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Pink Cherry Blossoms


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yo^^ so, i wrote this when i finished watching all the yaoi animes ^^' I hope at least someone likes it >/////////////> please give me feedback and enjoy ^^

PS: Sorry for the weird format, I wrote it in word ^^"



'Soichiro ! Soichiro Wake up Soichiro !', the man who called

my name was the police officer Namikawa Masahiro. I guessed

I had to get up... But if I just leave my eyes closed, then maybe,

maybe he would leave me alone... 'Soichiro ! Stop pretending

you scum ! Soichiro !'. Well maybe my thoughts where too

wishful...Now I would slowly open my eyes, and find myself in

my old, wet and dark cell in one of Edo’s, now called Tokyo,

private prisons. I opened my eyes.

'Ah, Soichiro finally you stop this game ! Nakago-shisho*

wants to see you ! Hehe, maybe you've finally reached your

rightful end you scum !'. Namikawa-san didn’t particularly like

me, if that's how you could call it . I slowly got up, stretched

my stiff legs and tried to get the dirt of my hakama**. Which

unfortunately didn’t work... Namikawa-san opened the thick

metal door. It was the first time, since I guess three years, that

I left my filthy little bedroom. Dirt everywhere, the remains of

food and animals who tried to eat it laying on the freezing floor.

And a lot of other things from which I wouldn’t even want to

know what they were.

'Will I be executed now?',I asked, trying to keep my trembling

voice strong.

*-shisho means as much as 'master'

** the hakama is the clothe that Samurai wore

‘I sure hope so !', answered Namikawa-san and spit on the floor

in front of me. I guess the roundish police officer, actually ex

-police officer, couldn’t really be blamed for not liking me.

Since the time I came here two years ago, I had done nothing

but cause him trouble. He was leading us though the stone

hallway, which connects the mansion of master Nakago and the

prison. I really hated this place, it always felt cold and haunted

here, as if the souls of the died prisoners were trying to

welcome the newcomers, by giving them a first taste of what

awaited them in this place. It was quite similar to my own cell,

just bigger, with more echo and more dirt. 'Behave yourself Soichiro ! Nakago-shisho is patient, but even

he can reach his limits ! But actually I will get rid of you faster

if you’re rude, so just forget what I just said !'

We stood in front of a thick wooden door, which couldn't be

seen from the other side. It lead to a normal looking mansion of

a very rich, old man. This very rich old man, the lord and

master of this prison , aka. my current owner, was Sir Nakago

-sama*. Namikawa-san pushed the door open. Stepping to the

other side, I took a deep breath, and started coughing, my body

not used to the freshness of the air out here. It was October, the

nicest time of the year. The cherry trees and the maple trees

where competing with the beauty of their red leaves. I followed

Namikawa-san, walking silently on the wooden floor, listening

carefully to the lovely song of the garden. Somewhere behind

the flowers there had to be a little river flowing through the

huge garden. Suddenly Namikawa-san stopped and opened the

door in front of us. The room that lay hidden behind it had no

decoration or anything near to that. Just wooden boards as the

floor. But when we stepped on it, it started to sing. I was

amazed. I had heard of 'nightingale floors' who sang if you

walked on them, never had I dreamed of actually seeing one. It

sounded like thousands of little birds, warning the master about

everyone entering. In front of the next door, Namikawa-san fell

on his knees and I followed his example.

'Nakago-shisho, I've brought Soichiro as you requested.' he


'Come in.', the deep, friendly voice of Nakago-sama came from

behind the door. We entered, still on our knees. The morning

sun was shining faintly through the paper door, that led to the

garden. I touched the floor with my forehead, and so did

Namikawa-san. I could feel his fear and it would have been

lying if I'd say it didn’t please me.

'Thank you Masahiro, you are dismissed...'

I trembled. Hearing Nakago-sama's hard, but friendly voice

always made me shiver. As 'Masahiro' left, I only heard the

paper door open and close again. It would have been extremely

impolite to raise my head without the permission of my master.

I took a deep breath. With Namikawa-san gone, there were

only three people in the room. Nakago-sama, a maid who had

just brought some tea for the master, and me. I was very lucky,

that Nakago-sama would be the only judge, since that meant I

might actually get out of this alive or with a fast death.

'Raise your head Soichiro .'

I looked up. Nakago-sama, looking very wise to me with his

emotionless face and his snow white hair, which he wore in the

traditional way, long and tied to a ponytail, was sitting in front

of me with a cup of tea in his hands, watching every of my


'Soichiro, I assume you do know why you are here. What

would you do if you where in my situation ?' he asked me. I

was speechless. Not only had Nakago-sama asked me

something, but he had actually asked for my opinion. And of

course I hadn't forgotten why I was in this prison. I was the son

of a low Shinsengumi* warrior. Ever since I was born I was

raised in the way of a warrior. But then, the Meiji restoration


*Japanese military unit in the Edo Era

began. Soon everyone who I knew was dying. I was twenty

years old at that time. One day my father came home crying

with joy and announced the war was over. The new era,

beginning from 1868 was called 'the Meiji era'. We were all so

happy! But then a letter to my father came, summoning him to

Kyoto to his master. When I saw my father read it, I was scared

to death. He, whose guide was honour, and who’s way to live

was being strong, turned white like a dead. He didn’t pack

anything for his journey, he just kissed my mother, who was in

tears, begging him not to go, said goodbye to me, and left. Two

month later we got a message by the messenger who had

brought the last letter, saying that he was executed for running

away from battle like a coward. I knew that he would never do

something like that, he was much too proud for that. He had

told us, that he got the order to retreat, from his captain, the

same man who had now ordered his death. My mother died

three days later from shock and a broken heart. In rage I took

my father’s sword and his horse and made my way to Kyoto,

hurting everyone who tried to stop me, frustration making me

blind. After eighteen days I finally reached the mansion of the

captain. I waited until night fall and I snug into his room and

killed the man I hated so much, before he could even open his

eyes. My hands where dripping with blood and My eyes

glittered with madness. My revenge was fulfilled. Everything

would have gone perfect, if I hadn't been so soft. One of the

maids who had slept with him that night saw me and because I

couldn't kill an innocent woman, I was arrested immediately.

My crime was murder, so I should have been executed right

away, but the man I killed was found to be a criminal himself,

and so my case had been under discussion for the last two years.

One of the judges, Nakago-sama, had volunteered to take

responsibility of my case. Of course the other officers and

judges took the opportunity to get rid of a puny criminal, and to

them a pain in the ass, so somehow I had been Nakago-sama's

personal prisoner for the last two years.

'Kill me or let me free! I’m sick of waiting !', I said, trying to

control my trembling voice... which of course didn't work.

'Well I’m sorry it took so long, but I have come to the decision

to let you free today. Mh, you might want to know, today is the

29. of October, 1871, about three years after you got arrested in

1869', Nakago-sama said, smiling, 'but you have to convince

me, that my word wasn't wrong, by not causing any trouble to

me. If that would be the case anyhow, I will give your friend

Masahiro the permission to behead you. He has been longing to

do that anyway.'

I was speechless. I had committed a serious crime but this man

gave me the chance to live. Tears ran down me cold cheeks. I

was so tremendously grateful ! I bowed till the ground saying

at least a thousand times the two words that where my soul at

that time : 'thank you !'

'Do not disappoint an old man like me Soichiro!', Nakago-sama

said and ordered the Maid to lead me outside.

'Good luck !', she wished me and left me to the strange and

huge outside world of Tokyo. I looked around curiously. The

Edo I had known was no more, instead there was a brand new

Tokyo in its place. The world had changed so much in these

two years! There where people wearing strange clothes with

trousers nearly sticking to the legs and coats with strange round

things along the opening which simply cut the coat in two in

the middle. Luckily only a few people where wearing these

strange whatever they where , but when I turned round, I

noticed, that even the shops had changed.

'First thing to get is money!', I said to myself, trying

desperately to sort my thoughts, and encourage me to start a

new life. I walked down a huge street, which I hoped to be one

of the main roads. Suddenly I noticed, that I was starving! But

unfortunately one thing had definitely not changed and that

was the rule which everyone knew: Without money you don’t

get anything! And so I went to the next shop I saw. It was a

restaurant, which made my tummy growl like a wild animal.

'Sorry ? I'm looking for a job, would you have a place for me,

please?', I asked the women in the kitchen politely.

'I'm sorry, I have enough people working for me already.', she

answered and concentrated on cooking again. Disappointed and

still hungry I went to the next shop I saw across the street. An

old man was drawing a picture in a very dark room.

'Sorry to disturb sir, but would you have a job for me ?' I tried

again and bowed.

'Sorry boy, your sweet looking, but I only need girls If you

know what I mean !',laughed the man. I was disgusted and left

immediately. Weren’t there any normal jobs available here ? I

went into one of the smaller streets and sank down to the

ground exhausted. What the hell should I do ? I need to find a

job or I’ll starve ! Edo had really changed so much ! But the

smell, the trees and the warm winds where still the same ! How

nice it felt to be outside again ! For some reason I laughed.

Maybe I should just start meditating like the monks, then I

wouldn’t need to eat any more and If I would be lucky I'd get

enlightenment. Haha, but no, someone who killed a man

couldn't become a holy man just like that... Suddenly I heard

steps approaching combined with a just to familiar clicking

sound. The next moment they stood in front of me. Six men,

carrying swords and looking, well, lets just say not too civilised

to me...

'Hey you ! Ya look like you could need something to do!

Wanna come with us ?', one of them maybe the leader asked

me coldly.

'I would be very glad to come.' I answered politely.

'Well boy, come get up and earn your dinner with us. By the

way, try to sound more manly when you’re talking to other

guys, your voice sounds too cute for a man, haha !', the man

said, which made me so angry I felt like exploding ! I hated my

voice! I followed the group to one of the smaller mansions in

one of the areas of Tokyo, where rich but not very legal

oriented men lived. I guess that’s another thing that hadn't


'Welcome to my beautiful house, boy ! By the way, what’s your

name? And how old are you did you say ?', he asked, with an

ironic tone in his voice, which made it seem as if he was

making fun of me which was most likely really the case... But

well, I decided that a dinner was worth playing along for now....

'I'm Soichiro, twenty-two years old. Pleased to be of use...', I

said, maybe a bit to formal and a bit to fast. But he just


'Hehe, so Soichiro-kun is it ? Well you will be my spy and keep

an eye on a couple of friendly neighbours. On second thoughts,

I'll let you start with something easier. How about shopping ?

Yes, I think that’s a brilliant Idea! So, starting tomorrow, you

will go shopping for me!', everyone laughed and I looked down

ashamed. Think of your dinner, Soichiro, think of your dinner!!

The man showed me to a room I could stay in and then left

without another word. I looked around. For a samurai this

room would have been seen as an insult, but for me it was the

best that I had since two years.

'Here, I brought you your dinner sir! Please just call if you need

anything else!', said the girl who had just entered, put down

the food in front of me and left again. I fell over it like a

hungry wolf and finished it in no time. When I had eaten every

single rice corn, I put the tablet in front of my door. Afterwards

I spread the futon, which had laid in one of the corners of the

room and stretched my hurting legs.

'Ah, this is heaven!', I thought, very pleased with my current

situation and rolled around happily. This somehow seemed

very childish... But well I'm not the cool type anyway, so there

is nothing wrong with having fun... Tomorrow I would do my

job and go shopping. Like that I would earn my beloved dinner

and get to see the new Tokyo a bit more. The whole situation

sounded so great it was hard to believe that it was true.

'Soichiro-kun, I'm coming in !', the voice of my employer came

from outside, 'Ah, I see you already ate ! Hope you enjoyed it.

Ah yes, just call me Oni-sama *, hehe. Oh, before I forget: here

is the shopping list for tomorrow !', he said, laughing. I really

hated his laugh! It was so evil and self loving, it just pissed me

off ! Well actually the name 'Oni-sama' fitted really great to this

man. Because there was still time before the sun set, I decided

to go for a little walk around the mansion. I just loved the

sound of my slippers on the long wooden floor, singing a song

together with the paper doors, being opened and closed again.

After a while I reached the garden, which lay basically around

the mansion. Strange flowers where growing neatly between

some maple trees, just beside a little river, in which lotus where

dancing on the clear water. The red of the trees, the sound of

running water accompanied by some birds, all that made me so

happy, I just started laughing. Haha, this was how freedom felt!

Just then the sun was setting behind the holy mountain Fuji , I

was relieved, that he was still here, so I decided to go back to

my room. But just to annoy me, my room had decided to

disappear, so I was wandering around the whole house. All

those corridors looked the same! Tired and annoyed I sat down

and waited for someone to come by and save me.

'Soichiro-kun? Can I help you?', I jumped, when I heard the

ironic sounding voice of Oni-sama just above my left ear.

'Lost, aren’t you? Follow me please!' the next couple of

minutes somehow felt like following the devil through a

labyrinth. After walking through a couple of corridors, who all

looked the same to me, I finally found myself standing in front

of my room.

'Sleep well, Soichiro-kun!', Oni-sama said, playing the kind

landlord and then suddenly disappeared again. I had only


* Oni means demon (monster) in Japanese, so he is called something like Lord demon...

bowed and he was gone. Well anyway, I went into my room,

completely exhausted and lied down on my so cosy futon. So

much had happened today! My normal prison life, got

destroyed by the, to me holy, words : ' You are free !'. Then

after I wandered around, really starving, for a day, some

strange guys had shown up and had given me a job and some

food! And now I was here, in a tiny but nice room, waiting for

some strange guy called Soichiro to fall asleep. Which I soon

did. That night I had the worst nightmare since my father died.

In my dream I was running down the streets of Edo at night.

No one was there. I was running and running. Then I noticed a

movement in the corner of my vision. I turned. There where

black hands coming from behind every corner, trying to catch

me and pull me back in prison. Suddenly my environment

changed. Everything turned black. Then I heard the laughing of

Oni-sama and at the same time the horrible sound of metal

cutting through meat. I was in panic. But then I heard a scream.

The sound made me shiver and caused Goosebumps over my

whole shaking body. I started to cry and call for help. It was the

scream my mother screamed when she heard that my father had

died. Sweating and sobbing I woke up. My biggest wish was

for someone to take me in their arms. I was twenty-two years

old already, but I always felt and also behaved like 15. Some

people even thought I was a girl. And of course no one was

there to calm me down at that time, so I cried till I sunk in to a

dreamless sleep again.

'Soichiro-kun, get up!', I rose, terrified at the horrible voice,

laughing in my ear. When I stopped screaming I noticed, that

the voice (of course) belonged to my dear employer Oni-sama,

who had also brought me some breakfast.

'Here you go, Soichiro-kun ! After you've finished, please head

to the entrance, a maid will give you some money for your

shopping. Have fun then!', he said and left again. It was a great

feeling actually seeing him leave for once. Not only because he

was gone, but also because like this I had a prove, that he could

also behave nearly normal. I silently ate my breakfast and then

started searching the entrance. Which seemed like a couple of

hours to me, but then I finally found it.... Proud and happy to

have won over the mean tricks of the mansion this time, and so

early in the morning on top of it, I went to the maid who was

already waiting for me.

'Here, the money Soichiro-san ! Oh, And Oni-sama told me to

give you this letter. Please deliver it safely! Have a nice day!'

she said. I suddenly noticed, that every-time I heard the name

of my landlord a fake smile took in the place of my real smile

on my face. I decided to deliver the letter first, so that i didn’t

lose it on my way. Just the thought of how the people would

look at me, when they saw me shopping, already started

making me feeling embarrassed. At first I hadn't thought about

it but now I noticed that I was just a stronger replacement for a

maid. But well, first the letter! I looked at the label on the piece

of paper and frowned. Of course I had no idea who that person

was. So I just started walking and hoped I was heading in at

least the right direction. But soon I started to worry and

decided to ask some people for advice. First I asked an old


'Excuse me, but do you know this man ?'

'No, sorry boy, I've never heard that name before. Try to ask

a police men, they should know!'

'No, sorry, I do not know that man, search somewhere else or

give up!’. Always something like that. I tried asking a group of

giggling girls, but they spread away, like frightened chicken.

Pathetic! Then I suddenly noticed that someone was watching me.


first chapter done~ Ah, I also apologise for all the mistakes >/////> sorry >////>

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The first chapter was a nice read. I like the settings and I think it's interesting. I'm waiting for the next chapter. rabbit14

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hiiii >////



On an impulse, I just looked to the right. And to my surprise

there was really somebody standing in that tea-house, looking

at me and grinning. He looked about my age, was quite tall,

had brown messy hair and was seriously pissing me off with

that grin of his! I managed to bravely walk up to him, just to

notice, that he was a head taller than me, which made me feel

rather stupid. But I didn't care! Annoying people had to be told

off. And so I barked at him as rough as I could:

'Stop laughing! What’s so funny?', but I guess I sounded more

like an upset child, because he laughed and patted my head.

'It’s just, that you seem to be looking for someone all the time

and are still so polite. It’s amusing!', he said and grinned. He

had a deep, but soft voice and...wait, It's not like I was paying

attention to his voice. But, ah, why am I blushing?! He defiantly

pissed me off!

'So what? Do you know this person?! And besides, don’t treat

me like a child! And Stop patting!’, I screamed not at all polite

any more. That should teach him! I mean, why was he doing

that in the first place?! He looked surprised and put his hand away.

'Sorry, but how old are you?', he asked a bit more respectful,

although it still sounded a bit too sceptical for my taste.

'I'm twenty-two years old!', I stated, happy to see him turning


rather obviously embarrassed and without his grin.

'Oh... I'm Yamada Saito, and am twenty-four years old. I'm

sorry for behaving like that. Now let’s see...', he ended a very

polite sentence very rudely by just taking the letter out of my

hands. Hopeless!

'Don’t just do that! By the way, I'm Soichiro Aikagi', I

presented myself and noticed too late, that I had said something

horrible: I had used my surname! I hated my grandfather for

choosing that name. He had been a poet, but that was no reason

to cause the whole family such problems by choosing the worst

family name ever! And as I expected he started to laugh again.

'Aikagi? Key of Love? Haha, cute! I'll remember it! Oh yes,

about you delivery, I'll show you the way!', he changed the

subject, which surprised me just as much as the fact that he

knew where I had to go. I would have gladly accepted his offer

to help me, but just the thought of having to spend another

minute with a person who knew my surname, scared me more

than getting lost...which actually happened quite a lot...

'Eh, please just tell me where to go, I think I can perfectly

manage it myself!', I said quickly and tried to get back the

letter back. Unfortunately he lifted the letter above his head,

and no matter how high I jumped, I just could reach it!

‘You work for Oni-sama don't you? I'm surprised you didn't run

away when you saw him. You’re very lucky by the way, if

anyone had known the name on the letter, you'd be in serious

trouble! The owner is one of the richest men in the business of

drugs, and a good friend of Oni-sama. I know I'm in no

position to say this, but please take care not to do anything

stupid if you continue to work with people like him.', he said

very serious and polite. Now I was completely confused. First:

how did he know so much about Oni-sama and secondly: Why

did I just blush!? Ah! I hate this person! At first he is mean and

then he actually worries about me! Stupid guy! But what he

said was even worse. Simply because it made me notice how


helpless I was. But I had to earn money and anyway, why

should I take the words of a complete stranger seriously? Still,

maybe I should ask him for help...he was an Idiot no matter

how you looked at him, but he acted strong as well and ...Wait,

what did I just want to think?!

'What do you have to do after delivering this letter?', Saito-san

asked me and because I wasn't paying attention I just answered

his question truthfully with shopping. And of course he

laughed, which again really annoyer me! Why couldn't I just

keep my big mouth shut for once?

'Haha, maybe you’re still save with Oni-sama ! Most likely he

also just thinks you adorable, haha!', Saito-san said and started

patting my head again.

'You drive me nuts!!! Just lead me to that drug dealer and then

leave!', I growled.

'Yes yes, don't kill me!'. He laughed and led me though a

couple of smaller streets until we stood in front of a

surprisingly normal house.

'Just pass it under the door...', Saito-san said. For some reason I

followed the advice, although he told me to. Maybe I got used

to the idea, that he was telling me what to do. It just pissed me

off, everything did!

'Thank you very much for helping me. Bye!', I turned and

wanted to walk away, when I noticed, that my money was

gone. I turned around and frowned.

'Saito-san, give that back! I have things to do, so leave me alone!'

‘Sorry, I got fond of you, so I'm going to help you with your

shopping! Besides, how do you think you’re going to carry all

this stuff?', he answered laughing and I had to admit, that he

had a point. So as it came, Saito-san helped me carry the food.

I didn't want to admit it, but he was really strong! I just wanted

to thank him and go inside, when Saito-san interrupted me.

'Soichiro-kun? You only work for him because of the money


and the food right? If you want, you can just come with me...I'll

feed you well, don't worry!', he smiled and I blushed. It

sounded like a great option! Hey, no, it was a horrible idea,

there's no way I'd be able to stay with him any-longer!

'Think about it, if you want to come, be here tomorrow

morning! Good night, Soichiro-kun!', he still said and left. The

moment he was gone I heard a just too well-known voice next

to me, which of course belonged to a strangely smiling Oni-sama:

'Soichiro-kun! Welcome back! Thank you for the shopping!

Your dinner is waiting in your room! Please sleep well! If you

have night mares, I will be pleased to hold you next night...' he

grinned his evil grin and left. I froze. I knew exactly what he

meant, and I decided, that maybe Saito-san was right: This was

getting dangerous. Luckily that night I didn't dream of

anything. The next morning I had no doubt, that it indeed was a

good idea to go with Saito-san, so I went outside without even

eating breakfast. I know, what an idea, but that idiot drove me

crazy! Too late I noticed that I didn't even know where to meet

up with him...Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and

jumped, before I noticed that it wasn't Oni-sama, but Saito-san grinning.

'Good morning! So, did you come here because you have

another job or did you decide to join me? ', he asked smiling

again like normal.

'N-no, I don't have another job...I quit! B-but that's just because

Oni-sama said I should come to him at night... ', I answered

uneasy. For some reason Saito-san was suddenly over worried

and checked me everywhere , and with everywhere I mean

everywhere, which made the situation terrible awkward.

'I'm Fine !!! Don't look there!!! Saito-san! Stop that!', I said

very embarrassed and very angry ! What did he think he was doing?!

'Mh...sure ? Well OK...I'm happy you came! Good boy!', he


said, patting my head...and somehow I thought he was going to

hug me in the next moment. To my great relief he didn't. But I

was getting more and more worried, I mean, why was I

thinking of things like that?!

'Stop that now! I'm not a dog okay! You make me so mad!', I

growled, which of course made him laugh…again.

'Happy I to make you mad! Anyway come on, let’s go...', he

said, and looked back at the mansion behind us, as of to check

that nobody was watching. Which made me remember the

question, I had asked myself when he talked about Oni-sama


'Saito-san ? How do you know about Oni-sama anyway?' I

asked him curiously.

'Oh, so you want to know more about me? Haha, ok ok, don’t

get angry right away! Well about 4 months ago I also worked

for Oni-sama, just like you. I was happy I got food and enough

money. But one day I came back from a job late in the evening

and heard something I shouldn't have heard. Oni-sama was just

discussing the next target to kill for the money with one of his

friends. Who was richer had to die first. I was disgusted. The

next day I tried to act normally, but in the evening I was called

to see Oni-sama in his room. He asked me if I heard anything

last night. I answered no. Then he raped me until I lost

consciousness. But I didn’t tell him, that I heard what he said.

If I had, he'd probably killed me as well. After that I ran away

and hid from everyone. Because I still had my sword and some

money, I lived from fights and bets. Sometimes I stole an

Apple from one of the shops. One day a wandering Monk

caught me steeling and asked why I did that. I answered:

because I want to live! The Monk laughed and said: Well young

man, wouldn’t it be more of a life, if you'd see other people live

as well? That Apple just saved you're live, but if everyone

would want the Apple to save their live, there would be chaos,

and instead of saving lives the Apple would kill. So why don't


you just earn money without hurting other innocent people with

it? Think about it... and then he left. I didn't understand halve

of what he had said, but after that I started to work fairly. I

delivered letters to grandmothers and friends or stood in as

replacement for sick workers. Like that I earned quite a lot of

money. But after a while I got really bored, so I decided to go

into the mountains to one of the town there to work as a guard

or something like that. That is when I met you.’, Saito-san

patting my head again and then continued: 'Haha, I really

couldn’t just watch while you were living at Oni's place,

thinking that something like what I had faced might happening

to you to. So I decided, that I would save your life as well, and

thought it would be nice if you'd just come with me!', Saito-san

finished. His words made me realise, in what a mess I would

have gotten if he hadn't had saved me. Now I was the one who

wanted to hug him, and say sorry for worrying him. Suddenly I

noticed, that I had listened amazed and with a pounding heart.

Ah! This really ruined my mood again! But I guess I was just

shocked. That was the only explanation for this feeling!

'I didn't know that he was a criminal, and...and that he did these

things to you...', I said embarrassed. Seriously, what was this feeling?!

'Ah, but there is one thing I don’t understand. Eh, why are you

alive still? I mean, if you had information, even if it was just

his name there would be no way he would just let you

go....right?', I asked puzzled.

'Ah, I told you, the jobs I was doing were spread all over this

town, right? People knew me, they knew where I didn’t want to

go, they knew my fears and stuff. And I had contacts as well!

Not only the police, but also other gang leaders which were

actually quite harmless, but where still powerful enough for

Oni-sama not to wish to get a fight with them. And so he could,

unfortunately for him, do absolutely nothing...', Saito-san

answered grinning. By the way...who the hell was the person I


was talking to now!? He seemed quite....popular and important…

'Ah yes, where are we going now anyway ?', I changed the subject.

'Haha, sorry, there are a couple of things I still have to take care

of. First, are you hungry?', he grinned and I blushed, which was

really just because he behaved like my mother long ago! I was

a bit uneasy to go with someone I had just met a day ago, but if

something would happen I could always still run. That wasn't

very manly, but nobody ordered me to fight, so I should be

fine! Happy and hungry I trotted behind Saito-san to one of the

tea houses next to the street.

'Ah, Saito-san! What a surprise to see you here! How can I help

you?', a friendly elderly women asked us. Saito-san ordered

some dumplings, which I ate in a second, whilst he explained

to me, that this was one of the places he had worked for. After

we had eaten, we went back to the main street and headed to

one of the cloth shops. I wondered what he could want there

and just wanted to ask him, but he was already talking with the

owner of the shop. The shop keeper took one of the Hakamas

and handed it to Saito-san and grinned.

'Here you go Soichiro-kun! You should be wearing something

proper if you want to come with me. I ordered it yesterday so

that it would be ready today. I hope it fits you! ', Saito-san said

smiling, handing it to me. I was speechless.

'B-But I don't have any money to pay for it!', I said very

uncomfortable indeed.

'Don't worry, it's a present!', he grinned, happy with himself. I

was so grateful! Not only did I have something to wear now,

but it was also the first time someone had offered a present to

me, without wanting something in return. My heart beat faster.

Maybe he was actually a quit nice guy. Whilst I was still

standing there searching for words to thank him, Saito-san paid

and took me outside.


'S-Saito-san, I, eh, you see, eh, thank you!', I finally managed

to say, blushing and looking away.

'Haha, I hope its small enough! But you'll have to do me a

favour in the next two month! Ah yes, next is a sword...'', he

laughed patting my head. I think I got used to him doing that,

although it still made me embarrassed. But I guess the only

explanation for that was, that he was like a big brother to me.

Yes, It had to be that! Wait, was I thinking he could be

something else just now? Ahhh! Hopefully he didn't want me to

do anything stupid in these two month...

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  • 1 month later...

Ah, took a while but here's chapter 3 ^^ U will have the honour of reading the first smut I ever wrote XD XD XD *which is horrible, damn I was so innocent T^T*



We went slightly outside of the city to a small house, where

Saito-san asked me to stay outside for a minute and then came

back with a friendly old man, holding a very pretty sword. The

old man silently handed it to me, smiling. At first I was only

confused, till I understood, that it was for me, which was when

I got embarrassed, but also extremely happy. I got a sword!

Finally I wasn't helpless any-more. I allowed myself to take the

precious gift, trying to stop a grin, going from one ear to the

other. My happiness made me notice how much Saito-san

really did for me. I was honoured, but felt a slight tightness in

my chest which I could not identify as a specific feeling. That

guy really made me feel strange all the time. I had to take care

of myself! And the first step to that was to make sure, that he

wasn't buying me. I quickly said:

'Just so that you know, I never said I'd give something in

exchange! But still...t-thank you! Also for the sword...It’s the

first time I got a present...', I said, bowing, which of course

made him laugh again... It was nearly dark, so we asked to

stay for the night.

'Of course, come in! Please, see it as a thank you for buying my

sword! It suits you very well, boy! You know, my father used

to fight under the mighty Heisuke-sama* with that sword! ', the

elderly man said smiling. I was overwhelmed.

'But then it is not right to take such a treasure from you!' I said,

wanting to give it back.

'Oh, no no, Its a sword that should be used by someone who

knows its value! Ah, if I remember correctly, my father even


*Heisuke-sama was one of the 13 starting members of the Shinsengumi



called it kachiaru *! Oh, but I'm talking too much, please

follow me!’, continued the man and led a very proud Saito-san

and a very confused Soichiro to their room.

'Please make yourself comfortable, my wife will bring you

your dinner. Have a pleasant night!', the man said, bowed, and

left. The room, equipped with two Futons*** and some

blankets seemed so cosy, that just by looking at it, I felt happy!

After I had dinner, we both lied down to sleep. Saito-san fell

asleep immediately, and after I gave up on finding a way to say

thank you to him, I started to drift into sleep as well. It was as

if I was laying in the clouds, so comfortable. The next morning

I woke with the first sunlight, shining warmly through the

paper door. Then I froze. Saito-san was still sleeping, but the

shocking thing wasn't just that. Ok, he should wake up soon,

but it was more, that he was laying nearly on top of me, one

arm on my cheek, and the other one on my belly. I was so

embarrassed! This guy drove me nuts! But on second thoughts,

he looked so pretty sleeping like this. AH! What was I just

thinking? I should move him away quickly without him waking

up, not admire him! Wait, did I just think, that I would admire

him?! There was something very wrong with me today! I tried

to lift his hand carefully, but just as I thought I would manage

to free myself, he moved, which was a total disaster! Because

his hand was now somewhere, where it most certainly shouldn't

be! It was so mortifying, I wanted to disappear! To make it

even worse, Saito-san woke up. But just half! I don't know

what that guy was thinking, but he managed to shock me even

more, by starting to massage me,... between my legs. That was

too much for me to take silently.

*kachiaru = jp. For valuable

** Futon = Japanese mattress ^^



‘Ah! Saito-san! Stop!!’ , red as a tomato I pushed Saito-san as

far as possible away from me, panting, and trying to realise

what had just happened. I decided to better stop, for my own

good. But..it h-hadn’t been too bad… NO, it was horrible,

Soichiro, it was defiantly horrible, ok?! Whilst I was still

fighting with myself, I noticed, or so it seemed, that he finally

woke up, because he turned red (not as red as me though) and

said S-Sorry, very, very fast and rolled to the other side of the

room, and so did I. So there we lied, as far away from each

other as possible not daring to say a word. I really thought,

that my heartbeat would wake everybody in the house. Luckily

our breakfast was brought soon. After we thanked the owner, I

took my sword and we left, heading into the mountains. I really

wanted to know where we were going, but I didn't dare to

break the silence, and neither did Saito-san, so we stayed quiet

and just continued to walk through the classical Japanese

landscape: Paddy fields next to lonely farming houses and

trees. That’s all. Even though I was tremendously bored, I

managed not to say a word till noon. Which was when I got so

hungry and bored, that I just said, as if nothing had happened:

'Saito-san, do you have anything to eat? I'm starving!', I had

really said it like I would have in any other moment too, but

strangely enough Saito-san blushed anyway. He looked so

sweet! No!! Ah, lately I've been acting really strange! Most

likely the 'shock' from coming out of prison.

'Y-Yes, we will eat at a little stream up ahead. I have rice and

some minced fish...', Saito-san avoiding to look at me. After

having said that, we fell silent again. The landscape changed

into only trees, which didn't thrill me that much. After some

minutes, which seemed like hours to me, and my roaring

tummy, we finally reached the stream. It was a bit over

exaggerating to say stream, since it was really just some water

trickling down the mountain.



‘Yay! Finally the river!', I screamed, praising the water as a

thank you for waiting for us. I sat down, licking my lips.

Finally Saito-san grinned again and handed me a bowl full of

rice and fish. I took it with delight, but just as I took the bowl

our hands touched. The same hands that where between my

legs this morning. I felt my blood rise to my face and I quickly

started eating. This was soooooo embarrassing! Wait, I have to

stop thinking that! Suddenly I understood! A demon must be

possessing me! I had to chase it away, before it caused any

more strange feeling inside me!

'Ano, Saito-san, do you have a charm to chase away a demon

possessing you?', I asked with glowing eyes. Finally I had

found out the truth and reason for my heartbeat and blushing!

' ...? No, I don’t! Why do you need one?', Saito-san asked me

looking worried. I blushed again. Even if it was the work of a

demon, I couldn't tell him! How horrible! Why did I have to

feel attracted to a guy??!! No, why did the demon make me

feel like that?! I swallowed to fast and started coughing.

'Are you all right?! Seriously Soichiro-kun you can get yourself

in trouble even whilst eating! Haha, you're funny!', Saito-san

laughed, which made me laugh to. Thank goodness he was

back to normal! After lunch Saito-san finally told me where we

were going:

'In the evening we will stay at an abandoned Inn for the night

and then go to a village where we will stay and work for two

days in exchange for food. After that we will head to our main

goal, Chichibu, a small town, where we will stay for the

winter’, he explained. His plan sounded good! I had never seen

anything from the world, except the way from Tokyo to Kyoto,

so I was really looking forward to seeing Chichibu. But first we

had to get to the so called lonely Inn. And that would still take

half a day, which didn't make my feet happy, because yes, they

were already hurting....

'Saito-san! When are we there?!', I whined , trying to look as



miserable as possible. I was quite good at that!

'Haha, It’s still far away! So don't complain like a little girl,

Soichiro-kun!', he answered, patting my head

'I'm not ! I could still walk for a couple of days, but I thought,

that with the luggage it would be difficult for you!', I quickly

lied, blushing. And so we continued walking in the middle of

nowhere, the little path we were following, being the only thing

that looked like humans had ever seen it. After a while the

normal leaf trees disappeared and gave way to a huge bamboo

forest. Although bamboo really wasn't rare in Nippon*, I had

never seen such a big amount of it before, which was easily

explained by the fact, that there was no place for it in Towns

like Tokyo or Kyoto.

‘Amazing! So pretty! Have you ever seen anything like this,

Saito-san?', I asked, my eyes shining with admiration.

'Haha, of course! My father owned a temple in a bamboo wood

near Kyoto. It was especially beautiful in winter. I think I'll

show it to you one day! I'm sure you'll like it...', Saito-san

smiled, remembering. He looked so calm and peaceful. I

noticed, that this was the first thing I had heard from Saito-san's


'Eh, Saito-san? I know it sounds stupid, but who are you?', I

tried putting my curiosity into words. I guess I failed horrible.

But to my surprise he just laughed and patted my head:

'Mh? Have I never told you?! My father was a Shinto priest.

My mother was the daughter of a samurai. Her father was away

a lot, so she taught herself the art of the Samurai to protect

herself and her mother. We were a strange family, who lived In

a shrine near to the middle of nowhere. Although my mother

wasn't supposed to know how to read and write or use a sword

she still taught it to me, being stricter than any men. Of course

*Japanese for Japan. You write 'Nippon' , but you say 'Nihon'.



I learned Shinto and a bit of Buddhism with my father, so you

could say I got a very complex education. Also a lot of the few

foreign men, who were allowed to enter Nippon* visited our

shrine so we took over some of their customs as well. But then,

when the war broke out, our shrine was attacked. My parents

died, but they forced me to run away, so that I lived.

Traumatised I headed to Tokyo, where I worked for many

different people, such as Oni-sama, who gave me my sword.’

he explained, ‘By the way, why are you asking?'

''Ah ! I-Its not like I'd be interested, I just thought, eh, that it

would be rude not to ask.'', I stuttered embarrassed. Luckily he

didn't ask any more and we just continued walking, and

walking, and walking. Finally, as the sun was already

disappearing behind the mountains, we reached the lonely Inn.

If I had thought before, that it wasn't very nice to call the poor

Inn lonely, I changed my mind immediately. No matter how I

looked at it, it was completely lonely. But in a good state.

'Yippy! Haha, finally we made it! Maybe the bath can still be

used... Ah, haha, I'm so happy!', I laughed choosing a small

room at the end of the corridor as mine.

'Of course they can still be used! Even though it looks

abandoned it is still an inn! Every two weeks a rider from one

of the villages around here comes and cleans it or fixes broken

planks in the floor. If you want we can go after dinner!', Saito-san

answered to my thoughts, while unpacking his stuff in the

room opposite of mine. I looked around in my small chamber.

It was a completely ordinary room, but to me it seemed like a

palace. I unrolled the futon and smiled pleased.

'Haha, a whole room to myself!', I mumbled thinking of the last

night. Just at that moment Saito-san came in, hearing what I

had just said:

'Ah, Soichiro-kun, eh, just come for dinner, when you're

ready... And... ah, nothing.' For some reason it was amusing




seeing him embarrassed like that, but then I reminded myself,

that he had every reason to be, after what happened last night.

We only ate a little and then headed to the common bath

outside. I went into the water as fast as I could, nearly slipping

on the wet floor.

'Soichiro-kun, take your time, the bath isn't going to run away

you know!', Saito-san had to remark. Of course, what else did I

expect from him. The reason I didn't want to take my time

wasn't because I feared, that the water would run away, no, I

just didn't want Saito-san to see me naked. It was bad enough,

that we were all alone in the Inn, so better be careful after what

happened yesterday. Just when I was imagining things I

shouldn't be, Saito-san came into the water. I quickly looked

away blushing. But since it was my first time in a bigger warm

water space than my bath at home I used the opportunity to

swim around a bit. It was so funny! You could see the stars and

the moon through the water and if you swam up very fast and

then dive in again, the sounds would be cut off abruptly. It was

really funny.

'Soichiro-kun, you really are so childish! Haha, you're amazing,

having fun like that, just by having a bath. I really envy your

simplicity!', Saito-san laughed. We stayed for a while, till

Saito-san stood up and said good night. I decided, that I should

go to bed as well and went to my room. But somehow, maybe

it was from the warm water, I just couldn't sleep. So there I

was, rolling around being very bored till I stood up with

beating hart and decided to annoy Saito-san for a while, till I

was tired enough to sleep.

'Ano, Saito-san! May I come in! I'm bored!', that sounded so

stupid! I slowly opened the door and went inside. His room

looked identical to mine, just with of course Saito-san sitting

up on his futon now in the middle of the room. I boldly sat

down in front of him.

'I couldn't sleep!', I announced, trying to sound as manly as



possible. Which didn't quite work and as a response I got of

course the usual grin on Saito-san's face.

'Didn't you just want to talk with me Soichiro-kun? Haha,

you're so cute!', He stated, patting my head. Oh oh, this was

getting dangerous.

'Oh, actually, now I kind of feel really tired all of the sudden,

so, good night!', I attempted my leave.

'Haha, sorry! Please stay! It's a good opportunity to confirm

some things about. After all, different then me, you have never

really told me anything about yourself. Please just correct me if

I'm wrong’, he quickly said, and I decided that it was save to sit

down again.

‘So, first, you're called Aikagi Soichiro, are twenty-two years

old and don’t like your family name, because it sounds sweet.',

he said, but quickly continued before I could get up again:

'Next, and this is only an assumption, since you have quite

good fighting skills you are most likely the son of Samurai.' I

nodded. I was amazed that he had figured out that much,

especially the last bit, after all, he had only seen me hold my

sword and attack the air to test it when I got it.

'Wait! That means you were watching, no rather spying on

me!', I accused him, blushing.

'Why should I spy on you if you're right in front of my nose?

Anyway, because you were in prison for three years you have

neither a girlfriend nor other friends except me.', he smiled

pleased. Where was this discussion heading?!

'It seems like you know too much about me anyway. I don't

think you need my confirmation on statements like these.’ I

remarked, slightly worried.

'Haha, I know you to well already? Well there is one thing I'd

like your answer with. You love me, am I right?', he whispered,

which got me so unexpected, that I didn't even blush, but just

froze. When I would have been able to move again it was

already too late to save myself. Saito-san had leaned over me,




pushing me to the ground, gently opening my hakama.

'P-Please st-stop! Ah! Saito-san, w-what are you d-doing?!', I

stuttered. He didn't answer, but just gave me a smile, which

made my heart beat even faster. His hands carefully pinched

my nipples.

'Ah! S-stop! S-sa...ah!', I tried helplessly.

'Soichiro, I love you! I love you so much!', he whispered,

biting my ear. His fingers slowly slid down my aching body.

I desperately tried to push him away, but instead it seemed like I

was just getting nearer to him.

'Ah! N-No, ah!'

'Say is this your first time? You're all wet already!', Saito-san

remarked, 'mh, I guess...', he said to himself and before I could

do anything except shiver he had bent down and started licking

me, sucking me, making me moan and ache with delight.

'A-Ah! W-What, Saito-s-san, ungh, s-siriosly, stop, ah!', I didn't

sound very convincing rather pleading for more pleasure.

'Why? It tastes good and I'm getting hard even from just

sucking you. Don't you like it?', he asked without stopping.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't answer. I was too busy losing my

mind completely, and fighting not with Saito-san, but with

myself, not wanting to admit how damn good it felt. I frowned

and bend, every part of me twitching. He smelled nice, freshly

washed. I blushed, not that I could actually get red-er, but it

still felt like blushing. I shouldn't be thinking about this now!

'S-Saito-san! We're both men, t-this i-isn't r..', I couldn't

continue my explanation. He had pressed his lips against mine,

tenderly liking me now from the inside of my mouth. I just

couldn't resist any more. It felt so great! I kissed back as good

as possible. I wanted to at least give him a bit pleasure as well,

although I had no Idea how. It was so irritating!

'I love you Soichiro!', Saito-san said, still touching me, his

hands pressing against my pulsing length, tenderly making me

feel so amazingly good. I completely stopped resisting. His




hands where everywhere, making me sweat and ache for his

every movement. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

'Soichiro? I-I’m sorry, I didn't w-want to make you cry!...',

Saito-san stuttered worried.

'N-No, p-please don't s-stop, it’s just, it f-felt so good

and,...ah ...Ah!', my poor explanation made him touch me even

more, his tongue taking care, that I wasn't just completely wet

between my legs, but also on my neck. I shivered, my hands

searching for something to hold on to.

'Ah! P-Please, A.ah! M-More', I cried, clinging on to him,

afraid of letting go.

'M-More?', Saito-san asked, pulling my legs apart. He started

pushing and stirring one of his fingers inside of me, making me

unable to think at all. Who would have thought that this was so


'Ah! Ah, I-I, ungh, I l-love you, S-Saito!' I cried, tears running

down my burning cheeks.

'I know! But I'm still happy, that you finally said it! B-But

that's the last thing you'll say for now!', he exclaimed smiling,

'I-I'm coming in now', he whispered, thrusting inside me. I

screamed. It hurt, but at the same time felt so nice!

'R-relax, S-Soichiro, ungh', he tried to help me, and I relaxed a

bit. The pain got less quickly, leaving only the immense


'Ah! M-mo, ah! Ah! -re, ugh!'. He lifted me up on his lap, not

stopping, hitting inside me.

'T-toge, ah, ther...', Saito said, thrusting in even harder. I

screamed, feeling him cum inside me and being released

myself. I tenderly kissed him, feeling as happy as never before.

Completely exhausted I fell asleep in the arms of the person I

loved most in the world, wishing nothing more, then to stay

with him forever.



And that's it ^^ Sankyu for reading ^^ I apologise for all mistakes, even though me spelling and grammar r still not very good, I got better *proud* :3

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