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Card Tricks (KuroBear x jo_suzaku Private)


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Name: Jack Robinson


Age: 21


Appearance: Because of his strong sensitivity to the cold, Jack normally wears dark pants, shirts and sweaters- always along with a scarf that always wraps comfortably around his neck or turtlenecks. He normally wears white gloves everywhere he goes, but when he plays, the gloves come off. He really doesn't care about what he looks like, as long as he's comfortable in what he's in, he's fine. Jack has pale blue eyes and has blonde hair.


Personality: Quiet, passive, fast, has many sides to him that are usually in bursts- those are solid emotions such as anger, annoyance, passion, ect. Is secretly childish, but hides it in 'sake' of his reputation.


Likes: Making towers of cards, drinking things through a straw, fresh air.


Dislikes: The smell of cigarette smoke, dogs (he's scared of them), unfair games.





Ever since Jack was little, he'd always want to play with the other kids in card and board games, which in his opinion were fun and never got boring. Unfortunately in this day and age, it was very hard to find a partner that wasn't engrossed in their phones or game systems or whatever kids did. No, the blonde spent a lot of time with his deck of cards; the backs of them had drawn in roses by none other than the man who gave it to the boy. His father gave it to Jack as a present to his 10th birthday. Because of bad luck, he became fatherless the next day, the cards in his pocket becoming stained with the man's blood. It wasn't a memory he liked to get into detail about.


Yes, the cards were forever left in that state, but, aside from the violent history, had been kept in perfect shape over the years, not being used in any normal game whatsoever, only using them when he feels as if he has a worthy enough of an opponent. And it was this specific game that his rival... deserved to see those cards.


This was just supposed to be an easy run, but his opponent threw him off with almost every single play. The table was surrounded by people who wanted to see the infamous dog play in a game of twenty-one, little did they know they'd be the first ones to see Jack lose. When it was all over and the other man had won, everyone roared and cussed, a lot of people losing their own bets. Jack didn't even change his blank expression, only putting down the cards he had to extend his hand out, wishing to shake the other's hand as good sportsmanship... Honestly, that was the most fun game he had played yet. Who knew?

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Name: Will Turner


Age: 22


Appearance: Will loves the colour white and usually wears white shirts and black jeans with his favourite black woolen coat. He sometimes switches his coat for a leather jacket. He's tall, lean and very fit. He loves working out and goes for a run almost every morning. He has silver grey eyes and jet black hair. But his eyes are lifeless and sad.


Personality: He's very poplular with the ladies and looks like a big flirt but he's actually gay and a very faithful person. He was in a very serious relationship with the love of his life but the guy was actually cheating on him and dumped for someone else. He was thus left shattered and now spends his time drinking and smoking. He rarely shows emotions and is in control most of the time, even when he drinks a lot. He's never played a card game in his life and hates gambling.


Likes: Honest people, alcohol and smoking.


Dislikes: Losing in anything, gambling and has lost faith in love.








Ever since Will Turner was dumped by his long time boyfriend, he rarely got out of the house. If at all he had to leave, it was only to buy more booze and cigarettes. He just stayed at home, staring at the walls or drinking till he passed out. One day, a knock on the door shook him out of his daze. He almost ran to the door and opened it, only to be disappointed.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Will growled and tried to shut the door.

But the other man just pushed the door and self-invited himself into Will's house.

“Get out of my house.” Will yelled but the man paid no heed and went straight to the bathroom and ran the bath.

“We are going out. Now. Get ready.”

Will stared at the man like he was insane. “What the fu-?”

The man cut him off. “Have you heard of Jack Robinson? The famous Gambler's dog?”

Will nodded. Even though he didn't like gambling, everyone knew the prodigy.

“He's in town and I've bet big on him.” The man grinned.

Will smirked and said, “I hope he loses then.”

Suddenly he felt a hand across his cheek. He started at the intruder in anger.

“This attitude is the reason you got your ass dumped. Go clean up and get ready. I'm waiting.”

With this, the elder Tuner brother sat on the couch and lit a cigarette. “Go on kid, I ain't got all night.”

Still fuming, Will did as his brother said. They were 1o years apart and even though his brother was the only one who managed to make Will lose his cool, he loved him very much.




He had no idea why he volunteered. He hated gambling and had never played a card game in his life. But he did and the most shocking part was that he won. He won! True, he hated losing but still, to win a game he played for the first time ever. And that too against probably the greatest player of the game. He was speechless. His brother even more. He stared at the blond man before him as he stretched out his hand to shake the others hand. Wasn't he mad he just got beaten at his own game?

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It was an odd thing to think, but Jack felt something strange from this man. It was as if the feeling of misery was put into something you could touch; the other's hand... His blue eyes stayed on the winner's dull looking ones before releasing his hand in order to pick up the cards and chips. Suddenly a firm, strong hand grabs his shoulder. His eyes widen and he noticeably tenses up, which is the most expression he's had all night, and it's caused by his boss. The Boss was a fat man with a stubby beard, his fat fingers looked like sausages and his breath always reeked of something- be it food, smoke or alcohol. Speaking of that bad smell, as the Boss ordered his dog, the smell of cheap cigarettes filled his nose, "Come, Jack. We're gong to the back."


The blond dropped the few cards that were in his hands and took a deep breath, giving a weak smile to his opponent, "You'll be getting your winnings in a moment, so please... don't leave just yet, sir. I'll return shortly." The smile goes away easily as he hesitantly rises up from the chair and follows the Boss to the back of the casino.


The first thing he felt was spit across his face and then a had forcibly grabbed his chin, "You lost? You lost! You don't ever lose, I don't fucking understand you, Jack. Do you know how much money I could of had? How about how much money I lost?" The anger in his voice was threatening, but Jack knew he'd never get hit or physically abused. He could leave the Boss if he really wanted to. Not having a response to the man, he merely used his sleeve to wipe away the spit that was on his face. He became annoyed by the lack o words from his dog, but just sighed angrily and made a fist, growling, "That punk beat you so damn easily... He's much better than you, Jack, and I want him on our side." A chesire smile grew on his lips as he looked back to their table, giving Jack a more 'friendly' pat on his back, "You two got something in common ya know? Get him on our side, Jackie-Boy. Be a good dog."

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As those mesmerizing blue eyes locked themselves on his steel cold gray ones, Will suddenly felt a light shiver run down his back. As the other man released his hand, Will could only stare at the contrast between the guy and his boss. Jesus, that boss looked like one hell of a creep.


"You'll be getting your winnings in a moment, so please... don't leave just yet, sir. I'll return shortly."


The gambler's dog was a fitting title, Will thought, as he watched the blue-eyed man follow the creep. Just like the little lamb followed Mary. Before he could blink, he felt a hard smack at the back of his head. Ouch, that was going to leave a bump, Will thought, as he glared angrily at his brother.

“You beat the Gambler's Dog? YOU beat the Gambler's Dog? The fuck are you from?”

The elder Turner gaped at the younger one and for once in his life, he felt that his brother was kind of proud of him.

That was until he said, “You fucking asshole! I told you I bet big on Jack.”


That was it. Will lost his cool and punched his brother right in the middle of his face. “You're the asshole here.” With that, he stormed out of that shithole and walked all the way back to his apartment, fuming all the way. “Fucking mistake, listening to that fucking brother of mine. Fuck him. Fuck him. FUCK HIM.” He reached his apartment and kicked the door open. “Ouch.” He cursed as he felt his foot hurt. “Dammit.” He went inside, locked the door, sank to the floor and closed his eyes. And all he could see, staring back at him in the darkness of his mind, was a pair of the most shocking blue eyes he had ever seen.


“God dammit.”

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"Yes, sir," Jack deadpanned as the older, sleazy man went into his wallet to get the winner's prize. A wad of cash was put into the blond's hands with a hard pat on the back before turning back to the playing table. He was wiping his face along the way, but had immediately stopped in his tracks when the winner was gone... That dude had won a lot of fucking money. Now where was he? What idiot was pass up such a handsome bundle of money?


Though he was very confused, the dog didn't show it at all; he just stood there and scanned the room carefully. Yup. He was no where to be seen... But after looking over all the faces, he saw another man that he had seen talking a lot with the winner, and they even looked alike, so maybe they were related? Well. This man looked rather angry and was holding his face like he had gotten hurt, but no matter. Someone earned this money, and it'd have to be transferred to the winner somehow


Jack took another look around the place while walking over to that man, tugging his sleeve lightly, "Excuse me, but I can't seem to find my opponent. I was told to give this to him..." Showing the, probably, older brother the money, he continued, "You must know the winner, so please take this to him..."


He remembered what his boss wanted of him, so he added in, "I'd like to play him again another time. If you could have us meet again, that would be nice. Oh. And are you okay?"

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The room felt suffocating. He knew his brother would come back to return the punch he threw at him earlier. Will was usually a very peaceful person but when he got mad, which was pretty rare, he lost control. He stood up and walked to the fridge. Finding a bottle of vodka, he opened it and downed it. Ah, bliss. He then walked out of his apartment and went to the nearest bar. He felt the urge to get drunk and did exactly that. Few bottles of vodka later, he stumbled out of the bar. Darkness had fallen and the roads were quiet and lonely. Will swayed slightly. He had no idea which way his apartment was. He scrunched up his face and tried to remember. Was it to the left? No, it was definitely right.




Suddenly he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He looked around and found a beautiful blond woman staring up at him. But what captured his interest the most were her eyes. The same brilliant blue eyes that belongs to the man he had beaten a few hours earlier.

“M-may I help ya, Ma'am?”, he managed to ask. Boy, he was so fucking drunk.

“I was wondering if you needed any assistance.” She stated and smirked at the gray-eyed man before her.

Will frowned. There was so much hidden behind that sentence that his brain refused to process it. What the hell, he might as well let go. It was high time he moved on. And what better than a one night stand with a well endowed blondie.


“Well I'd be really glad if you could Ma'am.” said Will, charming the panties off the blue-eyed chick.

Her large eyes widened further. Clearly she wasn't expecting him to oblige. Well, she was in for a night to remember, thought Will. She nodded and looked at him expectantly.

“I forgot the keys to my apartment and it's really late now. Do you mind-?” he looked at her questioningly. She blushed and nodded furiously. He stroked her cheek and muttered a thank you under his breath. He felt her heating up. He chucked slightly. Even though he was intoxicated, he still had a way with the ladies.


Suddenly he heard a very familiar voice calling out. A man was walking towards him but in the dimly lit street, it was very hard to see who it was. As the person walked towards him, the drunk man let out a loud gasp. And there, right in front of him, stood the man he couldn't get out of his head that evening. As those mesmerizing blue eyes locked themselves on his steel cold gray ones, Will suddenly felt a light shiver run down his back.



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The older brother of Will, he had found out the winner's name, had not him where he lived, but gave a place where the winner might just be. The man had told Jack to give him the money, but since he wished to give it back before the Boss got angry, the blond took back the money and left him with the injury on his face. Yeah, it looked pretty nasty, but it wasn't his concern.


The streets were empty for the most part, the time being very late to begin with, so when the bar he was directed to came closer and closer, it was easy to see a the frame of the man that won. It wasn't until he approached did he notice how outstandingly drunk Will looked. Maybe a victory drink turned into a downing contest or something. Jack didn't like alcohol, so the world under vodka and beer was foreign to him. The girl that was next to him didn't seem to be very aware of that, however. Blushing up a storm, that's what she was doing...


Jack's eyes widened briefly, wondering if he was cock-blocking them... "S-Sorry, but you left without getting your prize back there. You should really take it, it's a lot and my boss really thinks you earn it. And so do I."


It was the honest truth. Plus, in a world that if he lost to someone else, they'd probably want more of a reward for beating the Gambler's Dog, start a fight but in the end would take the money and be off to brag to the world about being the new champ. Normally, everyone he played was like that in some kind of way and because of that the matches were getting kind of boring... but it was all refreshed after being totally annihilated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Will gaped at the man, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. The chick beside him stared wide-eyed at the wad of money that the other man was handing him. Will closed his eyes and tried to steady himself. His intoxicated state was getting the better of him. He was so fucking drunk and the man in front of him was making it increasingly difficult for him to concentrate. He needed to get away.


“I don't need it. Keep it.”


He managed to say and stalked off in a random direction. His head was spinning but he could still hear the chick saying, “He doesn't mean that. He's just drunk. I could keep the money and give it to him when he sobers up.”


Heh. That chick was trying too hard. If the man was smart, and Will knew he was, he should be able to figure out the woman's true intentions. Suddenly Will turned around.


“On second thought, I really need a place to sleep tonight as I think I forgot the keys to my apartment.” I also have no fucking idea where it is, but he doesn't need to know that. “And I don't have any money on me at the moment for me to rent a room for the night.”


Will put a hand out for the money. The blue-eyed man was just staring at him. Will blinked. He was drunk and horny. And the other man was doing nothing to ease the bulge he felt in his pants. What the hell?


“Er Mister-”


Will paused realizing he forgot the man's name. He blushed and put his hands in his pockets.


“I'd really appreciate it if you could give me my money and if you two would stop staring at me like that.”


He looked away, blushing furiously and avoiding the horror-stricken gaze of the blondie and the wondering gaze of the Gambler's Dog.

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