Sallo Entou

Magical Craft: (Learning) Art of Pheromones, Seduction, and Submission

Age: 19

Likes: Learning, culture, reading and writing, being outdoors, having time and space to be active (is pretty acrobatic) Master (in a good mood), learning the language (Is fluent enough, wants to learn more)

Dislikes: Being interrupted, loud noises, crowded places, being put on the spot

Biography: Sallo is from a far land, where the people are known for having a lot of pink in their skin, and pale hair colors. Another interesting feature of their culture is gender-presentation. They seem to have three, which aren't easily 'translated'. And of what could be considered "boy" and "girl", the presentations are reversed from Anatan conventions. Sallo, like most "boys", seems incredibly feminine.

Their genders and coloring make them seem exotic, and highly valued in the luxury slave trade. His village was already under watch of traders, and he fell victim to the trade. He knew the sorts of things he would be used for, but he still didn't expect what did happen. Taken to the Kingdom of Anata, a caretaker took to raping those in his care. Despite never meeting before, Sallo and another boy clung to each other in support during this ordeal, and the two were purchased together by the king! Sallo is uncertain about his future, but is thankful to his new master.




Breif Plot:



-The King of the kingdom Anata has recently acquired two new "apprentices". One a young man with a mischievous smile and a tricky repertoire to match, the other a delicate-appearing beauty- though looks can be deceiving. King Akito Kagayami has many things to teach his new harem of two.-




Morning sunlight poured from the tall windows, filtered through curtains of a sheer, rich material. Sallo was awake, though he didn't open his eyes, wanting to fall back asleep. He felt very soft material around him, it was so comforting, and unfamiliar. This concerned him, and his eyes fluttered open. The room was unfamiliar to him. It was quite roomy, there seemed to be many fine goods all around. It was all so pretty. It reminded him a bit of Anatan traders who came to his home village… back when he was home.


He hadn't been home for a long time, taken away from his home and family when he had the misfortune of being alone when slave traders were on the outskirts of his village, hoping to find someone like him alone. He had been forced across his homelands, and onto a boat, shipped to Anata. He wept the instant he stepped foot on the boat, knowing that he was going to a strange, distant place. Knowing he would be sold as a slave, likely never to return. He was told by the sailors horrible things of what happened to Slunderen- their word for what he and his people were- slaves. They also told him that he was a "boy" and "man", and that Slunderen boys and men were like girls. Sallo was puzzled, and said that they were no Slunderens who were boys or men or girls. They laughed at him, though he didn't understand- but he liked when they laughed, so he would say more things like this. They would laugh more, pat his back, and give him sweet drinks or extra food.


One night, though, one of the sailors had a lot to drink, and when Sallo tried to make him laugh, he became angry and hit him. Sallo stopped trying to befriend the sailors, it was frightening.


Land wasn't much better, but he didn't cry like he did on the boat. He was quickly shuffled to another person's care, and a few days later, he was under the care of yet another person. Both these people were disinterested in him, and Sallo tried to tell them about his people- things that made the sailors laugh, and both of them sneered at him, telling him the way he spoke was irritating. Sallo knew he didn't speak Anatan like they did, as he struggled for every word and the remnants of the Slunderan languages, of which there were four dialects of, effected the way he spoke.


The second man to have him on land was the one that made him miss the sailors. He was cruel and rough, and hurt him and another slave frequently. Sallo was terrified of him. But he was also the one to unite him with a dark-haired man named Naouko. He was the other slave, though he wasn't Slunderen. This man was very kind, and comforted him. He didn't hit him, and he never said he was irritating when he spoke. Naouko let Sallo hold onto him sometimes, too. Sallo feared he relied on Naouko too much, but he didn't seem to mind. Naouko had been a slave for a long time, Sallo learned, this made him sad. He wondered if only the slaves in Anata were kind.


The man who transported the two of them finally brought them to were they were to be auctioned. Sallo tried to follow Naouko's lead, who seemed to know what he was doing. But the caretaker came up to behind Naouko…


Sallo whimpered at the memory, and shifting the the sheets of the bed he was in sent a pain in his lower regions, and he bit his lip. The gruesome day that resembled the stories the sailors told him… He looked to the side, and saw Naouko sleeping soundly beside him. It was the king of Anata- a title Sallo assumed meant the man was very important, who bought them and took them away from the caretaker. He bought both of them, together. They were brought to this room after that, and Sallo was so exhausted he had fallen asleep almost immediately.


The pink boy eased himself a little closer to Naouko, placing his hand gently on his beside him. When they were chained on the platform, they couldn't reach each other to try to help when the caretaker was… Sallo didn't know the word for what he did… and they could only reach out and hold each other's hands, holding tightly as the only comfort they could give one another. Sallo's knuckles were still a little sore.


Sallo's eyes began to close again, wondering what was going to happen to them. Sallo barely remembered what happened after the king brought them back to his large stone house. He might have explained somethings to them, but Sallo didn't remember, maybe he didn't pay attention. Regardless, he was a little scared of the man, as he only knew one kind person here so far, and he was asleep besides him. But having just the one friend gave him more confidence.




Hope this is okay with everyone. Especially Dusutii, as I went without the "Okay" from you, and took some liberties with your character in this introduction ^^ I'll change anything you want me to, and I'll refrain from doing so in the future


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Naouko shifted uncomfortable on the soft cotton sheets of the bed. The material too soft on his skin, too unusual. He could feel the body warmth beside him in the bed and he opened his eyes, lazily taking in the room around him. IT was a new place, just another new place in a long string of different places he was expected to call home. The contact had woken him up and he wondered how his younger friend was holding up, the boy hadn't been a slave before and didn't have the experience dealing with the perversions of slave traders and owners. He was sure it was a shock for Sallo to be so cruelly treated.


Naouko rolled over so that he was now lying on his back and turned his head to see his friend. That was new to him, a friend. Never having really got attached before and then playing pranks on the others at the brothel meant he was the first to be handed over to the slavers. Wrapping his arms around Sallo he hugged the boy, using one hand to cradle his head and the other to rub his back absentmindedly.


"You get used to it... what the slavers did, that is what the King will do... It's what they all do to slaves like us, the only reason we are in such a nice bed." Naouko whispered. "Just pray that he is a nice owner." Naouko started to wonder. The had saved them from the slavers raping, and purchased them both. Yes he was a king but did that mean he gave all of his concubines nice rooms? Naouko's body ached all over and he was hoping they would be able to bathe soon, to get the dirt and a grime from the auction yard off them. He was sure they were staining the sheets, or at least making them smell since they had just been whisked back to the palace and dumped in the room. The King hadn't even touched them, just looked so far.


With a heavy sigh Naouko turned to face the window, It was light outside, so someone should be about to ask about bathing. Looking back to Sallo in his arms he choose to leave it a little longer yet, finding comfort himself in the closeness of the contact with no other meanings to it.

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Sallo wasn't aware he had awoken Naouko, until he felt his movement, and he opened his eyes again. He smiled at him, he didn't intend to wake him, but he felt less alone now. The older man pulled Sallo towards him, and he rested his cheek against his chest. Sallo could feel his heartbeat. He wrapped a pink arm around Naouko's side, while the other one was pressed between the two. He could feel the other rubbing his back comfortingly, despite the rough fabric of Sallo's tunic separating their skin.


He listened to Naouko speaking quietly, and slowly so it was easier to understand. Sallo held onto him a little tighter. Getting used to something like that… how horrible. That kind of treatment, everything he had gone through since being taken, everything they had gone through together… that was something Naouko had gone through for so long. He had gotten used to it, then…? Sallo bit his lip. How was he so kind, then, after so much? It wasn't fair.


He looked up at the dark-haired boy. Pray… could his deities even be able to hear them? He was too far from home… but pray he did, regardless. He wondered if Naouko was scared… and he bit his lip harder. He wished he could help him, he felt so helpless. Naouko had been so caring since they first met, and Sallo hadn't been able to do anything in return.


"I am sorry," Sallo whispered to him. "I am sorry, Naouko…"


When he looked out the the window, Sallo did the same. The sunlight was still streaming in softly, giving everything an appealing glow. It formed a halo of light around Naouko's outline.


"As well as thank you…" He added softly, placing his cheek back to his chest. He didn't know how long it would be before they were retrieved, before the king wanted to use them for… Sallo would cherish these moments before their new lives begun.



Okay, I got a little carried away and immediately replied… So after this, it's best if Blackbutlergurl replies next. Then we'll have the order of Noise Prince (me)-Dusutii-Blackbutlergurl. I hope this is good with everyone ^^


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"What am I going to say when I meet them"?,Akito paced back and forth in his office. He had purchased them by instinct., a fat, old man was looking at them far too much and snuck both his sausage-like hands up their silken thighs. He got even more bolder and licked sloppily at the bare, silky skin showing off their chests up their ears


Enraged at the man's actions, Akito purchased them for a billion dollars each


He didn't know what those two particular slaves had that all the other slaves cooped up in their own quarters didn't have. They looked like any other average slave, but whenever he just looked at them, he got a fuzzy feeling deep down in his heart. Realizing that he actually might fall for these two slaves, he arched up to the slave quarters, and ordered all the slaves he previously bought home.


He then ordered his subjects to send his two newly-bought slaves to his own quarters. Pacing furiously from the hallway to his quarters and back again, he thought out loud and was reconsidering his discovery of two new-found loves.


Several minutes later, he hesitantly opened the double doors leading to his quarters. Hello my slaves, I'm your new master, Akito".

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Sallo heard the large doors open and he looked up towards the front of the room. He didn't want to leave the comfort of Naouko's arms, but he knew that the time for this was over. He sat up on his knees, and looked up at the man who had entered. This was the man who bought them, he remembered his face. The king, right?


That's right. It was the king who had bought them from the slaver abusing them. He could hardly believe someone could be that cruel where everyone around could witness it. It was true, then? No one cared if there was cruelty to slaves. Not even slaves who were not Slunderen were safe, as Naouko, too, had received much abuse.


But it stopped when this man demanded it, he paid for them, and had them taken away from the auction, to the large stone house. Where the two could sleep in a soft bed together. Sallo again sent a possibly futile prayer that this man was kind. But, as his companion implied earlier, he could also be a cruel person...


"Akito…" He repeated softly, the 'k' was soft, and the 'o' sounded like a very round 'a', due to his accent. That was the man's name.


"My name, it is Sallo." He answered the king in a shaky voice.

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"Naouko." He spoke his name quickly as he sat up, his voice quiet but rather deep as it carried across the room. The covers pooled around his waist and the rags that constitued as clothes for slaves hung off his thin frame pathetically. Assessing the man stood in the doorway Naouko swung his legs off the bed and stood up. He was only slightly shorter than the King and that became obvious as he walked up to his newest owner.


Pausing in front of the man and ignore the ache that had grown into a sharp pain radiating up his back, he tilted his head up. Black hair falling over his slate grey eyes and a small smile tugging at his lips. He really needed to be good, to not cause trouble, but he wanted... No, needed to see how far he could push the man and what the consequences would be.


Stepping forwards and dropping his voice even lower he all but purred next to the kings ear. "So Master Akito, are you going to allow us to bathe?" His smirk grew as the volume dropped and he reached out to grasp the Kings hands. "Oh, but if you are in the habit of enjoying bedding filthy slaves, who haven't been washed since the last man to claim them then be my guest." Naouko moved to rest the kings hands onto his hips squeezing lightly as he did so.

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Akito's voice was hitched as he stared at the two slaves in bed hugging each other rather suggestively.


At the sound of the door opening, one of the slaves unwrapped his arms around the other and stood up. He just looked at me that sent a shiver to my spine. I again shivered when he repeated my name with that angelic voice of his.


"My name, it is Sallo", he shakily said. I smirked at his tone, wanting to teach him a lesson about addressing himself better for his master.


"Naoku", the other slave on the bed stood up and said it quickly but with a deep, seductive voice but shot shivers through my whole body. Akito licked his lips at the sight at the ridiculous amount of bare skin that wasn't covered in rags. I practically drooled as he strutted up to me, teasingly swaying his hips, that round, little ass showing through his thin rags.


Akito almost came as Naoku purred in his ear,"So Master Akito, are you going to allow us to bathe?", he grabbed Akito 's hands "Oh, but if you are in the habit of enjoying bedding filthy slaves, who haven't been washed since the last man to claim them then be my guest", he trailed Akito's hands to Naoku's hips, squeezing suggestively.


"Such a filthy slut", Akito palmed Naoku's clothed length and ached to rip off the rest of those filthy rags and ravish every inch of that pure, silken skin when Akito thought about the fat, old man that tainted their beautiful skin with his disgusting touch.


Akito didn't want to touch someone as beautiful as these two who has been defiled by that disgusting, inferior lowlife as the old man and who knows how many other lowlifes that has tainted the kittens.


I don't bed with slaves that has been tainted and not marked as mine, so I suggest you two go bathe yourselves in the washroom and rub yourselves clean so that scent of those other filthy men you bed before me has dissapeared so I can fuck you two so hard, you won't need other men to bed you.


"If you don't want to bathe yourselves, maybe I could help you with that", I purred darkly, my voice going lower than before. I squeezed that tempting ass", I can make you feel really good, baby"

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Sallo watched Naouko get up from the bed, and walk boldly towards the king. Sallo was amazed by his boldness, and he tentatively got out of bed as well, though it was quite painful. He stayed a few good steps behind Naouko, and he tried to pull down his rags, feeling uncomfortable with the rough rags showing so much of his thighs, and resulted in baring more of his chest. The king's face after Sallo spoke made him all the more uneasy, not sure if that boded well for him or not.


Naouko kept walking towards the man long after Sallo, who became to nervous to walk any closer, and stood a few feet away from the two. He watched in awe as Naouko stood incredibly close to the well-dressed king. The contrast of their clothes was peculiar to see, one in fine clothing and the other in the same rough cloth as he wore.


His friend seemed to be touching the king! Their faces were incredibly close, and spoke so quietly that Sallo had a hard time hearing. But Naouko sounded like he wanted to bathe?! The young Slunderen shivered. As a slave, Sallo had been able to bathe once. That was coming off the ship, when he and other Slunderen slaves were being handed off to traders. They were all lined up, and had water dumped over them, then passed a strong-smelling soap down the line after lathering themselves with it. Then the traders handed them each a very unusual stone-like object, that was very rough. They were forced to scrub the suds off their skin with it, and if was very painful, leaving angry red lines on their skin. If they did not scrub that painful stone on themselves fast enough, a trader would strike the back of their legs with a thin stick- which stung horribly. One Slunderen "boy" was struck so many times he fell, and the trader continued to hit him a few more times, before taking the stone and scrubbing him over the welts as he cried in pain. Sallo was only struck once, but the memory was so horrible, that the pain of the even lasted longer than the welt or the lines from the stone.


He feared all bathing for slaves would be this way.


Naouko also called them 'filthy', which hurt. He had only heard the sailors and traders call them that. It was an insult. To Sallo's understanding, it meant impure and dirty… didn't it? He didn't want Naouko to say that about them, even if they were covered in grime. But Naouko had also told Sallo funny stories of his past actions, of 'pranks', foolish things he did to mock and toy with his previous masters. Could it be that was what he was doing now? That made Sallo feel a bit better.


Akito, their master, repeated the word. He said "filthy slut", something he and Naouko were called a lot by their trader. Sallo bit his lip. Was this master going to be a cruel man, as well? When he touched Naouko, he was afraid he was going to hurt him, but the touch seemed gentle, even though Sallo couldn't see that well.


The king responded with more terms, a lot that Sallo had difficult understanding. Some of the terms didn't make sense, and others Sallo just didn't know. But he did understand as much as the two were to bathe… rub themselves clean. Sallo's heart sank. He also said "fuck you two", "fuck" was a word Sallo heard often, and seemed to have a lot of uses, but in this context, he feared what it meant. It would be like the auction?


Then he offered to help them bathe…? Sallo remembered the boy who was beaten before being scrubbed by the trader, and he gasped.


"We can bathe ourselves, Akito." Sallo replied, his voice was louder than he intended, from the shock of the idea of being beaten with a stick and then scrubbed with that horrible stone.

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Naouko's grin grew, he had heard as Sallo followed and caught the look in Akito's eyes as he'd approached the king. His satisfaction grew further as he heard the king, not the nicest of terms but the way in which he spoke implied he was finding waiting difficult. Proven even more to Naouko by the hand that palmed against him eliciting a low hum of satisfaction from his throat, a sound akin to a purr.


He new he had successfully manipulated their master when he permitted them to bathe, while he hadn't been subjected to the same treatment as Sallo before the auction house where they met he had still been made to bathe outside before in luke-warm almost, cold water. What Naouko didn't expect was the offer of him joining them, this made one eyebrow quick upwards. Quickly followed by a silent gasp, his lips parting slightly as Akito squeezed his arse and the voice teased his ear.


It looked as though this master was going to be fun, both to test the limits of and in other senses of the word. As Sallo'd voice cut through the air Naouko noticed the his hands had left the kings and one hand was resting against the man's chest while the other was wrapped around the man's arm. Softening and sweetening his smile he took a step back joining Sallo and taking the younger one's hand confidently.


"Yes Sallo, we can." his tone warm as he looked to his friend, tugging the boy forward as he began to walk to the door. Stopping once again by he king, but no where near as close as he had before. A lot of the warmth left his voice, but the tone was still playful and happy. "So dearest Master, will you be showing us where to go to find the washroom, or will you be getting another servant to show us, as all I know of your home is this room."


He walked past their master leaving the room, pulling Sallo with him and squeezing the hand reassuringly and then waited for someone to show them where they were going.

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" We can bathe ourselves, Akito", Sallo burst out. Akito frowned at the tone of his face and noticed a glimpse of fear in his voice, especially what Akito said earlier about helping them bathe. Looks like I have to be patient with and little by little, he could finally trust.


I was saddened that Naoku agreed with Sallo." Yes Sallo, we can", Naoku let go of my embrace, which Akito practically whined at the sudden loss, and was back at Sallo's side, where Naoku embraced him. Akito was slightly envious but happy at the same time at their loving affection.


It looks like they trusted each other and Akito hoped that one day they would trust Akito too and also include him in their love. For now on , Akito won't rush, force, or lust after them like all his previous slaves, which they looked like empty husks after countless times of roughly raping them raw


"So dearest Master, will you be showing us where to go to find the washroom, or will you be getting another servant to show us, as all I know of your home is this room", Naoku spoke up, breaking my trance.


I wanted to show them the way to the bathhouse but I was afraid of scaring Sallo further than I already have. "My servant will show you the way to the bathhouse ", I hesitantly replied. Naoku helped guide Sallo out of the room where a servant outside the room waited.

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Sallo's hand immediately curled around the familiar one when Naouko offered it, looking up at him, then down to the floor. Naouko was so brave, even in such a terrible situation, with an unknown master, he had no fear. He followed his lead trustingly, stealing a glance at Akito for a brief moment, before looking away. Naouko led him out of the two large doors where a beautiful person stood before them. They had long hair, but it was tied high on their head before falling down towards their shoulder blades.


"Please follow me," They said, giving the two of them a warm smile. Sallo's eyes widened, and his face softened. They spoke similar to the way he had learned the language. He had heard a lot of harsher and crueler words since arriving, and those he couldn't use, only hear. But this person, guiding them, they even smiled at them. And not in a way that made Sallo uneasy.


Sallo looked up to Naouko and gave him a hopeful smile, as they followed the long-haired servant down the hall and out of another set of two large doors. But this time, they were outside. There was a large open space surrounded by walls. So many trees, and beautiful plants and flowers. Green grass just waiting to be ran through with eager, bare feet. The servant almost seemed to notice this in his facial expression.


"Please, the bath is this way." They stated with a soft voice.


Sallo expected that they would be led to another outside area, a less pretty and inviting one. One where there would be large men with sticks and those rough stones, who would pour buckets over their heads. But instead, the long-haired person lead them into an indoor space, with no doors, but large open arches. There was a large pool of water in the center. The room smelled really nice, and Sallo noticed a lot of ornate bottles, assuming they were perfume or oils. There were no buckets, and Sallo looked at the servant, and at Naouko, confused. How were they going to pour the water over themselves? Using their hands would be insufficient.


"Now, please undress and step in." The pleasant tone of the service instructed. Undress? Dress was clothes, yes? The servant expected them to take off their rags… but in the open like this? Sallo should have assumed he'd again be expected to be nude in front of other eyes, as it had happened so frequently as of late. But step in? That meant to walk into a place, yes? But they had been lead here. Were they to go somewhere else? Or did he just not understand.


The pink Slunderen gave Naouko's hand a small squeeze, and looked to him with uncertain eyes.


"Step in…?" He whispered.

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Naouko glanced back at the master who was reluctant to let them leave and threw the man a mischievous grin. Following quietly his eyes darted from side to side down each corridor and through each doorway. He couldn't even see anything resembling slave or servant quarters, and it wasn't escape he was memorising the place for. Instead he like to know where he was so that running away was possible in times when his pranks were a little too... messy.


He definitely hadn't been expecting to arrive at baths that were elegant enough that they could be the Kings own baths and he didn't hesitate when the servants guiding them told them to undress. Feeling the pressure increase on his hand he looked over at Sallo, grinning happily. Letting go of the other's hand he stepped forward and started to pull the rags off.


"Yep Sallo. Step In. Watch." Once his rags were dropped onto the marble floor he stood quite happily in front of Sallo fully naked, his slim body littered with scars which were paler than the rest of his slightly tanned skin. Spinning around on one heel he turned towards the bath and walked down the steps into the water. The hot water was a strange but blissful sensation as it lapped higher on his legs with each step he took down into the bath. By the time he reached the bottom of the steps the water was waist high on him and the first thing Naouko did was to submerge himself in the water. Dipping his head under the water and holding himself there for a few seconds before re-emerging and pushing the wet strands of hair away from his face.


"Come on Sallo, the water is hot and no one will hurt you." Looking around he found seats around the edge of the bath and went to sit on one of them. The water covering up to his shoulders when he did so.


"Oh.. Will we be given clean clothes after the bath?" He asked the servants eyeing the filthy rags suspiciously. "Or will our Master be providing new clothes.... As I don't like the idea of us presenting ourselves in dirty rags more than needed." Naouko had already decided that he liked Akito, the man was being cautious around Sallo despite being turned on my Naouko's actions.

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Tell the cook to prepare the most lavish meal he has ever cooked and enough to fit for a small army after their bath, I wish for them to be hearty and healthy, not just skin and bones". Akito told his subject, "I'll be handling their clothes and present the clothes personally to them, I don't want anyone to gaze at my property when they get out fresh from the bath."


"Very good, sir", his subject gave me a bow and walked toward the kitchen.


Akito walked to the clothes chamber, where he kept all the lavish clothes he kept for his other slaves to entertain him. He tossed out every piece of clothing that he picked out now seemed dull to him. Sallo and Naoku deserve the best but he couldn't find the best. He suddenly spied a pair of lovely matching baby blue silky, see-through kimonos with sakura patterns with sakura patterns embroidered all over it. He thought it would be perfect for a pair of silky, smooth, snow-white skin, with supple, sakura-pink nipples and firm, round, supple asses.


He walked briskly to the bathhouse where his two new kittens behind the door were bathing and almost came, thinking about them wet. He slightly calmed himself, thinking about Sallo's fearful face and opened the door where his paradise awaited him.

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Sallo watched as Naouko stripped himself of the rags with ease, and walked into the pool of water, eyes wide. He just walked into the entire pool of water. Wasn't it cold? Shouldn't they take water out of it instead of going in? It was such a large reservoir, Sallo was sure it was an important storage place for water. Sallo looked uneasily to the servant who led them there, but they only smiled. Sallo looked back to Naouko, listening, and nodded.


Sallo took off his own rags, pulling the rough tunic over his head, skin bare. Sallo had a fortunate live thus far, and did not bare nearly as many scars as his friend. Sallo had a few scratches and bruises from the mistreatment the two had suffered together, but the only scars Sallo had were from rare instances when he was injured as a youth.


"Yes, you will both receive new clothes," The soft voice of the servant rang, in answer to Naouko's question.


When Naouko beckoned him, Sallo left the rags he was using to cover his front and his legs besides Naouko's rags on the ground, and timidly walked forward. The thighs were considered very private to Slunderens, and even after being forced to be naked so many times, Sallo was still embarrassed to have his thighs so visible, not that the tunic covered much of his upper legs. Sallo hoped that the new clothes they would receive covered his thighs more.


The water was quite hot, which surprised Sallo, despite Naouko telling him that. He nearly slid on the first step, but once he regained balance, he was able to slide in with ease. It felt really nice! The pink-skinned boy splashed some of the water on his face, and smiled broadly. He had never bathed like this before! He brought his long hair over his face, and bent over to soak it, forehead submerged, watching his silvery strands spread about in the water. Then he flipped his hair back in a dramatic arch, then looked to Naouko.


"This is nice! I like this." He told his friend, wading over to sit with him. The servant came over and knelt beside them, carrying a small basket. Inside was two square cloths, a bar of soap, two vials of oil, and very ornate brush and comb.


The servant handed them each a square cloth, and Sallo thought it was incredibly soft, it must be very valuable. They handed Sallo the soap first. He took it and placed the cloth on the side of the bath, and submerged the soap bar under water, and then held it to his arm- but the servant took it from him.


"No, see, use this!" They insisted, taking the cloth, and putting it under water between them. Then, taking the soap, they lathered it up thickly, and started scrubbing his skin.


"Can you do this?" They asked. Sallo nodded, but clearly looked puzzled. He couldn't believe something so nice was to be used as a rag to wash with! He took the square cloth back, and began cleaning himself. The servant also started putting the oils in each of their hair while they scrubbed themselves, when the king, Akito came in.


The servant, on their knees, turned away from the slave boys, and bowed.


Sallo sank a bit underwater, unsure of why he was here. Was he going to help them bathe, like he said earlier?

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Naouko wasn't sure what to do when he was given the soft, square cloth. All he could think was that he needed a much larger piece so he could just lie in the softness for a while and he was ever so slightly glad to see Sallo moved first with the soap as it meant he had a chance to watch and not make as much of a fool of himself. As he watched the servants submerge the cloth and then lather the soap onto it he quickly understood and did the same with his cloth.


once it was soapy he started to rub the material over his skin, starting with his arms and he watched as a layer of dirt and grime pulled itself away from his skin. He couldn't believe the treatment they were getting, Naouko had wanted to bathe but this was beyond his expectations. Having already been so surprised the fact one of the servants started to massage oils into his hair only made him jump slightly as he hadn't been expecting the sudden contact. Soon though he hummed happily and closed his eyes as he concentrated on the slim fingers that were massaging his scalp, oblivious to the fact the door had opened.


He only realised when the fingers were no longer in his hair and he opened his eyes looking over to the door to find Akito, behind him,self to see the servants facing away and then to his side to see Sallo hiding. The boy must never have had a proper Master. Not yet anyway. Looking back over to Akito Naouko decided what he was going to do.


Standing up and walking over to the middle of the pool Naouko dived just under the surface of the water to wash all of the suds off himself, before walking up the steps out of the water.


"Master, welcome" He smiled as rivulets of water travelled down his skin. Reaching out to grab Akito's hand and running his fingers over the man's palm he moved back towards the water tugging on his arm. "Why don't you join us?

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As Akito walked in, he drooled a little as Naoku boldly stepped out of the bath water, rivulets of water were casing down his perfect body and seemed to glitter with his pure, white skin


"Master,welcome", he grabbed Akito's hand and caressed Akito's palm, teasingly before dragging him to join him in the bath, "why don't you join us?".


After hearing Naoku say that, Akito couldn't restrain himself but practically pouncing on Naoku, Akito's inner beast finally showing itself and took a deep breath on Naoku's sweet skin, smelling of the finest soaps in all the kingdom, and away from that fat, old man's stench. Akito purred with sublime delight as he finally marked Naoku as his, sucking away that sweet smelling skin and nipping down. He trailed his tongue down Naoku's aching-to-be-sucked nipples, teasing the little sweet buds. At the same time, he reached down and grabbed a handful of that round, firm ass and slapped it so hard so that Naoku could submit to him and Akito would finally take him


Akito completely forgot about Sallo, who was probably hiding, but Akito didn't really want to see him at this point , seeing that he was so stubborn, afraid, and unwilling to give up his ass.

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Sallo frowned, watching as Naouko rinsed himself off and climbed out of the large pool of bath water to greet Akito. Naouko was never phased at being naked. Again, Naouko called him "Master", but his name was Akito, wasn't it? Master, being a title to Sallo's understanding, didn't seem like a polite thing to call someone. In the Slunderen language, titles were only if you didn't know a person's name, or if you were close or related to the title. No one called the healers "Healer" unless they didn't know their name, or unless they were currently being treated by them, or they had frequently been treated by them, for instance.


And if Naouko was again playing with him, Sallo was afraid he'd push too far. But, as earlier when Naouko rose to approach the man, Sallo did the same, albeit staying a bit behind. Sallo got to the first few steps of the bath before stopping, the water still at his waist. He had completely forgotten to rinse himself as Naouko had, and he had suds from his shoulders and upper chest trickle down, and faintly yellow oil in his lengthy silvery hair.


Akito didn't seem to mind being called Master, though, and he seemed to not dislike being touched. Were these things Sallo should do, too? He bit his lip. He wasn't sure. He had no idea. He hated this feeling, he never knew what was normal or what to do or how things were done. Sallo knew enough of the language, but that wasn't enough most of the time. He was so frustrated with not knowing anything.


Naouko invited Akito into the bath, and Sallo felt his heart beat skip. It was partially due to nerves, but also a bit of excitement, since, if anything, this would be a good way to learn more about their new master. Sallo wasn't at all sure of what sort of man he was- or if he was even a man? Sallo was purely guessing at this point- and he knew the more he knew, even if it was bad, would make him feel better.


So he half-smiled as Naouko started to lead the man towards the bath, but then Akito suddenly grabbed Naouko, and the smile faded and a look of concern flooded him. Perhaps being touched and being called "Master" was not acceptable now? But, it was also like earlier, where they were too close for Sallo to really see if there was harm or not, and he couldn't understand what Akito was doing. Then he saw the king's hand reach around and grab Naouko's rear in an intimate, but firm way, which made Sallo's breathing uneasy.


Akito then struck him, the sound echoing faintly into the high ceiling, and Sallo's uneasiness was replaced with protectiveness. Naouko had been caring for and protecting him all this time, so Sallo couldn't let him be hit unfairly like that. The pink boy pushed forward, out of the water up the steps, towards the two standing there. The distinction between status was just as clear as before, one wet and naked, the other clothed an dry, one with a firm handle on the other.


Not knowing what else to do, Sallo grabbed the wrist of the offending hand, and pulled it awe from Naouko's ass, to prevent the same hand from striking him again.


"No, Akito," Sallo spoke, looking up, and finding himself looking into the king's eyes. "Please do not hit him! He has done not a wrong."



…I got a little carried away again >…>


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Naouko hadn't expected Akito to be quite so... aggressive. He didn't have a problem with it however and a lewd moan parted his lips. His head tilting back ever so slightly as he felt every nip and scratches of Akito's teeth on his skin. The man's tongue leaving a trail of goosebumps and burning desire behind it. Moving his hands up to Akito's hair he tired to urge the man to dip lower with his tongue, Naouko's hands tangling themselves in his masters hair. "Please... Master..." The breathless words almost silent in the air as he tried to ask for more.


Contrary to what he thought Sallo would think he actually enjoyed this, years of forcing had giving him more pleasure from it than he had anticipated and while he had obviously hated the old man at the auction house Akito was a different matter. Not only was the man his new Master but he was young, handsome and therefore it made it enjoyable rather than repuslive.


The slap brought a small yelp as he jolted slightly, arching in towards Akito. Only to whine in anger and frustration as Sallo grabbing Akito's wrist and speaking reminded the older one of his presence. After a moment Naouko sighed heavily and pulled his hands away from Akito's hair whispering close to the man's ear. "Master... Let me sort this out... Please don't move."


Without waiting for a reply he turned around to face Sallo, they were both completely naked and it was clear to Naouko that the younger was simply worried for him even though his half hard cock would make it clear to Sallo that he was fine. With out saying a word Naouko wrapped his arms around Sallo and pulled the younger one to him, his arousal pressing against the younger.


"Sallo.... it is fine... honestly." To try and relax the other Naouko started running his hands up and down the smooth pale expanse of back that he had access to. His lips coming down to kiss Sallo's neck while he ground his hips and arse back against Akito's crotch.


"He won't hurt you like the other men did." Pulling his head away he looked at Sallo with pleading eyes. "Just let him make you and me feel good, please." Not saying anything else he moved one hand to pull Sallo's chin up and placed a deep kiss on Sallo's lips. Starting chaste and slowly running his tongue over the others lips. With his other hand he reached behind himself to stroke Akito's legs over the man's clothes, hoping that he would join in with convincing Sallo.

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"Please...Master...", Naoku moaned at Akito's soft touches. Akito darkly chuckled as he was rewarded with a delicious sound from Naoku, who was arching in submission as I slapped his sweet ass. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Sallo stepped in and grabbed my wrist, "No Akito, please do not hit him! He has done nothing wrong!", he protested. I growled threateningly, ready to slap Sallo for interrupting when Naoku whispered in Akito's ear "Master...it is fine...please don't move", he let go of my hair and turned around to face Sallo, Naoku hugging him


"Sallo...it is fine...honestly", Naoku said soothingly to Sallo and Naoku ran his hands up and down on Sallo's back. Akito dick twitched and drooled at the beautiful sight of 2 beautiful cocks pressed up together and Naoku kissed Sallo' neck, at the same time, Naoku ground his ass and hips into Akito's clothed dick and couldn't help myself but let out my own moan.


"He won't hurt you like the other men did", Naoku pleaded with Sallo," just let him make you and me feel good, please", Naoku pulled Sallo's chin for a deep kiss. At the same time as Naoku was kissing Sallo very hotly, Naoku reached and ran his hand on my leg.


At the sight of Naoku's hand over Akito's leg, Akito quickly unbuttoned his pants, almost ripping it, along with his boxers, where his dick sprung and was dripping with precum and guided Naoku's hand on Akito's dick, wrapping the whole length and started pumping it slowly.


Akito reached down and cupped Naoku's ass again and started to thrust his middle finger in Naoku's pink, tight-looking hole.

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Sallo was fearful of the expression the king wore, glaring at him for interrupting. But he turned and looked at Naouko, who turned to face him after whispering something softly to Akito, but Sallo couldn't make it out. The Slunderen released the king's wrist when Naouko pulled him in an embrace, shocking the pink-skinned boy with his arousal being held against him.


"Sallo…it is fine…honestly."


Sallo loved the soft way Naouko said his name, and he could feel the tension leaving his shoulders. He still didn't really understand what was happening, and what he should have done instead. But he trusted Naouko, he knew everything was fine if Naouko felt safe, whispering such comforting things while holding him close. He felt his warm thin hands rubbing up and down his back. The other's head fell to the bottom of his pink neck, and kissed softly. Sallo hummed a bit in surprise, the skin was so sensitive, and Naouko's lips felt so good. He wrapped his arms around him, and, over Naouko's shoulder, looked up to Akito's face again.


His face was less stern, and more peaceful. He was clearly making Naouko feel good, so he wasn't being needlessly cruel. Naouko pulled up from his neck, and Sallo was absorbed into his gaze.


"He won't hurt you like the other men did."


Sallo replied with a slight nod of his head.


"Just let him make you and me feel good, please."


Naouko lifted his face up, and kissed him, this time on the mouth, before Sallo could respond. It was warm, and strong, much like his embrace. Sallo held him a bit tighter, his eyes closing. Naouko's warm tongue traced his lips, and Sallo felt a hand leave his back. The shorter man leaned into Naouko's chest slightly, and parted his lips to accept the tongue's plea of entrance.

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Naouko grinned against Sallo's mouth at he began to respond. Moaning into the kiss as he delved his tongue into Sallo's mouth once he felt the finger enter his hole. It slid in easily enough and quickly Naouko was craving more. His hand wrapped around and slowly stroking what he truly desired. Before that though he knew he needed to make Sallo relaxed enough that Akito could do what he wanted with out the other freezing or running.


For now he settled with moving his hand from Sallo's face, the fingers trailing slowly down the pale neck and onto the younger ones chest. Pausing at the nipples and rolling them between his fingers while he broke the kiss for air. "Master... more please... not enough..." Dropping his face he bit lightly at Sallo's neck swapping teeth and tongue randomly trying to pull moans from Sallo. His hand abandoning the nipples as it delved lower and began to stroke both his own and Sallo's cock's. Gripping them both in one hand he began to stroke, rocking his hips to the rythym.

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Akito's mischievous smirked widened as Naoku let out a moan in Sallo's mouth when Naoku felt my finger in his hole. Naoku' hole greedily ate up Akito's finger as Akito thrusted his finger slowly and teasingly. Akito chuckled as he could sense Naoku's want and craving for more. Akito thrusted his finger in Naoku's hole faster and he guided Naoku's hand that was wrapped around Akito's dick harder and faster as response to Naoku's crave for more.


Akito's dick twitched again as soon as he saw Naoku trail his fingers on Sallo's neck and stop at his nipples. Naoku then rolled and teased Sallo's sakura buds with Naoku's lithe fingers.


"Master...more please...not enough...", he deliciously moaned as he broke the hot kiss for air.. Naoku bit Sallo,s neck, leaving the two beautiful sakura buds that were now swollen from nipple play and continued trailing his fingers to reach Sallo's cock, where he wrapped Sallo's length and pumped it slowly with his hips.


Akito, with a hand on Naoku's ass, slapped it a few times until it turned a delicious red. He pulled out his finger from Naoku's tight hole, which got stretched slightly from Akito's thickness of his finger and and was slightly swollen.


Akito moved to to kiss his pure, snow-white back, starting with that soft neck. He nibbled and sucked on the sweet skin, leaving marks purposely so people will know not to touch what's his.


At the same time, Akito reached over and caught Naoku's bud, pulling it slightly so he could hear more of Naoku's delicious moans and mewls.

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You two will be the end of me… >



Sallo could taste Naouko's moan of delight as it fell into his mouth, weightless on his tongue, and pushed further in by Naouko's own tongue following it. His pink hands fell to the small of Naouko's pale back, sliding down slowly as the kiss deepened. He could feel Naouko's muscles beneath his skin moving.


Sallo felt the sturdy hand that cradled his chin into the kiss trail down his neck and onto his chest. His nipples stood erect almost immediately at the light touch, and the surrounding skin hardened as his fingers toyed with them. A rush of cool air flooded to the long-haired slave's lips when Naouko pulled away abruptly.


The taller moaned for something more of what their master was giving him, and and returned to kissing him, but their lips didn't meet as Sallo expected, but Naouko again pressed his lips to Nallo's neck, putting pressure onto his teeth into Sallo's skin, and licking him interchangeably. Sallo felt a considerable heat rise under his skin, feeling hot all over, and he screwed his eyes shut at the sensations.


A shaky groan rolled from his chest out of his mouth, and one of his hands came up from his lower back to hold onto his head, cradling it as he sucked and bit him, running his fingers through the damp strands of hair. Then Naouko took both his own and Sallo's cocks, Sallo's now hardening, and stroking them both, and they stroked against each other. Sallo whimpered in delight, and tilted his head back.


He heard their master strike Naouko gain, more times and seemingly harder, which made him a bit nervous. But he remembered what Naouko told him, and he soon lost himself again in the pleasure, bending his neck forward and gently biting the other's ear.


"Mmmnn… Naouko…" He sighed in his ear a low tone as Naouko's rubbing and pulsing his hips back and forth was making him tremble with delight.

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Grinning Naouko hummed as he felt Sallo start to actively join in as he felt his ear being bitten. It was no more than a grazing of the teeth but it was a good sign. In a stark contrast to the hesitant bite on his ear the confidant trailing of Akito's teeth on his back made him shiver in delight, desperately craving what he was stroking in one hand especially now that Akito had removed his fingers. He knew though if their master did enter him he wouldn't be able to keep up the stroking with his hands and he didn't want to leave Sallo simply watching. Not just yet.


With the first parts of an idea clearing the haze of pleasure that had been forming he stopped stroking with both hands and used them grip Sallo's hips as Naouko dropped to his knees, face now level the the others arousal. A smirk forming on his face as he licked the cock from base to tip in one slow motion before rolling the tip around with his tongue then stopping. Just as quick as he dropped to his knees he turned around so now he was facing Akito. "Master... please... make Sallo feel good."


Without saying another word he took the tip of Akito's cock into his mouth Swirling the tip with his tongue before taking more of it into his mouth. Slowly bobbing his head, each time taking more into his mouth. Naouko's hands slid up Akito's legs before gripping the side of his thighs.

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Akito was amused as he heard Sallo whimpered in delight and tilted his head in submission as Naoku stroked his cock. Sallo gently bit Naoku's ear when he bent his neck forward,"Mmmnn...Naoku...", Sallo sighed in Naoku's ear and beautifully trembled in delight to Naoku's pulsating hips.


Suddenly, Naoku stopped stroking his and Sallo's cocks. I growled in displeasure, I was quite enjoying the show of the 2 beautiful cocks unite as one. But my displeasure soon disappeared as Naoku grabbed Sallo's hips. Naoku dropped to his knees, facing Sallo's cock and he licked Sallo's cock from base to tip in one motion before playing the tip of Sallo's cock with his tongue for several seconds then stopped.


He faced Akito when he stopped, "Master, please make Sallo feel good", Naoku pleaded as he took the tip of Akito's cock into his mouth. Akito grunted and moaned as Naoku swirled Akito's tip and took more of Akito's length with every grunt and moan. Naoku caressed Akito's skin before gripping Akito's thighs. "Naoku...", I grunted in strangled breaths.


Akito turned towards Sallo," Come here, Sallo... I'll be very gentle with you", Akito took his hand and kissed the knuckles very softly. With a soft hand wrapped around Sallo's waist, Akito gently pulled towards him and gently kissed him, cupping Sallo's face almost lovingly. Akito's hand wrapped around his waist moved to his ass. Making sure Sallo didn't freak out, Akito only caressed his silken cheeks instead of grabbing it and slapping it until it was red.

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