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Whispers Of The Heart ( Vibranteyes & Sosuke0549)


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It hurts...it hurts!

Kenji knelt in the darkness, his body shaking from the pain, his head down. Blood dripped from his body like a leaking foist. He couldn't see anything.. and he felt like he was beginning to lose his mind. If He stayed here for too long, he would lose himself completely to the insanity that was clawing at his pure soul. He so desperately wanted to wake up, to leave this nightmare and open his eyes! To stop this unbearable pain!


He looks up, to find a light shining in the distance, he squints his eyes. What was that? A way out? Was he dead?

He raised a hesitate hand toward it, but just before he could reach it, a rack of pain begins to make him convulse, falling to the ground, his eyes started to roll into the back of his head, as if he was having a seizure. The pain was more intense than ever before, and he could see memories. The past flashing before his eyes.


His child hood. The orphanage, the children, high school... Aboi.


Time to come with us...unless you want to see your friends and family die?

A voice calls, chuckling slightly. Panic grows in Kenji's heart. Die?

W-who are you! W-What do mean! What do you want with me?

He shrieks out, wincing through the pain.

A light suddenly flashes in front of him, causing him to hiss at the sudden brightness and hid his face.


When the light vanished, so did the pain, and with it, appeared a man in a black robe, and a scythe in hand.


This was death.. this must be death! A reaper! He never imaged that reaper's were real!

"I-I'm..I'm dead.."

He whispers sadly, tears building up on his eyes.

"Yes...but this does not have to be the end for you. I've been watching you Kenji.. I've read every single detail about your life.. I know everything about you... "

He slowly looks up at the other, his body trembling in fear.

"..e-everything? "

I want you to join us...if you don't... you're friends and family will all die..."

His eyes widened.

"No! You can't! DONT HURT THEM! Please! "

He couldn't see the reaper's face, it was hidden by its hood. But his voice was dark and serious.

"Then take my hand...You must become...a reaper..."

Kenji was shocked! This stranger wanted him to become...a reaper?

"W...why... w-why m-"

"Because your selfless. You have always had low self-esteem, since your real partners dumped you at that orphanages door step. You assume no one can love you. You can't even love yourself. You think nothing good can happen to you. Because you believe your worthless... but..."

The stranger removed his hood, revealing a handsome man underneath. His hair was pitch black and eyes glowing purple. His hand grew closer to him as this evil yet...compelling and charming reaper got closer.

"I want you~"

Kenji hesitated. He was terrified of him... and yet...a shaky hand took the offer. Someone...wanted him...


The reaper smirked. Tears spilled from Kenji's eyes.

"Your mine now..."

He said darkly, and thats when everything went black once again.


When Kenji came too, he was in a empty room, laying on a stone slab... He slowly sat up. How did he get here? He remembered pushing a friend out of the way. He remembered getting hit by a car... and.. the reaper!

He looks down at his hands, which were now covered in tight black gloves, he slowly looked at the rest of himself. He now wore a long black cloak which covered a skin tight black short sleeved shirt, and form fitting black pants, with a belt hanging at his hips. He was wearing black buckled boots, and several chains and buckles covered his new outfit. This was not him... This was not his true self! He ran a hand threw his hair frustrated and confused and scared.


What was going on? He lowers himself from the stone slab, stumbling slightly when his feet touched the ground. Other than the stone slab, there was nothing in the room. There was a door on the other side of the room and he couldn't help but wondered where it led to. He could feel some kind of heaviness on his back, reaching up, he could feel...a handle? W-What?


He takes a hold of it, and pulls whatever it was off his back. His eyes widen when he sees that it was a scythe...

"Then take my hand...You must become...a reaper..."

He recalls that voice saying.

That wasn't a dream?! That actually happened?! He was... a reaper now?!

His scythe was silver, black, and a light blue and it had a unique design on the blade, personalized to his soul.


Taking the door handle, Kenji opens the door only to step out...into the world that was now raining hard. The door was open about fifty feet into the air, and hesitant for a long moment scared of heights, should he try to step out? Wouldn't he fall?


"Go...what are you waiting for? "

He jumps hearing that scary but intimidating voice. The reaper from the darkness was now standing behind him wearing a loose black shirt and baggy black pants.


He moves past him stepping out the door and into the rain. Kenji was shocked to see the man floating in mid air! How was he not falling!

"Eveything has changed now Kenji..Your no longer Human... you won't fall... and even if you did. You wouldn't die."

He snickered a little a he started to walk away... as if there was an invisible floor beneath him. It took a moment for Kanji to gather up his courage to follow the other.


Even though he was confused and scared, he had to admit that this was pretty cool. Glancing at the ground, he could see people walking around in the rain, rushing to get to there destinations.

"Humans can not see you, nor can they hear you.. a human can only see you when their going to die. And your visual to all non-humans.. "

The reaper says in a smooth voice.

"Why...why did you do this to me?"

Kenji says softly looking down. He stares at the orphanage building which seemed so far away.

"I have my reasons... "


"I-I'm a Monster now. M-Mrs.Fair... s-she'll never...see me again.."

The consequences of his decision started to surface and he quickly began to retreat everything! Tears start to build in his eyes again. He falls to his knees.

"M..monster..monster! "

The reaper sighs and suddenly rests a hand upon his shoulder, his voice in his ear.

"Yes, a monster...a demon..."

His voice was almost...snake-like, sly and cunning.

"Demon...monster..." Kenji repeats softly, his shoulders slumping. The others voice was so..compelling.


"Humans are so cruel.. You know how they can be first hand. You were once human. They will see you as a monster...a demon...but you are not...we are not."

Kenji looks up finally, a frown on his lips, his brows pressed together.

"How could you say I'm not a monster still? I'm dead but... I'm alive still! HOW!! How is that not a monster! EXPLAIN THAT TO ME!!"

His voice cracked, showing weakness. His tears continued to fall... everything he had and everything he knew from his life.. was gone. Snatched away in a single moment!


The man looks at him calmly, a small smile on his lips.

"You'll find that out soon. Now is not the time to explain, now that your fully a reaper, we must change your name. "

"no!! No you mustn't Mrs.Fair gave me my name! That's all I have left! Please don't! ITS MINE! Please! "

Kenji pleaded. The Reaper glares at him for a long moment before heaving a frustrated sigh.

"Your to naive. "


He holds out a chain, with a glass ball hanging from it, and within it's clear form was a sort of gas-like material.

"Whenever this gas glows red, it means a soul is to be reaped. You will know where to go, just follow the call."

"A-a soul? Y- you mean I--"

"Your a reaper now... except it"

He said harshly making Kenji flinch.

He hangs it around his neck, like a small necklace.

"Now I must go. Explore your new life... the quicker you expect it.. the better off you'll be... The Kenji you once were... is dead...and with the new you.. comes a new name and a new life... ta-ta~"

He grins, wiggling his fingers as he waves goodbye to Kenji -

"W-Wait! What's your name!"

This man... he had to know his name.

" Dākuseibā."

He whispered, and disappears in a spark of black smoke.


Kenji stands up, staring at the spot where the other had just been. What now... what was he to do...and who was that man? Could he trust him? Could he trust anyone now?

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  • Sosuke0549


  • Vibranteyes


The high and excitement he felt when killing off humans or the amusement he felt* when making them miserable distracted him from thinking of his old life. He could torment humans all day, it was helping him improve his mood.


Abio would cosntsnlty hurt mortals, feeling content from their suffering. But as soon as his eyes settled on a couple being lovey dovy, he felt anger and wanted to split them apart or destroy them. He hated them. the couples couldn't ever see him because he chose not to reveal himself, but he always saw them and it made him sick. Around midnight in a park, Abio was perched in high on a sturdy branch in a tree, quietly watching a couple sitting on a bench with his piercing yellow eyes. His energy never disappeared* since he was constantly consuming mortals souls after killing them. Abio felt bored that night so he pondered of ways of tormenting the couple sitting on a bench, near a lamp post or maybe even killing one of them. Slowly, a wicked grin formed on his face as he snapped his fingers blowing a red, dusty powder from his palm over the male sitting next to his girlfriend who was cuddling and giggling* as the male whispered in her ear. Within seconds, The male abruptly blinked, furrowing his eyebrows at his girlfriend who gave him a confused look. Randomly he tells her "I cheated on you two weeks ago with a guy I met at a bar. " Afterwards the man smacked a hand over his mouth, shocked at the lie that spilled from his lips.


Abio chuckled darkly,* grinning like a Cheshire cat at the way the mans girlfriend gasped, on the brink of tears before slapping him so hard it left an imprint on his cheek. Then the woman stood up from the bench and ran away, "Wait!"* the male reached his hand out in an attempt to grab her. She ran fast. quickly moving from the bench to follow her. He was shocked at what just happened and filled with hurt. He didn't know where those words came from.


The demon felt so much better, his sharp, canine teeth glistening in the dark. Abio wanted to make things even worse, so with his sharp vision, and ability to see in the dark. Abio watched the males girlfriend run through the park, crying. The male was running after her, trying to get her to listen and calm down. she didn't have another ride, or knew where she was going. she just kept moving ahead and not seeming to be paying attention as she was getting close to the road. Abio snapped his fingers, watching with excitement as car turned, pulling away from the road. the young man looked horrified. his* eyes blew wide at watching a food truck hit his girlfriend. he thought his heart had stopped in his chest, watching what just occurred. And after dropping on his hands and knees he scream afterwards,* unable to handle what happen so he fainted.


The girl was barely alive. The demon erupted into laughter, holding his arms stomach before vanishing from the sight. He left the park to walk pass some closed*stores and some that were still open , thinking of creating something he could bring to life or someone that could follow him around. Abio smiled, humming; the strange demon had a skip in his step at thinking of the trauma the male from earlier experienced.

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Suddenly a faint glowing began to come from his necklace...


He stared at it. It was time to reap a soul? Someone...was going to died. He bit his lip and closed his eyes touching the glass ball around his neck. He didn't know how to explain it But he just knew that he had too.


Without even realizing it, he flashes there. It only takes one step and he's magically there on the street. He opens his eyes and stares at the girl on the road.

"T..this is..."

His eyes were wide with terror. He wanted to help her.. to save her! What was he suppose to do!!

"N..no... I can't...I can't do this"

He breathed, there was so much blood! He hated the sight of it all. He stared at the ground with shaky hands.

"You must.."

Kenji looked up seeing Dākuseibā stepping over the barely breathing girl's body, and coming toward him.

"No! NOO!! "

He screamed. But the other reaper grabbed his arm And refused to let him run away... Tears building in Kenji's eyes again.. He was too weak for such a cold and heartless job.

"... Kenji...stop..look...you must look."

"I can't- I..I can't- "

He sobbed. But Dākuseibā took his chin and forced him to stare at the bloody sence in front of him.

"You have a soul to reap...The longer you take...the more she suffers. The more she is in pain... "

Dākuseibā removed Kenji's scythe and forced it into his trembling fingers.

"N..No... D-.. Dākuseibā. I ca-"

"You must pierce her with your Scythe...let her die..."


Kenji gripped his weapon, he didn't want to do this...

"I'm right here for you Kengi ..~"

Kengi? ... was that his name... Kengi?


He whispered. He slowly walked over to the girl who had her eyes opend and stared at him in fear. She could see him...She could see death.


She tried to speak.

"No...don't speak...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry this happened to you...I-I'm....gonna take the p-pain away...y-you'll be...at peace...Rachael"

How'd he know her name? He couldn't explain how he knew... he just knew.

With little will power he had left. He raised his scythe and brought it down, stabbing her in the stomach. She gasped and now fell limp on the concrete. It only took a second to kill her..

He removed his scythe putting it back on his back, there was no blood on it. The girls soul...it was a light blue color in the shape of an orb, which slowly emerged from her body...and disappeared into the sky...


Kengi fell silent, tears falling from his wide eyes.

He did it...he had reaped his very first soul. He was a monster.. a murder... death!

"It'll get easier...I promise. You did very well...Kengi~ "

Dākuseibā came to him and quickly too his hand, giving him the comfort he so desperately needed.

"Lets go..."

He said tenderly. He hesitated, glancing back at Rachael, somehow he knew a demon had caused her death... the area around her was dark and sad.... and her human scent was odd.


Demons...were such cruel creatures...

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A blinding red light altered his form, removing his demons horns, claws, pointy ears, fiery red skin, and loin clothe.* Abios eyes turned back into golden hues, his skin porcelain white and he was lithe, wearing a white fitted shirt, and black jeans that tucked away his thin long red tail and on his feet were converse. Though Abio was a demon, and ate human souls or raw meat.* He still sometimes ate human food, it wasn't that bad to him.


Looking up at the neon sign, saying open he stepped into a cafe, a bell chimed signaling that somoene entered and he went to the counter to take a look at the menu, ordering ice coffee. The demon paid fir his cup of cofee giving the cashier an innocent smile before drinking it at a vacant table. Abio sipped the cofee, thinking about visiting a witch. Seconds later, the demon pulled his phone out of his pocket, tapping away at it with his thumbs on the glowing screen. Once he finished his cup, he placed his phone back in his pocket and threw the cup in the trash.


Abio left the coffee shop, vanishing out of sight into a forest where he changed into his original form. fallen leaves crunched under his dark red feet that left behind foot prints in the dirt while making* their way to a cabin that reaked of magic. knocking on the door, it creaked open allowing the demon inside. Abio had asked the sorceress in a text if she could somehow make him a companion. She was an old friend of Abios, always willing to do things for him. While in the middle of stirring with a large wooden spoon and dropping what looked like a slimy, wet tongue in a giant bubbling cauldron. Thistle (the witch) had stopped to look up, grinning broadly at Abio who said hello before his studying the cauldron emitting green smoke. the witch had left the room for a few moments. Abio raised a blonde eyebrow when Thistle returned, dragging a giant life size doll with a round head that was faceless, the texture of its body was smooth and made out of wood. "...What is that for?" He asked, frowning with a tilt of his head but she shushed him, telling him to wait.


Thistle approached Abio, plucking a strand of hair from his head that made him yelp. She had made some kind of potion, mixing it with a strand of Abios hair to give the doll some of the demons features. mumbling an enchantment while moving her hands in the air, a purple mist soon emitted from the bottle to surround, and circle the doll slumping against the wall. Abio narrowed his glowing yellow eyes as the doll started to shake. First the dolls body started to look realistic, forming what looked like porcelain skin with soft pink nubs appearing on its chest. The waist shifted,* becoming narrow with a naval in its center. its hips were curvy, legs were slender and it had petite hands and feet; it's body seem to be taking the shape of a female, but below its waist informed Abio it would be a male. Soft White, thick curls popped out from its head that had stopped growing at the nape of its neck. The doll had a heart shaped face, similar to a girls. It had a button nose and freckles on both cheeks that had a natural blush. Its eyes were closed iwth black eyelashes that were thick, and long and its plump lips were rosey red. Abios eyes were wide, his mouth agape when looking back at the witch in the dim lit cabin. She smirked, impressed at how well the doll was turning out.


Turning his attention back to the object. Said doll had two sleek round horns that were black with white tips. They stuck out from the boys white curly hair that hid small pointy ears. A thin red tail matching Abios came from his lower back with a heart shape barb at the end of it. And in the middle of his back sat two small bat like wings. Slowly the doll started breathing, little pants leaving his pouty lips. His stature would be 5'2. Abio stared at Thistle, unable to believe his eyes, "wow. I can really have this?" He asked, looking surprised. He wasn't expecting it to have so much detail or look so alive. "Well Yes, you did help me a lot whenever I asked you," the witch reminded him, her voice soft. She chucked at how Abios eyes lit up when he knelt down to stroke the dolls cheek, his skin was warm. He was alive and so soft.

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{ 1 week later }

Kengi sat on Dākuseibā's couch. His shoulders slumped and head down. His now black hair hanging in his eyes. His dark brown hair had died along with Kenji... now... he was Kengi. He felt so empty inside. A week had passed and he had reaped 26 souls. Boys and Girls, children and elders, bad And good. With every murder the weaker and duller Kengi became. He felt so hollow inside.

"You need to loosen up Kengi... How about we head up stairs. "

"N..No thank you... I don't.. really fit in a club..and I..can't dance. "


Dākuseibā owned a club that welcomed all creatures. Reapers, Vampires, Witches, Fairies, Warlocks, Werewolves and even demons, all were welcome in the Underworld.

And underneath the club was Dākuseibā's underground office/ personal living quarters. Even Kengi lived underneath the club, but never had he ventured up to the surface when the club was open and packed.


Dākuseibā frowned and appeared in front of him, offering his hand And what seemed to be a fake smile, but Kengi was too kind to tell the difference.

"You do fit, because everyone there isn't human, and... club dancing is easy, I'll show you... come. "


Every day Dākuseibā's hold on Kengi grew. He was he master...he creator...his savor. The new reaper unknowingly followed him. Eveyday..it was getting harder for Kengi to say no to him.. to refuse him... the sound of his voice... and the touch of his skin.. was so...charming so.. compelling.


Kengi hesitantly took Dākuseibā's hand, and followed him as he took him up stairs to the club. Once inside, they were greeted by colorful flashing lights and heart pounding music, along with heat and body's.


Kengi couldn't help but think of that day. The day he and Aboi went to the club...The way he touched him... the sound of hi voice.. The sex that came afterwords--

"Kengi. "

He jumped, being pulled out of his past and back to reality and the dance floor. He inhaled, surprised and a little bit scared. Dākuseibā was so close to him! His hands on his hips as he suddenly rubbed his lower body against his. Kengi blushed and tried to pull away.

"D- Dākus--"

"Kengi..Stop running away. I know who your thinking about...and he's not here.. you don't need him any more.. ~"

He rubbed against Kenji again making him shutter.

"I knew I had made the right choice in choosing you. Your soul has stayed so pure...even after all the death you have seen. And even tho you try to lie and hide your true feelings...your body betrays you..You can't hide your true self from me Kengi.. I know everything about you.."

He pushed him to the wall, trapping him. Kenji.panted.


"I know all your weak spots.. how you love being teased. How you love being fucked in the most embarrassing positions... You like it rough but sweet. Cruel and yet forgiving..and here... your oh so vulnerable here"

He kissed Kenji behind his ear, before nibbling on it softly, his free hand now stroking the boy in between his legs.


Kengi clenched his eyes shut biting back his sounds.

"A-ahh. N..No... Dākuse- p..please"

"Oh That's right.. You get embarrassed about doing stuff like this in public..."

He looked away.. nodding a little.

"Y-Yes but.. I.. I'm not..r-ready I.. I still.."

"Love him? Let me show you How you to forget about him.. "

Dākuseibā forcefully took his chin and tried to kiss him.


No...no! The last person to.. to kiss me was Aboi... I.. I still...



His eyes clenched shut and hand trembling. He couldn't think.. his body just moved on its own! He had slapped Dākuseibā!

"O..oh.. oh no I- ... I'm sorr-... sorry. "

Dākuseibā's eyes turned cold, he's brows moving into a V. Fear suddenly filled Kengi's entire body.

"Don't you ever....ever....hit me again..."

He hissed.

"Y..yes..s-sorry Dākuseibā.. I'm sorry. "

He looked away, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Why hold on to your feelings for that demon.. Your dead now.. The Kenji you once were is no more...while you continue to wallow in your pity... I'll have you know that Your precious Aboi.. has moved on."

He muttered, disappearing in the crowd and leaving Kengi there all by himself. The boy was shocked! Aboi... had moved on?

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A week passed and Abios demon doll was beginning to get attached to him. The life size doll followed him everywhere once he got the hang of learning how to walk, barely leaving any space in between him and the demon. For a few days Abio studied his toys behavior, looking for any sign of evil in him. Thistle informed him that the doll would be evil but so far Akuryo obeyed Abio without question, never defying him or acting stubborn, and even slept near him, cuddling up to him when he needed rest. His voice was sweet, soft and he was nothing but friendly to Abio. In that moment Abio questioned if Thistle had made a mistake, wondering if she used the wrong spell..


That was until the dolls personality seem to change when he locked eyes with a human for the first time. Abio had went out one night and decided to bring his toy along with him while searching for a man that was in debt to him. Unfortunately, the man didnt have anything valuable to give abio in that moment so the demon asked his doll to kill him. The shaking human was terrified but seemed to relax some when watching Akuryo who didnt look all that threatening to him. Only cute and very short.


*Abio stared down at the innocent looking doll with a raised eyebrow, expecting him to runaway or refuse but Akuryo was surprisingly violent after his eyes darkened. his expression was cold, eyes hallow as he used his powers to kill the man infront of him, painfully and slowly as ear piercing screams left his lips. Thw dolls behavior surprised and relieved the demon, he was happy that Akuryo was showing his dark side.



"put this on" Abio tossed his precious toy a black crop top that would reveal his waist, and some dark blue jeans that were tight. He was sitting on a bed in Thistles cabin for the time being, staying in a small room. No way was he going to go back to his own home, he even thought about selling it. his bright yellow eyes lingered on the tiny males figure, watching him dress. Tonight he was going to go clubbing with him, maybe even drink enough until he felt so relaxed and drunk that he'd find a more private place with Akuryo.


Akuryo bit his bottom lip, his ruby red eyes glistening as he stared back at the demon, pulling the top on before pulling on a pair of tight jeans and placing shoes on his feet that had rhinestones and sequin on them. The blonde blushed slightly as he turned to stand infront of a giant, dusty mirror leaning against the wall while applying some color to his lips. He was unable to fight the smile on his lips as he brushed his hair. He knew Abio only wanted to be sex friends, nothing more for some reason, but he wanted the demon to open his heart to him. There was still so much he didn't know about him.


Abio wore a silk red shirt with dark blue jeans that were similar to Akuryos except they were baggy, and he had black dress shoes on. The demon was going to go to a club called underworld where it will be packed with all types Of creatures, and no mortals. Abio rose off the bed, ready to leave so he grabbed the dolls smaller hand before teleporting infront of a club that had a long line infront of it. Abio wrapped his arms around the dolls small waist pulling to the long line, his fingers moving up to playfully brush under the helm of Akuryos shirt, sending a shiver down his back . Abios larger frame was pressed up against the doll and his lips curled slightly at hearing Akuryo gasp softly.


As the line grew shorter and people were let in, Abio led his doll inside the dark night club, that had neon lights flashing everywhere and the music was loud, making it hard to hear while he threaded through the crowd of people.* He watched nymphs, fairies, demons and other creatures moving to the beat of the music on the dance floor, dancing against each other. Once he spotted a vacant table in a dark corner, and moved to sit there. he suddenly saw a brunettr standing near the wall, and had to rub his eyes despite knowing he had sharp vision. He couldn't believe it was Kengi. Abio eyes grew the size of saucers, his heart beating rapidly as he froze in place. Akuryo frowned, following the males line of vision, and tugging on Abio hand "Abio, what is it?"










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"D-dākuseibā w-wait!"

He tried to say but the music was so loud and he was already so far away.

P-please don't leave me!

He looked down at himself. What the other said...was it true? Was he being too...selfish? Perhaps delusional? He'd probably never see Aboi again, even if that some how happened. A year had passed. He was different now...And what they had was broken, perhaps beyond repair.

And yet....Kengi still held on to this...foolish idea of somehow being together again.

I-I'm...I'm so stupid.

He thought. He kept pushing Dākuseibā away for a man who he'd probably never see again. A demon who might hate what he's become...and apparently Aboi has moved on...


Kengi leaned against the wall, crossing his arms and occasionally glanced around the room, keeping his eyes away from the grinding and horny/ drunk creatures.


His eyes turned sad as he thought of the time he was first ever in a club. He lightly touched his neck, which had nothing on it but Kengi remembered how Aboi forced him to wear a dog collar, so everyone would know that...he belonged to him..


Not wanting to remember the life He once lived, he started to make his way threw the crowd.

"E-excuse me... pardon me..."

He wasn't a forceful person so it took him some time to get threw all the bodies of night crawlers, when he finally made it to the bar.

"Um.. Ty."

He went to the bartender who was also a reaper and worked for Dākuseibā. He glanced at Kengi before moving over to him.

"What is it."

"Can I use the back exit? "

He raised his eye brow.

"Where are you going. "

"J-Just outside...I wanna...I wanna clear my head."

He shook his head frowning a little before jerking his chin toward the back I exit.

"Go, make it quick, Dākuseibā doesn't like you being alone."

"Thank you.."

Kengi pulled away from the bar, making his way toward the back exit, trying to get threw people again.


Kenji had no idea that he had caught Aboi's attention let alone that the demon was in the club and now..watching him. Kenji's appearance hadn't changed much. His hair was darker but... his eyes gave him away. The same chocolate brown eyes that had once made Aboi melt and his skin was a little lighter now, now that He was a reaper.


Dākuseibā sat at a table, sipping his alcoholic beverage and keeping his eye on Kengi... but also smirking when Aboi laid his eyes on the newly born reaper.

Things are beginning to fall into place~ ... What will you do demon...Now that you see Kenji..Will you follow?

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Abio tried not too look so shock after hearing the repaers voice. Instead he scrunched up his nose, blinking and decided to ignore it. He got tired of people always invading his thoughts, and didn't even bother looking around to find who that smooth voice belong too. Abio frowned, barely paying attention to the doll shaking him slightly and reluctantly rose from his seat, his mind racing. What was he suppose to do now? No way that could've been Kenji, he had a sensitive nose and he didn't smell a human anywhere. Besides Kenjis mortal, he couldn't have gotten in here and if he did a bunch of demons would've degraded or ripped him apart by now. Maybe it was someone else, it had to be... but. Abio bit his lower lip, frowning. what if it was him?


He wanted to find out so he moved through the crowd, ignoring the doll that tugged at his silky shirt with a concern and confusion on his face. He tried to get Abios attention, but failing and pouting as the loud music drowned his voice out. "Hey. Abio! where are you going?" The doll didnt want to be separated from the demon, it's not like he's ever been in a club before or was use to being around so many people. Abios eyebrows furrowed as he made his way towards the exit, but tried to still his nerves. He felt a bit nervous and anxiety as he shook so he tried his best to keep hide it and took deep breathes. Resting his hand on the door, he let out a long sigh before pushing it open. Abio felt a soft breeze, and his almond shaped eyes that were golden with narrow slits like a cats' watched Kenji standing in the dark. Akuryo followed after him, growing irritated that the demon was ignoring him. He pouted once the demon stopped almost bumping into him, and saw sadness in the demons eyes before the older male tried to mask it.


Abio had no idea what to say to the human, and wanted to run away, but forced himself to stay. Clearing his throat, he stared at the back of Kenjis head for a few moments and spoke "i dont mean to bother you, but have we met before?" Abio hid his nervousness well, staring at the human with fierce yellow eyes. Akuryo stood behind Abio, blinking at Kenji curiously

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It felt so great to be out of there. The club life was something Kengi could never get use too. He stared down at his necklace, watching the dark clouds inside of orb swirl. He was so deep into his thoughts that he hadn't heard the door open behind him.

"i dont mean to bother you, but have we met before?" [/Quote]

Kengi's entire body suddenly tensed up, and was quickly snatched away from his thoughts. His eyes were wide as he stared at the ground.

No...T-that voice.

He turned and in that moment He felt everything shatter. His body froze as his chocolate eyes fell on...on Aboi!

T-this...this can't be happening.,tell me t-this isn't happening..

He opened his mouth but no words came out. For the longest time he could only stare at the demon in front of him. What would he think of him? What would he say next...


Kengi's eyes suddenly fell on the boy behind Aboi..he had fair skin...and blonde hair with stunning eyes, and he was...holding onto Aboi as if....as if they were....together. He was...replaced. In a year he was easily replaced!!!

A million feelings hit him in an instant.

Regret, Anger, Sadness, Sorrow, Pity, Rage, Disspiontment, loneliness, stress, Drained, Destroyed, Abused, Forgotten, Ignored, Rejected, Replaced, And Bitter.


He snapped.


In a instant an explosion of ice came from his body. The air turning thin, and the temperature dropping to the negatives. Ice starting to emerge and magically appear on the boys body. The floor around him turned into ice and sharp large spikes came shooting up from the ground everywhere, and all around him. An icy wind pushed Aboi back with extreme force.

The explosion of sudden power only last for about a minute before Kengi eyes rolled in the back of his head and he fell backwards, fainting.

"Such power~

Dākuseibā smiled As he caught Kenji in his arms appearing out of no where. Kengi's hair changing colors from a dark brown...to a heart piercing white, he laid there. unconscious in his arms.


Dākuseibā turned to Aboi who was no doubt confused and shocked.

"Thank you. I truly owe you one..I wasn't sure how to awaken Kengi's powers, so I figured if I exposed him to extreme stress, he might awaken. And it seems I was correct. You were the perfect tool."

He looked down at Kenji with a sigh.

"Although I never imaged your power would be ice...such a cold power for such a warm hearted person. "


Dākuseibā was dressed in all black. A scythe attached to his back. His hair pitch black and piercing purple eyes, He held Kengi close as he grinned with a evil smirk.

"My name's Dākuseibā..and I'm Kengi's creator...although.. you knew him as Kenji. "

He looked down at the heart broken boy in his arms.

"Kenji Ushio died 8 days ago. Hit by a car...So sad..I revived him, letting him be reborn as Kengi.. the reaper. "

He licked his lips, his eyes undressing Kengi. He looked back at Aboi.

"I now understand your addiction to this boy...his soul.. I've never been to transfixed on anyone before... he's truly a interesting toy~ "

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Abios eyebrows raised, surprised that it was Kenji. The human was actually standing before him but Instead of feeling incredibly happy, and giving a genuine smile he hasn't shown in a long time. Terrible thoughts came creeping back into his head as he thought about their breakup. Kenji was the once the broke up with him over something that seemed so small to him. a flicker of fear showed in Abios eyes, he cringed and wince. He squeezed his fisting, thinking of the terrible pain he went through for months. The demon stepped back, not sure if he should approach Kenji. He shook his head. No way was he going to go through that again. Abios been on the earth for a very long time, and never had he felt such heart ache before.


That's when Akuryo noticed the disturbing look on Kenjis face. It was creepy. The doll shook the demons shoulder slightly. "Abio look at that kids face!" He whispered loudly, feeling uneasy. Abio glanced up, suddenly watching Kenji with grave concern. But took another step back, as if sensing that something bad was going to happen.



"What the hell?" Abio muttered, looking bewildered as he watched what looked like ice forming on the humans body. None of this was making any sense to him. The temperature dropped and ice formed on the ground, spreading over the concrete, and giant spikes of ice shot up from the shaky ground. As he moved quickly after grabbing Akuryos wrist, his heart thumping as he tried his hardest to avoid being impaled by ice. Abio could see his breath from how chilly it suddenly became. It was blazing hot down in hell, he had never felt this cold. Despite running, a powerful wind knocked him and Akuryo off their feet, sending them flying and crashing on the ice covered ground. Abio grunted, hearing that strange familiar voice again and blinked with a loud sigh. Did he just have never ending bad luck? "owe you one?" A muscle twitched in his jaw as he rose to his feet while Akuryo rubbed his aching head, seeing spots in his vision.* "What the hell are you talking about?" The demon narrowed his eyes watching the pale Kenji, unconscious with snow white hair in the arms of a grim reaper with piercing purple eyes, a cruel smile and a scythe. It was quite now outside, nothing but the blowing wind and their voices could be heard


Abio refrained from rolling his eyes, appearing infront of Daku within seconds and giving the reaper an unreadable expression. The last thing the demon cared about was the reapers name or who he was like he would care. He averted his eyes, frowning at watching Kenji and small snow flakes touching his face. This wasnt his fault damnit. He will not feel bad. Abio ignored the pang of guilt, Kenji was the one that left him. he truly thought he would never see him again. A year had passed and he didn't want to be alone anymore.


Abio looked away for a moment before feeling his heart sank, glancing at the reaper with wide eyes when he mentioned Kenjis death. Abio stared at the other intently, his heart throbbing in his chest. H-he saved him? He wasnt sure if he should be upset by the way the reaper undressed Kengi with his eyes or thank him for saving his life. "So what now?" Abio sighed, his expression turning dark as he crossed his arms "'Am I suppose to save him from you?"

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Dākuseibā stared at Kengi as Abio appeared in front of him.

My My...he's fast~

He thought to himself. He met the demons eyes. He couldn't read his face, but even so..he didn't have too. The chill in the air was gone.. the snow and ice around them slowly beginning to melt, and Kengi was cold to the touch.

"So what now?" [/Quote]

Abio sighed, his once expressionless face turning dark as he crossed his arms.

"'Am I suppose to save him from you?"[/Quote]

"What would give you that idea? "

He grinned and he turned his back to the demon.

"You have no obligation to him, in fact you don't even know Kengi. "

He snickered a little.

"The Kenji you knew and once were so obsessed with Is dead. He's Kengi now... my precious play thing. "

He glanced at Aboi's doll.

"And it seems you have got your own little toy. "

He shrugged.

"I just needed you too awaken his powers. Seeing you again...with someone else shattered his will and pushed him overboard. Now it is my job to be the hero Kengi so desperately wants. His feelings for you Are troublesome but over time I'll replace you, just as you so easily replaced him with that thing~ "

He slowly began walking away.

"This boy was once so precious to you... now he's covered in darkness and belongs to death itself~ You can't save him from me... besides who's to say I'm the bad guy? "

He laughed.

"It was interesting meeting you Aboi. I'll make sure Kengi never has too see you again, I appreciate your help, Farewell demon."

He laughed again in such a evil way that it would give anyone the chills. Black smoked covered his body as he disappeared into the night with Kengi...


Dākuseibā had such a dark vibe to him... it was hard to tell what exactly he planned to do with Kenji, and yet... this was none of Aboi's business any more. He didn't need to save or potect Kenji any more. They ended there relationship long ago...but what would he do?

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"Is that asshole trying to force Kenji to love him?" Abio muttered darkly. though... He didn't want to admit it, but Daku wasn't bad looking. Maybe Kengi would fall for him... He watched the reaper leave with a dazed expression, staring at nothing for a long time. The clouds were gone and the sky was grey, with snow flakes falling. Kengi finally became immortal only for someone else to take him away. It hasnt even been that long, and the male was out of his life again. Abio scowled, shaking his head and hating himself for even caring. He shouldn't care anymore. Its been a whole year and he needed to move on. Akuryo moved, pushing himself up to position on his hands and knees for a moment before standing on both feet. He groaned, his feet leaving cracks as he advanced towards Abio. "Abio..." the doll gave him a stern look, angry that the demon kept pretending like he didn't exist.


The demon was pulled away from his thoughts by that soft voice, turning to look down at the doll. "Why was it so hard to get your attention? You obviously know that kid. Is he more important to you?" He bit out, pouting like a child and furrowing his brow.


The demon ran a hand through his hair, looking away at the glistening ice and snow all around for a few moments. Abio ignored Akuryos questions, huffing. "Are you hurt?" He asked, his fingers gently grasping the dolls chin to check for any bruises on his heart shaped face and felt the dolls small body with his hands, looking for injuries. Whatever Akuryo consist of, he sure didnt break easily despite looking so small. Akuryo blinked, "now you give me attention?.." The demon doll felt a pang of jealousy, pushing the demons hand away. "You left me on the ground," He whined childishly. It was like as soon as Abio saw Kengi Akuryo became a ghost.


Abio was stunned, and wasn't expecting Akuryo to behave that way. "So you finally decided to act like a brat," Abio smirked instead of getting angry. His smile only widened, revealing his fangs when Akuryo became more annoyed before hissing in pain after hitting his head. "Yup. There's a bump on your head, let's go"* but Akuryo wasn't following Abio, he crossed his arms, turning away "Come on. You know I care," Abio said, appearing infront of Akuryo before he could blink and grabbing the demon doll by the waist to pick him up. Akuryo struggled at first, acting like a grumpy child before eventually wrapping his legs around the warm demon and his arms around his neck as he laid his cheek on his shoulder. Abio carried him, his face becoming gloomy and dark.


The demon sighed, flicking his wrist and soon they materialized in the forest. He felt tired all of sudden, only wanting to sleep and forget everything that happrned, but he couldn't forget. Why didnt he just pick another night club? He had to run into Kengi and that damn reaper. Daku wasn't going to harm Kengi though, right? He did bring him back to life.. so he must care about his well being. The demon walked through the forest, his shoes leaving smoky foot prints in the snow. Abio heard the dolls soft breathing as he clinged to the demon, sleeping.



Abio gradually pulled Akuryo off of him to lay him on the large bed and shook him slightly. "Akuryo. Wake up," he said quietly, nudging him. Akuryo moaned, narrowing and rubbing his eyes with his tiny fist, as Abio left the room afterwards only to return shortly with a glass of water and asprin. And he even wrapped bandages around Akuryos head. The entire time he was helping Akuryo, he felt the doll staring at him intently. Abio chose to ignore his stare, quickly finishing up on wrapping the bandage so he could go to bed but the demon was expecting something, ans wasnt surprised when Akuryo kissed him. Abio relaxed, kissing the doll languidly, and eagerly for a few minutes before pulling back. He had to sleep.


*It wasn't long before Akuryo fell asleep again and Abio first removed his clothes to get into something more comfortable, folding his clothes on a old wooden chair. He crawled into bed next to doll under the blanket, warming Akuryo up with the heat in his body. The demons skin should've been toasty and warm. Soon Abio closed his eyes, trying to breath deeply.

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For two days Kengi was unconscious, and during that time Dākuseibā watched over him. It was true that he wanted Kengi, but he wanted his soul even more. Every minute that pasted he craved it more and more...it was pure despite all the suffering and darkness the boy experienced. Souls came in all sorts of colors but decades have passed since Dākuseibā has seen a pure white soul such as his.

"N..nn a...abo-.. i"

Dākuseibā frowned when he heard the reaper call for Aboi. It made his blood boil slightly, soon he'd replace Aboi.. he had too.

"Kengi..wake up..."

He took Kengi's hand in his, holding it gently as he slowly opened his eyes.

".. Dākuseibā...w...what--"

What had happened? And then he remember. Everything just came rushing back to him.. going outside...Aboi...the other boy...


" Kengi...Stop...breath. look at me.."

The room suddenly dropped in temperature and frost began to form on the walls and bed. Kengi was losing his temper.

"W..what.. what is this.. I.. "

"Shhh.. calm down...focus on me.. in time you'll be able to control it..You've finally awaken Kengi...Your power is ice"

"P..powers.. s-so.. back at the club.. I did that?"

Dākuseibā nodded as he reached out and touched his cheek making him flinch.

"I know what your thinking Kengi... but that did truly happen...you saw Aboi, and the boy with him.. was his lover..You must except it...its time to move on...to someone so much better for you.. "

Tears built up in the boys eyes, causing the room to grow dark and snowflakes began to fall with his tears.

"I,..I can't I...D-... Dākuseibā it...it hurts..."

He voice trembled as he covered his face.

"Do you want the pain to go away? "

He asked him. Kengi nodded, crying softly.

With out any warning Dākuseibā kissed the vulnerable and upset Kengi. The boys teary eyes widened in shock but he was too weak to pull away. He let the other kissed him. Closing his eyes and slowly opening his mouth so Dākuseibā could invade him. His ands cupped his face and whipped his years away, comforting him,

He felt nothing...there were no sparks. No warmth, or love or passion. Dākuseibā kiss felt nothing like Aboi s,..and it probably would never feel like the demons He once loved.


It felt good to be wanted again.. to be desired and to have somebody kiss kiss him... But something was missing...love.

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*his eyes opened to squint at rhe ceiling, blinking the tiredness away. A hand pushed the duvet off his frame but was careful to keep the other half of it on Akuryo. he glanced down at the blonde who's chest was rising and falling slowly, his lips parted "Well... it's not that cold anymore," He muttered, planting his feet on the floor to pad over to the bathroom and do the routine he always did before starting his day. After emerging from the bathroom he put his clothes and boots on and left Akuryo alone to sleep soundly before opening the wooden door that creaked slightly.


The kitchen had a soft glow to it from flickering candles while the air was filled with magic. After entering the kitchen Abio watched a figure warily as it sat alone at a wooden table only to realize it was just Thistle who was sitting in the dark and changed her appearance. She looked different... prettier. Thistle didn't acknowledge him, her eyes never leaving the pages of an ancient book. Her velvety long hair framed her oval face was so black it almost looked blue. In contrast with her black locks was her pale skin that almost glowed and her full lips were a bright shade of red. she looked down at the words, muttering an enchantment while concentrating hard. His eyes noticed how long and thick her eyelashes were as she looked down. Abio mumbled darkly, his unnatural red eyes watching Thistle as he was careful not to make too much noise. slowly he walked to the door, letting out a slow breath .* His hand turned the rusty doorknob, and he stepped outside to take a walk.

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"Are you ready Kengi? "

The boy stared at the ground, as he sat on his knees. His shirt off and back to Dākuseibā. He was in a dark room, with no Windows, other reaper's surrounded him and Dākuseibā to watch the branding.


He said softly. Aboi...doesn't...want me any more....He...replaced me..He's..moved on..


The excruciating pain he felt shook threw his entire body as he screamed bloody murder. He could smell his skin burn against the hot iron that was pressed against his right shoulder. The men around him cheered and hollered with joy, thrilled to be welcoming a new member to their group.

"It's done.."

Dākuseibā smirked, ending his suffering just as Kengi gasps for air, wincing and trembling, his pain slowly fading as the wound healed. His powers that he couldn't control quite yet were hindered during the process of his branding. The strange circle he sat in, glowed a mysterious red and shocked his body any time his powers surfaced. Tears fell from his eyes as he panted, his creator coming to his side. He felt nothing...He felt hollow inside. This pain...was the only thing he did feel. Even tho they had kissed last night, they didn't get very far sexually because Dākuseibā was called away to reap a lost soul..


"Kengi..You did well.."


Kengi struggling to get on his feet, arching his back in agony. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his body, shuttering at his pain.

"You should rest Kengi,"

He shook his head.

"I... I just wanna be alone right now..p-please"

He muttered, not meeting the other man's gaze, keeping his head low. He exited the room, in slow struggling steps. In 30 minutes the pain and wound would be gone, but the branding Mark would remain. Every second that went by Kengi felt like he was losing something. A piece of himself...his past...his emotions...He truly wished he was dead. Dead enough where he was in a ditch barred and left to rest there. He was tired of fighting and losing. Tired of being hurt and abused... The boy collapsed on his bed, closing his eyes to sleep for awhile.


"Well, Well, Well it is you."Sloth grinned as walked on the air above Aboi looking down at him, invisible to everyone but him. The reaper hadn't changed since the last time Aboi saw him. He still had dark hair and eyes. Still worse black and carried his own scythe. "It's been awhile demon.."He playfully looked around the area. "No human around ya I see. You finally kick Kenji to the curb? And here I thought you boys actually had something genuine" He reaper shrugged, perhaps he had information on Dākuseibā and his intentions. He Probably New a lot about the reaper world.

7d15950c5a09fc5a013aaefe05fa3d39.jpgKengi's branding mark


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Abio was still strolling through the forest where people didnt usually tread so their weren't any humans around. The demon haulted in his tracks staring up at the reaper hovering in the air, his feet moving as if walking on an invisible floor. He Sighed inwardly at the sight of the familiar reaper who just ruined his walk, "Another one?" He rolled his eyes, snarling through gritted teeth "What do you want?" The demon demanded. "No one is dying around here last time I checked,"


As he waited for a response Abio sensed Akuryo moving behind him after leaving the cabin. His dainty feet crushing leaves as he walked over to Abio to interlock their fingers together for someone. The demon didn't even glance at him, giving Sloth a blank expression.

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"Oooo..he's cute..not a human tho...a doll?"

He grinned.

"Your quite correct, there's no one dying in the area, well not any more. I was heading back to head quarters when I saw you strolling along, and I honestly couldn't help myself. "

He shrugged.

"But how rude, last time we saw each other I helped you.. I'm shocked to see your not excited to see me."

He said a little sarcastically.

"So what happened? I love being nosy. Who broke up with who? "


This was Aboi's chance to perhaps get information on the reapers organization and even Dākuseibā. Perhaps Sloth knew the rather scary reaper, May be Kenji was safe.. or May be he was in danger.

"Come on you can tell me..."

He laughed a little as his feet lightly touched the ground.

"By the way you've changed a little. Your darker....Well...your demon aura is.. I guess you took the break up hard but..."

His eyes fell on the doll.

"Seems you've moved on.."

He winked at the toy, smiling as if Aboi and him were old friends.

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Abio continued to stare at Sloth, looking uninterested as he shifted the subject to his doll. The demon rudely checked his watch as if he had somewhere to be when he really didnt. ".. honestly i had forget the favor you did for me. And I am thrilled to you," His smile was strained as his last statement came out a bit sarcastic.


Abios eyes suddenly grew dark for a moment when Sloth tried to get information on how the break up happened, "if I seem darker that's a good thing..." He responded, ignoring Sloths questions before giving Akuryo a sideways glance when the reaper glanced at him. Since the doll was holding his hand he thought they were together. Abio didn't move on, but he sure wasn't going to tell death that, "Alright... what do I have to give you to know what happen to Kengi?" The demon sighed, having a feeling that it was going to cost him something to get information.the blonde blushed slightly, covering his face with his hand when the reaper winked at him.

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Sloth paused and looked a little confused by the demom's question.

"Give me? "

He crossed his arms.

"And who's Kengi?.."

He titled his head to the side trying to understand what the demon was talking about. The reaper wasn't Kenji's keeper so he didn't know what happened to him, for all he knew, he still assumed that Kenji was alive and well, but

He probably knew something about Dākuseibā the reaper. Aboi would have to fill him in on what happened or at least ask if he had information on Dākuseibā...

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"You really don't know?" He blinked, looking skeptical "So you seriously came here just to see me? Wow.." Abio felt a biy surprise as he stared at the confused reaper, "ok, you remember Kenji? Well he got in a car accident and died, but this strange reaper Daikuseiba decided to turn Kenji into a reaper for some reason ...turning him into Kengi" Abio searched his face, wondering if he understood now, "do you know who daikuseiba is?"

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"You really don't know?" [/Quote]


"So you seriously came here just to see me? Wow.." [/Quote]

"Your just so charming~"

He said sarcastically laughing, he stopped tho when Aboi continued.

"ok, you remember Kenji? Well he got in a car accident and died, but this strange reaper Daikuseiba decided to turn Kenji into a reaper for some reason ...turning him into Kengi" [/Quote]

Sloth's eyes wided when he heard the other say

Dākuseibā's name.

"W-What? "

"do you know who daikuseiba is?"[/Quote]

He turned away from Aboi.

"Holy shit..."

He shook his head.

" Dākuseibā is bad news, really bad news, "

He looked back at Aboi.

"If what you told me is true then your ex is screwed. You see.. the reaper organization has sector's and squads. Dākuseibā is the Head of sector 6 And runs all the 5 squads. He's powerful and does what the hell he wants, he never gets in trouble with the heads because you can never get him into trouble. I'm not under Dākuseibā...And I wouldn't wanna be..I hear rumors...story's, "

Sloth looked a little spooked.

"They say that..If he fancy's one of his subordinates... t-they disappear. No one knows what happens to them, they just vanish..but I hear...he steals their soul.. and.. does what he wants to their body. It's... It's just rumors, I can't say if that shit's true But.. Dākuseibā is bad news. No one ever challenges him. If you ever come across him, they say you should pray to whatever God you believe in and run. "

Sloth shook getting the chills.

"That guys fucking scary. Ugghh."

He wanted to say something else but the necklace around his neck started to glow.

"Crap... I gotta go, humans die far too often. "

He muttered looking at his necklace.

"I don't know how you feel about.. Kenji now but it's probably best you forget about him. If he's with Dākuseibā then..,,"

He bit his lip shrugging.

"Dākuseibā is nothing but trouble, I can tell you that much.....See ya demon. "

He jumped in the air, and disappeared.

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Abios face turned grim and his shoulders slumped as Sloth informed him about what he knew about Daikuseiba. The demon saw a how spooked the reaper look as he describe Daikuseiba. None of what he saying helpful and only making him starting to hate his life. Out all the reapers one of the deadliest had to save Kengi? Well that was just perfect..."Well... that didn't help any," Abio muttered, feeling grumpy now. Sloth had dissapeared to go and collect souls. Akuryo squeezed the demons hand gently, realizing the demon was in a past relationship "Abio don't waste your time on something that's not important" He narrowed his eyes at the demon, his lips twisting downward as he felt a twinge of jealousy. The doll pressed his lips to Abios cheek who seemed nauseated all of a sudden. Abio barely felt the kiss. "Why do I even care?" He whispered.


Akuryo eyes darkened depicting how he felt. Akuryo wrapped his slender arms around the demon, trying to comfort him but Abio kept his arms at his sides. "Let go.." He shrugged his shoulders, letting Akuryo know to release him. His companion released him, his bottom lip quivering. The demon sighed inwardly, leaning down to kiss Akuryo before pulling away and interlocking their fingers together. The doll blinked away his tears, seeming less upset now as they walked through the forest.

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Kengi sighed as he reaped another soul. He had killed so many people now that he lost count. This particular human was a young girl who didn't believe she was beautiful, unless she was skinny by society's standards. Shed eat only to throw it up later, sometimes she wouldn't eat at all...she was so skinny...but when she looked in the mirror, she believed she was fat, and she eventually killed herself by not feeding her body. He hated being a reaper...He couldn't stand seeing so much death.

Tears started to build up in his eyes, but he quickly whipped them away.


He turned and saw Shiro, a fellow reaper under


" Dākuseibā wants you to return home, He says he wants to talk to you."

Kengi nodded and started to walk up an invisible flight of stairs, getting further and further into the sky..


He put on his hoodie, still sporting that dark, emo, death look, and headed back to the Underworld Club.


Kengi back was healed from yesterday's branding, now the only thing that remained was the mark. It wasn't very big, it was slightly bigger then a lighter, if not the actual size.

He had training everyday since he got his powers. He'd have to sit in a room and concentrate, for hours. Making small things like frost, or ice cubes, to bigger things like freezing giant objects and rooms. He assumed that

Dākuseibā called him back for his training, it was getting late and all kinds of creatures would be coming soon to party, Not wanting to take any chances on seeing anyone, he went in threw the back way, once inside, he headed down stairs to Dākuseibā office, with his hands in his pockets and eyes down.

"..you..wanted to see me.."

He muttered, coming inside and closing the door behind him, they were alone.


Dākuseibā Sat at his desk, working on papers when he stopped, smiling at him.

"Yes I did. "

He stood up and approached him, Kengi couldn't help but freeze up in his presence.

"Come this way. "

He took his hand and lead him out of the office and into his own bed room.

".. Dākuseibā..w-why are we in my room."

"Because I know, no one will bother us in here...there's something that I want from you Kengi... and I thought I could wait, like I've done in the past... but I can't wait any longer. "

He stared into Kenji's eyes, frightening him.

"W..what are you talking about. "

"It's in here..."

He pointed to the others chest, smirking a little as his grip on the boy tightened.

"I desire.... your soul~"

Before Kenji could say anything or react, Dākuseibā plunged his scythe into his back. He gasped and trembled, gripping onto the others clothes.

"Yes... you must be in so much pain...~"

Kengi slowly fall to his knees, unable to catch his breath. Dākuseibā laughed a little before pulling the sharp weapon out of him, and attached to it was a pure white orb. It moved and shined as if it was alive... Kengi's soul.


Kengi'a eyes widened and he fell to the floor, feeling his soul being ripped out of him. Now that it was gone, his eyes changed. They became hollow, and half lided. He couldn't move his body...

"Your soul..it's so beautiful~ "

Kengi couldn't speak...let alone think.. he was just.. a lifeless doll now. He could hear and feel and see everything but... he was powerless.


"Welcome to my...Special room.. do you like? "

Kengi had no idea where he was.. if he could feel emotions, he'd feel terrified. This room was like a sex slave prison. There was a bed on one said of the wall, on the opposite side were toys, and whips. On the main wall, were there body's. Two males and one female. They were naked and chained on the wall, forced to stand. They were clean tho, as if freshly bathed, but they didn't move or speak, they were lifeless.

Above each body was a shelf, and on that was a snow globed, however each one glowed and shined and moved. Inside the snow globes wasnt water, but souls. Kengi watched as Dākuseibā placed is pure white soul in a snow globe, and put it on a empty shelf.

"You will defiantly be a nice addition to my collection.."

He grinned and went over to Kengi, his body motionless on the bed, laying on his back.


Dākuseibā came on top of him.

"You'll join the others soon enough, but... I've waited long enough...Now that your soul is gone...your body is lifeless...which means you can't resist me any more"

Dākuseibā began to undress Kengi, roughly ripping off his clothes. He didn't move or scream, all he could do was stare at the reaper, tears streaming down his face.

"You'll get use to it Kengi~ I'll take care of your body.. You'll feel everything I do to you but you won't be able to do anything about it~"

He forced Kengi's legs opened and pulled out his cock, dominating him.

"Your so cute~ "

He nibbled on Kengi's neck, forcing himself inside of him. Kengi couldn't fight back, He made no sounds as Dākuseibā moved in and out of him.

"Your so tight~ Oooh~ ha.."

He whispered in his ear. It hurt.....it hurt so bad And yet... he couldn't do anything.

Dākuseibā raped him seven times before he was finished with him.

After he was done, he picked up his naked body, and chained him to the wall with the other lifeless body's who were no doubt just like him.

"The club opens in 10 minutes. I'll come back in the morning. ~

He kissed his lips hard and passionately, before looking at his other soulless reapers and kissing their cheeks...

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  • 1 month later...

Abio sighed, absent mindedly swinging him and Akuryos hands back and forth as they walked down the street in town. He had learned to dull his emotions so he wasn't worried about Kengi as much as he probably should've been. The demon wasnt quite sure what to anyway. .. "You think that freak might be at that club?" Akuryo asked out of curiosity, staring up at his owner with a scowl on his face. "Possibly..." He sighed, realizing Akuryo must be getting that word freak from him. Abio shoved his other hand into his pocket

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"No matter what. Never leave me.."


"Kenji, Please tell me what happened..."

..It...i-it hurts..

"I love you.."

"I would die for you.."

"I don't want to hurt you..."

...I-I'm...I'm sorry..

Tears fell down Kengi's cheeks as he remembered all the things Aboi had once said to him.

" You use to stare at me a lot in class.. And at times when you thought I never saw you.. I saw you and your lovely smile..you look away from me a lot and blush... because your so shy. You always were so sweet to people and in return they were so harsh to you .. And you would cry, cry a lot.. I'm the same boy that told you I wouldn't lie to you and yet I did..."


"It doesn't matter that we're different..No matter what, we'll always be together..What are you afraid of?"

N..no..I..I just--

" You moan like a girl.."

"Don't make me ravish you.. I'm going to do a lot to you.."

"Should I imitate what you did yesterday?"



E-everything...I said...

"I...I don't want to live in a world that your not in! I don't want anyone else But you!"

"I....I don't...want you to hurt me..."

"..I love you..."

"I..I love you..Aboi..I love.. you so much that it hurts..b-but I'm...I'm scared..Your so different! How can we be together! H-how can this work,.?! I..I don't want...to lose you too...I'd...I'd rather kill myself then be alone again!"

I..I was so...empty..w-with you...e-every day..hurt..

"G-go away so I can take my bath! Y-You pervert! "

"S-stop teasing Me! I..I can't help how you m-make me feel! "

..I tried... I tried to forget you! But the pain and your voice! Your damn voice just wouldn't go away!! The cutting didn't do anything for my loneliness...it's been a year... an entire year of hell and I still can't...c-can't forget you...I...I still...love you...A-aboi

A steam of tears fell down Kengi's expressionless face. He couldn't move his body let alone sob like he wanted to. Now that he was held captive and trapped... he had time to think...and his thoughts couldn't help but go to Aboi since he saw him again with that...boy.

Have you replaced me?! Have you found someone else!! Have you moved on and forgotten all those things you said to me?!.. a-Aboi....ABOI!!!!


Dākuseibā sat at one of his booths, demons and creatures of the night wildly dancing at his club, a evil smug smirk on his devilishly handsome features. He asked for another drink, wanting to enjoy himself tonight. His plan was a excess once again and it seems no one would ever catch on let alone find our the truth about him and his missing reappears.

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